Class 3a Encounter Report in Wesley, AR, Case #03080015


Class 1a
Class 1, Corroboration: Reports involving a sighting, and accompanied by another form of support.
1a A sasquatch/bigfoot specimen has been collected (alive or dead).
Class 1b
Class 1, Corroboration: Reports involving a sighting, and accompanied by another form of support.
1b A report investigation results in a sasquatch observation or the documentation of clear tracks or other forms of physical evidence by an investigator.
Class 1c
Class 1, Corroboration: Reports involving a sighting, and accompanied by another form of support.
1c An investigator determines that a visual encounter with a sasquatch/bigfoot by a very reliable observer is a distinct possibility, tangible corroborating evidence is documented, and all other sources can be reasonably ruled out.
Class 1d
Class 1, Corroboration: Reports involving a sighting, and accompanied by another form of support.
1d A visual encounter with a sasquatch/bigfoot is a distinct possibility involving two or more reliable observers, and all other sources can be reasonably ruled out.
Class 2
Class 2, Competency: Reports involving sightings by professionally trained or highly skilled observers.
2 Investigator determines that a visual encounter with a sasquatch/bigfoot is a distinct possibility, the observer is exceptionally trustworthy, professionally trained, and experienced in the outdoors and/or is accustomed to looking for and recording details (e.g., biologist, anthropologist/archaeologist, ranger, trapper/tracker/seasoned hunter, bird watcher, game warden, naturalist, law enforcement), and other explanations can be reasonably excluded.
Class 3a
Class 3, Credibility: Sightings or possible wood ape evidence reported by credible witnesses.
3a Investigator determines that a visual encounter with a sasquatch/bigfoot is a distinct possibility, the observer is credible, and all other sources can be reasonably ruled out.
Class 3b
Class 3, Credibility: Sightings or possible wood ape evidence reported by credible witnesses.
3b Unidentifiable vocalizations were reported and there is accompanying tangible evidence to possibly indicate the presence of a sasquatch/bigfoot, the observer is very reliable, and other sources can be reasonably ruled out.
Class 3c
Class 3, Credibility: Sightings or possible wood ape evidence reported by credible witnesses.
3c No visual encounter occurred, but physical evidence was found to indicate the presence of a sasquatch/bigfoot (tracks, hair, scat, etc.), the observer is very reliable, and other sources can be reasonably ruled out.

Case: 03080015

Class 3a

Motorist has 3:00 a.m. encounter on dirt road.

Report Details

Occurrence date: January/1997
Location: Madison County, AR
Nearby/Vicinity: Wesley
Time / Conditions: 03:00 — Clear starry night.
# of Witnesses: 1

Witness Account:
I was driving on a dirt road and as I was going into a turn my headlights were shining into the edge of woods. And it was standing about 30 ft. from the front of my car. I actually saw it for a matter of seconds before it turned and left at a speed that I couldn't believe for its size. It was probably about 7 ft. And the color of its fur was like the color of cardboard box just a little darker. The length of the hair was probably about 3 in. long. And it seemed to look right into my face but I know it couldn't have because of my headlights.

Hand/foot prints:

I have heard the screams which are unlike any animal I've heard. And it would send my dogs into frenzies.

Additional observations:
There have been a few unexplained incidents in this area going back as far as 20 years back. Few people will admit to this if any. We had also found a cave in this area that when we went into it that after we got a ways up in it the smell was horrible. And the dogs that were with us didn't want to go any farther in. They start whining and their hair stood on end.

Investigator's Observations

Investigator(s): Jerry Hestand

This report was published as a result of an investigation into an incident that allegedly occurred in Madison County, Arkansas in 1997.

I interviewed the witness at length 21 March 2001. There was no deviation from the original report and the witness offered no additional details.

She has remained reticent about the incident and has told very few about it. She was certain that the subject was large; no less than seven feet tall. She described its color as a grayish color almost like cardboard.

She mentioned that there have long been rumors of such things in the area, but that it is difficult to get anyone to discuss it for fear of being perceived as foolish. Even after her experience, she refuses to discuss the incident except with a very select few whom she trusts, which includes the NAWAC.


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