- Class 1a
- Class 1, Corroboration: Reports involving a sighting, and accompanied by another form of support.1a A sasquatch/bigfoot specimen has been collected (alive or dead).
- Class 1b
- Class 1, Corroboration: Reports involving a sighting, and accompanied by another form of support.1b A report investigation results in a sasquatch observation or the documentation of clear tracks or other forms of physical evidence by an investigator.
- Class 1c
- Class 1, Corroboration: Reports involving a sighting, and accompanied by another form of support.1c An investigator determines that a visual encounter with a sasquatch/bigfoot by a very reliable observer is a distinct possibility, tangible corroborating evidence is documented, and all other sources can be reasonably ruled out.
- Class 1d
- Class 1, Corroboration: Reports involving a sighting, and accompanied by another form of support.1d A visual encounter with a sasquatch/bigfoot is a distinct possibility involving two or more reliable observers, and all other sources can be reasonably ruled out.
- Class 2
- Class 2, Competency: Reports involving sightings by professionally trained or highly skilled observers.2 Investigator determines that a visual encounter with a sasquatch/bigfoot is a distinct possibility, the observer is exceptionally trustworthy, professionally trained, and experienced in the outdoors and/or is accustomed to looking for and recording details (e.g., biologist, anthropologist/archaeologist, ranger, trapper/tracker/seasoned hunter, bird watcher, game warden, naturalist, law enforcement), and other explanations can be reasonably excluded.
- Class 3a
- Class 3, Credibility: Sightings or possible wood ape evidence reported by credible witnesses.3a Investigator determines that a visual encounter with a sasquatch/bigfoot is a distinct possibility, the observer is credible, and all other sources can be reasonably ruled out.
- Class 3b
- Class 3, Credibility: Sightings or possible wood ape evidence reported by credible witnesses.3b Unidentifiable vocalizations were reported and there is accompanying tangible evidence to possibly indicate the presence of a sasquatch/bigfoot, the observer is very reliable, and other sources can be reasonably ruled out.
- Class 3c
- Class 3, Credibility: Sightings or possible wood ape evidence reported by credible witnesses.3c No visual encounter occurred, but physical evidence was found to indicate the presence of a sasquatch/bigfoot (tracks, hair, scat, etc.), the observer is very reliable, and other sources can be reasonably ruled out.
Encounter Reports Database
Below is the NAWAC public database of wood ape encounter reports (sasquatch/bigfoot sightings). You may filter your search results by typing a keyword into the "Search" field.
Have you had an encounter?
Case | Year | Class | State | County | Summary | Gen Observations | Vicinity | Lat/Lon |
04080009 | 1970 | 3a | LA | Caddo Parish | Two young children are startled by something peering into window. | I think a whole family of Sasquatch have been living around the Caddo Lake area for years. My brother and I saw one peering at us through the window one night. We were 3 and 4 at the time. This was sometime in late 1946 or early 1947 because we moved to Shreveport later in 1947. We lived on the Southeast side of the lake near Mooringsport, La. The front of the house faced the lake and was only a few yards from the lake itself. There was thick woods all around us. We will never forget that sight. It looked like a man, with hair all over its face and arms (He put his hand on the glass), and big huge eyes which widened even more when we started screaming, then backed away and ran. My brother and I still talk about it to this day. I think the light from the house and the noise inside (we had relatives over that night) attracted it to the window. Our relatives ran outside to investigate, but found nothing, of course. I don't know who was more scared, the "thing" or my brother and I. Just want everyone to know I did see one although my family thinks all we saw was a "bear". There are no bears that big in this neck of the woods. The house was on tall piers and it had to be 7-8 ft. tall to be able to peer in the window | Mooringsport | 32.704761159142030000000,-93.994517326354980000000 |
24100501 | 2024 | 3a | IL | Fulton | Early Morning Visual of a Large Upright Creature | I'm a truck driver and I was doing my morning route when I noticed a very tall creature with yellow glowing eyes covered in dark brown fur standing about 8 to 9 feet tall. On route nine between Glasford and Canton Illinois. Near grassy fields and a wildlife preserve. Walking very near the side of the road, as if it was going to run to the other side, but noticed the truck and stopped. Kind of a yield, but we definitely noticed each other. | Between Glasford and Canton | 40.558094500000000000000,-90.035116699999990000000 |
24021401 | 2024 | 3a | TX | Afternoon Sighting of Large Creature by Campground Hosts | My wife and I have been working as park hosts at a campground on Lake Buchanan in Central Texas for the past few months. Today, February 14th at approximately 2PM, we were cleaning one of the camping loops in the the park. Our park is located at the North end of the lake where the water is quite shallow. The water level has been low for some time now, so part of the area is kind of swampy or marshy. While we were working, I heard my wife say "Oh my gosh, is that a Bigfoot?". I stopped what I was doing to go look at what she was seeing. Sure enough, there was a large upright bipedal something walking in the marshy, grass area on the other side of a small channel of water at a distance of about 150 yards. He was moving from left to right. The sky was partly cloudy and our initial view was unobstructed. I first thought "Geez, that's a pretty big dude. I wonder why in the world he's over there walking on the other side of the water in that muck". Next, I realized he appeared to be all one color from head down. I couldn't make out any facial features or clothing features. All I could tell for sure was that he was large and all black or dark brown. My wife and I were about 20 feet apart and talking back and forth, not exactly trying to be stealthy. After a few seconds, the thing we were watching stopped and looked in our direction. After a few seconds, it turned and began walking again, but now he began walking away from us towards the taller grass and brush and the hills on the other side. My wife had her phone and tried to get some video. The camera isn't that great so the quality is not that good, but it's there in the video. Maybe if it could be enlarged and cleaned up, it might show what we saw. A couple of times over the past months, we've heard things at night up at our RV site. One night it sounded like something was hitting the side of the trailer. Another time it sounded like someone was attempting to access our storage bays. By the time grab a flashlight and personal defense item and get outside, I can't find anything. | Tow | 30.883509400000000000000,-98.472533099999990000000 | |
23122401 | 2023 | 1c | TX | Medina | Gorilla-like creature seen rapidly crossing road near Mico, TX | On December 23rd at 09:27, while driving West on North Farm Road 1283 in Medina County, Texas, I observed a very large and very fast humanoid running across the roadway (northbound). It was approximately 7 feet or larger and ran at an incredible speed across two lanes. The profile looked like a gorilla, but was moving in full stride like a man. I was able to return to the location and locate two 18 inch footprints. The prints were formed on the ground comprised mostly of caliche and clay-like mud which was moistened by a light drizzle. The toe prints were the most prominent features of the fresh footprints with a depth of approximately 1". The only portion of what I saw yesterday morning was the upper torso as I was approaching the crest of a hill. | Mico | 29.534869073858978000000,-98.855220287253910000000 |
23061901 | 2023 | 3a | MI | Benzie | Early Afternoon Sighting by Husband and Wife | 1. actual sighting by myself and wife. Just passed 1 Pm. 2. crossed deserted highway from woods to woods). no cross street anywhere. left to right. Total jungle on each side of road. was on Benzonia Trail road, south of M-72, north of Beulah MI. 3. saw at about 200-300 yards as it crossed. 3. tall. thin side. long swinging arms. unicolor silhouette. no hat on. height was most pronounced. 5. there were no driveways or cross streets. 6. I Googled Beulah MI Bigfoot sighting as filmed by camera on eagle nest in 2016. saw video. that is exactly what we saw. the town of Beulah is right near our sighting. 7. never paid one bit of attention to any Bigfoot news in past. ever. am a firm believer in every sense of the word now. 8. am a retired ops director and my wife is a physician. we looked at each other and she said “was that bigfoot”. as expected she is not real keen on going forward as to what she saw. I am unafraid to report. 9. Contacted Benzie MI County Sheriff and they had me contact MI DNR. not sure what they did with my report. | Beulah | 44.631944000000000000000,-86.090924199999990000000 |
23012001 | 2023 | 1d | OK | Cleveland | Husband and wife observe "massive" figure at back of property | We live near OKC, and have a creek in the back of our property. My wife and I were in our car on 1/7/23 at 7:15 PM when we saw the figure as we pulled into our driveway! The headlights kind of lit it up like a reverse silhouette. It was down in the trees about 100 yards from us. We think it was gray or tan, maybe light brown, because of how the lights hit it. The elevation drops off by the tree line, and I couldn't see its legs. It was walking at an angle away from us, turned a little to its left, raised its right arm up, placed it on a tree, paused for a brief second, then walked directly into the woods. The speed it disappeared into the woods was fast. It did not appear to run because it wasn't bobbing up and down like it was. It seemed to take large strides and was gone. It was huge. The torso was very thick, as was its arm. When we got into our house, I walked onto our back patio and could smell something like a skunk scent. This could be totally coincidental, but it's something I noticed. Based upon the trees were the figure was observed, I would estimate the height to be at least 7'6". Also, the woods it went into were pretty thick. I would hurt myself moving into the woods in the daylight as quickly as it moved in the dark. The entire encounter lasted about 5-6 seconds. | Cleveland County | 35.339629904333600000000,-97.669281327340700000000 |
23012601 | 2023 | 3a | TX | Austin | Woman reports an encounter with leaping "man-like ape" as she drives down her driveway | I live on a wooded multi-acre property with a pond. Leaving my house and beginning up my driveway, I saw a bipedal man-like ape "leap" across the drive in ONE "step" and immediately disappear into the woods. It went from the left side to the right and disappeared into the woods. It appeared very tall, but the moment I saw it, it was literally in the air, crossing. I've lived here for several years and am very familiar with wildlife. The only larger animals are deer, hogs, and an occasional wayward cow. This was more than twice the height of any of those. It was shaped like a huge man/ape, definitely upright, definitely no clothes, and very deep black hair covering its body. I was absolutely caught off guard and confused, and keep driving up the drive but did not see it again. About 2 years back, two times in the middle of the night, I heard a "whooping" sound from various directions of the woods. We wondered what it was because it sounded more like an ape than anything else. Definitely not a boar or cattle. People who lived all their lives here seemed to think it was a "normal" sound, but that was going by my imitation, and I felt like they thought it was hilarious that I was questioning animal sounds, so I just never brought it up again. Then today, this man-like ape leaps across my path and literally was gone in seconds. I'm still sort of processing it, but I wanted to look up a way to report it before I felt too foolish and changed my mind about reporting it, so here we are. | Austin County | 29.985414109690820000000,-96.303899152203370000000 |
22091901 | 2022 | 1b | TX | Cooke | NAWAC Investigator sees a large upright figure during an investigation involving a frightened family | I just moved into my new home and I don’t know what the hell is happening. Me and my wife have seen 3 white/blonde Bigfoot and one huge ashy colored one. I am NOT a Bigfoot enthusiast. I’m concerned for my family's safety. DAILY TREE BREAKS AND SNAPS, a tree turned upside down! Tracks. I feel they are watching us at all times. I can hear them. This is out of my element I have no idea where to turn. I have spent my entire life in nature hunting and fishing and this is not normal. | Valley View | 33.488167100000000000000,-97.165012800000000000000 |
22083001 | 2022 | 3b | OK | Mccurtain | Eyeshine Seen and Footprints Found in SE Oklahoma | We had been hearing noises all night in the brush that were either large animals or humans. Eventually when the sounds were close to the camp, I either wanted to confront humans, as we were in a remote area, or identify the animals to see if there was any cause for concern. I shined a bright flashlight into the brush and saw five pairs of large round front facing eyes reflecting back at me. There was a set taller than the others, one a foot shorter, and three several feet of varying height below that. They moved towards a clearing and one stepped out in a position about four feet off the ground. It moved back and forth almost catlike and then rose four feet into the air. Judging by the behavior and front-facing eyes, I knew it might be a predator of sorts and had my friend next to me get into his tent as I did the same. I did not know the slope of the land at the time, so I wasn't sure how tall the original eyes were, but examining the spot in the morning I realized the tallest was anywhere from 7-8 feet or more in height. Later on when we calmed down and came out, after making noise to hopefully scare them off, I was sitting on a stump facing this area, and heard a loud hissing sound and saw a figure darting out across the clearing, though I couldn't see any defining features. We saw large imprints in the mud in the morning, though I couldn't tell if they were from us or not. | Hochatown | 34.295827566285770000000,-94.697614797998040000000 |
23082901 | 2022 | 3b | TX | Liberty | Strange Howls and Odd Occurrences | We have had 3 occurrences over a two-year period. Not sure about months and days, and i had attributed the first two events to hogs. Our Property is heavily wooded. In 2021, My father was sitting at our camp, and heard something bipedal walking through the water/marsh in front of our camp one night. Several months later, I was paced out along our road toward our gate and could see small trees being bent down as it walked next to me and could hear the extra step. This occurred probably about 11 o’clock at night. I never heard any breathing or saw any eyes. But shortly there after my neighbors motion, light went off at his gate. He told me he never saw anything on his cameras that night. the Third event occurred one night when I was hog hunting back in the woods late at night and something right behind me let out the loudest roar I’ve ever heard. So loud I could feel it. It roared twice. I was frozen but had to come out of my blind eventually. I had to walk back toward the direction from where the Rohr came to get on my four wheeler. Again, I never saw any eyes or heard anything else. Our property is just north east of Hardin. All of this happened prior to me thinking about Bigfoot or something to that effect. I told a buddy of mine, my encounters. he is a huge bigfoot fan and it turned me on to some podcast. That’s when I started also looking at reports and sightings in the Liberty County area and ran across a story that y’all had investigated in Liberty. | Hull | 30.203334543944575000000,-94.680609279125990000000 |
22062701 | 2022 | 3a | OH | Ashland | Rafters Have Unusual Sighting on River | My group and I were tubing down the Clearfork River from Campground Class B (Covered Bridge) to the Mohican State Park, Campground Class A; it is about a 2.5 hour float. About half-way through it, and being the only group on the river, two of us immediately spotted a dark brown ape/man, with a face (that was an ape/man face that was clear as day) peering at us from the river bank standing in front of trees. His body kind of blended in with the tree trunks, and he was very still and quiet. He just was curious and mysterious. I kind of yelled out and pointed in that direction and said, "there's Big Foot!" There were four of us in the group - I saw; another person saw it; a third person saw something but does not know what it was; and the fourth person did not see it. We were on the river in tubes, so our phones were not readily available for pictures (they were stowed in waterproof pouches). After the sighting, two of us stayed in the tubes and waited by the bank while the other two took about 10 minutes to explore the river bank, trail, and area. They said they observed a footprint, but no ape/man. I said this is typical, as Big Foot is very sensitive and elusive and does not want to be seen or caught. After the trip, the persons with me started to to do a video documentary through their waterproof pouch with a cell phone, and then we found T-shirts later at the Mohican Adventures Canoe Livery/putt-putt courses that had Big Foot centered on the T-shirt, so we purchased four of them - we were thrilled; we know what we saw; it was a 6'3" tall Big Foot, and although he was brown and furry, we was not hunched over - he stood straight and tall, and had the shorter haired ape/man face (not long hair). A few minutes down the river on our float, we also spotted a red sleeping bag that we checked out to see if anyone was in it - as it looked like it had structure to it. No one was in it, but there were clothes in it. It was curiously very close to the river. We may go back to the spot next weekend to take photos and videos of the footprint or do a casting of the foot print. | Loudonville, Ohio - Mohican State Park | 40.614359935902060000000,-82.289805346215810000000 |
22032001 | 2022 | 3a | TN | Blount | Mother and Child Have Sighting of Very Large Primate Creature | I was standing in my door getting some fresh air when my 4yr old said mommy look at the monkey monster and then my 6yr old said it was a bear monster. I looked up and just across the yard on the edge of some trees was this huge black hairy thing walking . I kept looking and I believe we saw big foot. I have lived in Tennessee all my life and I have never seen anything like this before. It freaked me out. I can't explain what I saw nor do I know what it was. I looked to be around 10-12 foot tall. It was tall walking on 2 legs with very long arms swaying back and forth. Black and hairy. My kids keep asking if the monster will come back. | Maryville | 35.714294221941420000000,-84.016530417112680000000 |
21050801 | 2021 | 3b | MO | Taney | Wife is frightened by recurring nightly visits while inside RV | I have been experiencing things since last summer as follows: It began with something throwing rocks at our RV (we are building a cabin and staying in our RV while building it). This went on for months and then tapping on our windows began along with throwing rocks and something rubbing up against the RV. On the 6th of May, 2021, I was reading and the tapping started on the windows where I sit in the living room area. Shortly after that, I got up to finish cleaning my dishes and something that I believe could be a bigfoot or something else began pulling on my door and trying to open it, I stepped back from the sink and growling began. I was so scared and it kept trying to open the door and growling and that is when it growled again and I yelled, "STOP!", but it kept growling. I then got on the phone and called my neighbor and then my husband. I am now coming with my husband to his work and sitting in the car because I am so afraid to be there alone (my husband works the evening shift). My husband tries to understand but most everything happens when he is gone to work. We have put up outside lights, and just yesterday we added cameras but haven’t seen anything yet. When the occurrence happened, the outside lights were already in place. | Kirbyville | 36.623255871322534000000,-93.163382054492200000000 |
21060701 | 2020 | 3a | TX | Houston | Landowner Has Late Afternoon Sighting on Rural Property | I was standing in my meadow perpendicular to the tree line, turning on the lights hanging from one of my trees. I saw a brown hairy figure about 7 feet tall in my periphery and turned to look. At first I thought it was a very tall deer but it was on two feet and too tall to be a deer. I could only see glimpses of it as it walked through the tree line and after I looked at it for about 10 seconds, it ran off into the national forest making loud crashing sounds through the brush. | Kennard | 31.487158682117060000000,-95.208527431396500000000 |
22040801 | 2020 | 3a | SD | Pennington | BLM Worker Has Multiple Encounters | I live in the Black Hills of western South Dakota. In 1997, while working in the woods of Oregon for the BLM, I had three visual encounters, and many non-visual experiences. The creatures, which I thought were juveniles, would follow me about my timber sale marking duties and they would forcefully shake smaller diameter poplar-species after I had passed the area. On one occasion, a male and female sasquatch and I would keep eye contact on each other as we ate black berries from our separate berry patches 100+ yards apart. On another occasion a 4.5'-5' male sasquatch ran across the logging road before me as I came back down the mountain enroute to Coos Bay. My later encounter was in 2020 at my place in the woods here in the Black Hills. about 8 miles from Hill City and 34 miles from Rapid City. | Hill City | 43.969931559895706000000,-103.604718756835940000000 |
22121201 | 2020 | 3a | CA | Trinity | Hikers have an encounter in a remote area in Trinity County | Until this happened, I did not believe or accept the existence of a large bipedal animal. My husband and I are long-distance hikers and have twice spent six months sleeping in the wilderness in a tent hiking from Mexico to Canada. This day we were hiking in an uninhabited Trinity County, California area. We both heard an unfamiliar animal or bird calling. I was the only one who saw anything when I looked for the source of the sound and saw an animal licking water from the opposite bank of the creek. (20 feet below me and about 30 feet away). No ears were visible, just a round black head. The animal sensed me and looked up. When this animal saw me, its eyes widened in fear, and its call changed to one of fear. It began running on all fours - on hands and feet with knees bent - up the steep hill, trying to stay low and hide. Running first to the left, then doubling back towards the right, kind of like a ‘Z’. I am in shock but still hiking while trying to catch a glimpse and figure out what I am seeing running on the opposite bank and mountainside. My view is partially obstructed by fir trees and debris. Suddenly, it turns uphill, goes upright on two legs, and is running quickly straight up the mountainside. I kept walking and now had a clear, unobstructed view of its back. It had short black hair, tall and skinny. The legs were about 4 feet long and thin, not touching the crotch. No penis or testicles were visible. Round head, no visible ears. Ran like a human, fast and swinging arms all the while fearfully calling out to another one I couldn’t see. This occurred about 1.5 miles from my home. The next two nights, I was awakened at night by a foul smell. I know what I didn’t see. This was not a bear, deer, or elk, all of which are common to the area. I spend a tremendous amount of time hiking to stay in shape and am presently training to hike the AT in 2023. We are familiar with local wildlife and had never heard this animal before or since. After a great deal of thought, I am of the opinion that it was a young female being given the opportunity to go alone to get a drink. She was calling out her location when we heard her calls (about 6 of them). When she saw me, she was terrified and ran back to her parents crying out the way any child would (I am a mother and instinctively recognized the cry). Her parents tracked us to our home to investigate the threat we posed to their offspring. This animal exhibited both human behaviors /emotions but looked like an animal. The area where this occurred is located between Hwy 299 to the north and Hayfork, CA to the south. This area is basically 175 miles of uninhabited forest, steep terrain, some meadows, and streams with elevations from 500 ft to above 6,000ft. Follow-up in July 2022: I was awakened by a foul smell, as was my sister-in-law in another nearby residence. Where I live consists of seasonally (rarely) used homes. The trail we were hiking on is private, one we maintain, and is only used by us. Usually, we are gone in the summer months, but in 2020 we were home (COVID). | 40.698994300000000000000,-122.808066300000000000000 | |
22030701 | 2019 | 3c | WA | Family of Hikers Hear Unusual Primate Vocalizations | I had been hiking with my children who were 3 and 9 at the time on the Moss Lake Nature Trail from the Camp Sheppard trail head in the Mt Baker Snoqualmie National Forest. It was late afternoon between 3 and 4 pm when we got back to the car and raining. My younger child had gotten wet so I had opened the hatchback of our car to help her change into dry clothes when I heard shrieking and howling sounds in the distance that sounded closer to monkeys at the zoo than any known animals in the area. | Greenwater | 47.143566592473390000000,-121.637030206046190000000 | |
22091401 | 2017 | 3c | TX | Shelby | Deer Hunters Have Unusual Experiences | Deer hunting, the woods where abnormally quite, no birds or squirrels moving. The woods was mixture of large hardwoods with a few large pines. Very thick under brush. | Huxley | 31.740777851255057000000,-93.833933279101570000000 |
02160012 | 2016 | 1b | OK | Atoka | Two NAWAC Investigators find interesting trackway. | On the evening of May 7, 2016, NAWAC members Marvin Leeper and John Hairell were patrolling the backroads of Atoka County, located in southeastern Oklahoma, to test Leeper’s recently purchased dash camera. Both men are faculty members at Murray State College in Tishomingo, Oklahoma; Leeper is an English professor and Hairell teaches biology. As the evening wore on, Leeper headed to the Caney-Tushka vicinity and an area where, approximately 40 years earlier, Leeper and a friend experienced a highly strange encounter that involved possible wood ape chatter. The men arrived at the location of Leeper’s previous encounter around midnight and proceeded to let the woods “settle” while scanning the area using infrared, thermal, and acoustic instrumentation. The men did not observe nor hear anything other than familiar animal activity. Thirty minutes later the duo decided to take a short walk down to a nearby creek to check for signs of wood ape activity. Approximately 25 yards from the truck, Hairell spotted a human-like footprint in the mud and immediately called attention to it. Leeper closely examined the print and determined that it was likely made by a wood ape. Both men then noticed multiple footprints forming a trackway in a single file pattern coming from the creek going toward a nearby fence. The trackway consisted of nine prints and was 28 feet in length. Seven of the prints were well defined, with four exhibiting clear toe definition (see photo). The toe to heel distance between prints was 36 inches. The footprints were 12 inches long, 4.5 inches wide at the ball of the foot, and 3.5 inches wide at the heel. The impressions did not appear to exhibit evidence of an arch, but the men believed they did show indications of a mid-tarsal break. The tracks had variable depths, based on soil softness, ranging from approximately 0.25 inches to 3 inches. The men estimated that the tracks were probably less than 24 hours old, based on the appearance of minor cracks in the mud along the edges of the prints. Both men returned to the track site later in the day and made a plaster cast of one of the better defined tracks (left foot). The recovery of the cast was complicated by impending rain and the appearance of a couple of teenage boys who were fishing the nearby creek. The men feared that the setting cast could possibly be ruined by the teenagers, but to their credit the cast was left undisturbed. The cast was later recovered and allowed to cure. The cured and cleaned cast appears to present dermal ridges and a mid-tarsal break, but the three lesser toes are not clearly visible. The cast is in the possession of Leeper. In conclusion, what appears to be a significant trackway was discovered in an area known for wood ape activity. Preliminary analysis of the tracks suggest that the tracks were possibly made by a juvenile wood ape, based on length and depth. Atoka County is rich with reported and unreported sightings of wood apes, and it will be the destination of future investigations by NAWAC members. | Caney-Tushka | 34.226827990011820000000,-96.146521305957040000000 |
01160002 | 2016 | 1d | TX | Walker | Husband and wife observe massive upright animal in Sam Houston National Forest on FM 1375 Baker Bridge at Lake Conroe one hour apart. | At approximately 0500 on January 4, 2016 I was traveling to work on FM 1375 heading east towards I-45. As I was approaching the river bridge I saw a reflection of eyes from the bridge and thought it was deer eyes. As I got closer the eyes were approximately 7-8 feet high. Then I noticed the body of this "thing." It was huge. I have spent many a year in the woods and I have never seen anything like this. When I first saw it I thought it was a person or maybe a bear standing on its hind legs. But by its size alone it was clear it was not a person. | New Waverly | 30.523063934838234000000,-95.607179403305050000000 |
01140018 | 2014 | 1d | TX | Gonzales | Couple has an encounter while hiking in Palmetto State Park. | My husband and I decided to go to Palmetto State Park on our way home from New Braunfels to enjoy a nice hike. We began our hike at the beginning of the San Marcos River Trail. We were the only ones on the trail that day. At the beginning our hike, my husband noticed what looked like an extremely large foot print to the left of the trail. We didn't think much of it and kept on our journey. We came to a spot where you can walk down to the river and swim or fish. We both walked down the bank to the river to check out the spot. After taking a small break, we started back up the bank. I was in front of him when I heard him holler that somebody had just thrown a large rock at him. I thought he was trying to scare me, so I didn't pay much attention. When we got to the top of the bank to the trail, he told me that something had thrown a large baseball sized rock at him, which hit right behind him in the sand and rolled down the hill. He was visibly upset. We continued on our hike. While on the San Marcos River Trail, we continued to hear noises in the woods and breaking sticks, but contributed it to local wildlife. Then we heard a strange "howl". It was similar to that of a cow, but different. Now, I know there are cows in the area, which we heard and saw many times during the hike, but I know what a cow sounds like and my husband grew up around and currently works in the slaughter business, so he has heard every sound a cow can make. What we heard was NOT a cow. We heard this "howl" once while on the San Marcos River Trail and then again when we cut off onto the Mesquite Flats Trail. While on the Mesquite Flats Trail, we continued to be observant of our surroundings, but enjoy our relaxing hike. Somewhere on the trail not far past one bridge but before another, we both heard a loud crack and falling of a large limb out of a tree right by the end of the first bridge on the trail we had just crossed. We then heard running through the woods. It was not like a person running, but was also not like a deer. It was a loud "thump" sound when whatever it was hit the ground. My eyes immediately scanned the tree line and focused in on a tall black "something". I could clearly see the thing pass past and between trees. It was tall and black, but very fast. It was faster than a person. It was not a deer because I could see its silhouette. It was not long. It was not a hog because it was tall and not long like an animal. I was watching it pass through the trees when it just disappeared, like it had stopped or something. I was in shock by what I had just seen. My husband and I walked back to where the limb had hit the ground to see if we could see anything. Unfortunately we did not have any binoculars, but off in the distance where the thing disappeared from my sight it appeared to be some type of black thing either crouched or standing completely still beside a tree. We decided it was best that we make our way to the trail and head to the end, but we kept watch on the black thing we saw by the tree. The trees got thick and we could not see through for a moment, but when we got to another opening, we attempted to find the black thing by the tree we had just seen and it was no longer there. We continued our walk with ALOT to talk about. Once we crossed onto the Ottine Swamp Trail, we heard the "howl" again, but close and clearer than before. We completed our hike with no other incidents or noises. It was the strangest thing I have ever seen in my life. | Ottine | 29.588982866961384000000,-97.584342956542930000000 |
22020101 | 2013 | 3a | TX | Cherokee | Hiker has face-to-face daytime encounter | I lived in a lake cabin for my first year of college. The lake and surrounding land are owned by a hunting club that has been around since the lake was built in the 1930s. My closest neighbor was an older gentleman that had lived most of his life on this property. He always reminded me to take some kind of protection when I when hiking. I never pay him too much attention. In 2013 in early November (I can't remember the date) I decided to go hiking that afternoon. So around 2pm, I was headed out the door walking past my neighbor's house and waving at him as I made my way to the trailhead. I hung my orange flag on the post to let people know I was hiking on that part of the property in hunting season. No flags were on the post when I got there so I know I was the only one on that particular part of the property when I was there(it was a small hunting club with only 20ish members, so if someone was on the hill beside me it was unlikely) so I continued on the trail about a mile to the first plot were I usually crept around the corner before I got there because there may be some deer that I would stop and watch from a distance. This time there were not any deer. So I started to walk to the plot. Now I'm going to take a second a describe the immediate geography of this part of the property. The trail hugged the side of the hill and at this point, I was near to the top. The feed plot was just off the left side of the trail. And immediately to the right of the trail, the hill dropped off pretty harshly to a wash that ran to the lake. I would say it dropped about 25 feet to the bottom of the wash and It was steep enough that if I fell in, I would not be able to climb back up to the trail. So I started to walk into the clearing(feed plot). Then outside of a pump jack that was about 300 yards away that constantly ran because it was automated. Everything went quiet. Birds stopped chirping, squirrels got still. I was being watched by something. The woods just don't go silent like that so I immediately went on guard. At this moment I was standing in the middle of the feed plot 20 yards away from the tree line in any direction. Scared I turned around to see if I could retreat back to where I came from. Because I had nothing on me. I was ill-prepared to defend myself if I needed to. After I turned around and saw that nothing was behind me, but not sure what was watching I quickly walked back to the treeline. The moment I got back to the treeline facing the direction of the trailhead. I heard what sounded like something of a low grumbling whoop to my right side (hillside of the trail). And I froze. Taking a second to collect my thoughts of "I walked right past this thing" and " it is between me and the house". I made the decision to confront it thinking it may be a black bear (they are rare in that part of Texas but people see them from time to time). I'm 6 foot 2 inches tall and 240ish pounds at this point. This is what you're supposed to do with a black bear. And hogs, wolves, mountain lions don't make the sound I just heard. So I yelled "HEYY!!! THIS IS MY HILL". And It stepped out from behind a pine tree about 10 yards to my front and right. And yelled back at me. It was a lot bigger than me. After that, it took one step over the trail and jumped to the bottom of the wash. I could hear it running on 2 feet for a few seconds. I ran back to the house. My neighbor said he heard a deep echoing yell before he saw me running home. | Jacksonville | 32.046900977575056000000,-95.254804739181300000000 |
01120061 | 2012 | 3c | TX | Comal | Family Has Multiple Unusual Occurances | Okay, you can view the rest of my threads/posts/etc to see my varying views on different aspects of this website and the content thereof; however THIS event has got me puzzled. Especially since this event occurred to my father a couple of months ago and he's quite the skeptic otherwise. To start, let us make it clear that my father is a well educated man with multiple degrees, has a very reasonable and skeptical manner, and is a well trained and avid outdoorsman. He was born in Fairbanks, Alaska in 1959; moved to Ohio in the 60's; moved to Arizona in 70's; moved to rural south-central Texas in the mid 70's. As an adult he's lived in South Korea and Germany (with myself and family) before moving back to rural south-central Texas in 1994 where they still live today and where this event occurred. They live near a town called Fischer, about 40 miles south of Austin and about 60 miles north of San Antonio. So a couple of months ago, my father was out in his driveway sitting in a chair, smoking his cigar, and drinking a class of bourbon while he watched satellites and stars above. This is something my dad has always enjoyed...he just likes the peace and quiet about it after a long week of work in Austin. In the opposite direction he was facing, directly behind him is a 4' tall fence, then my folks vegetable garden, then the property slopes down pretty steeply to a creek-bed below with a fence just before the creek. At this junction two of their fences intersect with the neighbors ranch fence as it crosses this creek and continues up along the ridge. I only state these details because of what occurred at or near this fence intersection. That intersection of fences is only about 150' from where my dad was sitting in the driveway, facing the opposite direction in his chair. So now that you have a good idea of what's occurring, I'll set the stage from what my dad told me: It was night time, sometime around 9pm, the sky was clear, there weren't any bugs out, etc. It was just a really nice night for star gazing. From what he told me, he was just relaxing and he had both of his dogs off the patio. Each of their dogs are 100lb Boxadors (Boxer-Labrador Mixes) and are extremely smart and defensive of the property. Now, each of these dogs are born-and-raised country dogs and are 100% unafraid of 400lb ferrel hogs, coyotes, bob cats, porcupines, etc...they just aren't afraid of much. This area is prone to a mountain lion sighting once in a while, but my dad and I have come to the conclusion, after several encounters of our own with mountain lions, that this was no mountain lion. The Meat: My dad said he heard barking dogs off in the distance and where they live we know the furthest audible dogs are owned by a few neighbors about a mile and a half away in a straight line, but are right along a major creek (dry at this time). He heard these dogs barking begin to fade as the next neighbor closer's dogs began to bark: The distance between these two neighbors is only 1/2 mile, but their property backs up to the same creek bed. Timing between the two barks was only 30 seconds or so. Before my dad knew it, his two large dogs were no longer in the front yard with him, but rather up on the rear deck of his house (8' off the ground) barking like madmen. My dad said the pitch and tone of their barks were something he's never heard either of them make. He said he instantly felt in fear of his life...he couldn't explain the feeling, but I'm telling you right now even him recounting the story to me a week after it occurred, he was terrified. My dad is 6'4" and 300lbs...a big solid lumberjack of a man. His face and eyes when he was remembering what had occurred showed visible strain and anxiety. He said as he moved out of his chair and started for the stairs to the deck about 20' from him, he felt the need to run as the dogs continued to bark in absolute fear. Just as he stepped up onto the deck, he saw the dogs in the porch light, with the hair on their backs standing straight up, tails straight up, heads stuck between the hand rail rungs. Then a bellowing, chesty, extremely loud holler. Not a scream, or a yell...a solid HOLLER. He said it was the most terrifying noise he had ever heard, comparing it to a male Grizzly Bear but scarier. He said it had to have been right there where the fences intersected at the back of the property, just down the hill. Then everything went absolutely silent, even his own dogs. He said the noise, from whatever it was, was so commanding that it was supreme amongst animals, and quite frankly him. It was "the most terrifying noise I have ever heard" is what he repeated two or three times as he recounted this event."Whatever that thing was was so loud, it caused everything else to quit making noise and scared the ever loving # out of these two [pointing to his two dogs laying at his feet in his living room.]" He said after a short pause: "When it made that noise, all I wanted to do was run inside...I didn't even want to imagine what was down there because it had to have been huge." Now I have no clue what it was or could have been, but he and I both, along with most of our family members have been in the outdoors, alone and in bear country and have heard our fair shares of scary encounters with bears, coyotes, mountain lions, and other similarly intimidating animals. What ever this animal was, it was something that truly terrified my dad and in him recounting this event, it honestly scared me a bit as I grew up in those very woods and creeks as a kid. Taking into account everything that I've said, as it's not been misconstrued or distorted in any way. This is verbatim from the mouth of my dad and I have simply written it down for you. I have thought about it, and even gone looking for prints or anything else to what it might have been, but come up with nothing. Also, take into account that whatever this was may have been traveling quite quickly, assuming it was what the dogs were all barking at, as it traveled 1.5 miles in about 3-4 minutes. This equates to 22.5mph - 30mph. (Please kindly correct me if I'm incorrect.) | Fischer | 29.964266955259006000000,-98.221335411071780000000 |
