Class 3a Encounter Report in Dalby Springs, TX, Case #01110064


Class 1a
Class 1, Corroboration: Reports involving a sighting, and accompanied by another form of support.
1a A sasquatch/bigfoot specimen has been collected (alive or dead).
Class 1b
Class 1, Corroboration: Reports involving a sighting, and accompanied by another form of support.
1b A report investigation results in a sasquatch observation or the documentation of clear tracks or other forms of physical evidence by an investigator.
Class 1c
Class 1, Corroboration: Reports involving a sighting, and accompanied by another form of support.
1c An investigator determines that a visual encounter with a sasquatch/bigfoot by a very reliable observer is a distinct possibility, tangible corroborating evidence is documented, and all other sources can be reasonably ruled out.
Class 1d
Class 1, Corroboration: Reports involving a sighting, and accompanied by another form of support.
1d A visual encounter with a sasquatch/bigfoot is a distinct possibility involving two or more reliable observers, and all other sources can be reasonably ruled out.
Class 2
Class 2, Competency: Reports involving sightings by professionally trained or highly skilled observers.
2 Investigator determines that a visual encounter with a sasquatch/bigfoot is a distinct possibility, the observer is exceptionally trustworthy, professionally trained, and experienced in the outdoors and/or is accustomed to looking for and recording details (e.g., biologist, anthropologist/archaeologist, ranger, trapper/tracker/seasoned hunter, bird watcher, game warden, naturalist, law enforcement), and other explanations can be reasonably excluded.
Class 3a
Class 3, Credibility: Sightings or possible wood ape evidence reported by credible witnesses.
3a Investigator determines that a visual encounter with a sasquatch/bigfoot is a distinct possibility, the observer is credible, and all other sources can be reasonably ruled out.
Class 3b
Class 3, Credibility: Sightings or possible wood ape evidence reported by credible witnesses.
3b Unidentifiable vocalizations were reported and there is accompanying tangible evidence to possibly indicate the presence of a sasquatch/bigfoot, the observer is very reliable, and other sources can be reasonably ruled out.
Class 3c
Class 3, Credibility: Sightings or possible wood ape evidence reported by credible witnesses.
3c No visual encounter occurred, but physical evidence was found to indicate the presence of a sasquatch/bigfoot (tracks, hair, scat, etc.), the observer is very reliable, and other sources can be reasonably ruled out.

Case: 01110064

Class 3a

Childhood Experiences Recounted

Report Details

Occurrence date: Summer/1964
Location: Bowie County, TX
Nearby/Vicinity: Dalby Springs
Time / Conditions: It was late morning or early afternoon. My recollection is that lunch had not been served yet.
# of Witnesses: 1

Witness Account:
Let me start with a little bit of setup. First of all, this incident occurred when I was 5 years old. Granted, for most people, details for that early in their childhood may be muddy. That is true to a certain extent (I will clarify what I am certain of and what I am reasonably speculating on). However, I can still describe in detail many incidents prior to my sister's birth, and she is only 2 1/2 years behind me so I have partial recollection back to the age of two. As a child, I can honestly say I did not have a hyper-active imagination. My parents have confirmed that I never reported seeing anything that wasn't there (no imaginary friends, or seeing things that they couldn't also verify, etc.). While I certainly told some white lies at that point in my life, I was very aware of when I crossed the line from truth to fabrication.

This was circa 1964, and the sighting took place near Dalby Springs, TX (not far from DeKalb, TX). My grandparents had inherited my grandmother's family farmhouse, and they vacationed there every year for several months in the spring-through-early summer time. Every couple of years, our family would visit the farmhouse with them, staying as long as 3 weeks at a time (my family lived in southern California). During the time-frame of this incident, my father was an aerospace engineer with North American Aviation (later became Rockwell International), and had been working in Huntsville, AL for several weeks, and joined us about a week into the vacation on the farm.

At some point during the first or second week my father had joined us, he was shooting the breeze with my grandparents' extended family members (which would have been my great uncles, second and third cousins, etc.). As the only boy in my extended family, I was desirous of having some "guy time" as well and went to hang out with them on the north side of the house. It could be that the talk was age inappropriate, but soon after I arrived they decided it was time to head back into the house. However, my grandfather (probably to keep me occupied and out of everyone's hair) said they had seen some wood rats crawling around in the wood pile about 30 feet away from the house. He told me to keep watch on the wood pile, and to come and get him if I saw any.

Well, I took my charge as seriously as a 5-year-old could. I sat on a small side porch looking for any rats to appear. Naturally, after a few minutes of this, I became bored. Rather than just focus on the wood pile, I began to look around the area, especially towards the very overgrown vegetation that was within 40-50 of my grandparents' house. At some point in looking around, I saw what I thought was a gorilla face peeking out from the vegetation. I stared at it carefully, wondering how this could be. My mom was a science teacher, and she had done a primitive version of home-schooling with me prior to my starting public school. I was very interested in science, and because my mom's specialization was in biology, I was very "up" on most animals. I knew that gorillas were to be found only in Africa or in zoos.

The face staring back at me was stock-still (no movement, no discernible eye movement, etc.). I began to question what it was I was really seeing. I didn't feel fear as such, but this seemed so odd to me, I felt compelled to go and tell my dad and granddad. When I was able to finally persuade them to come back outside, the face was gone. I don't recall being laughed at, but I do recall being impressed upon that I must have seen something else. I didn't get in trouble for "telling a lie" but it was obvious to me that the "grownups" didn't believe what I was saying.

Physical evidence:
No other evidence or secondary confirmation.

Hand/foot prints:


Additional observations:


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