Class 3a Encounter Report in latham, OH, Case #23020101


Class 1a
Class 1, Corroboration: Reports involving a sighting, and accompanied by another form of support.
1a A sasquatch/bigfoot specimen has been collected (alive or dead).
Class 1b
Class 1, Corroboration: Reports involving a sighting, and accompanied by another form of support.
1b A report investigation results in a sasquatch observation or the documentation of clear tracks or other forms of physical evidence by an investigator.
Class 1c
Class 1, Corroboration: Reports involving a sighting, and accompanied by another form of support.
1c An investigator determines that a visual encounter with a sasquatch/bigfoot by a very reliable observer is a distinct possibility, tangible corroborating evidence is documented, and all other sources can be reasonably ruled out.
Class 1d
Class 1, Corroboration: Reports involving a sighting, and accompanied by another form of support.
1d A visual encounter with a sasquatch/bigfoot is a distinct possibility involving two or more reliable observers, and all other sources can be reasonably ruled out.
Class 2
Class 2, Competency: Reports involving sightings by professionally trained or highly skilled observers.
2 Investigator determines that a visual encounter with a sasquatch/bigfoot is a distinct possibility, the observer is exceptionally trustworthy, professionally trained, and experienced in the outdoors and/or is accustomed to looking for and recording details (e.g., biologist, anthropologist/archaeologist, ranger, trapper/tracker/seasoned hunter, bird watcher, game warden, naturalist, law enforcement), and other explanations can be reasonably excluded.
Class 3a
Class 3, Credibility: Sightings or possible wood ape evidence reported by credible witnesses.
3a Investigator determines that a visual encounter with a sasquatch/bigfoot is a distinct possibility, the observer is credible, and all other sources can be reasonably ruled out.
Class 3b
Class 3, Credibility: Sightings or possible wood ape evidence reported by credible witnesses.
3b Unidentifiable vocalizations were reported and there is accompanying tangible evidence to possibly indicate the presence of a sasquatch/bigfoot, the observer is very reliable, and other sources can be reasonably ruled out.
Class 3c
Class 3, Credibility: Sightings or possible wood ape evidence reported by credible witnesses.
3c No visual encounter occurred, but physical evidence was found to indicate the presence of a sasquatch/bigfoot (tracks, hair, scat, etc.), the observer is very reliable, and other sources can be reasonably ruled out.

Case: 23020101

Class 3a

Family Encounters Large Bipedal Creature Along Roadway

Report Details

Occurrence date: Fall/1976
Location: Pike County, OH
Nearby/Vicinity: latham
Time / Conditions: 07:00 — dark but clear
# of Witnesses: 2

Witness Account:
I was approximately 9-11 yrs old and I am certain our encounter was with a sasquatch as were leaving our home. It was in the evening, not pitch dark out but just dark enough for headlights to be on. My mom and dad were having a heated argument about something in the truck as were leaving. My dad was driving, I was seated between them and my mom was on the passenger side looking out the window. I don't recall where we were going, I think to a relatives house. When my dad made a right out of the driveway, the headlights fell on a figure and at first I thought it was just a person walking down the side of the road. But then I realized it wasn't wearing clothes, no shoes, just a dark brown, scruffy like coat of hair from head to foot. It did not run when the headlights landed on it. It simply hurried its steps to get to the side of the road where it went up a slight embankment leading to a brushy, wooded area. I remember thinking, why is his arms so long? It had rather long arms and the palm of its right hand was kind of cupped and faced toward its back side as it hurried. It was not massive, around 6 - 6'5 ft tall, not thin but thick or stocky. It never turned around, just hurried it's steps to get out of view.
I sat quietly between my parents as my dad drove. I never asked about the figure because my parents were angry with each other and I didn't want to add fuel to the fire. My dad never mentioned it if he saw the figure and I think it was because he and my mom were still angry with each other. As the driver, I'm sure he saw it but may have assumed it was a person. I don't believe my mom saw the figure at all because she was kind of facing the passenger window, she was still angry at my dad and stayed silent.
I have never spoken of this incident. I was a kid and I didn't know what a "sasquatch" was then. We had no cable tv, cell phones, etc. so I had no idea at the time, of what I had seen. I didn't know what to think at the time but am 100% certain of what I saw crossing the road that evening.
We lived in Pike county Ohio at the time in a small house on Lapperell road. I remember the incident as if it were yesterday and that image has been in my head since that evening. I never spoke of it because I know how unbelievable the story sounds and in todays society I understand that. However, I would take a polygraph, that is how certain I am of what I saw.
I am not seeking anything from anyone. I know you must receive thousands of similar emails. I simply hope this information will help in determining siting's in that area during that time frame and am happy to answer any questions about my incident if you have any.


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