03120070 | 2012 | 3b | AR | Clark | Evening Visitor Creates a Nuisance | We were staying in a cabin outside Hatfield Ark when I heard a whistling sound coming from the tree line directly behind our cabin. It was dark and I was just beginning to grill chicken on the back deck. The whistle was not animal like but more human sounding. However, there was no possible way a human was in the trees behind us. Shortly, after the whistle I heard a large branch breaking and some rustling in the same direction of the whistling. I had a strange sensation that I was being watched and brought the chicken inside. After I was inside the cabin, my wife heard rocks being thrown against the northeast side of the cabin facing the tree lines. Again, there is no way a human was in those trees. After about an hour, we decided it was bed time and I opened the front door to smoke a cigarette. A strange, pungent, rotten mildew odor filtered into the cabin. Both my wife and I smelled this for a few minutes after I closed the door. As we were turning off the lights, we again heard rocks being thrown against the outside wall and also my wife heard a whooping growling call coming from the opposite side of the tree lines. She didn't hear anything call back, but it was not an owl, or coyote. It was strange and almost human like, as if someone was calling their location. During the night, I heard a banging noise against the back door close to our bedroom window. I can conclude it was something hitting the deck. It was large enough to shake the back bedroom. In the morning, we woke up to discover a cup we left on the back deck was moved to the tree lines which was about 20 yards from the deck. And a very large ice chest full of ice and Gatorade was moved and pulled to the side of the porch closest the tree line. The latches on the ice chest were opened. My wife remembers clearly securing the latches that previous night to ensure the ice would not melt. | hatfield | 34.198173096277260000000,-94.196777343750000000000 |
01120066 | 2012 | 3a | TX | Liberty | Traveler Has Unusual Evening Sighting of Animal Crossing Roadway | WHEN: 8/4/12 approx. 8:15pm WHERE: Liberty County, TX Driving west on Highway 105 Just past the intersection of the Trinity River with 105 (maybe a mile past?) Driving towards Cleveland, TX DESCRIP: It was dusk, the sun was setting, but it was not totally dark yet. No rain, a little bit cloudy (it had been raining earlier in the day). This is a large, densely wooded area near the Trinity River. I had spent a few hours at Coushatta, and was driving back home by myself to Conroe. I was totally sober, since I don't drink (only a very occasional half a glass of wine) or do any kind of drugs or medication. I was watching for deer along the side of the road, since it was dusk and that is when they come out. I saw an animal crossing the road ahead of me and slowed down. I did not see details of the animal, only a silhouette. The animal was very dark, it seemed black. It was a large animal. My first thought, oh it's a deer. But it was definitely not a deer. It had a massive head and shoulders compared to the rest of its body, and it kept its head a bit low to the ground. It also kept it's body low to the ground, but it had long legs (not short legs like a hog). It was on all fours, but it did not run or gallop or move fast. It moved in a slow loping gait. And the gait was uneven, I remember thinking ?I wonder if it's hurt?? because of the uneven gait and the relatively slow movement. Also, it was not a strong, fast purposeful run across the road. Its head was turning, and it seemed to me that it was looking at my car and also looking behind itself. I saw a long thinner object behind the animal (might have been partly alongside it, but dragging behind it as well). In my mind at the time I thought it was a long tail, something part of its body. But in retrospect, if it had hands, it was dragging something behind it, something long and thinner than itself, stretching out behind it as it crossed the road. By the time my car arrived at the exact spot where it had crossed the road, it had already disappeared in the thick woods. I have lived for years in the wilderness in Alaska and Montana. I have seen bears, wolves, hogs and mountain lions and I know their shape and how they move. The animal that I saw cross the road on 8/4/12 in Trinity County was not a bear, not a wolf (or any kind of dog), not a mountain lion (or a cat of any kind), not a wild hog. Its shape along with its slow, loping gait, was unlike anything I have ever seen. After this sighting, as I continued driving, I felt awestruck. I knew I had seen something very unusual, a once in a lifetime sighting. I did not have any idea what kind of animal I had seen. As soon as I arrived home (in Conroe, TX), I researched on the internet and found, to my amazement, that there have been numerous Bigfoot sightings in the exact area where I had my sighting. | Cleveland, TX | 30.282639860425128000000,-94.821195602416990000000 |
01120043 | 2012 | 3a | TX | Liberty | Man out walking for exercise at local track has unexpected encounter with upright hair-covered subject. | I am a 56 year old of sound mind with many of those years spent hunting and exploring Liberty County and other East Texas woods and bottoms. I continue my passion of wilderness back-packing with recent trips to the toughest areas in Big Bend National Park and a solo backpack on the Eagle Rock Loop in Arkansas' Ouachitas (where I came face-to-face with a bear). I am cautious but composed when I get into the woods and not inclined to overreact to critical incidents in the wilds. The other night (Tuesday) while walking at an edge of Liberty that leads down toward unhabited Trinity bottoms, I saw something. Disclaimer: although I did see something, I acknowledge that minds play tricks on perceptions and imaginations fill-in gaps around what eyes see and don't see. I have taken several days to soberly sift the conclusion that I will now share. At about 10:30 P.M. I was walking along an area on the edge of Liberty that leads down toward the Trinity bottoms. My mind was completely at ease and drifting around various projects, backpacking memories, and dreams of a purchasing a new gun. The night was clear and I was enjoying the moon and stars. I was carrying my trusty old golf club for safety. ALL OF A SUDDEN, a supercharged adrenaline rush focused all of my concentration on movement on my side of a tree located about 50 yards in front of me. You have experienced these moments - from day dreams to instantly tense, all-in fight-or-flight. In a fraction of a second my arms and hands began tingling, my ears rang with a TV static kind of sound, and my vision and hearing became sharply acute. Whether or not my perception is accurate, this instantaneous physiological rush was 100% real. It was a time-stands-still, brief loss of motor skills moment. My adrenaline focus involuntarily targeted a large (shoulder-high to the lower limbs of sizable trees) bi-pedal something walking deliberately around a tree and down toward the bottoms. The walk was upright but a little hunched from upper-mid-back up and the head was erect. Color: a burnished red-grey (more on the grey in a second). The walk was the swaying gait of a Star Wars wookie, but quite a bit less exaggerated with knees sightly bent. The swinging arc of the right arm was very visible (relative to my location, "it" was walking from left to right) and I saw that the arm-wrist-hand was somewhat longer than normal human proportions. "It" used its left hand to push aside a limb. "It" took a brief, glancing look at me and and moonlight (the center of the face was less hairy and seemed to be slightly more grey) made visible the standard eyes-nose-forehead-jaw features of a hairy face. This glance did not slow "its" motion, in fact the deliberate motion became more purposeful as it pushed around the tree and back into thicker trees. Note: this was a two or three second glimpse before the "it" disappeared into thicker trees and brush. My reaction was instant. I called my wife on my cell phone and told her that I saw something and that I was getting the heck out out of there fast. Instead of following the trail (it would have taken me nearer to the location of the glimpse) I tore straight through from where I stood to a gate out of the area and closer to more developed Liberty. | Liberty | 30.078703440507024000000,-94.787244200706480000000 |
01120047 | 2012 | 3b | TX | Kimble | Couple Hear Vocalizations and Have Rock Thrown at Them While Fishing | My husband and I were fishing last weekend on the south Llano at the 1st concrete road crossing after the State park. The moon had finally come up. I had got cold and tired and was sitting in the truck looking at my IPhone. My husband was sitting with the poles still. We heard 3 loud whoops! I have camped out and fished all my life in Texas! My husband is a hunter and fisherman! We never ever heard anything like that before! The day before in broad daylight a big rock came sailing thru the air between us at the next crossing south of this one! I noticed that there wasn't a lot of deer, wildlife around there as usual! Now I know why! Go down there with your recording equip, wait for the moon to come up and get ready!!! | Junction | 30.446513508613330000000,-99.815588817000390000000 |
01130049 | 2011 | 3a | TX | Hill | Late Night Sighting Near Edge of Town | Its was late summer, and I was managing at the city pool in Hubbard Texas, and periodically through the day I noticed sounds coming from the direction of the wooded area across the street. I did not pay much attention to these noises because of the fact it could have been a kid playing around in or around the pool. However, after closing for the night(around 10PM) I went to my car and heard some snapping of twigs and down the road in the same wooded area. So I got in my car and drove that way to see what it was. Before I could get the whole way there saw something at the end of my headlights crossing the road. it looked like a large person covered in dark brown or black hair. it was standing on two legs with a hunch in it's back.and a long stride. It was about 7 to 9 feet tall, and it's eyes glowed a green color in my headlights. Then I turned my car around and left in the other direction. | Hubbard | 31.856527752851044000000,-96.790784597396850000000 |
01120005 | 2011 | 3a | TX | Bexar | Traveler Has Night Sighting Alongside Roadway | I was driving down the road and saw some bushes move on my left hand side and slowed in case deer jumped out into the road and I saw what looked like a large ape running along the side of the road away from my vehicle I put my hi beams on and saw that it was startled by it and watched it run back down the green belt away from the road. | San Antonio | 29.582713122274065000000,-98.460931777954100000000 |
01110069 | 2011 | 3c | TX | San Jacinto | Rural Resident Hears Loud Vocalizations and Shares Visualation of Large Primate | I was awakened about 2:25 am this morning, every dog in this area was barking like I have never heard before, I would call them hysterical.As I lay there in bed I noticed another voice unlike the others.I got up and went outside on the porch and I heard a very loud voice of something I couldn't identify.It started kind of low and kept building in strength until it stopped and then started over again.This went on for at least 15 minutes.My husband and I have lived here for 30yrs.we have seen some strange things that we couldn't really explain and I know I have heard something simular to this cry before.Also twice I could hear something like a growl or moan.What ever was making the noise must have been pretty large to be heard over the dogs.AS i stood out there alone I began to feel scared, the hair on the back of my neck tingled.I kind of got the idea that regardless of what kind of creature it was it was trying to communicate with another of it's species. In closing I will tell you that a neighbor around the corner from us had a close encounter with a bigfoot in 1997.She was so frightened that her family moved to west Texas. | Evergreen | 30.372875188118016000000,-94.833984375000000000000 |
01110055 | 2011 | 3a | TX | Taylor | Fisherman Has Late Night Sighting of Large Hairy Creature Swimming in Lake Ft. Phantom | I was fishing at lake fort phantom, Sea Bee park actually. We can hear lots of coyotes and the occasional deer rabbits ect. My buddy told me the stories his dad told him and told me what he saw a few years back on the bridge but... I did not beleive him. Last night it was hot kinda humid so I went fishing. I was sitting on the bank and I saw something in the water about 50 or so yards away. I thouhgt it was a dead log or something standing in the middle of the inlet, anyway when it reached the opposite bank it stood about 6.5-7 ft tall. Of course it was dark. I flashed it with a spot light then relized it was hairy. Yhe part that struck me odd was how the lights reflected off the eyes kinda yellow. It took of in a run toward the lake not really a run but kinda jog. I went to the truck and grabed my 357 revolver. in case it came back I forgot all about fishing.. about 3 or so in the am. I heard something behind me the coyotes long stopped yelping and no deer in sight. I turned toward the tree line and started flashing it. I started to get scared when these grunts and rocks started being thrown from the east bank an hit the ground and water. I turned to the directions then backed to my pick up darting my light in each direction . when I got to the truck this little hairy looking shadow ran to the bank and across to the otherside. I live in a smaller town and dont want to be known as a nother bigfoot guy like my friend. He went out this morning to see what he could find im to nervous about going out there. He called and said he may have found prints but not sure. | Abilene | 32.539111665818034000000,-99.705618247389800000000 |
01130003 | 2011 | 3a | TX | Sabine | Fishermen Have Brief Sighting and Hear Unusual Vocalization | I was fishing with my dad at six mile creek on Toledo Bend. The lake was low that summer, so the creek was about all you could follow. We had made our way back in the creek with the troll motor. The grass around the creek was prob 4 ft high so we could not see on either side. We approached a little arm that was feeding the creek and passed it up. We prob went another 30 yards and turned around it was getting a little narrow for both of us to throw. As we approached the the arm on the return we both heard an loud human voice say YAK. My dad ask me what the hell was that. We had only seen one other boat back there and they were leaving out prob an hour to hour and a half before us. As soon as we heard the voice I witnessed a coyote running off with a duck. He disappeared in the tall grass and out of the corner of my eye running up the hill was a figure on two legs running to a group of pines as the figure got to the second are third pine it stepped behind the pine and stuck its head out and looked at us. I did not see a snout like a deer or dog it had a flat face it was brown in color and as it was running you could see the features of a very closely resembling human butt. We were prob 150 yds maybe. It happened really fast. We did not go up the arm to investigate because the arm was too shallow. It really spooked us both us. We did go back a few times but nothing happened. | Hemphill | 31.237572928802330000000,-93.767409324646000000000 |
01110067 | 2011 | 3a | TX | Anderson | Rural Resident Shares Sighting and Unusual Occurances | It was in the middle of the night. I went next door to my sisters travel trailor to and as I open the door I saw something walking up right to the left on my property. my nabors has a light in a pole out in their yard. This thing turn as if it herd me open the door, and looked my way. It wasnt a bear didnt have the fetures like that and it was tall.when it turn to look my way, he turned at the waist. I didnt stay out there to see what it would do. But it was waling from the back of our property toward the road. and a week or two befor this we was out in a stand heard weird sounds that we havent heard before.. Now this past labor day my daughters boyfriend was heading back to our pipe line and thought he saw a hog so he hurrird up and got into our stand back there and he watched it. he said the thing stood up right and walked of on two feet. We have heard knocks this past labor day and whistles and weird noises that we dont know what it is.also we have a possible bedding area. small ceders pushed down in a circle area. A pic of a foot print | Montalba | 30.600093873550072000000,-97.031250000000000000000 |
01110021 | 2011 | 3a | TX | Liberty | Travelers Have Late Night Sighting Along Roadway | I was on my way back from New Orleans, LA on TX Hwy 105 westbound between FM 770 and TX Hwy 146 at approximately 2:00 in the morning. My wife and I were watching for deer along the edge of the woods, she had seen several already. I was getting frustrated because I had only seen one, so I was on a heightened state of alert. I was driving at 70mph. I had come across a little opening on the right hand side of the road, it was a iron pipe gate that had probably been an entrance for a hunting lease. I saw a tall creature that was at least 7 feet tall, it had black stringy hair and it had a lighter medium tan colored face and hands. It was facing at me, it appeared to be entering the woods. It had one foot over the gate and another on my side. I never saw its eyes. I was in shock, it happened so fast, that I didn't even tell my wife until at least a minute later. At first I wasn't sure what I had just seen, all my life I've heard stories of bigfoot, and have had more interest than ordinary people. I have family just south of Shreveport, LA in Converse, LA. My grandfather has a photo from before I was born of a Bigfoot footprint. They showed it to us as kids and that has been with me ever since. When I told my wife, she said how did you see that. I said I don't know, I just saw it. It was real. My wife said we should turn around and check it out some more, I said no. I was scared, and I was sure it was long gone. We kept driving. | Moss Hill | 30.251467892112790000000,-94.666169285774230000000 |
21011001 | 2011 | 3b | CA | Wood Knocks Heard and Tracks Found | Was at home working on my computer. Had just logged off when I heard a very loud wood knock. Not sure what it was, I dismissed it. Then it happened again. A minute or so later, there was another. This happened two more times, then it stopped. The next morning, I called my mother, who lived in a ranch house next door (and where I live now after her passing), and she said she had heard nothing-and my stepdad would have gone out with a firearm to see if there was anything if either one of them had heard anything unusual. They left later that morning on an RV trip, and I went to check a creek than runs behind the house and runs on the ranch for some length. I found impressions in wet grass (it had been foggy with drizzle that night) with a 4-ft. stride between them. The impressions were about 15-16" long. I followed the impressions to a rocky area where there is a pad for an old RR bridge-the RR was taken out in 1937-and nothing else was found. Since it was late afternoon, and beginning to get dark, and with only a fire-fighting axe/scraper to defend myself, I did what anyone else would do: I went back the way I came! | Auberry | 37.095306117438390000000,-119.473400115966800000000 | |
01110020 | 2011 | 3a | TX | Tyler | Man Has Late Night Encounter Near Lake | I was on the dam in Land of the Lakes near Woodville, TX. I was lying down on the dam about half way up eating corndogs I had bought at Sonic in Kountze on my way up to Woodville. I heard like what sounded like branches cracking in the brush below at the bottom of the dam. I lifted my head and and saw these big eyes in the brush and looking like something was eating the other corndogs I did not eat and threw at the bottom of the dam. I couldn't tell how big it was but I know it looked like a man with hair all over his body. Very dark outside but enough light to see a little bit. I saw it pick up what scraps I threw before I saw it and it went slowly into the brush walking backwards watching me as it went back into the woods. I got up and ran to my truck which was parked by the boat dock on the other side of the road and left very fast from being scared. | Woodville | 30.673223937624414000000,-94.401322603225710000000 |
03110008 | 2011 | 3a | AR | Hempstead | Roadway Sighting of 8ft Creature | I was driving down State Hwy. 195 in northern Hempstead Co. Ark. when I noticed movement in my rear view mirror. I thought it might have been a deer. Being a deer hunter and being close to my house, I wanted to see how big it was. I pulled over and turned around in my seat and what I saw was not a deer. This creature was standing upright and crossed the road about a 1/4 mile from my car. It appeared to be at least 8 ft. tall but at that distance I could not be sure. I do know for certain that it was NOT a bear. There are only a few bear in this area and they are small black bear. This creature was a brownish gray color. It was heading away from me but didn't seem in a big hurry. It looked to me as if it waited for me to get clear of it before crossing the road. I turned the car around and went back to where I thought it crossed but all I found was rustled leaves on the side of the road. this could have been caused by anything, but there was a pungent smell in the area. This happened about a mile and a half from my home and I pass that area frequently but have not seen it again. | Blevins | 33.850245107195285000000,-93.538713455200200000000 |
01110033 | 2010 | 3a | TX | Fannin | Observations at Caddo National Grasslands, TX. Coffee Mill Lake Camp ground November 15-19. HUNTING. Heard: During the night (whole trip) -Heard what appeared to be loud squirrel barks and trees being knocked down during the middle of night. -Something running around the tent. (thought it was coyotes chasing three wild kittens that were hanging around the campground) -Something was moving the items around in the back of Scott?s pick-up truck. -Tree Knocks in the night coming from three different locations around the lake (first just one knock bouncing back and forth then two knocks). -On the third night I was growled at while placing the park camping fee registration in the box. -Constant sounds of something dropping heavy objects in the lake. During the night and while hunting -Heard constant ?what appeared to be owl hoots? coming from different locations around the lake. These hoot sounds followed us where ever we hunted. -On the morning we were packing up our camp site an old man stopped his truck next to our site and spoke with us about different topics. During the conversation he stopped abruptly and pointed to the forest next to us and said he saw a man walk in the forest wearing all black. This area is all marsh and difficult to walk. When I looked I didn?t see anything. Saw: -Discovered while hunting an elaborate curious landscaping in a forested area near a dam that sits adjacent to two lakes. It appeared in this landscaping well gardened plant on rotting or decayed trees. One pile of trees contained a pile of seeds neatly arranged in the open on top surface of one the trees. - There was also a vine of thorns (like a fence) circling one area containing a growth of plants on an arranged pile of decaying trees (similar to Bermuda lawn grass). The plants were well groomed and did not match the other trees that contained only moss. -One large slanted tree held the same plant growth and appeared to cover half of the tree. This plant growth was not located on any other trees in the immediate area. -A canvass three tree structure that stood seven feet high and was interwoven at the top of the structure. -The place reminded me of a well care for garden. -A stream with muddy banks split the forested areas between the two lakes in observation. On one side of the banks were several sets of what appeared to be human hand prints leaving out of the water. The arrangement of the prints appeared to emulate that the position of its body is in the water and the truck of the body was supported by the arms as it was searching the embankment. All of the prints appeared to possess an inch to two inch pointed claws. No foot prints were discovered at all. No evidence of any animal leaving the waters edge. -In the night-I shined a flash light and observed two very large and round ?orange? eyes in the forest near our tent. The eyes were situated about six feet above the ground. These eyes moved several times during the period that I shined my light. I measured the distance the following morning by comparing the height of the eyes to a tree that was near the spot. -Other observations include a bedding area that appeared to contain at one time two animals five to six feet in length. The area was in a tall grass space within a heavily forested area. Both places appeared to be something that was sleeping in a fetal position. Next to the bedding area was a four inch wide by six inch tall make shift lean to that contained at one time a small fire. The charred items within the lean to were small branches and dried grass. December 6-10, 2010. HUNTING First night: (Sunday) - Chris and I were the only campers in the campground. -While using the outhouse, I heard hooting from across lake, an animal next to the outhouse responded to the hooting by responding with a chimp rant changing tone to what resembled a samari chatter, then ending in a deep guttural sound. (The event reminded me of a kid telling his mom, ?I am here at the campground!?) Something opened and closed the door on the female side of the outhouse. I immediately called Chris to come toward the outhouse. -Placed three apples on an empty campsites picnic table as a lure. The apples were never touched. -Shined my flash light into the adjacent forest and located two very large eyes in the forest. They appeared to be six feet above the ground. The set of eye changed from two eyes to one eye as the figure appeared to turn and walk toward the lake. -About an hour into retiring for the evening. Someone appeared to be fanning our extinguished camp fire. I heard the wood that was left in the fire pit being moved around in the pit. I heard the occasional clinking the wood against the metal barrier. -I saw what appeared to be a kitten lifted and placed against the tent. The paws were off the ground and not on the tent siding ?too high above the ground.? All - -- All night something was unzipping and zipping the tent. -Someone was dropping heavy objects into the lake all night. -Heard what appeared to be a very large squirrel run around the tent in deep leaves all night. -Knocking throughout the night once on a metal sign or something. Following morning: (Monday) -Back window of my GMC Envoy ?mud splattered? with a ?Z? form and a palm print. No prints. - Because I was kept up all night - I mimicked several times loudly a hysterical laugh and owl hoots to tease the animal who kept me awake all night. -Park attendant told us that a previous camper told him that, ?you have Sasquatches in these forests.? -On other side of lake-saw a black figure run into the camp ground that appeared to come out of the lake. -Hunted near a concrete damn on the lake. Heard some animal crying Maaaw-Maaaw-Maaaw. Sounded like a bear cub but more like a southern country boy. -At dusk, while heading toward the outhouse, Chris heard an animal mimic my hysterical laugh in the woods next to the outhouse. -Dusk to late night I heard an animal constantly running in the woods. Sounded like a very large squirrel. -Rock thrown at new campers twice when they left to buy beer. The sound of the rocks hitting the trees and camping gear were a large audible crack. -When the new campers placed firewood in their pit, the wood lit up immediately. Their sight had been empty for over 48 hours. -Owl hooting sounds all night. Not exactly an owls sound. -Heavy objects being thrown in the water all night. -Someone was tapping our coleman lantern glass cover that was 6 feet off the ground hanging on a metal pole. -Playing with tent zipper all night again. -Running around tent in leaves. -Around (0400am) I was awaken by three quick, heavy, and deep exhales right outside of tent next to me. Tuesday: (duck hunters) Started duck taping the zipper inside the tent. - I again mimicked a hysterical laugh and owl hoot to tease the animal who kept me awake all night. -Two duck hunters came into the campgroung late at night. The next morning one of the hunters said they saw eyes in the far corner of lake, while they were hunting early in the morning. -The duck hunters said something was hitting their camper truck during the night they believed it was coyotes. -I was growled at in the night placing money into the payment box again like I was in November. -Was growled at on the far side of the lake while looking for an entry point into a heavily wooded section of the forest. -On the same ?far side of the lake? I noticed several tinned cans of food scattered along a five foot stretch along the path. Upon further examination of one of the tin cans I noticed several tooth punctures into the can on both the lid and sides of the can. ?U? shaped like a large human bite. The teeth marks ?itself? were circular and large in form and shape like a dog/canine teeth would leave. -Chris and I found an Orange ball cap on the trail on our return trip back to the campsite. There wasn?t one on the way into the woods. Chris and I asked all campers ?no one admitted ownership. -Heard the Maaw-Maaw again in the woods around the campground. -At night I heard a car honk it?s horn on the main road outside of the campground - when the car horn ceased, I heard ?beep-beep? in the woods. Sounded like the voice characterization of the road runner on the cartoons. -Dusk to late night I heard an animal constantly running in the woods. Sounded like a very large squirrel. -Early in the morning heard noises around my vehicle. Activate automatic locks on my car, activating the vehicle to honk it?s horn. Something then appeared to run across our campsite. Wednesday: (eight foot) -Chris saw an eight foot Bigfoot fifty yards from the tent. Just stood there swaying side to side at his hip. Chris said the shoulders were broad and had a ?V? shape starting from his shoulders and ending at his waist. I stood next to the tree the following morning. Chris said the head was as high as the branch that stood eight feet off the ground. -new campers set a tent right next to the tree where the Bigfoot was seen. -Something threw a rock at Chris and me while we were around the fire. The rock hit an exhausted fire ash pile next to the fire pit. -Hunters next to us claimed to have seen a person in all black through his rifle scope, stand up and walk into heavily wooded area. The person in black was well over 200 yards away. -It rained all night-our camp site smelled like a wet dog. -Something was dragging a stick on the sides of our tent occasionally tapping the stick like a drum beat against the siding of the tent. -Had to use port-a potty in the tent -when the lid of the potty hit the vinyl of the tent heard foot steps advance toward our tent, stop right outside the tent, and appeared to adjust it?s weight. (seemed like the animal was curious to hear what was going on inside the tent). I seen no images against the tent. Too dark. -No running animal sounds in the leaves this night. Thursday: (On all fours) -Around 0400am in the morning some animal was throwing around stuff in the back of the truck owned by the campers in the site next to us. Something then pounded on the sides of the truck like a drum. I heard one of two hunters stir inside their tent and yell, ?you dirty Indians!? -Saw a large human foot print in a gravel sandy bank while hunting a fire break during the day. The foot print was three inches larger than my 9? boot. -At dusk saw a pair of large vertical eyes at the base of the tree where Chris saw the eight foot Bigfoot. The eyes moved behind the tree. I turned off the flash light and turned it back on and saw a Bigfoot running on all fours from the tree where I saw the eyes to moving in a direction toward the lake. The Bigfoot appeared to have a strange shape to it. The head in reference to it?s back appeared total straight. The head was constantly affixed in one position- looking directly at the ground as it moved forward. The body appeared slender and I could distinctly see the shape and muscle tone of the shoulders and legs. It looked human but the head had a large crown and it?s eyes were large and black. The mouth was very close to the chin and the lips appeared to be very straight. I could distinctly see the skin through the hair. It appeared to be grayish pink. -More hooting and water splashes. Friday. -In the mornings I normally stored my car keys to the GMC in the vehicles gas cap access area. On this particular day when exited the tent to cook breakfast, I noticed that the gas cap compartment door was open. | Honey Groove | 33.731192536134770000000,-95.987548828125000000000 | |
01100058 | 2010 | 3a | TX | Montgomery | Couple Have a Sighting and Night Encounter With a Large Angry Creature | My fiance and I live in the woods in Texas. There are many animals around like rabbits and raccoons, but nothing much bigger, other than the deer, but lately there have been some strange occurrences. A few weeks ago our neighbors had their dog out, a large black lab that had a temper problem. He is an extremely aggressive dog, my boyfriend and I went for a walk and when we pass their house the dog always barks as us. It was only a short walk, about a half hour total, but when we passed by the house again, the dog didn't bark like usual and there was an awful smell like blood around the house. A few days later we spoke to the people and they said their dog was torn apart by some large animal, literally clawed to pieces. The other night we went out for a walk about midnight, no moon out and we had a flashlight. My boyfriend is a weapons designer so he always likes to carry a sword when we go out to the woods, just in case. Well we had walked about an hour down the path and suddenly we heard a loud scream from the woods like a dying animal. It was so loud and close that it hurt our ears. It sounded like those coyote calls that imitate a dying rabbit. We ran to the trees to look and shined the flashlight everywhere, we saw nothing so we continued walking. We had walked a little ways and I had the strangest feeling like we were being watched so we stopped and shined the light into the trees again, there was nothing so again, we walked on. A few minutes later, we heard crackling leaves and branches being broken by something walking next to us in the woods. We stopped again and looked, there was definitely something there and it was watching us, but it was careful to stay just out of sight. We could hear it shifting around staying just beyond our vision and it did not sound small by any means. Now, my boyfriend will never turn down a challenge so he put on a large territorial display, similar to a cougar with the growling and everything. The animal didn't move, he threw several rocks into the area and listened to the echoes to find where it sat then threw a stray piece of rebar at it, we heard it thump whatever it was. Loudly. The creature growled, but made no move so we continued walking. We could hear it following alongside us in the woods on the way back home, but it never came out. Again it came close to the edge of the trees so my boyfriend again put up a territorial display. I shined the light into the trees where I thought it was, and there it was! It was huge, brownish red in color, and very fine fur or hair, and it was on 2 legs, but we couldn't get a good look at it. As soon as the light hit, the creature took off at full speed and hid behind a tree, I put the light on it again and it sped off into the trees, faster than anything I've ever seen in my life. My boyfriend and I decided to head home now because we were kinda freaked out by what we'd seen. On our way home we saw some eyes near the road, there was an awful screaming again, but quieter, we shined the light on the eyes and they were cats, yelling at the bushes, clearly terrified by whatever was in it. When the light shined on the cats, they freaked out and jumped, they had no idea we were there because they were concentrating on the bushes. We walked past the cats, carefully avoiding the bush and continued on our way. It was then that it became even more strange, we heard this loud noise like a jet right above our heads and there was an odd looking (we assume military) aircraft moving slowly overhead. Then our dog Bear began barking 3 streets over, (he has a very distinct bark because his vocal cords were injured before we got him) and howling madly as if he was hurt so we hurried home and went into the house, after we were inside we could hear what sounded like knocking on the window but we didn't see anything. | Woodloch | 30.218394778310724000000,-95.411796569824220000000 |
01130055 | 2010 | 3a | TX | Liberty | Driver Has Close Sighting of Creature Crossing Roadway | I was driving back to my patents apartment after leaving my soon to be husbands house in Tarkington. I was on the Tarkington ISD road. It was around 8 at night when I came a cross this big hairy looking "man " it stopped about 30 feet in front of my car and stated t me I had to slam on my brakes so I wouldn't hit it. It then proceeded in crossing the road it then stepped over the tall fence like it was not even there. I have never been so scared of something in my life as I was in those few moments. | Cleveland | 30.310122641193280000000,-94.971521934494380000000 |
01100015 | 2010 | 3a | TX | Liberty | Man reports encounter on Farm-to-Market Road 1008 just north of Kenefick. | I was driving home from Kenefick approaching Long John Creek on FM 1008. I suddenly saw standing very near the left hand side of the road a large, dark "man" shaped figure. It happened very quickly and I didn't get a very good look but it was tall, maybe 6 1/2-7 feet, and very broad at the shoulders. I turned around at the next drive and returned to where I saw it. I looked around for a few seconds with a flashlight but didn't see anything on either side of the road. I couldn't look very well as it was private property. I know the owners and I may ask them if they had ever seen anything like this before. | Kenefick | 30.124089788011120000000,-94.871028363704680000000 |
01110074 | 2010 | 3b | TX | Matagorda | Fishermen Have Late Night Sighting of Large Bipedal Creature on Rural Roadway | We were driving back home from fishing near Oyster Lake. After turning by the nuclear plant and driving a couple miles we seen something in the middle of the road eating road kill. We almost hit it. It was bent over and stood as high ad the window on the truck. We slammed on the brakes and turned around but it was gone. I wish we had the brights on we might know what it was. | Bay city | 28.787393850584326000000,-96.002651005983350000000 |
01090093 | 2009 | 3a | TX | Panola | Nurse has early-morning highway encounter near Lake Murvaul. | My daughter in-law saw a bigfoot cross the road in front of her on the way to work about 5:15 am on FM 10 out of Gary, Texas. She said it wasn't a black bear and it was walking upright like a human. We called and talked to a local game warden to see if there had been any reported activity of such. He said there had been in the past months. This was all new to us. Because we haven't heard of anyone seeing one in our local area. | Gary City | 32.061846175978600000000,-94.378051757812500000000 |
