Class 3a Encounter Report in joaquin, TX, Case #01110043


Class 1a
Class 1, Corroboration: Reports involving a sighting, and accompanied by another form of support.
1a A sasquatch/bigfoot specimen has been collected (alive or dead).
Class 1b
Class 1, Corroboration: Reports involving a sighting, and accompanied by another form of support.
1b A report investigation results in a sasquatch observation or the documentation of clear tracks or other forms of physical evidence by an investigator.
Class 1c
Class 1, Corroboration: Reports involving a sighting, and accompanied by another form of support.
1c An investigator determines that a visual encounter with a sasquatch/bigfoot by a very reliable observer is a distinct possibility, tangible corroborating evidence is documented, and all other sources can be reasonably ruled out.
Class 1d
Class 1, Corroboration: Reports involving a sighting, and accompanied by another form of support.
1d A visual encounter with a sasquatch/bigfoot is a distinct possibility involving two or more reliable observers, and all other sources can be reasonably ruled out.
Class 2
Class 2, Competency: Reports involving sightings by professionally trained or highly skilled observers.
2 Investigator determines that a visual encounter with a sasquatch/bigfoot is a distinct possibility, the observer is exceptionally trustworthy, professionally trained, and experienced in the outdoors and/or is accustomed to looking for and recording details (e.g., biologist, anthropologist/archaeologist, ranger, trapper/tracker/seasoned hunter, bird watcher, game warden, naturalist, law enforcement), and other explanations can be reasonably excluded.
Class 3a
Class 3, Credibility: Sightings or possible wood ape evidence reported by credible witnesses.
3a Investigator determines that a visual encounter with a sasquatch/bigfoot is a distinct possibility, the observer is credible, and all other sources can be reasonably ruled out.
Class 3b
Class 3, Credibility: Sightings or possible wood ape evidence reported by credible witnesses.
3b Unidentifiable vocalizations were reported and there is accompanying tangible evidence to possibly indicate the presence of a sasquatch/bigfoot, the observer is very reliable, and other sources can be reasonably ruled out.
Class 3c
Class 3, Credibility: Sightings or possible wood ape evidence reported by credible witnesses.
3c No visual encounter occurred, but physical evidence was found to indicate the presence of a sasquatch/bigfoot (tracks, hair, scat, etc.), the observer is very reliable, and other sources can be reasonably ruled out.

Case: 01110043

Class 3a

Daytime Sighting of Large Primate Creature Near Sabine River

Report Details

Occurrence date: August/2003
Location: Panola County, TX
Nearby/Vicinity: joaquin
Time / Conditions: 14:00 — sunny, about an hour before dark, thick trees and palmedows on both sides
# of Witnesses: 2

Witness Account:
i was 14 years old heading to the sabine river boat launch called mouth of mcfadden in joaquin texas, Panola county tha blacktop road is about 1.5 miles long after a mile or so it drops down into tha swamp bottom b4 the river. as soon as we came down the hill into tha swamp part of tha road wut i think was a big foot-skunk ape ran across tha road. hairy, big hands im guessing about 7.5-8ft tall. we told everyone we saw this and no one ever beleived us. now on a different location where i live in timpson tx i had placed a corral type hog trap in a pine plantation during deer season in 2008. i had recently killed a buck and just to see what id catch i put tha remains of the deer after he was dressed in this trap and put a camera on it. i got one picture of a hairy arm dark chocolate in color reaching down over there trap to tha carcass. these pannels are chest high on me and im 6'2. ive lost the sd card that the pic was on since then. i duno if this will help with your research any bigfoot is just something that ive beleived in for years and my grandmother was indian and raised in south louisiana in the swamps and she was alwayz told there jus like one of us respect them. i watch finding big foot on tv every night and i jus thought id send yall an email with my ecounter. thanks

Additional observations:
slow movement across the road. stopped looked at us then kept walking


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