Class 3a Encounter Report in jacksonville, TX, Case #01100013


Class 1a
Class 1, Corroboration: Reports involving a sighting, and accompanied by another form of support.
1a A sasquatch/bigfoot specimen has been collected (alive or dead).
Class 1b
Class 1, Corroboration: Reports involving a sighting, and accompanied by another form of support.
1b A report investigation results in a sasquatch observation or the documentation of clear tracks or other forms of physical evidence by an investigator.
Class 1c
Class 1, Corroboration: Reports involving a sighting, and accompanied by another form of support.
1c An investigator determines that a visual encounter with a sasquatch/bigfoot by a very reliable observer is a distinct possibility, tangible corroborating evidence is documented, and all other sources can be reasonably ruled out.
Class 1d
Class 1, Corroboration: Reports involving a sighting, and accompanied by another form of support.
1d A visual encounter with a sasquatch/bigfoot is a distinct possibility involving two or more reliable observers, and all other sources can be reasonably ruled out.
Class 2
Class 2, Competency: Reports involving sightings by professionally trained or highly skilled observers.
2 Investigator determines that a visual encounter with a sasquatch/bigfoot is a distinct possibility, the observer is exceptionally trustworthy, professionally trained, and experienced in the outdoors and/or is accustomed to looking for and recording details (e.g., biologist, anthropologist/archaeologist, ranger, trapper/tracker/seasoned hunter, bird watcher, game warden, naturalist, law enforcement), and other explanations can be reasonably excluded.
Class 3a
Class 3, Credibility: Sightings or possible wood ape evidence reported by credible witnesses.
3a Investigator determines that a visual encounter with a sasquatch/bigfoot is a distinct possibility, the observer is credible, and all other sources can be reasonably ruled out.
Class 3b
Class 3, Credibility: Sightings or possible wood ape evidence reported by credible witnesses.
3b Unidentifiable vocalizations were reported and there is accompanying tangible evidence to possibly indicate the presence of a sasquatch/bigfoot, the observer is very reliable, and other sources can be reasonably ruled out.
Class 3c
Class 3, Credibility: Sightings or possible wood ape evidence reported by credible witnesses.
3c No visual encounter occurred, but physical evidence was found to indicate the presence of a sasquatch/bigfoot (tracks, hair, scat, etc.), the observer is very reliable, and other sources can be reasonably ruled out.

Case: 01100013

Class 3a

Young Man and His Dog Have Close Encounter With 7ft Creature That Dropped Out of a Tree

Report Details

Occurrence date: April/1977
Location: Cherokee County, TX
Nearby/Vicinity: jacksonville
Time / Conditions: 09:00 — in the morning time,between 9 and 11am.clear,no wind ,no rain.
# of Witnesses: 1

Witness Account:
Between 1977 and 1978, when I was about 8.years old out in the country. I was playing with my dog Peanuts. We had a pretty big yard, and two dirt roads that split it from the woods. I was about a hundred yards from my house playing with my dog and noticed a tree that was moving or swaying by itself among a group of trees. These trees were about 50 feet in height and full of leaves and I thought it strange because there was no wind. I picked up a hand full of rocks and threw maybe 3-4. After the 4th one, from about 15 feet up, something jumped out of the tree. It landed facing me. Its legs never even bent when it hit the ground. I was around 25 feet from it and I just froze, could not scream. I will never forget this. It seemed like it lasted a life time. The thing stood there looking at me. It had to have been 7 feet tall with brown hair that was long. It had arms that hung past the knees. Me and the creature look each other in the eyes and just stared at each other. I remember I could not move. It bared its teeth and was growling. I was scared it was going to take me. At this point, my dog stared barking at it. We were so close I saw its eyes go from me to my dog. My dog started lunging forward toward it and it was growling more baring more of its teeth. It at this point turned around and took off into the woods, kind of bounding off. It was so big. My dog went after it. At the same time I turned around screaming at my dog to come back and running to the house which was a 100 yards away. I told my mom and my two older brothers about it but they did not believe me. They did go out to the road and woods where it happened to look. I was still round up and crying. We went back to the house and I sat by the front door fearing the worst about my dog. A couple hours later, he did come back home. Coming out of the woods he was wet and had blood on him, but I could not find a wound on him, so I guessed it was the thing?s blood. I never saw it again and never went in the woods from that day forward unless I had a gun, because I actually did hunt a lot in years to come.

Hand/foot prints:
was a kid so did not know what to look for,and the grass there was a foot to 2ft high,grass was all mated down where it had landed,i do remember

low growling

Additional observations:
No smell. This thing was big, tall and the body was wide. It was huge. Brown hair was long and covered its entire body from head to toe. The arms hung down past the knees. It had some big teeth and I will never forget the eyes. From 25 feet away you can see a lot of detail. I have this all burnt into my mind and will never forget it.


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