02090006 | 2009 | 3b | OK | McCurtain | Family hears vocalizations and finds possible track. | A little background to the discovery: we were on a short vacation in S.E. Oklahoma just a couple of miles south of the US Post Office in Battiest, OK. We rented a cabin on the Glover River for a couple of nights. My children and I had just returned from a camping trip in the Wichita Mts. (in southwestern Oklahoma) and I rented this cabin so my wife could come with us this time. The cabin had beds and air conditioning which was a prerequisite for my wife coming along. The road to the cabin was on the corner where the post office sat in Battiest. Directly across the street from the turn-off was the Battiest Public School Building. The Elementary was down the road a couple of hundred yards to the west. Again the cabins are 2-3 miles (my estimate) south of the Post Office. The cabin is somewhat remote but not terribly so. It is in the area just between the Ouachita National Forests and Weyerhaeuser Lands. If you look on a topo map of Oklahoma you will see what I mean. There was timberland that had been harvested on the way into the cabin site so Weyerhaeuser had been active in that area. The cabin was one of three that people could rent on land that also had an office/house for the proprietor just next door to a farmhouse. The farmer owned the lands adjacent to the cabins to the north, east and south. I assumed the land on the north bank was his. The cabins laid alongside the Glover River, which, from what my wife read, was one of the few remaining pristine rivers in the US having never been dammed. The forest was along the river in a band about 1-200 yards across each side of the river. It is wider in some areas and was so thick we couldn?t see any open land on the opposite bank. The flora and fauna was near pristine as well except for the farm animals of course; mostly cattle; and I did see a number of trout in the river which had to have been stocked. When we arrived at the cabin around 5PM we could hear an eagle sounding off. It called for a couple of hours. I never could see the bird because it was downriver just past a bend. I couldn?t locate it and since I was busy unloading the car and getting us situated I failed to go far enough downstream to find it. I?m very familiar with most of the calls of the local fauna and this call was definitely an eagle. I have an undergraduate degree in Zoology. I?ve seen and heard them many times in Central and South Central Oklahoma on Lake Arcadia and the Washita River so I know they live and nest in Oklahoma. At least they spend the spring and summers in Oklahoma. I?ve never seen them in the winter. The sound was almost the same as the African Fish Eagle which looks very much like a Bald Eagle only smaller. I lived for a time in East Africa and was very familiar with the fauna there as well; especially the birds. After getting us situated my kids and I walked up the road toward the office to retrieve a canoe to row down the river to our cabin. We found the print at about 6 or 6:30 PM on 6/22/09. My son & I discovered it at the same time and my daughter noticed it half a second later. It was a very large human looking footprint that is consistent with Sasquatch prints depicted in books and on the internet. I took a photo of it but the low sun cast a shadow in the print that makes it difficult to see. I took the photo after we collected the canoe using my cell phone, as we forgot to bring our cameras on this trip. It must have been about 30-45 minutes after we returned to the cabin with the canoe. I stacked a few small rocks next to the print so I could locate it later. The phone has a 4GB card that I should be able to download as soon as I find the card reader for my desktop. If you contact me within the next week or so I should have it available to send to you. For what it?s worth the print was just one single print of a right foot that was in the loose dirt just off the edge of the graded dirt road. It was pointing toward the river in between the first cabin and the office at a bend in the road. If you stood where the print was no one could see you from the first cabin or the office. It was just out of site from those buildings. We were in the second cabin down river from the office. I looked for other prints and at the foliage where it might have stepped into to get back into trees and couldn?t find any kind of disturbance that would indicate that the creature had walked into the foliage, nor could I find any evidence of where it came from. Across this road to the south, where I assumed it came from, is a large open field with a six strand barbed wire fence enclosing it. Too tall to step over even at 7-8 foot tall. I half expected to see hair on the barbed wire. I found nothing else except the one print. Both the kids and I remarked that it was too big for a man but looked very human like. Around dusk I was the only one outside and I heard two distinct howls coming from some distance downriver. The time was probably around 8:45 ? 9PM. Since the days are long and sunset is late I assume this time to be near correct. I didn?t look at the time to verify it though. I don?t know what time sunset was on that day exactly. The time is approximate and the sound heard was at dusk and at least an hour or two past when the footprint was discovered. I was out in front of the cabin coming off the road toward the front door of the cabin. All the night sounds were starting. The tree and river frogs and insects were beginning their chorus. I even heard a couple of different owls; a Screech and a Great Horned shortly after hearing the howls. Later my wife was out on the porch that overlooked the river in the back of the cabin and she said she heard a strange animal sound she had never heard before. This was about 30 minutes or so after I heard it and of course no one else was outside at that particular moment. She said it was different from any of the other calls we were hearing that night including the owls and the mooing cattle. When I asked her where she thought it came from she pointed in the same direction that I heard the howls come from. It was the same direction and farther away from the farm and cattle on down the river. I never heard what she heard and she never heard what I heard; and the kids never heard anything at all. The howls I heard were somewhat consistent with recorded sounds on the internet of supposed Sasquatch. We never heard anything else like what we heard that first night nor did we find any other prints. However the next day I was out front again and I heard a crashing sound as if something were walking through the forest that was large. I walked over to the fence in front of our cabin and looked across the field. There was a small very muddy cattle tank about 25 yards across at the edge of the woods at the end of the field, about 150 yards or so from where I was. When I looked over there where I thought I heard the crashing sounds a murder of crows burst out of the trees going in all directions and telling whatever disturbed them of their displeasure. This was just on the other side of the tank. I never saw or heard anything more & I don?t know if it is even connected. All the cattle were in the smaller east field together. None were in this particular field. | Battiest | 34.360584345730130000000,-94.923763275146480000000 |
01120033 | 2009 | 3a | TX | Burnet | Motorist has late-night encounter near Balcones Canyon Lands National Wildlife Refuge. | Driving home on FM 1431, about 3 A.M. just past Smithwick ,TX, I saw what I first thought was a person wearing sheep skin chaps running across 1431. I remember counting three strides as it ran across the highway. I slowed down, as I looked closer it was totally covered in hair and looked somewhat tall. It stopped and looked at my headlights. Its eyes reflected an amber color. It stopped because it could not jump the fence (I guess) because there is a very tall exotic game enclosure there. It tried to grab a limb that was hanging over the fence and hide its face, when it figured it was stuck. I stepped on the gas and got the heck out of there. After I realized what I just saw, I was pretty scared. | Smithwick | 30.560191536828523000000,-98.115377426147460000000 |
01090041 | 2009 | 3a | TX | Mcmullen | Woman Has Early Morning Roadside Sighting of Large Upright Hairy Creature | I was driving north on RT 16 in Tilden, TX, at about 5:45 AM. As I was crossing the Frio River bridge, I noticed two pickup trucks coming up very fast behind me. I was keeping an eye on them in my rearview as we passed the Rt 72 intersection just north of town. They did not make the turn there and continued to come up behind me. As I was coming to the next bridge, over the slough, I checked, eyes forward to make sure I was leaving enough room for the "idiots" to pass. I was just past the Lions Club Fairgrounds and community center complex when the lights from the approaching trucks illuminated a figure very near the road on the west side, my left. The figure was at least six feet tall, but I am sure taller, as the road bed is raised at that point. It had very broad shoulders and a very short neck. It appeared to be coverd in long red hair. I did not see a face. The animal seemed to be standing still with arms at his side. I saw very little detail as the sighting only lasted for a couple of seconds. Almost at the same time as I spotted the creature the trucks swept past me. They did not slow, so I am assuming they did not notice the figure by the road. I could not see anything in my rearview after they passed. I continued on to work but on my way home I slowed to a crawl to try to determine if there was anything aside the road that I might have mistaken for a large figure. There is nothing there. I did not try to look for any sign as we are in serious drought conditions and the soil is much like concrete. Also, it has been very hot and I don't do heat. So unless Bigfoot was standing in my yard I wouldn't go outside to investigate. I did mention my sighting to my employer, an elderly rancher who grew up in the area. He told me I had seen "Three Toes" the local legendary bigfoot. Three Toes is said to have long red hair and his tracks show three very long toes. After some thought my boss ammended his statement somewhat by saying I must have seen one of Three Toes' grandchildren, as the legend was old when he was a child. I also mentioned the experience to a friend of mine who had a sighting of a similar nature during a thunderstorm a year or so back. I kind of laughed it off at the time, saying it must have been a big, long-haired illegal looking for shelter. She did not agree. Tilden is in a generally dry area, but the Frio River runs through town and connects to the Choke Canyon Resevior only a few miles away. The landscape is mostly scrub and brush, but along the river it is very fertile. The county has an abundance of wildlife and cattle, but very few people. So, I guess if there were going to be large ape-like cryptids in South TX, this area would be one of the better choices. I just wanted you to know that the "Big Fella" seems alive and well in the Republic of TX, in the Free State of McMullen. | Tilden | 28.475708086010350000000,-98.548393249511720000000 |
01090013 | 2009 | 3a | TX | Camp | Motorist reports early morning highway sighting on bridge across Big Cypress Creek. | While driving home (southbound) from work I was crossing the long bridge between Mt. Pleasant and Pittsburg Texas on hwy 271. There was road construction. I slowed down to about 25 mph and there was a large hairy thing about to cross the road. I could not believe what I was seeing. It looked like a big gorilla with hair all over. It was about 8 feet tall very big and wide shouldered. It walked with a lazy walk. It was bent over but walking like a man with long dark hair all over it's body. When I passed it, it started out into the road and another car was coming from the other direction. It walked in front of the other car and I saw it through my review mirror when the other cars lights hit it. I was told by another person about a year ago that they saw the same thing. I thought they were crazy but now I don't think so.... I went back the next day to see if there were footprints. However, the grass was so tall I could not find anything. | Pittsburg | 33.072555551547346000000,-94.965476989746100000000 |
01110054 | 2008 | 3a | TX | Shelby | Old Timer Has Sighting of Bipedal Hairy Creature | I was driving down Hwy 7 from Center , Texas to Logansport, La when I saw what looked like a tall long red hairy ape looking face walking out of the woods and walked up to the road and then got on sll fours and ran across the road and got back up on two legs looked at me and walked off into the woods. Havw you gotten any other sightings from this area? I would really like to know what I saw. I am 90 yrs old and I have never seen anything like this in my life. | Center | 32.063955594660400000000,-94.460449218750000000000 |
01110012 | 2008 | 3a | TX | Trinity | Camper Has Late Night Encounter With Large Hairy Upright Creature | One night i was planning to go camping with my dogs around the summer of 2008. i dont remembrr where the exact location was but i twas around the big thicket between the trinity river i had found a spot in the forest so i set up camp i put my dogs on a chain tied to the tree and around 10:00 pm i had fell asleep then about 2:30 in the morning my dogs kept barking and i had thought they had seen a squirrel or rabbit moving so i wiped it out of my mind and my dogs kept barking and i couldnt sleep so i decided to check out what they were barking at so i got my flashlight and searched around i didnt see anything so i returned to my tent and fell asleep then my dogs woke me up again and i started to get angry tellling my dogs to be quiet theres nothing there then i was wrong i could hear a loud crunch of sticks i wondered if it was a hog so then i took the dogs in the tent with me so they would be quiet and my dogs barked again and i was inside the tant when i saw a shadow of something that ws beetween 6 -7 feet tall and looked in the shadows like it was a tall man wearing a gorrila costume and i had thought this is what people call sasquatch but i was to scared to investigate because i knew this thing is stronger than me and if its possible he could hurt me so i stayed up all that night when it heard my dogs barking it ran away | cleveland,texas | 29.878755346037973000000,-95.844726562500000000000 |
01100014 | 2008 | 3a | TX | Matagorda | Man Has Night Sighting of Upright Creature With Red Eyes | I was driving down FM 521 away from the power plant one night when I thought I saw a tall shadow in a pasture on the side of the road ahead of me. It looked almost like a bear or a large man standing up. As I got closer I noticed two small red eyes reflecting on my headlights looking at me from the shadow. At first I thought it was just a horse because there are horses near the pasture that I saw the shadow in but then I noticed that the eyes were up higher, smaller, at a different angle and distance from that of a horse's eyes. It was very tall and seemed to be standing up straight. I couldn't see much detail because it was so dark out but I could see a slight outline by the light from the plastics plant behind it. The experience was very frightening, growing up nearby in Wadsworth TX I had heard people say they had seen Sasquatch in the area but I never thought I'd see something. I hadn't thought of it in a while until I saw the other sighting near the area. Thank you for listening! | Wadsworth | 28.810084332051602000000,-95.940084457397460000000 |
01080124 | 2008 | 3a | TX | Navarro | Woman reports early morning visual encounter on rural property near Navarro Mills Lake. | Walking out the backdoor I noticed our outside guard dog hunched against the steps, I figured he was cold and did not think much about it at that time, and headed to the car. While putting my daughter in the car I saw what I thought was a large bulky man walking across the pasture just at the limit of the light. I was afraid he was waiting to rob us. I got in the car to leave and call the police. When I started the car and turned on the headlights it was just leaving their range, it turned (most of its upper body) and looked in the direction of the light and I saw eyes glowing yellow in the headlights. That is when I knew it was not human! It crossed under the framework of the horse barn we are building. The barn is 7' at the low side and 8' at the high side. This creature was about the same height as the barn. It continued walking and I drove away in the opposite direction wanting to get me and my daughter as far away from it as possible. | Dawson | 31.921478952457164000000,-96.763243675231930000000 |
01110072 | 2008 | 3a | TX | Titus | Hunters Have Late Night Sighting of Large Bipedal Creature | It was a nearly full moon night. Me,my 8 yr. old daughter and my 13 yr. old stepson went varmit hunting about 200 yds. behind our house. we set up the remote control call about 40 to 50 yrs in front of us in a open pasture. we positioned ourselves in a corner of the field with cedar trees as a backdrop. We were armed with a single shot 20 guage.We also had a very powerful spot light.We started calling around 10:00 at night.The moon was producing alot of light so visibility was good for nighttime. The first call a fox ran out of the cedar lined fence row immediatly. I was able to identify it without the aid of a spotlight,but we did'nt shoot because there are not alot of foxes in my area. We called several more times in the next 2 hours but with no luck . I told the kids we would call 1 more time and then go home if nothing showed up.We pressed the button on the call , it started with it's distressed rabbit scream, which last's about 10 sec. The instant the call stopped a large figure stepped out of the tree line about 75 yds from us. It proceded to walk across the pasture in front of us at a very high rate of speed. It was not running but taking very long strides very quickly.We watched it for about 15 sec. as it cut across the corner we were sitting in. As it passed in front of us it got within about 50 yds. I did'nt shine the spotlight on it because I was afraid for my children and my safety.When we could no longer see it,I got my kids up and made a beeline for the house. | mt.pleasant | 33.152633872322870000000,-94.951341748237610000000 |
01080106 | 2008 | 3a | TX | Tyler | Truck driver reports late-night road encounter on the Polk/Tyler County line. | I was driving down Highway 190 in a semi-truck in Tyler County, Texas. With my brights on I could see something rather large standing near the sign that says Tyler County. As I approached it ran in front of the truck only taking 3 strides to cross the road. It stopped and watched as I passed it, it stood as tall as the windows on my truck. | Woodville | 30.751425301075358000000,-94.602241516113280000000 |
01080085 | 2008 | 3c | TX | Harrison | Family finds track on property. | My wife was walking on our property in Scottsville and found a footprint. We took photographs and this afternoon are planning to make a plaster cast of the footprint. She also found some feces that she could not identify. | Scottsville | 32.560631182327800000000,-94.257974624633790000000 |
01080019 | 2008 | 3a | TX | Wood | Woman has morning encounter at home after dogs become alerted. | I normally get up rather early, put on coffee and let my small dogs and one coonhound out to relieve their bladders. This morning, being rather cool, I didn't stay out with the dogs, but went back into the house. My daughter was visiting and was still asleep. The dogs began barking. In an effort to quiet the dogs, I stepped out onto the porch. The chihuahua, min-pin and sheltie/rat terrier were in a small pen, the coonhound on a tether. The coonhound, instead of going to the end of her tether, was only about 1/4 of the way extended. The small dogs were penned, but were all looking southward, toward the woods. The dogs had a strange bark, not like seeing a person on the road, or a deer - those barks are familiar. The only way I can describe the barking is that it was rather whiney. I looked in the direction the dogs were watching and was shocked to see a large form. The young growth of pine trees were about 3 to 4 foot tall. This form appeared to be twice the height of the pine trees. The form was bulky, no neck and blended in with the dappling of the larger trees. I kept looking and questioning myself, and realized I truly was seeing something unusual. I pounded on the side of the house, awakening my daughter to also witness this incident. The large form did not turn right or left, but seemed to be moving slowly, but steadily backwards into the cover of the woods. By the time my daughter got outside, the creature had blended into the woods. | Mineola | 32.657442166776550000000,-95.335063934326170000000 |
03080034 | 2008 | 1d | AR | Lincoln | Three off-duty law officers have encounter while fishing on Old River Lake. | We were crappie fishing in a lake by the Arkansas River. We were catching crappie in shallow water by the bank when we smelled a bad smell like body odor and saw him looking at us through the brush. He snort-grunted like a hog and took off. We found a few fish remains where he stood but the sand was not conducive to leaving a good print. | Grady | 34.151306394658910000000,-91.687039732933040000000 |
01080029 | 2008 | 3a | TX | Angelina | Near exotic animal ranch not far from Huntington, motor vehicle passenger reports late-afternoon visual encounter off Highway 69. | While driving south on Hwy 69 approximately 6 miles south of Lufkin, Texas, my wife was looking out the passenger window hoping to see one of the elk or buffalo kept in a large pasture just south of Lufkin industries and instead saw a large two legged creature the color of cut hay stepping over a large downed tree (very large tree). It was walking in the direction of an animal crossing built under the road along a creek and was moving from west to east on the west side of the highway. She says it was very tall and covered in fur and had the build of a gorilla. | Huntington | 31.284859219009906000000,-94.613485336303710000000 |
01110041 | 2008 | 3a | TX | Comal | Sighting of Young Primate and Odd Occurances on Rural Texas Property | Animal(s) living under mobile home. blocked off crawl space and neighbors told me "they" would not be happy, wouldn't specify. heard footsteps on roof at 2 am no sighting. waited 1/2 hour, crept out front door w/pistol, caught small primate hiding in tree, looked like a furry monkey face. gave stern warning, went back to bed, did not have any more problems.primate did not show teeth or growl, did show its eyes. I moved away 2 months later, due to work. the deer in new braunfels would come into the center of the town at night, and 4 or 5 bucks would guard the rear of the heard, the same way geese do. i had never seen deer do that before. the neighbors work their ranch and truck yard in the day, and are always gone before nightfall. noises of large animals walking through woods too dense for longhorns to get through. | new braunfels | 29.735693156040070000000,-98.124110698699950000000 |
02080035 | 2007 | 1d | OK | Atoka | Family reports repeated encounters on property near Tushka. | During this past spring and summer we experienced heavy rainfall and my two sons, my mother, my nephew, and myself, have seen "something" apelike on our place. Now we live about a half a mile from a nearby family park so being interested in Wildlife Biology and knowing that there are things that even scientists can?t explain, I am inclined to believe that there is some sort of primate that lives in our area. My horses acted strangely in that they refused to hang out in the grove of trees that is their usual hang out during the time that this creature was there. My mother saw it probably the most clear. I saw only the backside of it and it CLEARED a blackberry bush that was over 6 feet tall like it was nothing. Now the thing we all saw was white in color, not the usual reddish color that most people report. The first instance would actually be when the rainfall first started. We have horses, and one of our horses was in a lot separate from the other three. Our horses are very gentle, and not much spooks them. Around the middle of March of 2007, one of our horses impaled himself on a metal fence post when something spooked him. I am not one hundred percent sure that this instance is related to the rest of my experience, but I feel that it is worth mentioning since it was around the time we started seeing this creature, and the rainfall was unusually heavy. Around the next week or two after the horse was impaled, my two boys, ages twelve and fourteen, started seeing, as they described it, a white creature that would be underneath a large old tree in our front yard, and would growl and run off when they got too close. It ran toward two abandoned trailer houses that sit on our property. This happened on two or three occasions. And it was well after Muddy Boggy had flooded the bottom land near our house. Muddy Boggy River Bottom is only about a half a mile from our house. My mother actually was the closest to this thing when she stepped out onto our front porch one night and saw it standing outside our window, only a few feet from her!! Imagine her surprise, she didn't believe that bigfoot existed (she still won?t say it), but she knows what she saw, which was a creature that was white, about the size of my twelve year old son, who is rather small for a boy his age. It was about four and a half feet tall standing on two legs, about 70 to 100 lbs, with ape like features. It had white hair all over. It looked at my mother and turned and ran off through the tall weeds (we weren't able to mow due to the wet conditions) jumped over the electric fence that was for our horses, and then went down on all fours and ran off towards some trees. The next day I went off up the pasture to check this out. I wasn?t entirely sure at this point what was going on. I went up to a grove of trees where until the rain started our horses stayed most of the time. But about the time my kids and mother started seeing this thing, my horses stopped going up in the trees and stayed close to the barn and house. So while up there my fourteen year old son and I scoped it out. I never felt threatened or scared, but did feel like I was being watched. He said he did too, but just thought he was being paranoid. Then I walked across the pasture to the other side and found what looked like a large handprint in the grass and mud. It looked like what your hand would look like if you bent down with your knuckles bent and thumb out for support. Only this print was larger than the animal we were seeing. The next evening I saw what appeared to be a white large creature jump over a blackberry bush (the bush was 6 to 7 ft tall) like it was nothing. That was the craziest thing I have ever seen, and that was the last time it was seen. We never smelled anything, and never felt threatened. We have lots of animals, even two wild pigs that I bottle fed in a pen out front. Nothing, no cat, dog, pig was harmed. Only the horse at the beginning of this. It only lasted about 6 weeks or so, when the river went back into its banks the animal disappeared. It was about four and a half feet tall, about 70 to 100 lbs, white, and it stood on two legs as well as four. The only sound it made was a growling noise when the kids got too close. It looked apelike. | Tushka | 34.288424552107380000000,-96.214656829833980000000 |
01080010 | 2007 | 3a | TX | Liberty | After working swing shift, supervisor has visual encounter just east of Trinity River on Highway 787 near Rye. | I was coming home from work and was on hwy 787 between Romayor and Rye, Texas. There was a curve in the road, two small houses on the left side and after the houses another curve. The road then goes straight for a little ways. I had just looked at the clock on the radio and it was 1:34 am. I was going about 55 mph and I saw something on the right side of the road. This tall thing crossed in front of my car. It was quick when it crossed the road and when it got on the left side where there was a dirt road I saw a distinctive leg and arm moving back like someone does when they are running. There was an iron pipe gate on the dirt road and the road goes into a clearcut forest. It had long reddish brown hair and was about 6-7 feet tall. | Rye | 30.448969651710676000000,-94.795864820480350000000 |
01080002 | 2007 | 3a | TX | Montgomery | Woman reports sighting from highway while riding as passenger. | I was a passenger in a car driving past and thought I saw something move. I looked closer, and saw a hunched brown figure walking through the trees. At first I thought it could have been a tree trunk, but it kept moving. At first I didn't believe what I was seeing, and by the time we turned back around and pulled over, it wasn't visible. I still don't know if I believe what I saw, but my heart won't quit racing. Wow! | The Woodlands | 30.191969081307400000000,-95.482059717178340000000 |
01080003 | 2007 | 3a | TX | Montgomery | On duty security officer has early morning encounter at construction facility. | I am a security officer located at a facility being built in The Woodlands. I was on the graveyard shift with another officer, as we were patrolling the parking lot after making our rounds through the facility. The parking lot was not lit up due to the fact that they had not set up the lighting yet. The constuction trailers are the only lighted areas other than in the building. We came to a stopping point in our rounds when I just glanced over towards the trailers. I had to make a double take when I saw a figure walking slowly by. We were roughly 30 yards away, and I alerted my co-officer as to what I was seeing. We stood there in shock not believing our eyes. The figure was at least 7' tall with a sort of hunched back. The stride he was taking was much more larger than a normal man. Company policy states that I must contact the local authorities, so I called 911, and described what I saw to the operator. The figure walked into the woods out of light. | The Woodlands | 30.181517383525200000000,-95.472296476364130000000 |
01090024 | 2007 | 3a | TX | Montgomery | Worker has early morning visual encounter while working on construction of Fox Sports Facility. | I was on break at the still under construction new Fox building in The Woodlands when I saw something big move out from behind the trees for a moment. It was something I still can?t explain. All I know is that it was like nothing I?ve ever seen before in my life and I spend a great deal of time in the outdoors. I still haven't told friends and family about this. I am from California and work in broadcast. I was brought out to Texas to help out on the broadcast side of the build. | The Woodlands | 30.179671760021353000000,-95.470762252807620000000 |
01080021 | 2007 | 3a | TX | Sabine | Midnight road cross encounter on Highway 21 near Milam. | I crested a hill at midnight and my truck halogen headlights picked up the creature as he crossed the highway approximately 150 yards away at the bottom of the hill at the bridge. It was very tall, dark, and I could clearly see the legs working as it crossed. When I got to the bottom of the hill, I whipped my truck over to the right (it was crossing north to south) trying to pick it up but saw nothing else. Of course, that area is dense forest and depressed by the creek so it didn't surprise me, but sure wish I could have seen it again. I have reported this to two other flakey, in my opinion, so-called research organizations to no avail. Had forgotten about you guys until I was watching Weird Travels on The Travel Channel last night. Your people were doing research in The Big Thicket near here and I chastized myself for not reporting this incident to you guys in the first place. Your group seems to be quite serious, well organized and legit. | Milam | 31.430384205658935000000,-93.858647346496580000000 |
01080012 | 2007 | 2 | TX | Montgomery | Experienced hunter has morning encounter while at hunting lease. | We have alot of land leased on the San Jacinto river bottom. My wife, son and I spend alot of time there. There are some other people on the lease with us and they spend alot of time on it also. I have not told the other people on the lease about what I saw. I was fishing at the time and I had my 2 dogs with me that are old hog dogs. The dogs are now retired from hunting. We were on the lease by ourselves at the time. It was a Friday morning. It was cool morning, very quiet. I was walking around a lake of about 30 acres and fishing from the bank. The 2 old dogs from camp came with me. These dogs have hunted alot in these and nearby woods. I went to camp and no one was there, so I went up to a lake coming in on the main road and started to fish the banks. The dogs started to not howl but moan and they went back towards the camp. At first I thought nothing of it, but as they got down the road they were very loudly yapping. I thought it must be coyotes coming around, and I had a Bushmaster AR rifle on my shoulder, so I put down my pole and walked into some brush close by. I had the rifle with me and I was not scared, but I was very caught off guard. I just put a round in the chamber and started to watch and I saw a very large dark upright thing come out of the swamp area across the road. I could have shot it, but I did not know what it was. It must have been 400 or 500 lbs, and close to 7 feet tall. It was a very large upright animal, but it moved unlike anything that I have seen in the woods before, and I spend alot of time in the woods. It had dark brown to dark red hair. Long hair, 2 to 3 inches long, shaggy and matted somewhat. It looked like it had no neck with a very large upper body and long arms, but it looked like it was as scared of me as I was of it. No smell. It had eyes that looked like a hog or bear eyes, but it looked at me like no other animal ever has. As soon as I moved to get a better look and sight on it, it just jumped back into the woods and was gone. There was nothing but muddy water where it went back into the woods. I looked for tracks and there was none. I started into the area where it went, but I felt something that I never felt in the woods before, a very bad feeling, like I was not to be there. I went back to the road and went to camp. No one was at camp so I went home. On the way out there was a large tree branch across the road where I saw the animal. I just want to know what it was I saw. | Porter | 30.139003627540852000000,-95.363860130310060000000 |
01080013 | 2007 | 3c | TX | Walker | Several men cutting wood come upon tracks and possible shelter. | On the above stated date and time, I was working in an area to cut firewood. After deciding the layout of our work, I decided to walk north for further inspection and came across something that seemed very out of the ordinary, a large track that appeared to be barefoot. It was followed by several more and then a half track consisting of just a heel. I had no way to measure distance between steps (best guess 5 feet). I followed the tracks in reverse into the woods and found a tree broken in half about 2 inches from its base along with several other small trees bent towards each other. At first I didn?t realize what I was looking at. But it made a type of small hut with a distinct entry way. It was very cold that day, we all had heavy coats, the ground was wet and muddy. | Huntsville | 30.605080510825110000000,-95.540843009948730000000 |
02080034 | 2006 | 1d | OK | Atoka | Two children have encounter while playing on creek not far from home. | Large, reddish-brown creature seen, possibly two. I was playing with my brother on the creek when we heard the brush moving. I looked up and it was just standing there. I yelled to my brother, "What is that?" When he looked it was gone. He didn't believe me when I said there was something tall, hairy and reddish-brown standing there looking at us until a couple minutes later the brush was moving again. We got really scared and decided to leave. As we were leaving on our 4-wheelers it ran right in front of us as we went home. It was tall maybe 7 to 8 feet tall reddish-brown hair, lots of hair, long legs and arms. I don't know what its face looked like. Three days later a neighbor saw it on our property across the road from her house about 30 yards from her porch it scared her so bad she had to go to the hospital. | Caney | 34.266296360583546000000,-96.230878829956050000000 |
01080009 | 2006 | 1b | TX | San Jacinto | NAWAC Investigators hear a number of close knocks and discover fresh tracks the next day. | Two tracks, measuring just over 12 inches in length, and right at 5 inches in width were discovered in the Big Creek Scenic Area, of the Sam Houston National Forest, by NAWAC Investigators Daryl Colyer, Mike Mayes, Ken Helmer and Tod Pinkerton on the afternoon of 9 December 2006. The previous night (8 December) at approximately 11:30 p.m., the investigators had heard several sounds like extremely loud knocks on trees. Also noteworthy: investigators Mayes and Colyer were overwhelmed with a very obnoxious odor smelling very much like an animal that had been immersed in garbage. The knocks seemed to be in response to Helmer broadcasting playbacks of gibbon and gorilla vocalizations. | Shepherd | 30.511307291325437000000,-95.093171596527100000000 |
01070001 | 2006 | 3b | TX | Montgomery | Hunter hears strange vocalizations, finds tracks, and attempts to report incident to US Forest Service. | I am an outfitter from Central Texas. I am very familiar with known wildlife in all of Texas. What I heard and found while hunting deer in the Sam Houston National Forest was something I am NOT familiar with. I found two large tracks with a 5' step interval. They were clearly tracks - there is no mistaking that. There were only two in some sand because the rest of the area was covered with leaves etc. The tracks were about 16" long. I know because my boot is 13 inches long and the tracks were about 3 inches longer than my boots. I weigh over 300 pounds and the tracks were deeper than any of my boot prints. The toes and heels were real clear. The big toes on the tracks had a gap between them and the other four toes. The heel on the tracks was narrower than the front part of the tracks. At about 5am that morning, while in my ground blind, I started hearing a strange howl off and on until about 6am. Every time I heard it, it sounded like it had moved a little from the last spot. I wondered about it, but I didn't think too much about it until I found the weird tracks. I just don't know what else it could be. I called the Forest Service, but the man who answered the phone did not seem to take me too serious. He said they get reports about things like that, but he pretty much blew me off. That's why I didn't want to call them in the first place. I can see why people don't want to talk about it if they've seen something like what I saw and heard. People (Forest Service) that should take it serious just blow it off. | Richards | 30.490101071309310000000,-95.782585144042970000000 |
01060016 | 2006 | 3a | TX | Harris | Morning encounter in Addicks Reservoir woodlands by endurance bicyclist. | While riding on the paved trail at Addicks Reservoir Hike Bike Trail, I noticed on one of the pipeline cuts a large apelike creature. I always look for deer and usually see them but on this day there were no deer in the area. The next day I returned to see if I possibly had mistaken an object but there was nothing. The creature was taller than a man and was broader through the shoulders. | Addicks | 29.812469671271200000000,-95.658441781997680000000 |
01080087 | 2006 | 3a | TX | Hardin | Near Big Thicket National Preserve, motorist has road encounter. | I was near Saratoga, Texas. We were going down the road and it crossed in front of us. We were near Ghost Road. It was on two legs and tall, but it didn't have a lot of hair. It was red-brown and went into the woods after it crossed. | Saratoga | 30.329416290056460000000,-94.569368362426760000000 |
04080030 | 2006 | 3a | LA | Natchitoches Parish | Boy reports roadside encounter while traveling on I-49 near Natchitoches. | To whom it may concern. I might be crazy but I would like to report that my son and I were traveling North on I-49 approximately 10 to 15 miles south of Natchitoches, La. and my son swears that he saw a big hairy monkey like creature that resembled a man with a lot of hair matted all over his body. It was sitting on a rock just beside a small creek just at the edge of the woods. I was talking to a friend [on the cell phone] when he saw the creature and my son was afraid to interrupt my call. I did not see it but my son says he was positive of what he saw. I questioned him about the possibilities of it being a bear or some other animal and he says he is sure of what he saw. Take it for what it is worth but I cannot convince him otherwise. | Natchitoches | 31.557401018255060000000,-92.977209091186520000000 |
03080013 | 2006 | 3a | AR | Lafayette | Man reports dusk encounter while fishing not far from Red River. | I was fishing and around seven or eight o'clock. I heard some rustling then I heard a whining sound unlike anything I ever heard. It scared me so I left in a hurry and as I was leaving out of the area it was following me out of the area just to the side of me. | Lewisville | 33.310733267340240000000,-93.617248535156250000000 |
