Class 3c Encounter Report in Huxley, TX, Case #22091401


Class 1a
Class 1, Corroboration: Reports involving a sighting, and accompanied by another form of support.
1a A sasquatch/bigfoot specimen has been collected (alive or dead).
Class 1b
Class 1c
Class 1d
Class 2
Class 3a
Class 3b
Class 3c

Case: 22091401

Class 3c

Deer Hunters Have Unusual Experiences

Report Details

Occurrence date: January/2017
Location: Shelby County, TX
Nearby/Vicinity: Huxley
Time / Conditions: 06:00 — Clear skies, temperatures mid 30’s, winds light and variable
# of Witnesses: 2

Witness Account:
Deer hunting, the woods where abnormally quite, no birds or squirrels moving. The woods was mixture of large hardwoods with a few large pines. Very thick under brush.

Physical evidence:
My son and myself were deer hunting. The first morning I was sitting in a tree climber about 20 feet high. The lake was about 25 feet behind me. My son was hunting approximately 300 yards from me at the time. I would say my son was 400 to 500 yards from whatever was making this noise. These screams started around 7 and lasted about 5 minutes. These screams were long loud and deep. About 10 minutes after the screams stopped, an eight foot pine limb about 5” in diameter was thrown in my direction. About 50 yards from me in the direction the screams were coming from. I saw this limb flying through the air. It was thrown! I could see in every direction at least 50 to 100 yards. I never saw or heard anything else. Even before the screaming started, I noticed the woods was very quiet. No squirrels or nothing moving. I told my son about it afterwards and he said he didn’t hear anything.
The next morning was muzzle loader season, so we decide to team up and hunt together. He had been seeing multiple does together everyday. So we are sitting on the ground in a cove watching the other side waiting. About 7 am the screaming started. Identical to what I had heard the day before. These screams were 20 to 40 seconds long varied in pitch, some being very deep. Whatever was making this was LARGE! I’ve heard wolves, panthers, alligators, hogs, you name it. I ain’t never heard nothing that compares to these screams. I could tell my son was bothered by it, because he tensed up. I asked him what he thought was making those noises and he said “I don’t know but I sure wish it would go away”. These screams lasted about 5 to 8 minutes then stopped. We never saw or heard anything else. No deer, animals of any types. The way these screams sounded it wasn’t too far from us about 100 to 150 yards. About the same distance as my encounter the morning before. On our walk out we never saw any tracks or any signs of what made these sounds. The only thing we found strange in those woods was a broken bone from a deers hind leg. Just that one bone, nothing else. It was splintered, like something you would do to get the marrow out. And it had no teeth marks.

Hand/foot prints:

Long loud and deep. Kind of like a yodel. I’ve heard similar sound recordings on bigfoot sights.

Additional observations:
Broken hind leg bone of a deer.


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