03131000 | 2006 | 3a | AR | Polk | Afternoon Sighting and Strange Occurrences | First off cannot remember specific day but it was late March or first week of April. Time would have been late afternoon. Our mail box is a 1/4 mile from the cabin and I would walk it daily. On this specific afternoon I got up to the front horse paddock and heard 3 loud metal on metal clanks. I had not yet purchased that 20 acres and was thinking that there was a trespasser or poacher and went back into the cabin to get a rifle and told my then 16 year old son to keep his ears open if I had any problems. I walked back up to the front horse paddock as movement caught my eye just on the other side of the fenced in area. I visibly witnessed a small (no taller than 4' to 4'1/2" foot tall lean, black, bipedal animal running from the right to the left towards the back valley. The distance I witnessed from was roughly 20 yards. The movement was "fast" the way it moved was unlike anything normal that I have ever witnessed. It ran with it's chest "bowed out", arms were trailing behind it's back, legs appeared to move without bending and the head "never bobbed" while it was within my line of sight. I ran back into the house and got my son and a camcorder and we walked the area behind the front horse paddock, not only trying to see it again to get it on film but to also try and figure out what it was clanking on. (Even though I did not witness what was making the metal on metal clank sounds, seeing this animal in the direct vicinity of the sounds led me to believe it had to be the animal doing the clanking.) Never found any sign of it or whatever it may have been hitting. Son wanted to walk the road and I agreed that we would walk up to the mailbox just as the camcorder started dinging that the battery was dying and laid it down on the side of the road and we continued walking. The walk up to the mail box was uneventful but on the way back almost to the entrance to the property we stopped as we heard something "whizzing" through the trees and ended with a thunk, thunk sound. My son looked at me and said "that was a rock" and I agreed. We agreed to both walk up the road again and several more rocks were chucked, one smaller one whizzed past us and landed in the road (I still have it in my gear bag). We owned 2 wolves and as we just got past the hill the wolves started sounding off, my son thought that it had doubled back to the cabin area and he wanted to go back and check. I agreed and was able to watch him walk back up the hill towards the cabin when he stopped and was staring into the woods, looked back at me and started pointing into the woods. I started walking towards him looking into the woods towards where he was pointing and caught the rear back side of a black animal leaping behind a big oak. Never taking my eyes off that tree I stood next to my son as he explained how it seemed to play peek a boo, looked out from one side of the tree at him and then the other. I decided to walk into the woods to that tree expecting to find it or seeing it run but there was nothing there behind that tree. There is no explanation on why neither one of us never saw or heard it leave that area. It was starting to get dark and we decided it was best to get back to the cabin and retrieve the camcorder. As we got up into the yard near the cabin rocks started falling into the yard and were hitting the top of the van parked alongside the front of the cabin. As I was putting the cam on the charger my son took 2 rifles and set one at the front door and the other next to the couch, though nothing else happened that night. There were also 2 rocks discovered by a friend on the roof of my second story cabin a few days later. | Mena | 34.598525213325686000000,-94.380025863647460000000 |
03080018 | 2006 | 3a | AR | Poinsett | Man on riding lawn mower observes upright hairy figure. | I was riding my lawnmower to the cemetery to clean up my mother?s grave. I have a trail that I ride to avoid the road. I guess it was 7:40 p.m. or so when I saw something cross the field in front of me. I had my 9 year old golden retriever with me in the trailer that I tow behind the lawn mower. When she saw something walking across the path adjacent to the field, she started barking for a moment then she started whimpering like she was scared. When I saw the animal, I really didn't know what to think. I had seen TV shows on bigfoot before but they were all in other places. When I saw it cross the road, it looked like a really tall man with hair entangled in briars and leaves. When we got to where it crossed the trail, I stopped and turned the lawn mower off to see if I could hear anything. I listened but I couldn't hear anything but my dog whining in the trailer. The hair stood up on the back of my neck and I got scared and started the lawn mower and left. I have never seen anything like that before in my life. It was an eerie feeling to be so close to home and see something that I've been taught there's no such thing as. Well me and my dog are firm believers now. There is something definitely out in the woods and I'll never think about going into them again unprotected. It really touches on the reality that we are not the only ones out in the wild... | Harrisburg | 35.563512051219696000000,-90.666389465332030000000 |
01080005 | 2006 | 3a | TX | Panola | Bowfishermen have early afternoon encounter while on Sabine River. | A friend and I were bowfishing on the Sabine River. We had been drifting down stream all morning looking for fish to shoot with our new bowfishing bows/gear. We would use the trolling motor to guide use and the current to pull. Sometime around lunch(12pm) we heard some noise in the tree line on the north side of the river bank, we didn't think much of it, there are deer and wild hogs all over this area. A few hours later we came around a bend of the river and I looked up on the bank and saw something moving. I never said anything to my friend because I was unsure of what I had seen. As we drifted on down I saw a large dark figure walking threw the tree line and I turned to find my friend looking at it as well. We never said a word we just watched. As we continued to watch this large creature move slowly through the trees I got a better view. I was looking at the back of this creature and it was large. My friend and I are both 6'3" and 230-250 lbs, we are pretty good size ourselves. This creature was at least 7' tall and a good 350 lbs. It had very dark brown hair on it's body maybe 2-3" long. Its head had longer hair and it was almost black from what I could see. It wasn't moving very fast and looked to be having a hard time walking. We watched for what was about 2-3 minutes until it was out of sight. We quietly started back upstream. We didn't want to piss it off, the bank on the river was only about 4' - 5' tall and we were within 100 yards. We talked about it after we got the boat loaded and started back for home in the truck. We both had agreed that we seen the same thing and couldn't believe it. | Carthage | 32.277354685501840000000,-94.318764209747310000000 |
01060010 | 2006 | 2 | TX | Liberty | Man and children have dusk encounter while riding four-wheeler. | While riding my four wheeler I had stopped to survey the surrounding area and saw a black furry animal sitting on a stump. When I looked again it was standing upright and then disappeared. | Dayton | 30.224661727032420000000,-94.996547698974610000000 |
01060005 | 2006 | 1d | TX | Navarro | Husband and wife report close road encounter near Navarro Mills Lake. | I was driving, watching the road and my husband was in the passenger seat doing the same. We were heading home only about 1/4-1/2 mile away. It ran in front of us across the road so fast that it appeared to be escaping from something. When it darted in front of us, it was so close that I had to hit my breaks to avoid hitting it. It appeared to be at least 7 feet tall. I drive a '97 Dodge minivan. It was obvious that the creature was taller than the van and totally covered from head to toe with brown hair. When it came across the road, it easily took two strides to get across. Starting from the edge of the road on the driver's side, one stride to the center stripe, from the center stripe to the passenger's edge of the road, one stride and from the passenger's edge it took another stride across a fairly wide ditch and jumped over a fence through a shallow group of trees into an open field. | Brushie Prairie Community | 31.974699274763516000000,-96.742215156555170000000 |
01060002 | 2006 | 3a | TX | Kimble | Truck driver has unexpected, early morning encounter on US Highway 83 near the Llano River. | Driving (18 wheeler), noticed tall creature approximately 8 ft standing right behind guardrail on side of road. Covered completely in darkish reddish/auburn hair. Approximately 300 yards ahead of sighting was an extremely large javelina. | Junction | 30.724184701448920000000,-99.771008491516110000000 |
02080026 | 2006 | 3a | OK | Murray | Campers have late night visitor. | After returning from a Midnight hike, we pulled the truck into our camp area. As my wife and a friend of our son (15 years old) exited the truck on the driver's side (closest to the foot of the mountain we were camping at), something ran from our campsite and darted into the trees at the foot of the mountain. My son's friend told my wife that it was probably the kids that had TP'd ["toilet papered"] us the night before when we were out on our midnight hike. However, they had left earlier that day. My wife and the boy then moved towards the mountain and heard something VERY large run (bipedal) and scale the mountain and run away from them. My wife immediately yelled my name (I had already exited the bed of the truck and started towards the camp). When I ran to the foot of the mountain and attempted to go up it (the boy had also started to climb) it was almost impossible. It was almost straight up, and the only way we could scale the mountain was by slowly pulling ourselves up by the limbs from the trees. My wife and the boy stated that whatever they saw was extremely fast and scaled the mountainside like it was nothing. When I suggested to my wife that it could have possibly been a bobcat or coon, she stated no way. The figure was too big and it sounded like only two feet. (Man running) | Davis | 34.487315908229870000000,-97.190551757812500000000 |
01090005 | 2005 | 3c | TX | Wood | Hunter finds track way in feeder creek of Sabine River. | In 2005, near Mineola, off loop 564. Upon entering woods, traced repetitive tracks down a creek, saw footprints and handprints. Upon seeing this, got a tape measure & measured them, the stride being 5'2-5'6 average. I also took pictures. The footprints were 15 1/2-16" long and one appeared 11" wide. I followed the tracks approx 1/2 mile until they went into a three-acre wetland, then they disappeared into the water. | Mineola | 32.648119899322320000000,-95.464239120483400000000 |
01050039 | 2005 | 3a | TX | Callahan | Motorist reports late afternoon sighting in West Texas. | I was driving to San Angelo and had just come out of Cisco going towards Cross Plains on 206 when I looked to my right to idly glance at the "millionth" field of cows I'd passed that day. As I approached the field, the cows were all towards the back away from the highway maybe 250 yards (I'm a poor judge of distance), but I noticed something with the cows that wasn't a cow. It was black, like a few of the cows were, but standing upright on two legs a bit crouched over one of the cows that was lying down. It looked a bit anthropomorphic, like a casual conversation between people. I drove past it thinking I'd just seen something odd, but not really sure of it, so I backed up on the shoulder to get a better look. When I did that, as I slowed to a stop, it seemed to look up at me. It stood up straight and walked towards the trees at the back of the field. It took a slow, loping gait as if to say, "I'm not scared of you, but I'm leaving anyway." When it had stood up completely and was traipsing to the trees, I noticed the back of one of the standing cows it passed came to about the waist of the creature, maybe a little lower. No one else seemed to be in the vicinity. I couldn't see what was behind the trees in the field, and no one passed me on the highway either when I was stopped or backing up. I didn't bother to get out and go look where it was standing because they weren't my cows or my field. As stated previously, there were cows. Anywhere from 20-40. I didn't try to count them. About half were standing, half were lying down. They [the cows] didn't seem to be afraid of it. They were minding their own business grazing, lying in the sun, and doing normal cow kinds of things with the exception of the black cow lying down at the feet of the creature. It was just staring up at the creature looming over it, neither one of them really moving. | 32.321374343736274000000,-99.010591506958010000000 | |
01060008 | 2005 | 3a | TX | Lamar | Unsuspecting motorist from Kansas has late night encounter west of Paris on Highway 82. | My friend from Kansas was coming to visit me for the weekend. She called me on the phone and she said "Oh my God there is a giant gorilla on the side of the road!" I laughed and said "I think you may be a bit delirious, you're seeing things." I told her that it was probably black garbage bags piled up so she turned around to see what it was and when she got back to the site there was nothing there. I asked if she went far enough back and she said she did. Now I have known her for about 6 years and in all that time I have never known her to see things that weren't there or make things up so I have to question what it was that she saw. I know she had to have seen something but what it was I am not sure. The only reason I got to thinking it might be a bigfoot is cause the other night I was watching a show called "Bigfootville" on the Travel Channel and I thought that what she saw that night very well could have been a bigfoot. Well anyway thank you for your time. | Paris | 33.657209698729595000000,-95.631008148193360000000 |
01060006 | 2005 | 3a | TX | Marion | Hunter has visual encounters on private property in Caddo Lake area. | First, my cousin was talking on the phone at about 9:30 - 10:00 at night (his mobile home is way out in the woods with no neighbors), and he heard a loud and very unusual noise which sounded like a scream. He has been in the woods all of his life and has never heard anything like it before or since. It startled him enough that he had me get him a large German Shepard to keep around his house. Second, I went to his house every weekend during deer season to hunt. We had put some feed out for the deer a couple of weeks before season started, and I positioned my stand approximately 100 yds. from the feed. The first weekend of deer season I was walking to my deer stand at approx. 5:30 - 5:45 am, it was cool and a slight haze of moisture in the air like a light fog. Not light yet, but just starting to get to where I could see a little. I was walking at a pretty fast pace thru the woods on a trail that leads to my stand. I was watching the ground as I walked because the terrain is pretty rough. All of the sudden I got a really weird feeling and froze in my steps. At the same time I stopped, I looked ahead of me approximately 10 yds. and there stood something that to this day gives me chills just to think about it. I thought it was a person because the very first thing I saw when I looked up was eyes. It stood off the edge of the trail and seemed to be leaning out slightly from behind the edge off some trees and brush. All I saw was its head and maybe a shoulder and arm. But, the thing that stands out the most was that it was much taller and larger than I am. I stand 6 ft. tall and weigh 190lbs. Its head was huge. It was positioned like it was watching me come up the trail. At the exact moment I looked up our eyes met, and there was no doubt whatsoever that we made direct eye contact and then it was gone. For a split second I thought, "what the heck is that, did I really see that?" And for something that seemed to be so big, it made very little noise leaving. I did hear rustling of brush and leaves as it left, but not much. I drew my weapon up in the ready position and then backed out of there as quickly as possible without running, because it was still not light enough yet and I was afraid that whatever it was, was circling me, so I kept turning this way and that way watching all sides as well as I could. I never heard another sound except the pounding in my chest. I actually didn't think I would make it back to safety for the first couple of minutes. You've heard the saying, "fear nothing, but fear itself," - well that's a load of crap. In that same situation I believe that any person would feel like I did. It was intense to say the least. | 32.792487698289186000000,-94.049577713012700000000 | |
01050026 | 2005 | 3c | TX | Freestone | Husband and wife hear strange, loud vocalizations outside home. | Wife and I had just laid down for bed and watching the news when we heard what we thought was the neighbors right outside our bedroom window. Closer than normal and very loud. A few minutes later we hear it again but neither of us knew exactly what it was other than close. Getting dressed to go outside and check we hear it a third time. I took the spotlight out and the outside dogs nearly knock me down trying to get in the house. It is eerily quiet and very hot and humid. I shine the light around to see the neighbors cows all huddled at his barn, some 1300 feet away but no dust hung in the air and they were making no sounds or movement. I looked around for the bull or any sign that he had been down by the house and could find none. There was no dust in the air to suggest they had just run to the barn in those few minutes it took me to get outside so I concluded he had never been by the house. My cows were also huddled far away from the house and not moving. I didn't linger long outside but the next day revealed no clues either since everything seemed back to normal. This is twice we have heard this sound by the house and the animals react this way in the 10 years we have lived here. Before moving up here I heard the same noise filling a deer feeder late one weekend that made the hair on my neck stand on end. All the neighbors and us have talked about the panther that roams this area supposedly, attributed the noises heard the first time to that but this one was definitely different. This is the third occurrence since we moved here in 1995. Cant recall the exact dates of the first 2 other than the circumstances and reactions of the pets and animals were exactly the same. | Oakwood | 31.634017853519836000000,-95.832731723785400000000 |
02080021 | 2005 | 3a | OK | Lincoln | Late night encounter on rural bridge. | I had just got off work approximately 60 miles away and had been driving home. I saw something (I'm not saying it was a bigfoot) large bending over (its back facing me). It looked like it was picking something up off the highway that runs over the bridge. It was pretty different than I had imagined they looked like, though. It was really tall, even bending over the way it was. It had long, straight brown hair, though, like a dog or something. I always pictured them to have black hair, but this was brown. There were things hanging in the hair, little sticks and undergrowth looking stuff, and it was really dirty. The only other thing I really remember is the smell as I drove by, it was awful! I was driving my convertible with the top down, and the smell of what ever that was-well, I can't even describe how bad it was. That's really all I saw, etc. I was driving about 60 mph and after I saw whatever that was, I sort of got the creeps and sped home and ran in to tell my husband what happened. I didn't even put the top back up on the convertible. The bridge that I saw whatever that was on is only about a quarter of a mile from my house. So, needless to say, I'm not real happy about coming home from work after dark anymore. Also, I know this sounds weird, but about a week and 1/2 before the sighting, we kept hearing the strangest scream (that's the best way to describe the noise,) and it was not one of our calves or any of our livestock, and after about 2 days of hearing this noise, it finally stopped. The next day, we found a little baby goat with the umbilical cord still attached and dragging the ground all alone-no mother goat to be found anywhere. We found him all alone in the wooded area back behind our house. When we found him, he was terrified, he didn't make a noise or anything-it took us hours to catch him. He finally bleats (cries) now, and it sounds nothing like the noise we heard before we found him. We have also lost 4 baby kittens in the last month, they seem to have just disappeared. We do live way out in the country, though, It's possible that anything could have carried them off or had them for dinner, but I feel like it's worth mentioning. | 35.666292072207540000000,-96.679944992065430000000 | |
02080025 | 2005 | 3c | OK | Murray | Hikers have strange encounter in the Arbuckle Mountains. | A friend and I were hiking near the Turner Falls area of Oklahoma on July 10th. We ventured off a bit into the "mountains" there to get away from all the tourists swimming in the pool. As we began climbing the mountain, we began to notice a foul smell. It smelled like old, crusty, dried up urine, mixed with rotting wood, and musk. It's kind of hard to explain, but the odor was bad enough that we made several comments as we climbed as to how it was making us gag. However, the smell would come and go. It was not constant, and we found that a bit peculiar. However, we really didn't think anything of it, because although we were in a pretty remote part of the park, we thought it was probably just from the campers or other hikers. At one point near the top, we stopped to rest and test our blood sugars (we are both diabetics), and the smell blew in again. We started to look around to see what could be causing it, I spotted a tree (a type of pine) that at about 6 1/2 feet up had been twisted completely around and snapped down. I immediately pointed it out to my friend (who also is quite the bigfoot enthusiast), and we began discussing that because of the thickness of the tree, the height at which it was twisted, and our remote location, we didn't believe that had been done by some hiker. For one, I don't know anybody strong enough to do that. Also, we noted it wasn't wind that did it, because it looked somewhat fresh and the trees surrounding it were fine, as were their branches, and there was no wind that day. As we began to look around we spotted several more branches, both thick and thin, that looked the same. Twisted and snapped down. Hikers could have done some of them, I suppose, but the majority of them were on branches or trees too thick for something without very large hands and POWERFUL strength to break. Interestingly enough, the first break I noticed looked almost IDENTICAL to the picture of a tree twist on your website, under the "habitat" section. My friend then looked to our left, down a bit from us, and said, "Look at that!" There we saw several large branches that bad been twisted, and pulled down (though still connected to the trees) and laid, almost on top of each other, with mud and smaller sticks caked into it. This looked VERY similar to the "nest" pictures you have on your website. In fact, when we returned later that night to her house in McKinney, I got on the internet, pulled up the pictures of the tree twists and nests on your website and showed them to her. Her response was "That's it!! That's what we saw!!" After seeing all this, we began to feel a little out of place. We got really quiet and a little scared. At that point that smell blew in again and suddenly it hit me. Could it be Bigfoot?? The thought had honestly never crossed my mind before we saw the tree breaks. So, tired, and pretty freaked out, we left the mountain and began to hike back down to where there were people. I did however; take pictures of the tree breaks and the nest. Unfortunately, leaving my camera in the car for a couple of days, in the intense heat, the film got warped and many of the pictures did not come out. However, a picture of the FIRST tree break which caught my eye did turn out okay. Not hearing any noises or seeing anything, and understanding that while we were off the "beaten path", we were still in an area that has heavy foot traffic, I have not ruled out the possibility that the culprits were campers. At all. However, due the remarkable similarities in what we saw and what is on your website, the fact that we were in a heavily forested area with low human population, in an area surrounded by water, semi-mountainous, the smell which smelled almost exactly like every description I've heard of them smelling, and hearing that bigfoot has kind of an infatuation with campers...especially their food! I cannot rule out the possibility that we may have stumbled into the habitat of a sasquatch! I am not crazy, nor is this a joke. I am also NEVER quick to jump to conclusions about tree breaks, but this one truly got my attention. I'm wondering if anybody at the NAWAC has heard any tales of Bigfoot near Davis Oklahoma in the Arbuckle Mountains? I would very much appreciate a response. I realize you are busy, but I'd love to hear an expert's take. I love your website, appreciate what you do so much and wish I could be a part of it. Keep up the good work. No doubt our dream of y'all finding a bigfoot will come true soon. | Davis | 34.486537697732740000000,-97.183084487915040000000 |
01050034 | 2005 | 1d | TX | Walker | Road encounter by two men (now in the NAWAC) in Sam Houston National Forest. | A friend and I have been attempting to do some field work on our own for several months now. We set up camp at a campsite on the evening of Friday 5/13. We got a bite to eat and rested until 2:00am. At that time we got up and began to drive the forest roads hoping for a sighting. We were driving a forest road when we saw something on the left side of the road about 30-40 yards in front of us. It seemed to be "man size" and stood upright. My feeling was it was about to cross the road when we came over a small hill. As we slowed to a stop it turned toward us then took two quick steps back into the woods. It was dark in color and was most definitely upright on two legs. We had a nightvision monocular with us and scanned the area where it went back into the woods but didn't pick anything up. We did not get out of the car at that time to look for prints. We did continue to drive the area until about 4:30 am but saw nothing else. We returned to the area shortly after daybreak but found no prints or other evidence. | New Waverly | 30.575858856554024000000,-95.719757080078120000000 |
01050025 | 2005 | 3b | TX | San Jacinto | Vocalizations, wood knocks and strange chatter heard in the Sam Houston National Forest. | [First incident:] It was approximately midnight in late April 2005 when me and three other friends were hiking in the Sam Houston National Forest. The weather was clear and the temperature was approximately eighty degrees. We had stopped to take a break and two of the three friends that were with me had gone up ahead of me and another guy. When me and my buddy were resting and talking about where we were going to go next we heard a long drawn out howl just like the Ohio howl on this website. I interrupted my friend and told him to listen. Approximately thirty seconds later we heard it again, identical to the Ohio howl. The howl lasted for about seven to eight seconds both times. The howls came from approximately five to seven hundred yards away through the woods. I have heard every variation of howl of every known animal in these woods and this sounded like no normal animal. My buddy and I caught up with the other two that were in the group and asked them if they heard anything strange, to which they replied, "No". [Second incident:] This incident occurred in the Sam Houston National Forest in late May 2005 at approximately midnight. A friend and I decided to go on an expedition of our own down near the east fork of San Jacinto River right off of FM 2025. We were approximately three to four miles off of the roadway down on the river in the thick of the woods. We set up and then waited to let the noise from us getting prepared die down. After about thirty minutes of silence I did the best impersonation of the Ohio howl that I could in a series of three, but got no response. We waited for a while longer and then I did it again in a series of three howls. And to our surprise, something hollered back at us that was within two hundred yards. It wasn't the same as the Ohio howl but it was a long loud deep growl, unlike a hog snorting, and it did this approximately three to four times. After it did that there was a long series of chattering noises that came from two different animals in front and behind us, but we never could see it. This went on for about one minute. My friend that was with me got instantly freaked out and jumped on his four wheeler saying, "come on, let's go, its right there!" I was able to convince him to wait and listen. We waited for approximately twenty minutes until we heard nothing but insects again. I told my friend to keep watch that I was going to try something that Daryl Colyer had told me about. So I picked up a stick about the size of a man's forearm and I hit it on a nearby tree about six times in a row then stopped. I did this three times in about a twenty minute span. After the third time, from the other side of the river we could clearly hear something that sounded just like what I was doing, banging a limb on the side of a tree and it sounded like it had some force behind it. Whatever it was, it did this about one to two minutes and quit. We waited a while and I hit the tree again as well as did imitations of the Ohio howl but never got another response. We waited a while but never heard anything but coyotes again after that. I guess it is possible for woodpeckers to be up between midnight and 2 am, however highly unlikely. I had never heard anything like the chattering we heard that night that made our hair stand up. The low deep grunt/growls were not hogs and did not sound anything like hogs. However, we never actually seen them. | Shepherd | 30.458736237439833000000,-95.105209350585940000000 |
01050014 | 2005 | 3b | TX | Polk | While biking to work, man hears loud animal shadowing him in woods along Highway 190. | My husband was on his way to work, on his bicycle and there is a long hill he has to ride after bear creek. He heard something with heavy steps coming from the left side of the road, my husband stopped and used his flashlight into that area, when he did that whatever it was started moving back into the woods and he could hear branches breaking. My husband said, he rode his bike so fast. Whatever it was scared him. It happened around 5:30 a.m. | Livingston | 30.720144986108874000000,-94.695796966552730000000 |
01050013 | 2005 | 3a | TX | Polk | Teen has sighting through bedroom window. | This is what happened as told to me by my sister-in-law who lives with my wife and family. On this night she had my baby daughter in the room with her on the bed and she was getting up to close the blinds to the window that she said, "she could see the stars up in the sky that she had noticed earlier that night", as she got up off the bed, she turned to make sure her niece wasn't going to fall from being close to the edge, when she turned back towards the window she noticed something looking in from the outside, it scared her so much that she grabbed her niece and ran out of the room to tell her mother who was in one of the other rooms of the house. Her mother then called my place of work to have me come back to house to take a look around, as I first arrived, I noticed that there was some kind of bad odor in the area but as i keep looking around along with my coworker, who gave me ride back to my house, and my mother-in-law, on the east side of the house where there is no lights, we all heard something stepping on twigs or branches laying on the ground for the snapping and breaking noise that it makes, as I attempted to walk towards the noise, whatever was there seemed to move farther back into the woods out of reach of my flashlight, after looking around we went to ask my sister-in-law if she could say who or what she had seen in the window, all she could say was that it was "big, black, hairy" and something about its eyes, she is really talkative all of the time but after that happened she looked liked she was in shock her face was pale and her eyes seemed to liked she was lost. Right after this happened she told her mother who was in the hallway from her room, who then called for me to be enroute back to the house, for I had just started my shift at work and in about four to six minutes, my coworker and myself arrived at the house to find my mother-in-law on the front porch waiting for us, as we got out of the vehicle to take a look around towards the back of the house, all three of us heard some noise in the woods on the east side of the house just out of reach of our flashlights, the noise we heard sounded as if whatever was there was moving away farther into the woods, it was like someone stepping on branches and you could hear the popping or snapping noise it makes. | Livingston | 30.717949818670810000000,-94.707705974578860000000 |
01050021 | 2005 | 3a | TX | Polk | Single car accident in Big Thicket National Preserve. | In March 2005 at approximately 04:30, as reported by an individual called to the scene as part of the emergency response team, an individual was involved in a single-car accident on a highway through the Big Thicket National Preserve, Big Sandy Creek Unit. Upon arriving to the scene, the response team found the individual still in the car; the car apparently rolled and ended up in the woods off the highway. The individual reportedly gained consciousness when the team arrived and then began to tell them what happened. The individual remembered seeing a dark upright figure with long hair standing in the middle of the road. The height of the figure could have been anywhere between five feet and eight feet, and certainly bigger than a child. The individual remembered that the figure was facing the car and was standing erect. The individual honked the horn but the figure did not budge. The individual swerved to miss the figure and came as close as twenty feet before veering off the highway and rolling the car. That is the last thing the individual remembered before crashing. | Dallardsville | 30.670621670626710000000,-94.688072204589840000000 |
01060017 | 2005 | 3a | TX | San Jacinto | Woman reports daytime visual encounter on Highway 59 near Shepherd. | I was riding in the car, not driving, just about 100 yards north of Red Road on the west side of Hwy 59. I was looking out the window, just daydreaming I guess. I then saw it move. If it had not moved I would never have seen it. We were driving south about 55mph and it was right there in front of me as I was looking at the side of the road and the ditch at the water level. It turned sideways away from me and jumped over something. I saw its arm swing out wide and its leg swing out and it jumped. I only saw the profile and the jump. It was tall, a reddish-brown color and with medium hair coverage. I noticed that it was very muscular and graceful when it moved. I know that if it had not moved I would never have seen it. | Shepherd | 30.424992973925597000000,-95.042037963867190000000 |
01050004 | 2005 | 1b | TX | Walker | NAWAC investigator and journalist have encounter in Sam Houston National Forest. | Mike Hall and I had just wrapped up night operations with NAWAC on that Saturday night, we hiked out of our area and met with Daryl Colyer, Alton Higgins and other members of the group at the forest service road where we had parked Mike's Jeep. We loaded our gear in the back and headed back to base camp as the others left to go back into the woods to do some further research. Interested in getting back to base camp and getting warm, and much needed sleep, I was concentrating on watching for animals in the roadway, as I didn't want us to hit something and be stuck out there in the cold. Mike was driving and there was no conversation until we topped a hill in the road, and I saw something moving in the same direction that we were in the middle of the road. I pointed and asked "what is that?". Mike slowed and asked "what is what?" and I answered "that thing in the road just beyond the headlights." Mike looked and said "holy s---!" and I said "whatever it is don't hit it." What we saw was a large dark upright moving creature walk in the middle of the road. As we neared, it moved to the side of the road in a smooth motion then stepped off into the ditch and into the woods to the right side of the road. Then Mike realizing what we were witnessing, stopped the jeep and grabbed the gun and flashlight and jumped out to look for tracks. I stayed in the jeep not believing what I was seeing with it running. As mike scanned the woods following sounds he was hearing, he motioned for me to cut the engine and waved for me to get out an join him. I did both reluctantly. As I got near Mike he asked for me to look where he was shining his flashlight and to tell him what I saw, to my utter disbelief I saw a large shape of head and shoulders move quickly between two trees and disappear. I must have blinked because it was there one second and gone the next. We scanned the woods and the road for any signs but couldn't see anything, we also listened for movement but it was dead quiet. We then moved back into the jeep and just sat there, amazed at what we had just witnessed. There was no odor and no sound, other that what Mike had heard before I got out of the jeep. In reflection on the event I did have the feeling that we were being watched. Mike was so excited over this he could hardly think, so I grabbed a pad and pen and said to him, "Here let's write down what we saw." He was so shaken that he couldn't even write, so I took over and had him dictate what he saw and added what I saw. Not having any way to communicate with the others in the woods, we didn't know what to do. Not thinking clearly because of the excitement and lack of sleep we drove back to base camp, where we were headed in the 1st place. Upon reaching camp, I just couldn't face another cold night on the ground and begged Mike to take me into town to a nice warm hotel. The next day we returned and reported the incident to Daryl Colyer and the rest of the group. | New Waverly | 30.587533797990760000000,-95.740699768066400000000 |
02080005 | 2005 | 3c | OK | Le Flore | Local family reports large tracks near Big Cedar. | I was reading some of your sighting reports of other people who have had an encounter with one of these creatures. I also have seen one back in 1986 in Bowie County, Texas while deer hunting with my Nephew late one November afternoon. Since that time I live in LeFlore County, Oklahoma.Last Spring while Turkey Hunting with my brother at Big Cedar,OK he had an encounter with one that was about 8'-9' tall this thing shook him up pretty bad. I got a call from a guy at Big Cedar Thursday Jan. 26th last week saying a Road Crew that was working on a bridge on highway 63 East of Big Cedar had found some large tracks of some kind of man or Something. My Nephew and I went there yesterday and seen the tracks they look real my nephew took some pictures, and I contacted Jerry Hestand and told him about this. The last two or three years there has been a number of sightings around this area. Myself being an avid hunter and outdoorsman I have desided to hunt for one of these creatures, not to shoot or kill one, but to prove they do exist. If I can be of any help please let me know. Alot of the people that are doing research on these things are good people, but some of them don't know the first thing about the outdoors or this creature. A few of us have started our on investigation due to it taking so long to get someone down here like when these tracks were found. | Big Cedar | 34.638575017424780000000,-94.612197875976560000000 |
21120101 | 2004 | 3a | TX | Parker | Horse Rider Has Extended Sighting of Large Primate Creature | My family and I were riding our horses on the neighbor’s property one summer day. The property is a few hundred acres wooded with oaks, wild plum, mesquite, briers, blackberry thickets and open grassy pastures. We usually saw anything from turkey, deer, wild hogs, coyotes, rabbits, squirrels. Most of our rides we would hear birds or run into any of the wild animals or the yearling cattle but it was eerie quiet I remember. We didn’t usually talk when riding so we could see the game and enjoy the sounds of nature. We were riding from one tree line to another when I saw movement in the top of the trees down the draw near the lake they had already gone into the tree line before I could say anything and I was a bit shocked and scared at what I saw. It was far enough away all I could make out was the shape and the red tinted long hair that was hanging from the arms. I thought it was an orangutan. I asked my family later if they saw it or if they had heard anything about someone missing an ape but they joked that I was seeing things and I questioned what I saw to because I couldn’t find anything about anyone in the area having lost and ape. But I still remember vividly the sun-shining behind this this with its arms holding onto a high branch and it squatting on a lower branch shaking them like it was bouncing and pulling on them and the light shining through its hair giving it a red hair glow. There were other times we rode out there and it was eerie quite and it felt like someone was watching but we never saw anything on those rides. | Poolville | 32.988953598004020000000,-97.885359897558590000000 |
01100057 | 2004 | 3a | TX | Liberty | Early-morning motorist reports encounter on State Highway 321 while on his way to work. | In the fall of 2004, I was driving to work on the early-opening shift at a state prison unit. I was south of FM 1008 heading south on State Highway 321 when I witnessed a large black animal on two legs bending over observing something on the side of the road, possibly road kill. It was at least six feet tall but it was hard to judge height due to the animal bending over. It was at least three times as large as a German shepherd. It's possible it could have been a large black bear, but I don?t think so. My family and I have hunted for decades and it was like nothing I have ever seen. I have had a co-worker that spotted something similar off FM 1960 and he described it in a similar manner. | Dayton | 30.210344964422895000000,-94.957768321037290000000 |
01040028 | 2004 | 3a | TX | Montgomery | Man encounters a large, upright, human-like form near the Sam Houston National Forest. | After storm, the power went out, so I got a flashlight, rubber boots and poncho on to walk the power line up to the main road. We had a lot of lightning during the storm, so I wanted to check the lines for damage. I walked the line up to the main road and found the place that lightning hit, so was walking back to house up drive. By the way, I live on 47 acres so the drive is long and winding to house. I came around the bend towards the house and looked up and noticed 2 white dots I thought they were lights from the power company, working on lines, but as I got closer, I noticed them blink. I got a little nervous, so I kept flashlight on them. At first I thought it was a deer, then realized they were way too high to be deer. As I got closer, I guessed they were about 6 to 8 ft. off the ground. They blinked again. The air had an iron, musky smell. When I shined the light again in the direction, I noticed a dark figure, big and bulky. Hard to tell because the flashlight wasn't very bright. It blinked again, I ran and fell in the mud. I got back up and shined the light and the eyes were gone. I could hear it moving through the tree line next to me. I couldn't run fast enough to the house. I ran in and locked the door. Everyone in the house had never seen the look I had on my face before. I was scared and I don't scare easily. We went back out in a bit and I got my Q-beam out and panned the tree line till I was beside the house and they hollered, "Stop, LOOK" and there were the eyes again beside the house in the woods. We couldn't see the whole thing because it was behind the trees, just eyes blinking in the bright light. Then it ran off, deeper in the woods and we heard a throaty howl. | Willis | 30.460067968741892000000,-95.433940887451170000000 |
01040030 | 2004 | 1d | TX | Rusk | Uncle and nephew report visual encounter with subjects in tree. | I climbed out of my deer stand at about 9:30 because we had to look for a deer my cousin had shot late the evening before that we could not find because of the thick brush and darkness. Well I cut thru the brush, down across the creek and got about 200-300 yards from my cousin's stand when I heard my Uncle yell something at me. I couldn't hear what he said so I yelled back for him to keep talking so I could get his direction. I got about 100 yards from him. I couldn't see him yet but I could hear him. He said there's a gorilla over here in the tree looking at me. I told him he was crazy. He said there really is, come and look. So when I got to him he said it again. I asked him was he drinking in his stand. He said no come around here and look. So we walked from down below my cousin's stand around to the side of it in the oat patch. I looked up in the tree he showed me with my binoculars and I saw something but I couldn't tell what it was because my binoculars are small and one side is kind of messed up. So I used my rifle scope. At between 100-150 yards away I had my cross hairs right on its chest. It had orange-brown hair all over its body except around its eyes and mouth area. It stood straight up in the fork of the tree with it arms down to its side. It didn't look like a gorilla. It was about 6 ft tall but it was hard to tell (for sure) at that distance. I told my Uncle let's walk over there and see what it does. So we got about 75 yards from it and I looked down and then back up and it was gone. We walked by the tree that it was in and the only tracks I found was where something landed real heavy on its heels and seemed to walk heavy on the heels. The smell was the worst that I ever smelled. We looked down through the woods to a line of oak trees and saw two figures in the trees about 300 yards out moving around. Oh I forgot to tell you my Uncle said that there was what seemed like a female on the branch over the male but when I got there it was gone. We watched them for about 20 minutes and then went back down to get the deer which I did find on the way up from the creek. We kept an eye out for whatever it was and the male did come back to the tree and then left as we where pulling the deer up to the road. My Uncle only noticed it because it stretched its arms out and he said they where very long. Everybody thinks we're crazy but I don't care. I know I saw something I've never seen in the zoo or in the woods before. Maybe next time I'll have pictures with my new spycam. | Minden | 32.007093395131456000000,-94.657559394836420000000 |
01050028 | 2004 | 1d | TX | Cherokee | Mother and son have encounter on remote road. | Last year at about 12:30 a.m. my son and I were on our way home from the hospital and as we were driving down the road to our house (FM 241) we suddenly saw a very large, hair covered mammal about 7 foot tall standing on the center stripe of the road. It all happened so fast. We slowed down in order not to hit it with our truck and as we did, it just stood there looking at us. It was not afraid. I did however get to see its eyes, they were very shiny and blue, like a humans eye could be. This thing scared us and we drove away fast. Driving off I looked back and saw it take a couple of steps across the other half of the road and disappeared into the woods. We have watched for it ever since and have not seen it again. We know it was not scared because when we drove by slowly it would not move. We were so close to it we could have touched it if our window had been down. | Alto | 31.739281265653480000000,-95.114371776580810000000 |
01050035 | 2004 | 2 | TX | Trinity | Lengthy encounter in Davy Crockett National Forest reported by hunter. | I was deer hunting that morning. I had gotten situated in my climbing tree stand overlooking the grassy area adjacent to the Mayhaw pond. I was near a slough off the Neches River. I had been on stand since around 5 that morning. Several hogs were in the shorter grass rooting, when the largest sow spooked and they all ran off toward the woods. I then saw a large man, I thought, walking slowly, looking around. I saw that it was covered with a brownish fur. It was male, obviously. I studied it through my binoculars, 12x50 Bushnells, at a distance of about 25 to 30 yards. He kept looking behind him, and pausing. I judged him to be approximately 8 1/2 to 9 feet tall. Extremely broad shouldered, thick muscular body. Smooth stride. Then another, smaller one followed. I assumed this one to be female, since "she" had pronounced breasts, and no indication of male genitals as the larger one had. She stood around 6 to 7 feet tall. The height was judged by the trees that they were standing next to. I could hear soft mutterings and whistlings coming from them as they would look at each other. They were turning over fallen limbs and eating something from under them. They also ate leaves off several of the trees around them. She had blondish, light brown hair, rather short in length, yet was strongly built. I watched them for about 30 minutes before they got out of sight. I waited about another half hour before climbing down. I went to check out the site, and found tracks and noticed an odor that was stronger than that of the hogs. It seemed more of a musky scent, not entirely unpleasant as the hog scent. I wear size 13eee, and the larger male had feet half again as big as my own. The female didn't seem to leave very pronounced tracks, although they were visible. I am 6'2" tall and his stride was almost double that of mine. I have not talked about this to anyone since that day, and simply wanted to share it with someone who may appreciate it. I have hunted those woods most of my life, fished the river, and camped. I have heard many strange sounds in those bottoms, but this is the first time I have ever seen anything like this. It was almost spiritual, in some way. They seemed to be gentle creatures, and very vocal with each other. I hope that they live happily and are not discovered by some of the boys who frequent the woods these days. They are as likely to try to kill one as to look at the sighting as a gift from nature, to be appreciated. | Apple Springs | 31.176091053020110000000,-94.857158660888670000000 |
01050010 | 2004 | 1b | TX | San Jacinto | Campers hear loud vocalizations in Sam Houston National Forest and NAWAC investigator finds tracks at the site. | It was the evening before Thanksgiving and as we have done for many years our extended family went camping near our parents' retirement home in Coldspring. There had been very bad weather the day before, bad enough that we considered not going; it was very cold, very wet, the power was out....the firewood was wet, yuck. This camping area is in the Sam Houston National Forest near Cleveland; it feels as though you are right in town because it's only a few minutes drive to the grocery store, but it's a very small store, and it takes a good half hour to get there on little country roads (sorry, I don't know their numbers). There is a small lake and a lot of marsh in the area. We set camp in the afternoon and then drove to pick up some family members at IAH at about 7 pm; we then cooked dinner, sat by the smoky fire for a bit and decided to retire to our tents since it was quite cool and we had a bit to do the next day. My daughter, my dog and myself waited up a bit in our tent for my husband to come in. After about 10 minutes of waiting and talking about how cold it was we turned off the tent light (yes, we have one of those battery powered clamp-on lights), the dog laid down on his dog bed and we were quiet. Within the next minute or less there were heavy footsteps quite near the tent, then a very quiet misstep in some loose gravel; there followed a quiet grunt/growl. I said, "oh, there he is finally," and my daughter said "uh huh." Well, nothing happened. No husband unzipping the tent, no dog looking up expectantly, nothing. About twenty minutes later my husband came in and we went to sleep. Some time later, minutes or hours I can't honestly tell, we were wakened by a very loud cry, exactly like the "whoops" on the Internet. Most of the folks in camp that night didn't hear anything as it only occurred once; something however woke up myself and the two other adult women in the camp and was followed by the "whoop"; as we were fairly far apart there was no talking between the tents. My daughter reports being wakened and hearing a "mechanical" sound the same night but did not hear the cry. | Coldspring | 30.551571584624813000000,-95.132761001586910000000 |
01090010 | 2004 | 3b | TX | Hardin | Hunter witnesses possible intimidation display near Turkey Creek Unit of Big Thicket National Preserve. | While deer hunting from house blind, I started hearing godawful sounds. Whoops, howling and growling. Where I am hunting it is extremely thick woods. This sound was coming from my left hand side and I could not see what was making the noise. There was something shaking the small pine trees. And there was a whistling noise. | Silsbee | 30.479302056810073000000,-94.319686889648440000000 |
01080011 | 2004 | 3a | TX | Hardin | Squirrel hunter reports morning encounter in Big Thicket National Preserve. | Me and my son had gone hunting that morning, he was hunting for wood ducks. I told him while he hunted, I would go back in the woods to hunt for deer. I walked down a dry creek bed a hundred yards are so and proceeded to go into the woods to sit by a tree. As I was walking into the thicket something made a noise almost like a low whistle. I thought I might be walking upon a hunter so I slowly backed out and dropped back into the dry creek bed. When I did this I turned around to see if I could spot the hunter. As I was looking I saw something I thought was waving at me, but then I saw that it wasn?t waving it was grabbing a branch to stand up. When it did it stood up and I thought first that it was a man hunting in a gillie suit. This thing proceeded to walk off and I could see its arms swinging and could see no gun. Me not believing in bigfoot, I went back to where my son was and told him there was a man in a gillie suit out there. We finished hunting that day and never heard a boat or saw anyone else out there. Two months before this we were squirrel hunting about a mile from this same spot and something came screaming at us through the woods. I had never heard anything like this before. We both had shotguns and were still backing up. It sounded like King Kong coming through the woods. Soon after I watched a documentary on bigfoot. That?s when I really started realizing it was bigfoot I saw in the woods. | Lakeview | 30.201816959816046000000,-94.106783866882320000000 |
01040019 | 2004 | 3a | TX | Newton | Family reports night time road encounter while driving home. | Me, my mom, and my sister were driving home from a friends house down a dirt road when a tall lurky creature dashed across the road. We slowed down but didn't stop. When we passed we looked back and saw the thing had come in the middle of the road staring at us. | Bon Wier | 30.711364016523260000000,-93.750286102294920000000 |
02080022 | 2004 | 3a | OK | McClain | Man walking his dog encounters a tall hairy animal. | I was walking with my dog down a dirt road near my grandparents house. It was about 8pm and still light out. We were about 1/2 mile down the road when my dog started barking and going crazy. She would just stand between my legs and growl and bark, this is a big dog, a German Shepard. Finally I got her to calm down. I heard some grunting and moving around in the woods to our right, I figured it was a deer or wild hog. As I moved closer, I saw it raise up from behind a fallen tree. I couldn't move, my dog was going crazy trying to stay between me and what ever it was. It was only there for a flash. I know it turned and ran off and my dog gave chase to it, and I turned and ran home. About 30-45 minutes later, my dog came home, panting, but unhurt. I have heard all kinds of noises at night there all my life. They sound like a "whoomping" sound, kinda like a howler monkey I've seen on the Discovery Channel. I'd say it was a roughly 7' tall. I would guess it was 300-400 lbs, kinda reddish brown hair covering its body. Its face looked like a monkey in a way. | Newcastle | 35.210282664990670000000,-97.618331909179690000000 |
01040016 | 2004 | 3a | TX | Cass | Truck driver has visual encounter a few miles outside of Atlanta on Highway 59. | I was headed north on Hwy 59 into Atlanta Texas. I couldn't have been more than 2 to 5 miles south of Atlanta at the time. I was the only one on the road for as far as I could see. I came to an S curve in the road. It went to a curve to the right and then to a curve to the left. I made the first curve and when I was coming around the other curve I saw this huge beast just step over a six strand barbed wire fence. I slammed on my brakes and then just took off. I was scared to death. This was no man and damn sure not a bear. I only got a look at it for no more than 4 or 5 seconds. When I made the curve it was stepping over a 4' fence like it was nothing. It saw me and didn't run, but just turned its head and continued to walk down the fence line. I should have taken a longer look, but I was really freaking out at this point, so I just drove on into Atlanta. | Atlanta | 33.071153014225665000000,-94.258961677551270000000 |
01040018 | 2004 | 1d | TX | Wharton | Family has encounter on property near El Campo. | I was sitting out on the porch around 10 pm on Tuesday night, August 31st. My dogs (a lab mix and a pit bull) started acting strange and growling. I heard something over to the right of our house. It was very dark over there because we have no light over there. It sounded like something heavy stepped on a piece of tin that is over there on the ground. I could not see anything because it was so dark. That's when I decided that it must be someone over there because it sounded like a heavy person had stepped on the tin. I ran into the house to get my husband. I told him that there must be someone outside. My husband got his pistol and came outside. As my husband was coming out the door, our pit bull ran inside the house very scared. Our lab mix kept staring over to the left side of the house where we have a light and my husband's trailer. We stood there on the porch for a little bit when suddenly this grayish animal that looked like an overgrown monkey jumped up on the corner of a refrigerator that was lying on the tail end of my husband's trailer just outside our chain link fence. It was stooped over and very fast. As soon as it jumped up on the fridge, it jumped off and tumped the trailer back off its blocks and made a loud banging noise. It scared us to death. My husband fired his pistol toward the ground just as started to run off very fast. It ran off like it was going out across the road toward the lake that is across the road from us. My husband called the Wharton County Sheriffs department and they sent a deputy out. He came and talked to my husband and they looked around but they didn't see anything else. I hope this thing is not dangerous because I have kids. I always thought things like this weren't real but now I know different. They are very real. After we saw what we saw, the El Campo newspaper had an article about a similar animal about 30 miles away in Matagorda County. We could not believe it. Our nephew said he saw an 8 ft monkey digging in the dumpster in the early 1990s. We did not believe him. We do now. | El Campo | 29.179086571910870000000,-96.296432018280030000000 |
02080011 | 2004 | 2 | OK | Love | Hog hunter has dusk encounter in Love Valley Wildlife Management Area. | I was in the Love Valley Wildlife Management Area hunting feral hogs. I had been sitting on my stand for about two hours when I began to smell something akin to cat urine or skunk musk, and I thought that with the prevailing winds a large boar must have just crossed the ridge above me. So after a little while when the odor did not decrease I decided to see if I could circle around the top of the ridge and get a shot at the boar. I left my stand and moved about 60 yards down the base of the ridge (away from my hunting buddies who were in two different stands further down the base of the ridge) to a well used game trail and began my ascent. I got about halfway up the slope and something came flying through the air to my right and then after another step or two something came thought the air to my left this time by the sound of its landing and crashing through the brush, something much heavier than the first object. At this time I froze and began to scan the ridge line first with my eyes and then with my rifle scope, and I began to think that one of the guys I was hunting with was playing a prank on me. So I continued to climb the hill until a large piece of rock (it looked like a piece of ruined tombstone from the abandoned cemetery on the hill top but I am not sure) landed just at my feet and rolled down the hill with some force and momentum behind it. At almost that same moment I caught just the faintest glimmer of movement and from that was able to make out the shape of what looked like a huge man. I am 6' 2" and 260 lbs but this thing was at least 9-10' tall and three or four times as broad as I am. I slowly brought my rifle and scope up to get a better look at it. Most of it was covered by brush and under growth but its head down to its upper chest were clearly visible. It had a shaggy coat (the breeze did a fair job of breaking up its silhouette) that was dark colored even with the aid of my scope all I could tell was that the beast was covered in fur and that it was of dark coloration. Its eyes seemed impossibly small for the size of its oblong head. I watched it with my scope for perhaps a minute or it could have been ten, I honestly could not tell you as I was not sure whether to be fascinated or terrified (from its size and mass I was not sure the 30-06 I had in my hands would be sufficient if I needed to be terrified). After a period of time I took one slow step back and then another after about my third slow step back down the hill the beast slowly turned as if to disregard me and my rifle and walked away in the other direction. After it was gone I found the piece of stone that had landed on the path in front of me and tumbled past and as I said before it could have been a piece of one of the crumbling tombstones from on top of the ridge or it could have been rock from some other source but I can tell you that I could not have thrown it at least not as far or with the same force as this rock had been thrown. I would estimate it to have weighed around 45-55 lbs. After that I proceeded to go back down the base of the ridge to where both of my friends were still sitting in their stands one about 80 yards down from where I was set up and the other about 90 yards from the first. I have not shared this with them or anyone but my wife for fear of ridicule, but that is my story and it is what happened to me. | Marietta | 33.785139794365975000000,-97.104377746582030000000 |
01040011 | 2004 | 3a | TX | Matagorda | Young woman sees and photographs distant subject in rice field near South Texas Project. | My granddaughter while driving saw a man walking out into a flooded rice field, where you never see people walking. As this a very sensitive area due to 9/11 she turned around and went back to see what he was doing. As he came closer she could see how huge he was and covered with hair. He was bending over and standing back up like was looking for something. She knew no one would believe her so she took several pictures two of which came out. One coming towards her and one running away after she honked the horn at him. He is upright and on two legs in both pictures. We would like to know if you might be interested in her pictures and story. This happened June 9, 2004. | Bay City | 28.805045359498542000000,-96.023168563842770000000 |
01040010 | 2004 | 1b | TX | Liberty | NAWAC investigator has encounter on trail near Trinity River. | My wife and I were crossing the Trinity River on Highway 105 just before sunset on May 29, 2004 after having been to a Cardinals-Astros baseball game. The west bank of the Trinity was a long sand bar, and there were a few people (ten - fifteen) spread out along the sandbar doing various things. There were a few kids and a dad camping, two guys sitting on a tailgate, there was a couple farther down fishing, and there was another truck backed up to the sandbar with its stereo playing. My wife and and I drove down to the sandbar, had to engage the four-wheel drive to avoid getting stuck and turned around to go back to the highway (Hwy 105). We got back out on the highway and my wife asked me to drive on across the bridge to the other side. I did so. My wife saw what she called "a waterfall" off the left side of the bridge (actually it was just water running over rocks in a small creek off the Trinity). We turned off on a dirt road just past the bridge, drove over a small wooden bridge over my wife's "waterfall" and came to a gate, that was locked with two padlocks. Keep in mind that the area is very heavily wooded, swampy in places, marshy and highly inhospitable, once you step foot into the woods. At the gate, we got out out my truck. We climbed the gate just to look around the area. We could hear the music and the kids playing across the river (probably 1/4 of a mile back across the bridge). On the other side of the gate, the road turned into a two-track trail. There had been vehicles down there probably within the last month. We walked down the trail. The sun was setting and it was starting to get dark. This was very impromptu and we had not planned for this jaunt at all. My wife had heels on! I walked on ahead, probably thirty feet ahead of my wife. There was a sign that indicated that the area was a private hunting club area. We were very quiet and made very little sound. It was then that I saw it - about forty yards down the trail, where the trail turned sharply to the left. "It" leapt across the trail much like a long-jumper, landed on the right side of the trail and leapt again into the woods - quickly, quietly, in the blink of an eye. It was a rusty-red color, about six feet tall, and was extremely, extremely fast. In an instant, my mind tried to ascertain what it was I saw. I kept telling myself, "No way. No way." But - my data banks could not process it or link it to any other creature that I had ever seen. I saw no face, and do not remember seeing arms or feet - but I did see an upright reddish-brown large animal about six feet tall leap ten feet across the trail and spring into the woods. I turned to whisper loudly to my wife, "DID YOU SEE THAT!?" No. She was busy dealing with a slimy, slithery something that slithered across her foot. She was quite distraught, and her encounter happened at exactly the second that mine occurred. When she realized what had happened, she quickly jogged up to me and we jogged to spot of the crossing. When we arrived at the crossing area, we could hear the animal still running through the woods, sending birds to flight near its path. It was then that I smelled a musky smell, much like a horse actually. We looked for tracks of any nature and found absolutely nothing. The creature cleared the road and the road was the only place that tracks would have been made. We turned to look to the left, and there in the woods was a clump of uprooted trees with fresh sod still on the roots, as though they had recently been put there. I can say with certainty that what I saw was 1. Rusty-red (orangutanish); 2. Approximately six feet in height; 3. Incredibly fast; 4. Appeared bipedal and upright; 5. Not a deer, coyote, cat, horse, cow, human, fox, bear, wolf, hog, dog or any other indigenous animal that I have seen in Texas. (I am originally from Cass County, Texas and was raised in the backwoods of East and Central Texas). We had no cameras with us, but even if we had, the creature was way out of sight before I could have drawn any camera. And he was way too fast for any hope of pursuit. We surmised that perhaps he had been watching the people across the river from a very safe and secure position - until he saw us coming up the road, at which time he fled in a panic. He probably saw us long before we saw him. When I first saw him, he was in mid-air leaping across the road. He touched down and sprung up and into the woods. We heard him for a few seconds after we arrived at the crossing area and then it went silent, save for the people noises from across the river. We thought that he may have stopped and surveilled us from a hidden position in the woods. We looked around for just a few minutes and had to return to the truck - it was getting dark in a hurry and we were largely unequipped. | Cleveland | 30.279119147049360000000,-94.796991348266600000000 |
01040029 | 2004 | 1d | TX | Liberty | Couple in car have morning encounter on Highway 787 four miles west of Trinity River. | I am reporting for what my parents saw one morning traveling to Houston. It was around 9:00 a.m. and they were traveling West from Romayor to Cleveland on (FM 787). This is when from a distance they saw a large brownish-red creature crossed in front of them. It was abnormally large and crossed the road in a swift leaping motion. My father said it used one of its long arms to support his quick movement on the ground. It was slouching forward and its body was wide and pear-shaped. Also, it had long skinny legs. However, they weren't able to see its face at the distance they spotted it. It seemed to come from the north woods (Shepherd Area) and crossed to and through a pipeline which headed south to HWY 105. The location was past a little creek and culvert bridge on a 100+ yards stretch of woods and trails (pipelines and telephone) from the nearest road and houses. It was just 4 miles west of the Trinity River and 1/2 a mile past the Rayburn town sign. Being in a hurry caused them only to slow down and look down the trail. Unfortunately, they didn't see any trace of it as they tried to look for it. When I visited them a day later they had told me about what they had seen. Also, they have told many family and friends, and the story has been very accurate. As long as we lived in the area (15 years) there have been many rumors of sightings. I am reporting because of a report on the news on channel 13 ABC, about a recent sighting near Bay City. Also, it mentioned a sighting in Liberty county by the Trinity River a few months ago (May). | Rayburn | 30.412928404302203000000,-94.918484687805170000000 |
01040008 | 2004 | 2 | TX | Panola | Hog hunter has an amazing encounter. | I was hog hunting from a tree stand next to the Sabine River. I had gone to my stand around 5:30 AM, put out sliced apples and table scraps to hold the hogs for a few minutes for a shot. I got in my tree stand and waited for the woods to settle down and the sun to rise. At sunup, I heard hogs rooting around, working the river's edge towards me. I could first see them to my left at about 45 degrees, about 50 yards out. No clear shot, waiting for them to get to my bait area, I noticed movement to my right about 80 yards out. Putting my rifle scope on it, I could see only the side of something's face. It was dark, hair covered and slowly moving its head around looking in the direction of the hogs. At this time it quickly moved to another tree. I could see most of its body, it was huge, standing on two legs, slowly looking around the tree at the hogs. At this time I was quite afraid but tried to keep my scope on it to study its features. The hogs were still feeding towards my bait area and the animal was working towards the hogs. It moved quickly and disappeared. It quickly reappeared moving to another tree, still looking at the hogs. I could again study its features. At this time I was quite afraid but tried to keep my scope on it. Its movement from tree to tree was a quick leap, landing at the base of next tree on two feet. Standing behind a tree and slowly looking around at the hogs. This continued for several minutes until they were about 30 yards apart and almost directly in front of me at about 40 yards. The animal dropped to all fours, bunched up its rear legs and leaped. It took two leaps to reach the hogs and it screamed during the second leap causing the hogs to panic for a split second. The second leap ended with it slapping one hog in its side, knocking it through the air into side of a tree. As the squealing hog bounced off the tree, it pounced on it, beating it with its fist like a person pounding on a desk. I could hear bones crunching with each hit. All this happened very fast. About 4 seconds from first leap to dead hog. The quickness of attack was very unnerving. The three live hogs were in full flight. The animal picked up the dead hog, tucked it under its arm and started walking off and let out a noise like (Grrrrrrrrrrr, whoop, whoop, whooooooop, whoop). It was immediately answered from about 200 to 300 yards out by a shorter (whoop, whoop, whoop). After a couple more steps in the direction of the answer, it stopped, dropped the hog and turned to look past me. It turned back to my tree and raised its head to look at me. I have never been more afraid in my life. I tried to keep the scope on its head in case it came after me. It looked at me, cocked its head to one side. Its face had a curious expression as if studying me. It opened its mouth showing its teeth, letting out a soft (rrrrrrrrrr) sound. It then turned back to pick up the hog and walked off in no hurry as if I didn't exist. I was looking thru a 3 X 9 scope. Originally set on 3 power for the hunt but turned it up to 9 power after first trying to see the object approaching from my right. After that time I was afraid to make the movement necessary to take scope off 9 power. I sat in the tree stand for another 30 minutes or so, trying to calm myself. After concluding that if it wanted me, it would have already slapped me out of my tree stand. I got down and went to find my hunting partner, who was about a quarter to half mile away. He had heard the attack scream and both whooping calls. | Paxton | 32.007493700319700000000,-94.122962951660150000000 |
02080002 | 2004 | 2 | OK | Le Flore | Turkey hunter has close encounter near Carver Mountain. | On April the 17th 2004 I was turkey hunting in the Ouachita National Forest about four miles West from Big Cedar, Oklahoma with my girlfriend and my brother. I had crossed the creek that ran alongside an old log road that headed up the mountain to the west, when I decided to hunt the creek bottom that afternoon. As I set up my turkey blind and got settled in to do some hunting, I blew one of my locater calls. It was a screaming hawk. After sitting there for about 15 minutes, I turned my head and noticed a burnt looking tree about 50 yards to my left. I raised my shotgun and looked at it with my scope when I realized what I was seeing was not a tree but a large creature like I have never seen before. It stood about eight feet tall, had charcoal dark color hair covering its entire body. It was about three inches long and coarse in appearance. It was watching me as well as I was watching it. Its eyes were reddish-brown in color. it had long arms and walked up right never taking its eyes off me, and I never took my eyes off of it. I have never been scared of anything in the woods but this thing was massive in size and I can say this thing scared me, and I have not been back in the woods before daylight since. | Big Cedar | 34.668511445195490000000,-94.704895019531250000000 |
03080030 | 2004 | 3a | AR | Saline | Motorist has early morning visual encounter on the way to work. | I was on my way to work just before day light, it was starting to get light, when I saw something moving out of the corner of my eye across an over grown farm field. I hit my brakes to get a better look thinking it might be a deer. What I saw was about 7 feet tall weighing about 300 to 350lbs running on two legs fast. It was not light enough to get a better look. I came to a stop to watch it run into the woods, I was about 75 feet from where it disappeared. I tried to see where it was going to come out at but never got a second look. | Bauxite | 34.507794383157375000000,-92.415919303894040000000 |
01040007 | 2004 | 1d | TX | Liberty | Couple has late night encounter on Highway 105 near the Trinity River. | In January of this year (04) my girlfriend and I were on our way to visit family in Kountze, Texas. We share an apartment in the city of Kingwood, a suburb of Houston. The quickest route to my mom and step dad's house is through Cleveland, Texas and take 105 from there to almost Kountze. I work as a shift foreman for a chemical plant and my shift ended at 11 pm. My girlfriend was packed and ready to leave when I got home, approximately midnight. We left from Kingwood and traveled through Cleveland onto 105. We had been on 105 about 20 minutes (about 45 minutes from Kingwood) we were approaching the Trinity River bottom when I noticed something in the center of the road. My girlfriend was dozing beside me and I yelled thinking we were about to be in an accident. She sat up and screamed that we were about to hit 'him'. I locked the brakes of her truck up and when I did whatever it was stood up in the road and started to 'run' to our right towards the woods. My girlfriend started to open her door and I grabbed her to stop her. She yelled that it was a 'Bigfoot'. I had heard of them, I mean who hasn't, but to be honest until that very moment, I would never have believed that they existed. By the time I looked up from her, the creature was standing on the side of the road watching us. When she opened her door the creature made like a squalling sound and turned into the woods. Where the thing was squatting in the road was a doe that had been hit by a car. I am not sure if it was looking or feeding on the doe but it had been moved by it. You could see where the creature had shifted the animal on the road or at least it looked like that when I got out to look. I am not too sure of what else to tell about what we saw. | Cleveland | 30.288976826151618000000,-94.839938879013060000000 |
01050009 | 2004 | 1d | TX | San Jacinto | Predator caller has night time encounter in Sam Houston National Forest. | While predator calling this date, I was targeting bobcats with an electronic call. (I mention this because with this particular call, only a bobcat would be expected to respond. A fox, coyote, coon, etc. would not respond to this call.) My wife was with me. After about 10 minutes of calling, I (we) heard a sound from behind me that I could not identify. I was using a varmint light, which has a red filter. This light is not normally readily seen by predators. I shined the light toward the sound, and saw what I thought was a bear. It was dark in color, but everything was either light or dark because of the red filter. I have hunted in the West several times, and seen many bears. I initially thought that's what this was. But as stated earlier, a predator does not respond (normally) to this light. But this animal did. It stood up and moved away very rapidly on it's two "hind" legs. Bears do not move great distances on their hind legs, and especially not rapidly. It made this sound continuously as it moved away, gradually decreasing in volume until I couldn't hear it any longer. I'm not sure what this was, but I'm quite certain what it was not, and it was not a bear, a hog, or any other animal native to this area. I had no idea there was a possibility this could have been a bigfoot-type animal. | New Waverly | 30.605560691975856000000,-95.278759002685540000000 |
01120093 | 2003 | 1d | TX | Polk | Couple has highway encounter near Big Thicket National Preserve. | In the Fall of 2003, my wife and I were driving on FM 1276 near the Big Sandy Creek unit of the Big Thicket National Preserve after sunset. (It was almost fully night.) We both witnessed a bipedal animal run across the road in front of us. It was running on two legs but ran in a bent over posture with its arms near or on the pavement sometimes. It ran very quickly and well. The animal was around 5 feet in height and covered with long reddish brown hair. It had a very broad build and looked somewhat like an orangutan except that it had a flat face and was proportioned more like a human with long arms. It had entered the road in front of us from the driver's side, ran across the road, and paused briefly on the other side of the road to look at us before entering the woods. It looked at us by turning its body partially. I had braked as it entered the road and passed it just after it entered the edge of the woods. | Dallardsville | 30.683503129600158000000,-94.702899456024170000000 |
01040014 | 2003 | 3b | TX | Montgomery | Strange sounds and tracks found in the Sam Houston National Forest. | Deer hunting at the edge of a field. Near dusk, a few does entered the clearing at the far end. They wandered toward me for a few minutes, then looked off to the north and ran back the way they came, returning into the thick woods. I waited, and as darkness fell, I heard a very loud sound, like a big tree breaking from that direction. I was puzzled, but not frightened. After dark, I walked out to my truck and left. Next morning before dawn, I returned. I saw nothing, but heard a mumbling or gibberish type of chatter coming from the thick woods near me. It lasted at least an hour and a half, but was intermittent. Close to midday, I walked the trail to find the source of the whispering or the loud noise I had heard the previous day, but found nothing except a dark hair stuck in a tree branch at about face level (maybe 5 1/2 feet above trail). Also a large area where the long grass had obviously been pushed down by bedding animals. I left a calling card (urinated on it). The woods are very thick, so it would be easy to miss something. About 3:00 PM, I went back to the clearing and waited. Near dark, I heard the gibberish sounds again. After a few minutes, I got annoyed by it, and yelled ("Who's out there?"). Nothing for 5 minutes, then it started again. It was now dark, so I turned on my light and walked toward the sound. It was intermittent, but seemed to maintain it's distance from me. I gave up and went home. May be totally meaningless, but thought I would report it. I make no claim that this was a Bigfoot incident, but it certainly was an odd occurrence. I have returned to the location many times since, and found nothing. That is until a few weeks ago, and almost a year after my first "encounter". October, 2004, same location: Bow hunting, I spotted a few does on the way in, but could not get a clear shot. I passed. Later, kicked up something, but had no visual contact (probably a deer). Near dark, I decided to walk the fire trail quietly. A few hundred yards in, I found a somewhat human shaped footprint along the side of the firetrail. It was the same length as my size 12 EEE boot [14 inches], but quite a bit wider at the "toe" end. The "toes" also seemed to end rather evenly, and not the arched, rounded look of a human track. As I photographed, I noticed an odor, mild at first, and quickly becoming quite powerful. I would describe it as complex, layered. The predominant odor was of sour sweat. I could also smell decaying flesh, and a musky undertone. I finished photographing the best track (there were several other "impressions"), and photographed the woods directly behind me, from where I felt the odor emanated. I slowly and quietly walked back to my truck (20 minutes), and set my bow in the bed of the pickup as I retrieved my keys from my pocket. It was completely dark by now, and overcast. Something growled at me. It was close, maybe 25 yards. The growl lasted between 1 and 2 seconds. I waited a good 5 minutes staring at the woods where the growl came from, then reached to my flashlight and turned it on. Nothing. The woods are incredibly thick here, and I could hide from someone easily in there. I had at least expected to see eye-shine. I keep plaster in my truck after the former incident, last November. Although I was entertaining the thought of going back in to make a casting, the growl made me think better of it. Had I been carrying my sidearm or a rifle, I would have done so, but not with a bow in complete darkness. That growl, while not loud, sounded serious. I headed out to develop the film, then home. | New Waverly | 30.577632355934508000000,-95.763702392578120000000 |
01050002 | 2003 | 3b | TX | Burleson | Deer hunter has strange early morning encounter. | This blind is the most remote blind on the 3,000 acre lease. The land consists of a couple of open fields, but is mostly heavily wooded. The blind I was in always has a lot of activity around it. You will see deer, bobcats, armadillos, coyotes, rabbits, all manner of birds, and hogs, lots of feral hogs. The blind sets at the end of the road, at the end of the property, in somewhat of a valley. As you exit the woods, the road turns slightly to right and drops down into the "valley". From where the road exits the woods to my blind is at least 700 yds or more. The road continues on down to the blind, but when I am hunting, I park my truck and walk to the blind using a small flashlight so as not to disturb the wildlife. The land opens up from one end of the "valley" to the other. There is about 300 yds of fairly open ground from one tree line to the next. My blind sets on NW side at the tree line. As usual, there was a lot of wildlife activity, until about 7 am. All the animals, even the birds, left. Then I started to hear large branches breaking and then something hitting the trees with, I assume, the branches. The blind sets about 12' off the ground, but I never saw anything. I used my scope and binoculars, but the woods are very thick. About 30 minutes after the branch breaking started, a hog ran out of the woods from the direction of the noise and ran into one of the guy wires on my stand (3/8" cable). Very easy to see. It then jumped up, ran into the ladder and then proceeded over the hill. It seemed to be a bit frightened. About an hour later, a branch hit my blind. When that happened, I almost had to change my drawers. The branch breaking and tree pounding kept up for about 2 1/2 hours. When the noise stopped and the wildlife came back, I left. The next morning, I went back to the blind, walking in as usual. About halfway, I could hear something walking with me. It was a little ways inside the brush. At that point, I reached in my hunting bag and got my headlamp and put it on. I put my flashlight up so I could get to my sidearm easier. I never wanted to run so bad in my life but thought better of it. Just as I got to my stand, something very close to me made a very deep, grunting growl. That is the way I can describe the sound. I dropped my hunting bag and went up the ladder into my stand in record time. About daybreak, the events from the day began again. I never smelled anything nor did I find any tracks. To be honest, being alone, I didn't look very hard. I just recently told one of my hunting buddies, and to my surprise he said "I knew there was something strange about that place." He said ever since he started going out there, he has felt very uneasy, as if he is being watched, sometimes more than others. He has been hunting the woods all his life, so he is very familiar with the surroundings. He told me there is one place he absolutely will not go on the lease. If you knew him, you would realize how totally out of character this is for him. I didn't hunt the lease in 2004 because of time constraints, but I think constantly about those two mornings in November 2003. I did not see what was making the noises. | Caldwell | 30.700036122924913000000,-96.680803298950200000000 |
01030027 | 2003 | 1d | TX | Harrison | Two adult women experience visual encounter through house window while checking their dog kennels in early morning. | I have a dog kennel where I raise and sell puppies. Every night when I get up out of the bed to go to the bath room I look out my window to check my kennels. My bathroom window looks out over my dog kennels. I don't turn on my lights while doing this because it obstructs my view. I thought I was seeing things. There standing on the other side of the pens was a 7 to 8 ft hairy creature. The dogs were all in their houses as if cowering and it was deathly quiet. He was standing facing the dog pen at which point he turned to the east walked about three steps then he turned to the north and stood there. That's when I went and got my mother. She saw it too but not as clear as I. It stood there after my mom came in then it walked into the woods. My house is surrounded on three sides by woods. It very secluded. Every night it's here and we are terrified. It screams often. My children have heard it. I know I sound like a fruit cake I don't tell anyone because I feel like people will think I'm crazy. I'm buying motion lights to see if it will make him go away. If you know of any other method to chase him away, please, please let me know. There is no man that lives here. He's here every night, we can hear him scream. I don't know if neighbors have heard or seen anything. I don't want to be made fun of. | Harleton | 32.682838605627970000000,-94.672966003417970000000 |
04080014 | 2003 | 3a | LA | Iberville Parish | While checking log book, truck driver has unnerving close encounter. | Actually this sighting was by my husband who is an OTR truck driver. He had left Texas headed home to Mississippi and was traveling through Louisiana at the time of the encounter. He had pulled onto the side of an off ramp and gotten out a second. He said he had seen something moving in the moonlight and decided to get back in the truck. When he turned on the head lights he seen something in front of the truck. It was standing there looking at him with a deer thrown over it's shoulder. In regards to the size of the deer, he said that it had to be a pretty good size deer, as the antlers were visible. After standing and staring at my husband, the animal just walked on into the woods. It seemed to be a leave me alone and I'll leave you alone kind of situation! | Ramah | 30.347694710134870000000,-91.702537536621100000000 |
01110043 | 2003 | 3a | TX | Panola | Daytime Sighting of Large Primate Creature Near Sabine River | i was 14 years old heading to the sabine river boat launch called mouth of mcfadden in joaquin texas, Panola county tha blacktop road is about 1.5 miles long after a mile or so it drops down into tha swamp bottom b4 the river. as soon as we came down the hill into tha swamp part of tha road wut i think was a big foot-skunk ape ran across tha road. hairy, big hands im guessing about 7.5-8ft tall. we told everyone we saw this and no one ever beleived us. now on a different location where i live in timpson tx i had placed a corral type hog trap in a pine plantation during deer season in 2008. i had recently killed a buck and just to see what id catch i put tha remains of the deer after he was dressed in this trap and put a camera on it. i got one picture of a hairy arm dark chocolate in color reaching down over there trap to tha carcass. these pannels are chest high on me and im 6'2. ive lost the sd card that the pic was on since then. i duno if this will help with your research any bigfoot is just something that ive beleived in for years and my grandmother was indian and raised in south louisiana in the swamps and she was alwayz told there jus like one of us respect them. i watch finding big foot on tv every night and i jus thought id send yall an email with my ecounter. thanks | joaquin | 32.001798506878440000000,-94.131895713508130000000 |
01030015 | 2003 | 3a | TX | Hood | Property owner has bizarre encounter. | First incident happened two months ago, when I came across something digging in the ground under a tree not more than 150ft from my shop around 2:30 in the morning. I went on patrol, dogs freaked out. I got a really bad feeling so I went and got another guy to help me hunt what it was, and when I turned around to go get him something hauled butt down the road and jumped into the woods disappearing. That's when my parents first told me of the panther stories. But I still think it was too big to be a panther, the only reason I figured they were right was because it moved so fast. But the thing last night moved just as quick, when it wanted to. It was almost like it wanted me to see it, I really did feel like it knew where I was the whole time. (Last night/this morning) I was asleep on the couch and we have around 7 dogs. They started running around the house frantically barking and carrying on. We recently had a small fire that cleared out the back part of the woods back there and more and more people keep moving to this area. So I figured it was an animal or coyote or something they were chasing. I run a small security perimeter every night or so. There's always been a rumor of a panther up here, not to mention snakes, so I carry a weapon with me. I have never seen the panther but I have many times come up on something I assumed was the panther story but I never thought about a bigfoot theory till this morning. My wife woke up and made me go look. So I loaded my rifle and headed out on my security sweep. I first hit the road about 200-300 meters from the house, small dirt road. I don't use a flashlight, I can see fairly well at night. I have a brindle boxer who was freaking out sniffing the ground every 4-5 steps and just real jumpy, usually he just marks it and goes away. I saw no signs of the other dogs, when something jolted passed me out of the bushes almost knocking the boxer over, he ran the other direction. It scared the crap outta me and I got off 3 shots but missed it because my rifle jammed up with two shells in the chamber. I thought whatever it was I scared off, and used my pocket knife to release the two jammed shells. So I walked about 350m to my shop to grab some more ammo. I felt like the hairs on my neck were standing up. I loaded my rifle up and opened the door to my shop. Instantly I noticed this, pardon the expression, but this stout crap/wet grass odor really thick in the air. Not more than 5 minutes had passed and I felt like I was being watched again. I snuck around to my parent's house about 200 meters from my shop and climbed on the roof to get a better look. I was up high so could see lots more from there. We have a school bus on the property that we use for storage. It's about 350 meters NW of my location and I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me when I thought I saw a large thin shadow go past the bus. I figured it was my brindle boxer's shadow because there's a light on the shop. My house porch light creates a lighted area near there. But then it stopped and looked right at me on my perch. I had it open sights but thought it was my dog with just a shadow. Then outta nowhere behind me the neighbor's dog started going crazy. I turned for two secs and the shadow was gone. My dog was behind me, not in front. I sat up there for another 10 minutes trying to find out what the neighbor's dogs were barking at. They were howling, growling, weirdest sounds too. They have a hound dog but it did not sound like that. It was really hard to describe the sound, almost like a howl but a growl at the same time. Very distinctive and then it all just stopped, a dead silence. I turned back to the bus area kinda just looking in the general area, trying to figure out what I saw, if it was just my imagination. Then I saw it again, plain as day. It was squatting down like it was hiding. It looked at me again and then ran around the side of the bus, it was as tall as the bus but skinny, but it was dark so not sure. I instantly jumped off the house and ran over there. The closer I got the slower I went. Rifle held in a firing position as I crept around the bus. My heart pounded and when I got around the bus, nothing but the open area of where the fire had been. I am always suspicious of the land across the highway, they have a fence around the property that is almost 9-10 ft high. They have many exotic animals over there. A huge manmade water source. I think its a wildlife preserve or something, but nothing like this ever happened till it showed up. After this I am convinced it's not a panther. I have been running security every night or so. Bigfoot no idea, I am unsure what I saw, but it was intelligent. No matter what I think, I am absolutely sure, I was not the one hunting it. I don't think its intentions were harmful, it probably could have got to me at anytime. And I am not that easy to catch. It came back to the same place 3 times in one night even after I shot at it. I'm not sure but it's braver than me. Not the first time, just the first time I have seen it in the open. It seemed to me like it was testing defenses, probing to a point. It is either fast or there is more than one, because our homesteads are half a mile from each other. The neighbors and their dogs flipped out last night as well. I just know what I saw and it was not a coyote, wild pig or a panther. | Lipan | 32.523042670120610000000,-98.055746555328370000000 |
01050019 | 2003 | 3a | TX | Montgomery | While riding horse, man has mid-day sighting. | Well in my case just a visual sighting. I was a good distance away so I didn't hear any sounds. In the summer of 2003 I had an experience that will for ever be burned in the front of my mind. I was with some family members and a friend, we had went horse back riding on a hunting lease that was not in use due to summertime. We were riding on the dirt roads crossing through-out the lease, when we came to then end of a road. We then started back the way we had just rode. About quarter to a half mile back I had stopped to look at a dead coral snake I hadn't noticed on the way to the dead end. I was facing towards the dead end, when for some reason I looked up towards the dead end. When from out of nowhere a very large animal (creature) cleared the width of the road from left to right with about 15 ft from one edge of the brush line to the other. It was completely covered in hair that was reddish-brown in color. I turned to the other riders and asked if they had just seen that. They wasn't turned around like I was and was riding in the opposite direction. I told them I just had seen a bigfoot but they tried to explain it away as a cow or deer. I have never seen a cow clear that much distance even at a dead run, I know deer can but this animal (creature) was upright and I could clearly see the motion of the arms like it had made a running jump. I kinda got the feeling it was tracking us threw the woods or that when I had looked towards the dead end road that we had just went down that something was watching us. I cant explain why I looked up at that particular moment. | Cut-N-Shoot | 30.367025008131340000000,-95.360126495361330000000 |
01030011 | 2003 | 3a | TX | Wood | Family reports encounter while in blackberry patch. | Me and my 2 boys and our 11 week old german shepherd, Boagie, were walking a trail behind our house. There are some massive blackberry bushes, and we were picking the blackberries. Boagie was acting odd. She was biting at our legs and whining. She would then run back up the trail towards home, then stop to wait on us to follow her. When we just stood there looking at her, she would run back to us, pick another leg and bite, tug and whine, then run off again. We knew she was trying to get us to follow her. We knew she didn't like it back there, but we couldn't figure out why. She never left us though. When we got to her, we saw this huge footprint to her left. It was at least 12 inches long and maybe 6 to 7 inches wide. I have never seen anything like it. We walked on trying to figure out what it may be. About 20 minutes later, we were close to another blackberry bush, and heard this scream. Immediately after the scream, the horses in the next pasture spooked and started going nuts. As they were going nuts, my 15 year old son told me that he sees something furry brown above the bushes (they were at least 10 feet high). I told them to run, and we ran home. Boagie ran with us and waited until we would catch up, then bolt again. She fled to the house and ran under the porch when we got back on our property. I don't know what it was. There is a creek running with the trail we were on. At the back of our property, we have a pond. There is plenty of water and so many blackberry bushes. My boys and I aren't scared, we are fascinated now. We take tomatoes and other fruit out there to see we can at least let the thing know we don't mean it any harm. We did get a picture of the footprint. We saw several, but there was one that was very clear. It has been storming here for at least a week and the footprints are fresh. We have gone out there everyday since and there are new prints every time we go. We haven't developed the film yet. | Mineola | 32.619496635658960000000,-95.436601638793940000000 |
01040012 | 2003 | 1d | TX | Liberty | Son and mother frightened by late night road encounter on FM 1008. | My son and I was driving down FM1008 (Kenefick) heading towards our road hwy 321. It was about 11PM. I was driving around a curve and it was just there. His face was as tall as the speeding sign that he was standing next to as if he was crossing the road. If I was 20 seconds later I would have hit a man that had hair covering his whole body except I could see his mouth and nose with no hair; the eyes were pretty clear of any facial hair also. He "looked" upset. Clearly not sure what it was that my son and I saw but it was a man like being that was as tall as the street sign. My headlights reflected off the sign as this thing turned his face to see us and we see him. It was practically in my windshield. I would have hit him if I had not swerved. | Kenefick | 30.234747338474292000000,-94.958610534667970000000 |
01030005 | 2003 | 3a | TX | Harrison | Driver has visual encounter on Highway 154 on the way to Marshall from Harleton. | I saw something very tall and dark cross the road ahead of my car. It was about 7 or 8 feet tall because it was taller than the sign there at the bridge, at least head and shoulders taller. I was heading to Marshall, and I saw movement on the side of the road. I slowed cause I thought it might be a deer. I was about 100 yards away when it stepped up on the road. It crossed the highway in three strides and went in to the bush as I passed by. It was almost dark and I couldn't see too well, but I did stop there just past the second bridge heading east. I got out and looked but it was gone. There was a trail where the water had dripped off it though: it was kind of flooded there I guess it was crossing the water through the woods there. There was a foul smell like a dead animal but I didn't see any there by the road. I stood there for about a minute I guess, I didn't see anything else but I did feel like it was there in the brush looking at me though. I got in my car and left. | Harleton | 32.623576552315070000000,-94.513068795204160000000 |
01060013 | 2003 | 1d | TX | Jasper | Two men describe midnight yard encounter near Jasper. | Me and my friend were at my uncle's house. We were on the back porch playing darts. We started to notice that there was a lot of meteors. We stepped into the back yard to get a better view. We were facing towards the front yard. I was looking up when I noticed something move out of the corner of my eye. I looked and there was a creature around 5 foot tall running through the front yard, from left side of the yard to the right side, it was not large like most reports, it had muscle definition, black or dark brown hair, no neck, no hair on the face, chest and stomach area, inside of the arms or palms of the hands. Me and my friend saw the thing, but it wasn't big like most people describe. It was just going through his yard at kinda a slow pace until it saw us. Then it ran faster than anything I have ever seen, and I live in the woods, and go hunting. I sat there thinking "What was that?" I was quiet for a while, I didn't want to say anything and sound crazy, and hey I just saw a bigfoot. I looked at my friend Aaron, he had a strange look on his face and he was shaking his head, he looked at the same spot in the yard. I asked "did you see something?" He replied yes. I then asked "did it look like it was on two legs running upright?" He replied yes. Then my heart really skipped a beat, not only did I just see something, but my friend did too. My friend said he didn't see it that well, but he saw it and it looked like it was running upright on two legs. I saw it good. It wasn't a deer or a pig, or anything I ever saw before. It was black, and had areas where it didn't have any hair. In those areas there was shiny skin. If it was someone in a suit they must have spent a lot of money cause I could see its muscles moving, and it would have had to been the shortest track and field star in the world to fit in a suit that small, but I don't even think a track and field star could run that fast. It was going at a slow jog, then it must have smelled or heard us. It slowed down, turning its head while slowing down. Then it stopped, looked at us for around 3 to 4 seconds. Then it ran towards the dark area of the yard, it ran so fast no man can run that fast. It was out of the light where we couldn't see it in like a couple seconds. It must have covered 75 yards in 3 seconds. It was fast. But there wasn't any smell, or strange odor. But after that, we did hear something in the woods. It might not have been what we saw, it could have been anything. But it seemed like whatever it was in the woods was close to us. And I just had this feeling that whatever it was, was watching us. Front yard has large pole light, lights up the whole front yard, back yard where we were at is dark, and creature ran through front yard. My uncle did not see the creature, he said y'all didn't see anything, y'all are just messing with me. After that we went inside, nothing else happened, we continued to talk about what we saw. My uncle said that we are crazy. My friend Aaron saw the creature too. He says he saw it, and could tell it was on two legs. He said he couldn't really see any real good details, he only saw it when it was running away from us on two legs. He was star gazing before the thing ran out. | Jasper | 30.867457204551250000000,-93.955078125000000000000 |
02080018 | 2003 | 3a | OK | Cleveland | Family finds tracks and has close visual encounter. | My family resides close to Norman, Oklahoma, and from 1976 to the present, there have been numerous incidents revolving around Bigfoot, including two sightings in 1976 and one in January 2003, footprints in both mud and snow, several incidents where vocalizations were heard, and numerous other accounts of stones being thrown, foul odor being smelled, fruit being taken off of trees, etc. Back in 1976, Bigfoot researcher Bob Stamps and his partner took several plaster casts of footprints and interviewed family members who had heard and seen the creature. The most recent sighting happened in January of this year. My 61-year old brother-in-law was chopping wood and breaking kindling approximately 40 feet from his house near the edge of the woods. It was early evening and he was just about to finish when he happened to look up and caught the sight of the creature out of the corner of his eye. At that point, the creature was approximately 15-18 feet away from him, standing in enough of a clearing so that he could see him from the waist up (due to thick underbrush he could not see any further down). He estimated the creature to be 7-8 feet tall with a slight hunch. He froze for a minute and then dropped the wood that was in his hands and ran inside of the house. By the time he entered the house he was visibly shaken and according to my sister, he was "as white as a ghost." The hair on his arms were standing on end caused by physical reaction of goosebumps due to the state he was in. He was having difficulty breathing and therefore was having a hard time speaking. All he could say was "Buh...buh...buh..." My sister and niece thought he was having a heart attack and were fearing for his life. When he was finally able to calm down, all he could get out was "Bigfoot. I just saw Bigfoot." Since my brother-in-law was snapping kindling over his knees, we have come to the conclusion that it was this noise that drew the creature to him. The creature was approx. 7-8 feet in height; his coat was reddish brown with areas of gray. | Norman | 35.239450350475510000000,-97.361526489257810000000 |
02100008 | 2002 | 1b | OK | Canadian | Wildlife biologist reports day time visual encounter while placing game camera north of the North Canadian River. | Two of us were planning to place a camera trap near a tree line in an area of recent sightings. After walking in a ways, my associate decided to run back to the vehicle to drive it in closer. While he was gone I decided to walk off the path to try to look at a white-tail buck we'd passed earlier. I hadn't gone very far when a large black creature ran out from behind a tree. It ran on two legs, very rapidly, across a break in the narrow band of trees into more tree cover. The creature appeared to be tall and muscular, with very wide shoulders. My impression was that its bulk was comparable to an Angus bull. It did not run upright but was stooped over, like it was trying to minimize its size. I did not see its face. | El Reno | 35.613357317526750000000,-97.965731620788570000000 |
01110019 | 2002 | 3a | TX | Wise | Travelers Encounter Large Bipedal Creature Along Roadway | I was with a friend and her daughter who was asleep in the back seat of the car. We were coming back from Oklahoma and had been driving on 730 going south towards Decatur. We were in an area where the fields had been plowed but were bare. The moon was shining almost bright enough to have driven without any headlights on. From a far distance I could see this object standing on the side of the road and as we got closer it was very obvious that it was at least 7 foot tall or more. It was white with lots of curly hair on its chest. It was standing just outside of the limits of the headlights in the ditch on the north bound lane. We both said as we passed it "What was that?" I was driving and I slammed on my breaks and looked for a place to turn around and did as fast as I could. But when we got back to the place we had seen the animal it was gone and we could not see it anywhere. The fields were empty and the tree line was a long distance away. We looked for the animal for some time then we gave up. We were both nervous and on edge and said nothing for almost 10 miles and when we did start talking it was a ramble of "What the heck was it...Bigfoot I said and she said I thought the same thing but surely it wasn't, but what else could it be?" What is that tall with all that hair and could run so fast it could disappear in a matters of seconds. This was the scariest time we ever had coming home from Oklahoma. | Decatur | 33.353473323421680000000,-97.437744140625000000000 |
01080061 | 2002 | 3a | TX | Walker | Young hunter has dawn encounter in Sam Houston National Forest near Stubblefield Campground. | My mom and I went hunting. We left early because I had to take our stands to their spots. I got to my spot and set up my stand and my mom went on to hers which was about 200 yards up. Well it was still before light and I was lying under my ladder stand waiting for it to get light and the woods were dark but the sky was getting just a little lighter where you could see trees moving if you looked up. I heard something come so I rolled in to a shoot position and I could see limbs moving about 9-10 feet up the same path we had walked when this black image walked out and just stood there. After about 10 seconds of me trying to figure out what it could be I could only think bigfoot. At that time you could start to hear my gun rattle because I was shaking and what ever it was turned and looked at me and took a deep breath and stared. I told myself if it comes I would fire - if not I wouldn?t. And I clicked my safety off and it took off moving up toward my mom?s stand. About an hour went by and I called for my mom. She heard me and we started walking to each other and she told me she saw the darnedest thing. She said a few does came running out of the woods running into tree like something was after them and then I told her what I saw and we left. It was weird because a few weeks later I heard there was a footprint found on Lake Conroe not too far from there. | New Waverly | 30.558048169000120000000,-95.650577545166010000000 |
02080012 | 2002 | 3a | OK | Rogers | Woman has sighting through dental office window. | My sighting happened on November 21, 2002, on or about 7:30am in Catoosa, Rogers County, Oklahoma. I work in a dental office, and happened to look out of the window and saw what I automatically knew was a bigfoot/sasquatch, walking beside an abandoned house. It was very dark brown or nearly black, thick neck with broad shoulders,and had a wide skull, it was at least 7ft.tall. I only saw the backside of the animal. I can best describe it as primate looking animal that stood more upright than a gorilla but somewhat stooped, it slowly swung its arms, and had a slight knee bend. | Catoosa | 36.190901529533920000000,-95.736150741577150000000 |
01020061 | 2002 | 3a | TX | Red River | Man walking in the woods reports encounter. | I was walking east on the north creek bank at sunrise. After going about 1/4 mile, I heard someone walking through the woods on the south side of the creek. The sun was just coming up and the other hunter was outlined by the morning light. Not wanting to be mistaken for a deer, I hollered out that I was down in the bottom. I got no response so I hollered again. That's when this big old sucker stepped out of the woods onto the high creek bank and hollered back at me so loud that I froze in my tracks. I couldn't move. It was over 8 feet tall, reddish brown color. Its arms were very long, down to its knees. The shoulders were wide, like 4 feet across and had a small waist. This critter was built like a weight lifter. It hollered one more time and shook a cedar tree like it was going to rip it out of the ground. Then it turned and headed south back into the woods. I waited for what a good while and then ran back to my truck. | Faulkner | 33.863858897562370000000,-95.307941436767580000000 |
01060018 | 2002 | 2 | TX | Liberty | Off-duty police officer has midnight encounter on FM 1008. | I am a police officer. I was traveling northbound on FM 1008 and there was an 18-wheel truck in front of me at the time and we were traveling at approx. 55 mph. I observed a large creature in an upright position run out of the tree line on the east side of the highway. It ran in front of the big truck in front of me. The truck braked and swerved to the east side of the road and the creature was unharmed and cleared the road and ran into the tree line on the west side of FM 1008. From what I could see this creature appeared to be as tall as the cab of the 18-wheeler, maybe 8 feet and was very bulky and covered in hair. I estimated the speed at which it was running to be around 35 mph with extremely long strides. There are other police and fire services members in the Kenefick area that have seen this creature, and I have personally heard numerous stories of sightings. If I had not seen first hand, I would not have believed it myself. | Kenefick | 30.181712145797725000000,-94.902734756469720000000 |
02080016 | 2002 | 3a | OK | Choctaw | Hunter is chased back to his truck. | I had been out hunting and started back to the pickup since it was getting dark. I was following the railroad tracks when I heard something walking behind me. Thinking it was a bear, I stopped and looked back to the west and noticed it was walking on 2 legs, moving back into the woods. After a minute or so, I started walking to the east again, a little faster now. I had gone about 50 yards when it started throwing rocks at me. By now I was getting spooked and broke into a run. It was keeping up with me moving through thick vines and briars and I was on the tracks. When I made it back to the truck, I got in and sat there a few minutes. I didn't see it any more so I drove on home. The thing looked like a very large human, but had fur like a bear. It was about 7 feet tall with a long torso and long arms. It was a dark color but hard to tell for sure looking back into the sunset. | Sawyer | 34.000873555388495000000,-95.388793945312500000000 |
01020054 | 2002 | 1b | TX | Rusk | Nurse reports early morning roadside encounter enroute to home and NAWAC investigator finds corroborating tracks. | I was driving north on 259 from Henderson, TX at approximately 1:30 am. I was about 9 to 9 1/2 miles from the Alford Landon Loop around Henderson. There was patchy fog. I had crossed over 2 creeks and saw a very large, dark figure just off the highway to my right. It was standing next to a group of trees that jutted out from the wooded area. I didn't slow down to get a better look because quite frankly, I was scared to death! I had just gotten off work where I am a nurse. I had been at work for an extremely long time (19 hrs) and I was very tired, but not too tired to pay attention to my surroundings. Most of my training for working is attention to detail. | Pitner Junction | 32.281055553851180000000,-94.866664409637450000000 |
01030022 | 2002 | 3a | TX | Jack | Man has close encounter on remote dirt road while scouting for wildlife. | This incident occurred in Texas about one year ago. I know Texans are known for telling tall tales but so help me this is true. While driving down a country road about three miles southeast of Bryson, Texas around 10AM on a bright clear day I noticed what I first thought was large person crossing the road in front of me. I was driving around 30mph. It was about 50 yards in front of my truck. I came to a stop where I thought it had crossed. It crossed from south to north. North was to the left of my truck. I looked to see if I could recognize the person who crossed the road. I grew up in that area and know most of the people who live there. Standing about 50 ft. from my truck was some sort of creature. It was standing and facing me. The creature was about seven to eight feet tall. It had reddish brown hair all over its body. You could also see its skin because the hair was thin. Its skin was very pinkish like it was sun burnt. Its hands and feet looked human like but they were very large. Its nose was wide but flat. Its lips were very thin. We looked at each other for a good five min. I had a gun in my truck but never thought of shooting this thing because it looked so human but also ape like. It finally turned and walked into the woods. I sat in my truck shocked at what I had seen. After a little while I got out to see if I could see any foot prints. I did not find any. The ground was too hard to leave any. This creature had to weigh at least 400 lbs. I have never said anything to anyone about this creature before. I didn't want people to think I am crazy but I know what I saw. It was not any animal I have seen in a zoo or anywhere else. We do not have bears in this part of Texas or no apes that I know of. | Bryson | 33.153792589195724000000,-98.335447311401370000000 |
01020057 | 2002 | 3a | TX | Montgomery | Driver reports sighting while heading south on I45 north of Conroe. | I saw a creature standing on the top of a hill, just outside the tree line from the chest up looking North on I-45 watching the traffic go by. I was heading south and remember seeing a sign for "entering Montgomery County" and another sign that read "Boggy Creek" or "Beaver Creek" not sure which one. As I took my eyes off of the road sign I noticed something standing on the hill up ahead of me about 1000 yards or so. It was standing upright and the sun was shining on it's red/brown hair. I thought at first that it might be a person standing up there, but the hair was so thick and went from the head down to the chest that I realized it probably wasn't a human. I couldn't see the details of the face, but it just stood there watching the traffic as it went by. Unfortunately as I got closer the hill rose up blocking my view because the highway was carved into the hill. On the other side of the hill I tried to look in my rearview mirror to catch another glimpse, but the angles were off and by the time I could see the top of the hill I was way too far away to get any details. | Conroe, TX | 30.399677864287020000000,-95.485954284667970000000 |
01020040 | 2002 | 3a | TX | Red River | Arrowhead hunter reports distant visual encounter with upright hairy figure near Sulphur River. | I was hunting arrowheads on some land that has a large lake on it. I was not really supposed to be there but I was just looking. I had been there about 4 hours and was leaving when I got on the lake shore I noticed about 300 yards away something in the water on the other shoreline. At first I thought it was just a stump but then it got up and moved. It was a good distance away but I know it was no bear. It never noticed me, it just kept soaking. As I climbed up the dam to leave it must have seen me because it got up and walked to shore. I didn't see it as I finished crossing the dam to leave. | Hagansport | 33.373688658142880000000,-95.249533653259280000000 |
01050011 | 2002 | 3a | TX | Montgomery | Hiker has daytime encounter in Sam Houston National Forest. | Me and my family had moved to the Montgomery county area in October of 2001. In December I had noticed a old logging road leading into the Sam Houston National Forest from the sub-division which was still under development at the time. I haven't hiked since I was a teenager so I decided to see where this road went when weather permitted. In April 2002 I had taken some vacation time from work and one afternoon after mowing I thought I would go for a walk a routine I continued for several days going further down the road and deeper into the woods with each trek. I had seen evidence of deer, hog, squirrel and even bear in the area. On the sixth day I walked by an area that had springs on both sides of the trail which alternated sides every so often. I noticed on this trip there was no animal sounds or activity and I felt watched. So I stopped and surveyed my surroundings and to the east of me about 25 yards in the thick underbrush something quite robust in size and dark in color seemed to be crouched between a couple of trees looking in my direction. I thought it was a large hog or maybe a bear so I turned south heading toward home and this creature moved along with me keeping a distance of approximately 15-30 yards between us at all times. We continued this kind of cat and mouse routine for about 20-25 minutes. I stopped to relieve myself. Then suddenly I don't know what possessed me to turn into the woods toward this creature. It stopped and crouched very low to the ground and remained perfectly still. I had gotten into about 10 yards. The hair on my neck stood up when I heard movement of something large moving in woods from across the trail behind me. I moved quickly back onto the trail and it seemed I wasn't being followed so I slowed my pace, by this time I was about 100-125 yards from the point I had urinated I turned and saw this dark figure walk upright out of the east woods and stop at my puddle area it squatted for a few second then stood up and looked directly at me for a few more seconds. It head turned abruptly toward the west woods and much larger dark being came slightly into view they both watched me as I back peddled watching them for another dozen or so yards when I decide home was the best place to be and ran off. | Cut-N-Shoot | 30.354064502288750000000,-95.369739532470700000000 |
01010004 | 2002 | 3a | TX | Smith | Repeated encounters at family's residence. | At approximately 0300 hrs in February of 2002, my dogs began to raise an alarm like I have never heard them do before. I slipped on my coveralls and grabbed my rifle with an extra magazine, then went out to investigate. My rottweiler was going ape pointing to the pasture across the road. At this time I noticed that every horse for a half mile in either direction was panicking and sounded scared half to death. I fired up my Q-beam light and swept the pasture but did not see anything, so I sent in my dog. Just as she cleared the fence, whatever was out there went from hooting and whistling to growling. My dog has never backed off from any threat but she was scared enough to come back over the fence and run under the house. I listened to whatever it was move through the brush. It was crushing tree limbs the size of a man?s wrist. After about 30 minutes everything settled down. But I was scared enough to go in the house. I had the feeling if I had run into whatever is bad enough to spook all the animals, even the sixty 7.62 mm rounds I had would not be enough. At approximately 0115 hrs on Wednesday April, 24, 2002 my rottweiler jumped up from the front porch and began growling. She charged towards the road while I was getting my rifle and a spot light. When I stepped outside she was running full blast towards the house as if terrified out of her mind. I walked out to the road and swept the field with the light. There was no wind but I saw an area where the trees were still waving as if something big had just went through them. I then crossed the road and noticed the barbed wire fence had been pushed down in at least 2 areas. Upon closer examination I noticed the grass was pushed down or crushed down on this side of the fence. It looked like something was stepping over the fence when challenged by the dog, then went back over. As I said there was no wind but I could still smell something like a mixture of raw sewage and carrion. As I turned back to go into the house I heard a scream from approximately 100 yards into the woods. It was repeated several times and sounded similar to a panther scream but the octaves were way too low for a big cat (which I have seen and heard in the wild many times including cougars, black leopards, bobcat, lynx and even tigers from the tiger preserve 8 miles north of the house). | Tyler | 32.259628335702670000000,-95.220565795898440000000 |
01020003 | 2001 | 3a | TX | Harrison | Deer hunter reports visual encounter near Marshall. | A 7-foot upright stooped ape-like figure that was dark brown in color. It had a deer hindquarter in its left hand. | Marshall | 32.504839692494016000000,-94.258060455322260000000 |
01020053 | 2001 | 3a | TX | Hunt | Two men witness intimidation behavior and have extraordinary close encounter. | Several bigfoots were observed with binoculars in a deeply wooded area. They were dodging in/out of the tree line, like a game of cat and mouse, with each other. Thought it was a hoax being played on me and just watched them move closer in my direction. We also heard some cackling noises in the distance that I likened to hyenas or coyotes. Separate from these noises were dogs barking in the area. Horses in the area that became real jumpy. After walking into wooded area, we disturbed a large creature that let out a very deep and loud growl that I've never heard any animal make before and we heard a loud thud like a heavy animal jumping. Shots from a .45 ACP handgun were fired in the vicinity followed by heavy footsteps and branches/brush being disturbed by the same heavy animal making a hasty retreat. We went into the same distance and reached a creek bed area. There was dead silence and we noticed some smudged prints near the water's edge but didn't hear a splash or any other noise. We got the feeling that we were being watched and feared that whatever we were following had doubled back on us and might corner us with our backs to the water. By this time, it was darker outside but in the more open areas you could see without a flashlight. As we were leaving the area, we heard very heavy footsteps and stomping along with tree branches crashing to the ground that I likened to a bull dozer without the engine rushing behind us. We got to a clearing and turned to face whatever it was and saw a HUGE, silver-grayish colored bigfoot just at the tree line. It was in the 10 o'clock position from where we were and it was stomping and "bluff charging" or "mock charging" at us and throwing branches. The trees in this area were middle growth to mature trees and he (appeared to be male by the aggressive nature and sheer size) was rattling these trees with no problem! We squatted down to get a better look and to take aim at him in case he charged. He stayed within the tree line and rocked back and forth like a gorilla. The only sounds that were heard, at this point, were the stomping and the branches being thrown at us. He was about 20 yds. away from us and the large branches were coming very close. I had the gun aimed right at him and I'm convinced that he had a better sighting on me than I had on him because he reacted just like a squirrel on a tree does. I was thinking about taking a shot at him when suddenly from the 12 o'clock position, we noticed another bigfoot that was shorter than he was and wasn't as thick, up top, and appeared to be female because of (her) actions. The larger one (10 o'clock position) was at least 8 or 9 feet tall and was very massive in the shoulder areas. The smaller one (12 o'clock position) was at over 7 feet tall and was standing there rocking back and forth, but not as violently as the larger one. (Seemed like she was following his lead and waiting to see what he would do next....) As long as I pointed the gun in their direction or shined a flashlight at them, they stayed behind the trees and tried to hide their faces. It became a sort of hide-n-seek as I shined the light to see their faces. I did catch a glimpse and the face appeared more sloth-like, from what I saw. They had BIG heads, the eyes were dark looking despite the growing darkness and flashlights. On one, I did notice a sort of frowned expression on the face and it almost looked sad. At this point, I couldn't shoot because I wasn't sure that it still wasn't a hoax, although I understood what I was looking at. Also, it almost seemed like they could almost understand things more than other animals. (I won't say they were thinking and reasoning.....) But, it was as if they were upset that I shot at them and was asking me "WHY?" The larger one (10 o'clock position) became more agitated and wanted us out of the area and began to stomp more and more, so we decided to slowly back out of the area (with gun pointed in their direction) and leave. As soon as we got out of the area, we then heard what I likened to a loud shouting type of horse whinnying shout. That I labeled their victory call, for running us out of the area. I had a camera hanging from my neck but didn't touch the camera until I got home and noticed it hanging from my neck! I was very much afraid and wasn't sure if I'd make it out of there alive or not. | Quinlan | 32.878650105282570000000,-96.140584945678710000000 |
01050029 | 2001 | 1d | TX | Bailey | Three bikers returning from Mexico have strange road encounter near Muleshoe Wildlife Refuge. | Three of us were returning on a road trip late at night. I was number two in a line of three. It was a cool night with a high level light fog that was above our heads four or five feet. It wasn't a solid fog but patchy every now and then. The animal was on the side of the road crossing the ditch south to north and was about to cross my path. It stopped as I swerved to miss it and as I looked behind me the number three rider had to drive way around because it had stepped into the road. We stopped to verify with each other what we had just seen. Our stories were the same and being late at night and very dark we decided to get the hell out of there. In hindsight we should have gone and looked for evidence of the animal. | Circle Back | 34.031607442277410000000,-102.691955566406250000000 |
02080015 | 2001 | 3a | OK | Cherokee | Woman has close encounter near Green Leaf Lake. | We were driving down one of the roads in the GMA when something in two strides crossed the road stepped over the ditch knelt down did a half body turn. Not just turn its head, but turn its whole upper body and looked straight at us. It was creepy, it looked at us, stood up and took off into the trees. We were in shock it was definitely unexpected. One of those things where any hair you got is standing up. It was about 6 1/2 ft. tall long dark hair except for the face area and I'll be honest it scared me it looked like a human. It had a thick build its arms and legs moved differently not like a monkey scurrying around its thick arms and legs were in stride they moved together It was unbelievable the way it moved so smooth and fast. The animal that we saw was crossing from the public hunting area into the small game area and that is only open at certain times of the year and that wasn't it. | Zeb | 35.618485788200190000000,-95.153596401214600000000 |
01020062 | 2001 | 3a | TX | Panola | Deer hunter has interesting encounter on hunting lease in Sabine River bottoms. | My friend and his wife went to my hunting lease. He came back to my office and told me that his wife saw an ape-like creature. He said it hid behind a tree but she did see it well. He said she watched it for a few seconds and it ran off. He said they thought it was an ape that was wild or had escaped from someone. He has not spoken of it since. | Deadwood | 32.115003228504380000000,-94.171972274780270000000 |
02080001 | 2001 | 3c | OK | McCurtain | Father and son observe hand print and footprints near old logging road. | While my son and I were camping in the Ouachita National Forest on Oct 19 2001, in McCurtain County we discovered 4 large foot prints and one large hand print. We were off one of the logging roads that wind through out the forest. I came upon a area that had a very steep cut out along the bank off the road. This cut off had exposed the underlining strata, and I thought it would be a good time to show my son some geology of the area. The exposed strata was layered and I could show my son (18 years old) how the rock and soil was layered by water over thousands of years. We went up to the bank and was starting to show him the layers when suddenly my son said "Dad look at this print" it turned out that it was a very large hand print. After further investigation we found 4 large foot prints. The prints were in a single line and you could follow the prints for a space of roughly 15 -20 feet. We did not have a tape measure or ruler to measure accurately so every measurement is a guesstimation. The first print seen is a left foot, then comes right foot about two feet away, then comes left foot about 8 feet further up then about 3-4 foot away and slightly higher up the (what I will call for lack of a better term alluvial fan, because off this bank the soil and rock is washed down into a pattern like that off larger areas such as the sides of mountains, etc.) Following the left hand print comes another left foot print about 3 feet away, however this print only shows the toes and about 1/2 of the foot it appears to have been made while the foot was rotating off the ball and toes, and stopped at what with some caution I will call the arch. (I say that because there does not seem to be much if any arch at least like a normal human foot.) Following this print is another large print however this print seems to be out of place as that it is perpendicular to the others and headed further up the debris pile. After this the tracks stop. There are some others there that I think were at one time prints however they were deteriorated to the point where it would be impossible to ID. The material in this wash is a combination of small chat like material mixed with the native soil (clay based sandy loam). It is not a material that is condusive to holding any print of any kind for very long and they will be gone totally after the first rain. The track these prints and place was not a easy track for it was slightly up the debris pile and a fairly steep angle, my best guess why it would take this track was because the location of this place is in one of the few places in this area which has any open ground (not very large, but larger than the surrounding area) and as stated earlier it was right off one of the logging roads, so I guess he/it was walking along the bank to minimize his silhouette while treking along this open space next to the road. The next morning (Oct 20) we went back out there and we took some small sticks and placed hunters orange tape on the tops of the sticks then placed the sticks in the middle of the tracks so that we could get a visual on its track. We used one piece of tape to mark foot prints and used two pieces of tape to mark the hand print. This was so we could get a easier visual sight of what was going on. We then took the video camera and filmed the tracks and the track markers, so we have all this on video and you are welcome to view this, and in fact I can/will furnish a copy of the tape if interested in it. Just let us know if you wish to see it. | Smithville | 34.355341029981410000000,-94.696998596191400000000 |
02080003 | 2001 | 2 | OK | Le Flore | Near Big Cedar, hunter observes something resembling a chimp in nearby tree. | [Note: This sighting was submitted on behalf of the witness by Alton Higgins. It is preferred, when possible, to receive written information directly from eyewitnesses.] Primate observed from tree stand. The animal itself was in a tree. | Big Cedar | 34.621060020656735000000,-94.695281982421870000000 |
01010013 | 2001 | 3b | TX | Marion | Two hunters hear ape-like sounds, encounter strong odor and unusual tree breaks. | My buddy and I had been walking out in the woods looking for a place to hunt. We walked around an area approximately 200 acres. We noticed that there did not seem to be any wildlife stirring or moving anywhere in the woods that afternoon. This seemed odd, no birds, squirrels, rabbits, nothing. We did notice some deer tracks and some other paw prints that could have been bobcat or coyotes. As we were making our way up a hill from a small creek bottom we heard a strange scream or roar. It started out mild, then quickly got louder and more intense. It almost sounded like a large gorilla. My friend and I looked at each other and asked "what was that"? It lasted about 20 to 30 seconds and seemed to be very irritated. Needless to say we quickly made our way back to our truck as fast as possible. We then moved to another area of woods and noticed a stench in the air, almost like the smell of urine. We did not encounter any sightings, but the screams or growls we heard that afternoon will not be forgotten. | 32.924554773638280000000,-94.132232666015620000000 | |
01020024 | 2001 | 3a | TX | Tyler | Woman reports having visual encounter through kitchen window. | About 11 months ago I saw a bigfoot in my backyard. He stood about 7-8 foot tall. It weighed 800-1000 lbs. It was black and hairy all over and smelled worse than a skunk. It had arms like an ape and looked prehistoric. It was very shocking to see. Most recently, a teenage boy claimed that he saw a bigfoot in the Woodville area. My son has told me one night something that stunk came close to the house by the bedroom where he was sleeping. Whatever it was moaned and groaned and he could hear it breathing. My son lives in the same house where I saw the bigfoot in Woodville, TX. | Woodville | 30.797810640670384000000,-94.418134689331050000000 |
01020016 | 2001 | 3a | TX | Walker | Predawn encounter on east side of FM 1375 bridge over Lake Conroe. | I am a little unsure if this is a bigfoot sighting or not but it certainly freaked me out enough that I felt the urge to look into a bit further. It happened in September of 2001 on the county line between Walker and Montgomery Counties in Southeast Texas. At the time I was living in the college community of College Station, Texas and would commute the hour and a half from home to my work in Conroe. Due to the drive and the time I needed to be at work I often left long before the sun was rising. On the 11th of September I left home at about 4:30 A.M. and headed to work. The quickest, but not easiest, route leads through some rather empty country and part of the Sam Houston State Forest which borders Lake Conroe. I was on FM (Farm to Market Road) 1375 which cuts through the forest and over part of the lake. The cut off is approximately 15 miles from the state highway to interstate 45 running north south from Dallas to Houston. Halfway down the road is a bridge spanning the upper portion of the lake. I had just crossed that bridge headed east when I decided to pull to the side of the road. I am a heavy coffee drinker and for obvious reasons the rural nature of the spot made it an easy stopping point. Where I had stopped years of fishermen have worn a path down the from the road bed to the Lakes edge. I had just started to step onto that path when I noticed a VERY heavy musky odor. I wish now I would have made a point to stop and take another breath but at the time I was thinking just that it was a really strange skunk odor. I had taken maybe 2 or 3 more steps when the hairs on my neck literally stood on end and to this day I swear I heard a 'woofing' noise. Not like a dog does but kind of like that and as if something was telling me I was not where I needed to be. I stopped and that is when to my immediate right something stood up and grabbed the branches of a small tree right next to my head and began to shake. I had left my lights on in at the truck and though they were not shining in my direction the reflection was enough to get a general idea. It stood well over a foot taller then me and was still below me on the slope of the embankment. I am 5'8" so I would think it was about 7 feet tall. It had dark colored hair, a rather large head and I could not see the nose or eyes due to shadows. It had long arms I think and large hands. I am a little unsure of that because I cannot remember if I really looked at its hands or not. The stench was amazing. Enough to make my eyes water. It began to make a squealing bark kind of noise and in 2 or 3 strides was past me and headed for the road. I don't know why it didn't turn and head back into the forest but it didn't. I turned to watch and as it started across the road a light colored truck came around the bend in the road headed west. I don't know if the driver saw what I did but I can remember the red lights of the brakes shining so he/she must have seen something. The creature moved up the hill on the other side of the road and went into the pine trees there. I got back into my truck and got the heck out of dodge so to speak. I have only told one other person about this because to be honest I don't want to look like some idiot seeing a ghost in the middle of the woods in Texas. | New Waverly | 30.528405713314257000000,-95.595817565917970000000 |
01040023 | 2001 | 1d | TX | Smith | Three teens report sighting on Blackhawk Creek near Whitehouse. | Okay - me and my friends were fishing down at the creek by our house and we were tired and decided to leave. So we all started walking back up the road from the wood area and [our friend] said that he had forgotten the bait. So he ran down to the creek to get the bait then he came running back and screaming and said that he saw a giant white hairy thing picking up leaves and dropping them. So we were all freaked out. So like 3 of us went back down there to see what he was talking about and as we were walking along the creek a big hairy white man like thing jumped out from behind a tree in front of us, looked at us then jumped the creek (which is far too wide for the average human to jump) and ran off. | Whitehouse | 32.204485798480190000000,-95.202069282531740000000 |
02080009 | 2001 | 1d | OK | Caddo | Wooded, rural, lake house scene of late night encounter. | We were at my lake house where we were living for the past 3 months. We had returned to get some things that we wanted at our other house so we spent a couple of hours gathering stuff up and cleaning a bit. I went out side looking for the cat then my wife followed. I was in the front yard yelling "tiger" "tiger"! My wife went to the back yard and started yelling. Then out of nowhere she hears a hoot owl. "Hoo, hoo hoot" it was loud. It sounded close to me and I was in the front yard. but she said it came from not more than 10ft from her. She stopped startled. Then another one went off from the other direction even closer. She comes running to the front yard. We weren't more than 15 yards apart to begin with and I kind of met her 3/4 of her way at the front corner of the house. She's like "Oh my god did you hear that, two owls right there above me". Doesn't sound that creepy but in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere with no flash light it will startle you. I said "yea I heard it what was it?" She said "they sounded like owls but owls are territorial and are never that close unless they are mating." Just as she said that every where around us started "hooting" 20 to 30 different ones. Loud to like stereo turned up all the way in your car loud. And then some of the calls turned in to jungle noises. Like monkeys and toucans all kinds of noises, and in the middle of some of the calls it in a way sounded almost like human laughing but kind of like in an insane way. It just kept getting louder and louder until it was almost ear piercing and then there was complete silence.....The crickets and bugs started back in and I heard a twig "snap!". We hurriedly got in the car and put it in reverse. Then peeled out (if you can do that in dirt). On the way down the drive way not more than 20 yards from our house. I saw the outline of some thing big and dark colored. But what I remember the most is the eyes, they almost glowed. | El Reno | 35.558345145258066000000,-98.025341033935550000000 |
01010003 | 2001 | 3a | TX | Wise | Early morning encounter on North Texas backroad. | In March 2001 at 4:30 am on my way home from work, on the back roads, something crossed in front of my headlights. This "thing" had long hair, long arms, between 6-7 feet tall and traveling fast. It crossed the road in front of me in 2-3 steps. It stepped over a fence and went into a coastal field out of my vision. It was grayish color but everything in that area is covered in rock crusher dust so it could have been any color. This "thing" was not as hefty as in the pictures, but he was tall with long arms. He stood on two feet like a human with long arms and didn't run but was lumbering across the road. I told others at my work about this and two other men saw the same "thing" on April 12, 2001 about 1 mile from where I saw it. My boss saw "it" when he was a young man and stated it screamed like he had never heard before and couldn't mimic the sound it made. We are hesitant to speak about this but what I saw that morning was something I have never seen before. | Chico | 33.304994751119324000000,-97.883377075195310000000 |
25013101 | 2001 | 3a | OK | Ottawa | Family Has Very Close Late Night Sighting of Large Hairy Bipedal Beast Walking Alongside Roadway | Clear night in March 2001. There were no animals to be seen. Driving on an unlit county road. I was driving me and my sisters home after visiting a family member who had recently had a baby. It was about 10 pm when I noticed something walking along the side of the road. It was probably 75 yards ahead of us when I first noticed. I mentioned to my sister in the passenger seat that it was awfully late to be walking without any lights. As we approached closer to the figure, it became clear that it was not a person. I slow down for reasons I cannot explain. My younger sisters are in the back seat they were around the ages of 8 and 6. They begin to scream and cry, telling me not to stop. I tell them to lay flat on the floorboard. Because the older sister and I knew this was not ordinary. The creature stood about 9 to 10 feet tall and had dark brown fur. We get to about 5 yards away, and the creature stops and turns and looks at us for about a couple of seconds. I noticed the creature had evil yellow eyes. After a few seconds, the creature continued to walk. By this time, I had locked the doors and sped off towards the nearest town. | Peoria | 36.915344400000000000000,-94.669947600000010000000 |
04080007 | 2001 | 3c | LA | Caddo Parish | Work crew finds tracks. | We were pulling a well in a remote wooded area. Being the only female on the crew I had to find a tree to use the bathroom so I did. About 30 min. later we all smelled a horrible smell. We knew it wasn't quite right, it scared some of them so we left the site. When we returned the next day we noticed where I had went to the tree. It was torn up. I mean the whole little area looked like something tried to take it out. About 4 in. from the ground on the tree were and still are bite marks, they can still be seen. There were 2 well formed tracks about 13 in. long. There appeared to be 5 toes about 5 in. wide. I have gone back several times to see if I could spot anything else. I would be glad to show you. | Tree City | 32.786913742548050000000,-94.042024612426760000000 |
01040003 | 2000 | 2 | TX | Fannin | Ongoing activity on private hunting land. | In October 2000, I began hunting on my wife's family land. The land had sat idle for at least ten years. When I began hunting the land, the deer and hog population was quite high. I took quite a few animals with nothing out of the ordinary taking place. Oct 2001: I started filling my feeders and noticed deer every time I entered the property. Strange things started to take place on the first day of season. At the time I didn't think much about it. On opening day, (evening) I was hunting in my stand that was closest to the creek. (I would later find this was close to the bigfoot's nest area). My dad and I had been whispering at my stand. He left to walk to his stand (100 yards off). Shortly after he left, all wildlife sounds stopped. I then heard a large tree crash to my right (north). I then heard what sounded like a buck hitting his horns (scraping) on a tree. The animal then made a loud blowing noise. I didn't think this unusual. I then heard an animal moving through the dense trees (going from north to south to my dad's stand) I never saw it. It went in the direction of my dad's stand. At one point, it turned and started back in my direction. It then ran out of the woods (going east) to the fire road. At no point did I ever see what the animal was. My dad said that he heard it come up behind him. It then turned and went back in my direction. All season, there was an eerie feeling felt by all that hunted the place. There are two roads running through the place. Both travel north/south and cross a dry creek. All strange activity would happen across the creek between the two roads. Squirrels would start barking on the creek and then complete silence. Later in the season, my wife was hunting with me. I left her in her stand (on the 1st road) and I walked down and crossed the creek to hunt. When I arrived to get her (dusk), she was in shock and crying. She said that something big had walked up close behind her. She turned to see what it was and the animal fled. She said it moved to her right and crossed the road. She heard it run and jump the small creek. After it landed on the other side, it growled at her. She also stated that it had a horrible smell. I had never mentioned anything to her about bigfoot (smell sounds). It is my belief that this is what she had contact with. The last week of deer season, my dad and I were hunting off the second road. We had got in the woods late, so I walked in about 30 feet (off the road) and sat on a stump. About 75 yards down, I heard a squirrel barking in a very strange way. I then heard three large tree breaks. Shortly after, I heard movement to my left in the thicket. Within a few minutes, I heard strange noises coming from the road behind me. Within a few seconds I heard very heavy footsteps on the road. The road is soft silt (water runoff). Part of it was exposed dirt, part covered in dry leaves. The footsteps were in the dry leaves. I turned to see a large red creature walking on two legs. I couldn't see the entire animal at one time due to the trees along the road. I would estimate the animal at seven feet tall, long thick arms, thick chest, long red hair (the color of an Irish Setter dog). It appeared to be a large ape. The animal was in no hurry and I assume, had no idea I was sitting there. I stood up and turned to face the animal. I leveled my shotgun at it (for protection), and called my dad on the walkie-talkie. As soon as I spoke, the animal let out a low short scream and broke into a run down the road. I have never seen an animal move that fast. I'm quite sure that it never saw me, as I scared it by speaking. My dad arrived and I told him what had taken place. We looked on the road and found two sixteen inch long foot prints in the soft silt. My dad advised that he heard the animal come through the thicket between us, but didn't see anything. At the time, I was a member of the NAWAC. I called and reported the incident. The next day, myself and several members searched the area. Across the creek (from one of my stands), an area was located that appeared to be a bedding area. An old 16 inch track was found in the bedding area. The next summer, I was taking a NAWAC member to the bedding area when we came across a nest constructed of tree limbs. It was constructed on the north side of the tree. Several limbs (north side only) were broken off the cedar tree and laid against it in an "A" frame type lean-to. There were additional branches that had to have come from other trees. The "nest" was about 4 feet tall. It did not show to have recent usage (winter nest?). About eight feet away, another cedar tree showed to have branches broken down touching the ground. This tree showed recent usage under the tree. Both trees were within fifty feet of the first bedding area found after my sighting. No one has access to this part of the place. It is very remote. 2002: Again a strange feeling was felt by all that hunted on the place. It seemed as long as we (hunted off the first road) did not cross the creek we were not bothered. Anytime we hunted off the second road we had unusual things happen (vocals, trees breaking). My wife and I crossed the creek and hunted from a fire road overlooking a creek. Weeks later, we came back to hunt the same spot. We had hunted in a stand of 3 trees together. When we came back, there was a cedar tree (pulled up roots and all) that had been thrown into the trees we had been hunting. The oddest thing about it is this area is nothing but hardwoods. The cedar tree was pulled up from somewhere else. This again, was within a short distance from the nest area. The last week of season, my wife, friend, his young son, and I were hunting the 1st road. My wife, the boy, and I crossed the creek to hunt. My friend took one of my stands. We left the boy on the road where I could watch him. The wife and I walked in about 50 yards and sat on the creek. About 30 minutes before dusk, a loud, low roar was heard down the creek (between the 2 roads). It was so loud it just seemed to vibrate my chest. Something was heard walking around but couldn't be seen. It scared the boy so bad he got up and moved. Not seeing him, I got up to go find him. At this point, we decided to end the hunt. 2003: A friend and I went to the property to plant green patches for the deer to eat. I decided to cross the creek and plant one near where I had a feeder. This feeder is a gravity feeder made from PVC pipe. It has a large Y pipe on the bottom (held to the tree by a rubber bungee on the bottom and rope on the top). We found the lower Y pipe had been removed. No damage was done to the feeder. It was if the pipe had been twisted enough to break the glue. The rubber bungee was hung on a tree limb (7 feet off the ground) by the hook. Several old tracks were found behind the tree. They had been stepped in several times. There was no way to tell the length of them. What could be seen, indicated the size around 16 inches. The missing section of pipe was located about 50 feet away in some cedars. The camo paint had been scratched off in long straight lines. As would be seen if someone used their fingernails. I had taken a camcorder with me, and recorded what was found. All during deer season, one of my bucket feeders was constantly being taken apart. The bottom was being unscrewed, and the parts found scattered down the creek. This is a free hanging feeder. It takes two people to screw the bottom on (very tight). Opening weekend, another track was found on the second road where I had my sighting (seen by two other people). My friend, his son, and I hunted the second road by the creek. After coming out that evening, they both said they heard tree branches being broken after they returned to the truck. I was inside the truck and didn't hear anything. Nothing else occurred this season. We inspected the nest and the area around it. No other signs were seen. My friend suggested that he didn't have that strange feeling out there anymore. It could be that after four years the creature moved on. The game population has been depleted/scarce with the arrival of this animal. Since its arrival, only one animal has been harvested in three years. A large 300lb boar was taken the last day of season this year. | Honey Grove | 33.666139577974384000000,-95.966691970825200000000 |
03080001 | 2000 | 2 | AR | Miller | Coon hunter and dogs experience close encounter in Sulphur River bottoms between Doddridge and Fouke. | I'm probably going to regret telling this story. Everyone I know will probably laugh me out of the country. I myself for many years would hoohaw and laugh every time someone would mention these creatures. Here it goes. I live in Northeast Texas not far from Texarkana. I have lived in the Texarkana area for quite some time. I don't coonhunt anymore my business has become more demanding. Coonhunting is a sport that really demands a lot of time. I found I didn't have the time to devote to it so I got rid of my Walker hounds. I was so into the sport at one time I had hunting Licenses in 3 states. I had several Night Champions to my credit. Several years ago on a cold night in Jan/Feb I believe it was in 2001 (actually 2000) - don't remember the exact date. I was coonhunting in Miller County, Arkansas. I don't know exactly how far from Mercer Bayou we were but I know we were in an area the ole timers call Thornton Wells. While we were hunting in this flooded timber, our dogs split treed. I went to my dogs who had treed on the other side of the swamp. The other guys went to their dogs on the other side. I got to the tree my dogs were treeing at and looked at my coon and caught my dogs. Everything seemed ok so I decided to amble back toward the others. I could just barely hear their dogs treeing way across the bayou. Suddenly I heard something walking in the flooded timber. (Bare in mind this whole area is 8-15 inches flooded with brackish swamp water.) I could tell by the gate that it was someone coming in the flooded woods. So I called out to them thinking it must of been one of my hunting companions. To my dismay no one answered - instead all I heard was a deep throated gurgling growl and the awfullest putrid smell. The smell was like when you kill a wild hog and grab him by the hind leg and then you give out dragging him and put your hand up to your nose and the smell knocks you over. I also heard a whining kind of a whistling sound. My dogs were on my leash and were whimpering. Now these weren't just any dogs. These were UKC Lipper bred Walkers, they probably weighed in at close to a 100lbs.They would could rip a 20lb coon apart. Yet there they were cowardly crouched behind my legs whimpering. I knew I had seen them tear coyotes to shreds that had tried to come into a tree where they were treeing. I couldn't understand it. Still in all I was not concerned about any of this and got my dogs and started back across the swamp. After a few minutes I heard this sound of someone or something walking in the water again. So I stopped and turned around and standing right behind me was a creature of immense size. Talking about the hair on the back of your neck standing up, I was scared. I don't ever remember being that scared. He made a hissing sound and reached down and took his hand and started scooping water and throwing it up at me and making a deep throaty noise. My dogs started chomping at the leash and growling trying to get at it, having regained their bravery. I grabbed the leash and tore out across that swamp so scared that for awhile I went in the wrong direction. I got to a big Cypress knee and caught my breath. I could hear the thing behind me sounded like it was about a 100 yards or so back. It followed me for a ways then after a while I could hear it across the bayou making a moaning sound and moving away slowly. I got my breath and my compass and my bearings and started back to the truck. When I got there I didn't say a word to my friends about what I saw and heard for fear they would laugh me down. Needless to say I never returned to Thornton Wells nor do I plan to. For a long time I kept this to myself I even had nightmares about it. The only person I ever told was an old coonhunter from Doddridge, Ark. He's dead and gone now but I do remember something he said to me that day. He said, if you're smart you'll keep that to yourself I know from experience that people will laugh at you and call you a liar. I've hunted in the Sulphur River bottoms many nights but never have I seen anything like that before or since. I'm not one for tall tales but I thought I would share this terrifying ordeal with you all because it seems we might have something in common. | Fouke | 33.209392992952154000000,-93.972244262695310000000 |
01010005 | 2000 | 3a | TX | Rusk | Family reports multiple encounters on Highway 322. | Early in the morning my husband and I were driving from Lufkin to Longview. We were traveling on Highway 322 just south of the Gregg County Airport. I saw a large creature walking out of thick woods and on to some land used for strip mining. I wanted to get out. My husband would not stop. The animal we had seen was walking in the direction of a house that had just been built. Two of my sons have had sightings while traveling the same road but farther south. | Elderville | 32.346974622191650000000,-94.725236892700200000000 |
04080023 | 2000 | 1d | LA | La Salle Parish | Two teenage deer hunters have encounter while hunting. | [NAWAC investigator Scott Kessler filed this report for the witnesses, two teenaged hunters, in their own words. Whenever possible, the NAWAC desires that witnesses file their own reports, but in light of extenuating circumstances, exceptions are made.] We had ridden a 4-wheeler to a deerstand not far from the house. We had been there about 30 minutes. It was near 4 pm and the sun was just beginning to go down. It was almost dusk. We were out there hunting for deer when I told my friend that there was something moving closer to a group of wild hogs about 40 feet from us. When it got closer we saw what appeared to be a man "duck walking" towards the hogs. It scratched its head and looked around and began to shuffle one foot back and forth (as if it was shifting its weight). It was also making "blowing sounds like a deer does." I shifted my position in the deerstand and hit my shotgun (20 gauge) against the inside of the deerstand and it heard it and stood up. The hogs ran off when it stood upright. We bolted out the back door of the stand and jumped on the 4 wheeler and hauled it out of there. After turning a corner and across a small creek I [primary witness] looked back and saw it standing by a tree watching us leave. We had watched it all total for about 10 minutes. It was reddish brown, covered with hair and we could see its eyes. The face was somewhat covered with hair but not as covered as the rest of the body. It was about 7 feet tall and maybe 300 to 350 pounds. | Georgetown | 31.666823904468835000000,-92.356996536254880000000 |
03080033 | 2000 | 2 | AR | Miller | Bowhunter has early morning encounter while in hunting stand in Sulphur River Wildlife Management Area. | I scouted the area the day before and hung my ole' man climbing tree stand on a tree for the following morning's hunt. The only tree I could use was a small oak with a main fork that was about 12 feet off the ground and covered with poison oak. That means I could only climb up to that fork, and not my usual 20 or 25 feet which I usually like to hunt from. I'm not allergic to poison oak, so that wasn't going to bother me. I arrived early (4:45 A.M.) parked and got dressed. I've learned that to be a successful hunter, you have to be scent free. I dressed in my realtree leafy suit and lacrosse rubber boots, sprayed down with scentkiller and dowsed my boots with persimmon scent and walked to my stand (5:00 A.M.). The Moon was full and I could see with the use of my Streamlight (green light) pen light. With the morning dew, I made no noise getting to my stand and without scaring game off with a large flashlight. I made it to my stand and found that the top portion was twisted around to the back of the tree and the bottom was moved to the base of the tree. Why did someone do this and not steal it? (5:20 A.M) I was up the tree and had my bow in my lap with my arrow pointing away from me with it resting on my stand's gun rest. I pulled my earth scent wafers out and attached them to the outside of my back pack. I was facing south with two big oak trees about 25 yards away. The clouds were moving fast and with the full moon, I could somewhat see in the dark. I was very still and had everything camouflaged except my muzzy broadhead, on the end of my arrow. It was about 5:30 A.M. when I heard something walk up from behind me. I turned slowly to see if I could see it. It was big and black and at first thought it was a couple hogs. They were too big to be hogs and I wondered whose cows were loose in the refuge. I was wanting them to hurry up and leave so they wouldn't scare the deer when something brushed up against my leg. I didn't hear anything climb up the tree with me so I kept still. I was looking forward when I saw a big black hand reach up and grab my muzzy broadhead. The hand was a shiny black and the fingers were huge! The palms were also black like a gorilla. When it grabbed my broadhead the razor blades cut him and it yelled like a bull! It was louder than a car horn and it was at my feet. It scared the crap out of me so I started yelling back. And cussing! It ran off breaking trees and tearing down everything in its path. I sat there 15 minutes until it got daylight and left. I believe that I scared him/her as much as it scared me. | Doddridge | 33.163852123292810000000,-93.925209045410160000000 |
02080033 | 2000 | 1b | OK | Le Flore | NAWAC investigator and wildlife biologist Alton Higgins finds trackway in Ouachita Mountains near Big Cedar. | Three of us were scouting for tracks in McCurtain and Le Flore County. We happened to meet a retired Forest Service supervisor who directed us to an area that he thought might be worth checking out for sasquatch activity. He owned some cabins on the Little River and said he had experienced sasquatch encounters on his property. The road to the remote area was extremely rough. For two days we neither saw nor heard anyone else. On Sunday the driver stopped at a spot where the jeep trail skirted what had been a muddy stretch, now dried. We had made many similar stops that weekend to look for tracks in places not covered by rocks and thick vegetation. I noticed a concentration of dead leaves in the midst of the smooth dry mud; I moved the leaves to reveal a depression that the leaves had filled. It was a sixteen-inch track. One of the other guys, an experienced local hunter, announced the discovery of another track, then another. Four tracks were found, deeply impressed in the mud, paralleling the jeep trail. It had not rained for months, so the tracks could have been made the previous May or June. Alongside the huge tracks was a series of black bear tracks, an adult and a cub. There was no mistaking that the huge tracks we were looking at were NOT bear tracks. In a spot where the abandoned stretch of jeep trail had a raised center, a left foot registered what looked like a series of marks from a flat nail of a big toe. The tracks were about seven inches wide across the ball, with a heel about four inches wide; depth varied, but they were up to 1.5 inches deep. The average heel-to-heel distance was about 57 inches for the first two steps. The last step, the one where the big toe left the nail marks, was about 80 inches, leading us to speculate that the animal may have slightly stumbled when its foot hit the high center of the road. It appeared that the track maker had been walking alongside the road, not in it. Rather than walk around the abandoned short muddy curve, it looked like the animal just kept to its straight course. We took pictures, but I was later informed "none of the pictures turned out." | Big Cedar | 34.666252469381625000000,-94.607391357421870000000 |
01030024 | 2000 | 3a | TX | Jackson | Two family members have separate visual encounters in a one-week period. | Well to begin, my uncle who lives across the street from my parents heard his dogs barking so he got a flashlight and went out in his pasture to check it out. He shined his flashlight to an old vehicle he has in the pasture and saw eyes. He just stood there trying to figure out what it was then he saw it turn and run. He said he beat the dogs back to the house it scared him bad. Well he called my parents telling them about it. They laughed at him and asked him if he had been drinking - he said no, it ran towards y'all. Well my dad went outside to see if he could see anything and he didn't find anything. We thought he was just joking till about a week later my mom went outside to throw something in the trash. She flipped on the porch light and had her back to the back pasture till she got a funny feeling something was wrong. She felt something staring at her. She turned around and all of a sudden my mom ran in the house shaking and crying, saying "that SOB is out there!" She panicked. I said, "Mom what is it?" She said, "He wasn't lying, that thing is out there." My dad ran to the porch to see what it was but by that time it had already ran off. I asked my mom what it looked like after I finally calmed her down she said it was about 7 1/2 to 8 feet tall standing there kind of slumped over with his arms dangling, staring at her. She said the lights reflected off of it and its eyes were glowing red from the porch lights reflection. It looked like it had been bedding down in an old hog pen my parents have. It is in the woods not too far from the creek. Mom saw it twice. We have never told anybody about this cause we didn't want people to think we were crazy or stupid. | Edna | 29.060596282260885000000,-96.714277267456050000000 |
04080017 | 2000 | 1c | LA | Rapides Parish | Logger has two encounters over three day period. | Encounters told to me by Logger Earl Whitstine. Sighting one occurred on Tuesday August 22, 2000 around 1300hrs. Mr. Whitstine stated he was operating his cutter, which resembles a skidder in that the only difference basically is one has huge shear type cutters and the other has a holder. Whitstine was approaching some fallen trees when he saw what appeared at the time to be the rear end of a horse. Thinking this was a nearby resident's horse, he rattled the cutters in an attempt to scare it away, but as he rattled the cutters the object turned and stood up. It was at this time he realized that he was not looking at a horse but a large bipedal creature. He noticed that it was covered from head to toe in thick, long, jet black hair. The hair around the face was also long and he couldn't make out any facial features. The creature turned and began to head for a nearby logging road that ran parallel to Flaggon creek. Whitstine then began to follow in the cutter, and as he got nearer to the creature it turned and jumped into the creek (bayou) and began to try to swim to the other side. Whitstine stated it looked like it couldn't swim very well as it "kept bobbing up and down trying to keep its head out of the water, but would occasionally go underwater." After reaching the other side, the creature stopped and looked back then fled into the adjoining woods. Whitstine called his boss who thought he was joking and brushed it off. Whitstine also told fellow loggers who also poked fun at him. Whitstine stated that he got as close as maybe twenty feet. Encounter number two occurred on Thursday August 24, 2000 around 0700-0730hrs while surveying a property line with another logger. As they walked the line they came upon the creature again alongside a drying bayou (Boggy Bayou). They came within eighty feet (measured during the investigation) of the creature as it stood looking at them from beside a large bush. He yelled out to it "Hey, what are you doing?" The creature then fled north away from Whitstine and the other logger. Whitstine then called his boss and the property owner. The land owner notified Wildlife and Fisheries, the Rapides Parish Sheriffs Office, along with the local paper and tv station. Sighting around the week of July 4, 2000. Fisherman sees a large, smelly, bipedal creature carrying a hog less than a quarter mile from August sightings. | Deville | 31.464524796785056000000,-92.246232032775880000000 |
01000007 | 2000 | 3a | TX | Hemphill | Daylight sighting by ranchers on the banks of the Canadian River. | A friend and I were gathering cattle around dusk about 300 yards from the river. We were pushing the cattle towards the barn which was about a mile from our location at the time. As we pushed the cattle we noticed our horses becoming antsy and they wanted to go the opposite way of the river and the cattle were becoming hard to hold together and they were getting antsy as well and nervous. We decided that it was a lost cause because for some reason they were frightened. We just thought it was because a storm was on its way and cattle gather in a corner before and during a storm. And it was getting dark so we headed in and angrily decided to do it in the morning. As we headed home our horses would not go and we figured that they were nervous from the oncoming storm. As we impatiently loped them towards the river my buddy's horse took off on a dead run for the barn, soon after that mine followed. As we got to the sandy bank of the Canadian River we saw a bigfoot standing there about 100 yards down river from us. He was squatting on the side of the river and when we came up he was startled and jumped to his feet, but didn't run off. The horses stopped with a lot of pulling back on the reins and because they didn't want to hit the river with a full head of steam. They were very nervous though, prancing in circles around each other, but we still got a good look. At first we were very startled but we didn't run out of curiosity and shock I think. We watched it watch us for about 30 seconds I think before it hauled ass into the trees. It ran with a gait that I have never seen and it was not human at all, it was about 9 feet tall and its strides were about that long. As it ran with its head towards us it just clobbered a small tree right at the edge of tree line, as it did the tree broke and the bigfoot barely flinched. This was when we both knew that it was not human at all. We didn't have the guts to check things out that night but we did go back the next morning, but we couldn't tell much because of the rain that night. But to this day I swear by my story and I swear that whatever that thing was, it was no human. | Canadian | 36.322870678512544000000,-100.189819335937500000000 |
01080034 | 2000 | 1d | TX | Wood | Two teenage girls experience pre-dusk encounter while in woods near home. | About 8-10 years ago my best friend and I were running about in the woods down some trails about an 8th of a mile or so behind my house. It was getting dark so we started to jog home, all I was hearing was the crunch of small rocks (not quite like gravel) under our feet. All of a sudden I heard a loud crash and I reached behind me, grabbing her shirt by her chest stopping her and asking her if she heard anything because it sounded really close. She said no and I pointed in the direction I thought it came from and said "it came from over there," in which case she pointed a little to the right and said, "NO! It?s right there!" I then saw a large beast covered in a dark brownish fur stand up from being on all fours to standing on twos, side step twice to hide behind a tree and peeked out from around it. I noticed no ears like a bear would have and no smell. It made no noise other than the crash it had caused earlier. Not sure if he had jumped out of a tree, fell down, was just knocking over trees, or what. I didn?t notice any moving bushes or trees. There was a large bush between us so I really only saw about his waist up, never noticed any hands or feet. I didn?t get a good look at his face, the sun was setting and it was getting rather dark in the thick woods. We slowly sidestepped around the little bend where the animal was. It was about 20-30 feet from us. Once past it we took off running as fast as we could and ran all the way home. We heard it running beside us, a little back in the woods, staying clear of the trail we were on but he kept pace with us. It seemed he stayed behind us off to the right. He ran beside us for at least 100 yards or so before we no longer heard any commotion. We have not been back out in those woods since, especially by ourselves and not without it being full sunlight outside. He seemed about 6 feet tall. | Mineola | 32.652419825621490000000,-95.335235595703120000000 |
02080027 | 2000 | 1d | OK | Muskogee | Two men witness bipedal subject carrying a carcass. | A hairy bipedal creature carrying a calf or deer carcass over its left shoulder crossed the road from East to West, approximately 150 yards in front of my pick-up truck during a brief rain storm. A part-time rig hand with me in the truck also witnessed the creature. The following day we found several partial footprints along the creek bank on the West side of the road. We lost the tracks after 10-15 yards in the dense undergrowth. About 7-8 feet tall, thin and lanky weighing approximately 400 pounds. It was covered in what appeared to be dark brown or black hair, it was carrying a deer or calf carcass over its left shoulder which obstructed a clear view of its face. I had a sighting about thirty years ago in Nebraska which is posted with the BFRO. This creature was much thinner and not as robust as the creature I encountered in Nebraska. The stride was distinctly non-human. | Taft | 35.751423209339040000000,-95.518012046813960000000 |
02080004 | 2000 | 3a | OK | Le Flore | Young man has road cross encounter at dusk on Holson Valley Road. | [As reported to Roger Roberts.] The witness, age 18, observed one bigfoot "slowly jogging" across Holson Valley Road; which is two lane blacktop, west of Cedar Lake. He described the creature as "military brown" in color, with long matted hair, heavy set, over 6 ft tall, "fat head" and whiskers. The witness's total time of observation was approximately 10 seconds. The area is devoid of houses and is somewhat remote. The creature never looked in his direction, and continued to "jog" up hill on two legs after crossing the road. Initially thought he was observing a bear, but animal continued "jogging" across the road, up a nearby hill on its legs like a man would. | Hodgen | 34.764884015576115000000,-94.679317474365230000000 |
01000005 | 2000 | 3a | TX | Pecos | Two rabbit hunters report visual encounter near the Pecos River late at night. | A large hairy creature unlike any thing I have ever seen before, stood upright like a person, but was NOT a person. Guessing that it would weigh around 450 to 500 pounds, very mobile, jumped a 4' fence with ease. | Imperial | 31.246562448970160000000,-102.501754760742190000000 |
03080002 | 2000 | 3a | AR | Miller | Sighting in wheat field near Fouke. | I observed a hairy manlike creature approximately 8 foot tall walking away from me. It had sticks and leaves matted in its thick reddish brown hair. The wind was blowing my way and I smelt a very distinct musky smell. I was very frightened when it stopped and looked in my direction. I had a gun but would never shoot anything unless it is game. I now carry a video camera but have not had an opportunity to observe it again. I observed the creature one other time in 1985 and it is still hard for me to believe what I saw. | Fouke | 33.212265439871830000000,-93.916625976562500000000 |
01010016 | 1999 | 3a | TX | Grayson | Two boys report visual encounter in corn field. | About two years ago about three of my high school friends and I went to toilet paper a house that was about a quarter mile away (at the time that was my nearest neighbor). We had to walk through a field to get there and as we were going some dogs started barking so fearing we were going to be spotted by someone who wanted to see what the dogs were barking at we instinctively ran for cover (hay bales the only cover you will generally find in most fields). As we sit there the dogs stop barking and begin to kind of yelp and then an eerie silence came over the area and we were already kind of spooked by the dogs. Not wanting to be spotted we sat there and talked quietly behind these hay bales and my dog (Blackie) starts pointing things on a tree line about five acres away directly to my 12:00 position. She stares directly in that direction for about a minute or two and then she kind of relaxes and then starts whimpering and scratching at me as if she wants to go home or she is really scared. Just as I begin to relax she points to our 2:00 position for about the same amount of time and then she starts the whimpering thing again and then about two minutes later to our 3:00 position or directly to my right. Seeing or hearing nothing myself, I did not fear a thing. I just thought is was a coyote or a bobcat, common animals in my area, and then she starts whimpering a little louder and points to our 6:00 and just as she does I hear something from behind us, just the crack of a limb, a faint noise as if someone stepped on a limb or ran into a dead limb and knocked it off a tree. I could not see behind me because I had the hay bale to my back. I thought it might just be a cow that lived in the field we were in and the same thing went on with the whimpering. I won?t lie, I was starting to get scared. Me and my dog have been chased by longhorns and hogs and hunted coyotes, skunks and all kinds of small varmints that roam the Grayson County area and she has never acted like this. So she points yet again to my 9:00 position right at this clearing directly to the left of me and this strange musky smell comes over me like a ghillie suit after you have worn it for a week and haven't cleaned the dung and other things out of it. It was a rancid musk only some large wild animal could make. I stare at this clearing and see two red eyes and this tall dark figure stand up walk two steps and drop into the creek bed that runs through the tree line. I stood up and got my ass the hell out of there. I was scared. No lie I ran that half a mile in two minutes or less. When we all got back to my house I asked my friends if they had seen or heard the same kind of thing I did and they all had near the same story I did. | Van Alstyne | 33.451602733446040000000,-96.568794250488280000000 |
01090006 | 1999 | 3a | TX | Hopkins | Hunter reports morning visual of multiple subjects in north Hopkins County. | I was checking out this area in north Hopkins County where I have hunted in the past. I was in a vehicle returning from the woods. I was pre-hunting an area so therefore I had no gun on me, it was out of season. I wasn't sure if it was still available to hunt. I noticed three ape-like creatures out in a field together. I stopped my vehicle and looked at them through binoculars and noticed a large male with genitalia. I could make out his chest muscles like a gorilla. Its head was shaped like that of a gorilla. Large legs but I couldn't tell how tall it was except much taller than me. It hair was darkish brown. The second was sitting down indian style back towards me but was darker. I think she was female. The third appeared to be maybe a juvenile standing up playing with a long stick in its hand. It was more like a monkey that could stand upright. I watched them from a good distance for more than 15 minutes. Finally I left in complete awe. I was kind of shocked and told my family that I seen some apelike creatures in the woods. I could not believe that I had seen them especially out in the open. I haven't visited that area since but would be happy to show where I spotted them. I have seen and heard other signs but did not put it all together as being bigfoot evidence. | Hopkins | 33.495597744865700000000,-95.721130371093750000000 |
01080094 | 1999 | 3a | TX | Hopkins | Man Has Daytime Sighting of Three Ape-Like Creatures | I was checking out this area in North Hopkins where I have hunted in the past wasn't sure if it was still available to hunt. When I noticed 3 ape like creatures out in a field together. I stopped my vehicle looked at them through binoculars and noticed a large male with genitalia. I could make out his chest mucsles like a gorilla. Its head was shaped like that of a gorilla. Large legs but I couldnt tell how tall it was except much taller than me. It hair was darkish brown. The 2nd was sitting down indian style back towards me but was darker. I think she was female. 3rd was a juvenile standing up playing with a long stick in its hand. It was more like a monkey that could stand upright. I watched them from a good distance for more than 15mins. finally I left in awe. I was kinda shocked told my family I seen some apelike creatures in the woods. | North Hopkins | 33.254621536950600000000,-95.780970454216000000000 |
01050022 | 1999 | 3a | TX | Tyler | While checking deer feeders, hunter has encounter on Neches River. | I went to the river camp in the afternoon, at the end of October 1999, to fill my deer feeders. I had a late start and I was afraid I would get stuck (if it started raining) in the bottom so I parked a 1/2 mile or so from the camp. There was a chance of rain in the area which was good because it had been dry, but it doesn't take much for this area to get wet, quick. I filled two, 2 and 1/2 gallon buckets with feed corn and took off walking down the road that leads past the first feeder. I noticed before I got to it that the feeder was missing. After a closer look I found the feeder hanging in the tree. It had been wrapped around the limb it was tied to, like a tether ball. The feeders we were using were made of 4" heavy PVC drain pipe about 2 feet long. The rope was about 10 feet long. I was thinking of climbing up the tree (or better of it) when I saw something move to my left. It was about 75 feet away and was hiding behind a large oak tree. I had seen it for just a second and thought I was seeing some strange looking, shaggy hog. As soon as I moved toward it, it started to move off. I followed it for a couple of minutes in this fashion but I could never get a good look. It was very good at keeping the brush and trees between it and myself. As this is in a place where the river over flows regularly (the run-off end of a slough), there is excessive amounts of dead trees, brush and briars at times. Sometimes it piles up so thick, it looks like beaver dams. I could only catch glimpses of it because of the thick cover. Because of its shaggy appearance I had begun to believe it was an emu or maybe two. I know this sounds strange, but a couple of weeks earlier, a man in one of the hunting clubs up the road told me someone had emptied a cattle trailer full of unwanted emus in their club and I was convinced this is what I was looking at. We continued on this way moving up the river. We came to the old R/R crossing at another camp house and boat ramp across the river. We were to a point were it/they either had to step into the open, go back the way it/they came or turn and face me. When it stepped out I really couldn't believe it, at first. It was a bigfoot, sasquatch, wooleybooger, or whatever you want to all it. There is nothing else it could have been. I was 50 feet or less away from it. The left side and back were to me and I couldn't see the face. It was about 7 feet tall, walking upright, and covered with long shaggy hair. It was longer on the arms (which hung to the knee) and covered its (hands?). The hair was dark gray-ish black, and reminded me of old hay rolls that had been left out in the pasture, uncovered. It had huge, wide shoulders and the head just sort of blended into them. I did not see the feet. I would estimate its weight at 300 lbs. Although it was large, I would have to describe it as "lanky". As it moved over the bank, paused, and moved down to the river out of sight, I noticed the hair on its rear end was thinner and I could see its butt. It was black and I could see the muscles working. The sighting lasted about 10 seconds. By then my hands were shaking from the adrenaline rush I was having. I haven't had a rush like that since I was a little boy, about to take my first deer (or try, I missed). After I steadied myself (20 seconds or so) I decided to go see where it went. I figured it had crossed the river. You can walk across here easily when the river is down (and it was). I took about ten steps and a very loud "snap" came from directly behind me, at about 200 ft. That's when I left. I went straight back to my feeder, dumped the corn out on the ground and got the hell out of there. I was feeling flighty, to say the least. There is no doubt in my mind that when I started following this animal, it was on all fours. If at anytime it would have been on two legs (at 7 feet tall) I could have seen it clearly. It took full advantage of the thick cover. It didn't stand until it reached the opening of the river crossing. I've heard the "booger monster" stories all my life, but never really believed them. I now realize this animal has been there all along. I've seen some strange things, in the woods, I couldn't explain. Some of them don't seem so strange anymore. If I see it again, he can go his way and I'll go mine. | Colmesneil | 31.034108344903510000000,-94.343032836914060000000 |
01020051 | 1999 | 3a | TX | Rusk | Mother and daughters report visual encounters southwest of Kilgore. | One night in mid-October of 1999, around 9:45 at night, my daughter and I were coming home from Kilgore. I had my high beams on. Up ahead I noticed something on the right side of the road. I continued to watch it as we got closer, and slowed down a little, because I was afraid it might be a dog or something and run out in front of us. As I got closer, I noticed that it wasn't a dog, but some thing much bigger, and appeared to be crouched over beside the road. It turned toward us and stood up. There is a steep drop right off the shoulder of the road, and the thing just took about 2 steps and disappeared into the woods. I had started to tell my daughter to look, but cut myself short when the thing stood up and looked toward the car. I was just dumbstruck, I had never seen anything like it!!!! I just drove us home as fast as I could. My 8 year old was asking me all the way, "What was it mommy?" and all I could say was "I don't know..." My husband could tell something was wrong when we got home, because he told me I was as white as a sheet. The hair was still standing up all on my arms! I decided to make this report after my oldest daughter came home last January, very upset and talking about a "monkey-man" that had run in front of her car. I asked her to tell me where it had happened, and it was not a half mile from where I had seen the "thing." Both of these locations are within 3 miles of our home. | Kilgore | 32.325798705364160000000,-94.952666759490960000000 |
22110101 | 1999 | 3a | PA | Schuylkill | Man Recounts Childhood Encounter With Large Bipedal Creature Between Swamp and Cornfield | I was camping with my father and older brother in the woods in northern Pennsylvania between 1999-2000. I think I may have been around the age of 9-10 when the incident occurred. It was around 6pm as the sun was going down at the time. I remeber walking at the edge of a dense forest/swamp type area. To my left was a massive cornfield, and to the right was the treeline of a dense forest. I had been walking upwards on a slight incline up towads the top of the cornfield and into the mountain area of the forest. As I was a kid at the time, I always liked looking into the forest as I believed maybe I could spot a deer or other woodland creatures. Suddenly I stopped dead in my tracks as I was looking to my right into the treeline and spotted something unusual. If I had to guess I would say it was maybe 300-400 feet away from me. It made me stop cold where I was because I noticed something massive, the likes of which I had never seen before. It was very big as in tall and sort of had a wide frame as well. It looked as though it was covered in fur as well. I had seen bear before, and this looked nothing like a bear, as it was standing on two feet upright, as if it was bipedal. I froze staring into the forest while I still was standing at the treeline, and this creature was standing a good ways away from me, but I could still see it pretty clearly as it was very large in stature. As I was staring at it, I kind of became a little scared because it seemed to be standing somewhat behind a large tree, as if it were trying to conceal itself. The size of its frame was so large that I could still see it sticking out from behind the tree. It had noticed me way before I noticed it, and it also seemed to be staring right back at me. It was doing something else strange, as we were staring at each other it seemed to sway back and forth from behind the tree. It would pop out from the left side of the tree and continue to stare, and then sway back behind the tree and pop out on the right side still staring at me. I cannot remember the color of its eyes, but I knew for sure it was facing me, and staring at me. At this point I wasn't sure to run or stay still as I had no idea what kind of creature I was facing. As I can recall, we continued to stare at each other for what seemed like an eternity, but may have been about 10 seconds at most in reality. For some reason my curiosity overcame my fear, and I recall taking a small step towards it. As i did this, I remember it turning around very quickly, and then what shocked me even more was that it ran away in the opposite direction of me. It also ran on two feet as it was for sure bipedal, and it ran so fast through the thick forest/swampy area, and it was gone out of my sight within at least 6 seconds. I do remember as it ran away it made loud noises as it seemed to break branches and sticks in its way. It sounded as if it was a extremely large deer running away. After it had disappeared from my sight, I still took there, shocked at what I had just seen. I also can recall the size of it begin extremely tall. It was taller than any creature I had encountered ever before. If i had to guess at the time, I would say at least 6-7 feet in height. The other strange thing I noticed was that there was a lack of any other animals around the area at that time. There were no birds in the area making any noise, along with any other creatures. | auburn | 40.583459398757880000000,-76.134378529533860000000 |
02080028 | 1999 | 3a | OK | Oklahoma | Young man has midnight close encounter. | This is a story I have been reluctant to even think about. One night me and three other friends were in a storage shed located on the back of my friends property fetching things we needed. We decided to head back to the house after we got what we came for and I was left behind attempting to latch the door because it was very old and hard to get it to fasten properly. My three buddies had walked off at this time leaving me headed towards the house. I was walking the exact same path they were taking actually more of a faster trot when I heard a noise like disturbed leaves to the left of me. Curiously startled I stopped and looked in the direction of the noise and there it was. Now at this location it happens to be at the back of the house and there is a chain link fence and about fifteen feet separating me and this creature. The thing I most remember is the size of this thing and the silhouette of the creatures head to neck and shoulders. Where a human has a visible neck line what I witnessed had not, but I did notice huge shoulder muscles too supernatural to be of anyone I've seen. I didn't notice how dense the hair on the body of this creature was so it could have added to the size of what I saw. I didn't mention this but there was only moonlight for me to see this by. Also this thing's abdomen was also tremendous and in a well defined v shape atop curvy big legs. I have read some of the other reports and a lot noticed a pungent odor but I did not and I believe that there was only fifteen feet at the most between me and this creature. But what I did notice was a deep deep breathing sound and then a deep growl rumble like a cougar kind of intermittent if that makes sense and after that it prompted me to slowly walk off out of fear. This occurrence only took about thirty to forty-five seconds but I remember what I saw. I never mentioned this to anyone until about a year later when my friend had told me about something strange that happened in the woods near the property. | Choctaw | 35.489328064220560000000,-97.280673980712890000000 |
01040021 | 1999 | 3a | TX | Newton | Fisherman has encounter while bowfishing for gar in Sabine River bottoms. | My dad was bowfishing when he saw something on the bank. It was about the size of a man with raggy fur and entangled with twigs and leaves, it also had bright yellow eyes. My dad smacked the water with the paddle. It immediately turned and screamed. | Bon Wier | 30.764701609119942000000,-93.604760169982910000000 |
01110048 | 1999 | 3a | TX | Kinney | Very Close Encounter of Several Large Primate Creatures | # Date: March 12, 1999 Time: 5:30 pm. Weather: Mostly clear, with some clouds, slight breeze. Location: Texas, NW of San Antonio I was in a Christian rehabilitation program in Texas, North West of San Antonio. I and several other candidates were selected to attend this six month "rehabilitation? program for business men and women who suffered ?burn outs?. I arrived from Guam in January 9th of ?99 (originally from Hawaii) as others arrived from other locations in the continental U.S.s We drove about two hours North of San Antonio . We then turned onto a dirt road (already in the boonies). We drove through ten or eleven ranches (opening it?s gates) to get to this ranch we were going to spend the next six months. I?ve never seen so much land that stretch till the eye could see. As we were getting close to the Ranch we were designated too, there were elks, dears, other animals I was not familiar with such as armadillo?s and skunks. The ranch we were on was about 40 acres, with a historical sight regarding a "pony express" station. This is where I had my first experience with what I now know was "Bigfoot". Immediately I now realize why it was suggested that I come here to start my healing. I had lost a close friend (my fianc | Kirville | 30.351176133275740000000,-99.039457893620120000000 |
04080006 | 1998 | 3a | LA | Caddo Parish | Individual has close encounter while walking down road. | About 15 feet in front of me a very large hairy black animal ran across the road in front of me (I was walking on foot). I heard limbs cracking, grunting and moaning. It ran pretty fast and ran slumped over. If it would have stopped and stood up it would have been 8 feet tall. Very large, hairy, had a gorilla head, he was black, slumped over, fast, moaned while he ran. Very BIG. I was walking down an oil field road when it ran out in front of me. I was actually looking for my girlfriend which got lost back in there. I have had a guy to tell me a story. Around the same area he and some friends were fishing and heard some loud moans and hollering from the wooded swamps. They never did see anything. | Vivian | 32.786769428375315000000,-94.040694236755370000000 |
01110056 | 1998 | 3b | TX | Nacogdoches | Strange Occurances on Rural Property | I live in Nacogdoches, Texas. When these incidents occured I was living on Appleby Sand road. My house set back off the highway and down a hill. I had chickens and was plagued with all sorts of predators, so when I came home I would put my chickens in a second pen for protection. I was working the night shift at the hospital so it was late when I got home every night.One night I started toward my chicken pen when something very large made a deep gutteral roar or growl, it was hard to describe. I stopped dead in my tracks, I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I couldn't see, it was pitch black. I waited a minute and decided I just thought I heard something,took another step toward the pen and it made another deep gutteral sound. I knew it was a warning. I went into the house, got my gun and a flashlight , back out to the pen, approaching carefully but nothing was there.I have camped out in many states, heard all kinds of animals, including bears and I have never heard a sound like that. In Dec. 2007 I was preparing Christmas Dinner and was up late. It was approx midnight , I was standing in front of a cabinet facing the back door. I heard what sounded like scratching on the door but it did not register for a min. I finally realized something was scratching on the back door. I leaned over , put my ear against the door and could hear a sort of growling . The scratching was very prominent. That door is about 5 feet up from the ground with no porch. The scratching was at about my shoulders which would have made whatever was scratching about 7 feet off the ground. I was afraid to open the door so I did not see anything. I was preparing a lot of food for a very big dinner so the aromas were strong around and outside the house that night. My daugghter was present both times and was watching me when I came home the night I heard the gutteral sounds. She wondered what I was doing. The ground is hard red clay covered with leaves so I could not see any prints. They have done a lot of clearing since then but those woods run all the way to Timpson. My son my son has friends in Timpson who have seen one crawling over their fence . They do not speak of this to everyone only people they trust who will not think them crazy. They have a name for it in that area but I can not remember what they call it. One more incident or incidents that was unusual to me. A window facing the back area, the area of all the activity, had a screen that kept coming off. I couldn't understand it because when I put it back in it snapped in ans was tight. I looked closer after one incident and noticed what appeared to be and area where something put fingers in to pull. My vocabualry is not good enough to desribe this adequately. I ahve always wonderedd about these very unusual incidents but did not know or have anyone to talk to. I do not understand why people think it so unbelievable that a large creature could exist. Only fools think there is nothing they do not know. They treated the african natives the same way about the mountain gorilla, and look how that turned out. Thank you for listening. | Nacogdoches | 31.678439289223360000000,-94.606896489858630000000 |
01020012 | 1998 | 3a | TX | Grayson | Lady has visual encounter in Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge at Lake Texoma. | We were sitting at a picnic bench when I saw three creatures. They were different sizes. I told my friend to turn around and he saw them also. They were standing in the trees up against the lake. We were at the Hagerman picnic area. In this same area, I heard pigs screaming terribly. Followed by a loud roar. | Sadler | 33.715630011016564000000,-96.787147521972650000000 |
03080031 | 1998 | 3a | AR | Saline | While hiking in the woods, boy and friend are chased by upright animal. | My friend and I were in the woods near my house hiking when my friend fell and hurt his ankle. I wanted to see something ahead of us real quick before heading back to my house so he sits down while I go ahead. I walk about 50 feet, not quite out of sight of my friend when this HUGE, tall hairy creature was kneeling. I turned to run and it chased me! I caught up with my friend. I didn't have to tell him what I saw. He saw it and ran with me. We got out of the woods and turned around and it was gone. No noises or nothing. We didn't bother to tell anyone. We were both white because my mom asked what was wrong but we said nothing and went on about our business. We never forgot it though. | East End | 34.539439467207310000000,-92.386436462402340000000 |
01020022 | 1998 | 3a | TX | Trinity | Deer hunter reports lengthy encounter while hunting in a stand. | While deer hunting in a box stand I saw movement to my right (south). I turned to look and prepared to shoot (at first I thought it was a deer). It moved again and I realized its distance and size. It was farther away and was much larger than I first thought. Its size is why I thought it was close to me. But when it moved again and I saw it, looking straight at it and not out of the corner of my eye, is when I knew it wasn't a deer. It reminded me of someone behind a 4 x 8 sheet of plywood, standing on end, walking from tree to tree. The size was about the same though a little smaller I think. I watched it for about an hour and it stayed at 75-100 yards away from me the whole time. It walked from one tree to another and some times I would lose sight of it as it would pass through small pine thickets. I could not judge its shape very well, due to the trees between me and it, but it was definitely walking upright. When it moved, it covered a lot of ground quickly. Possibly from a long stride, though it never seemed to be in a hurry. Its movements also appeared to be well thought out and deliberate as it moved from one semi-hiding place to another, like it was playing hide-and-seek. At some of the trees where it stopped I could see it on both sides of the tree. I think now, how funny it was, like a woolly mammoth hiding behind a toothpick! It basically half-circled me in this time and stayed about the same distance all the while. I wish I would have had a scope on my gun to get a better look at this guy. I don't know what it was that I saw but it must have known I was there. I don't know if I was in its path of travel and it just went around me or if it went around me out of its own curiosity. But it was very cautious of its distance and movements. It made no sounds nor did it move any brush or limbs as it moved. I think it knew very well of what it was doing but I don't think it knew that I could see it. After it had covered the half-circle around me it just disappeared. Also, in the same area I use to find scrapes in pine trees that were about 6 feet off the ground and would be all the way around the tree. The trees would always be pines at about 6 to 8 inches in diameter and about 15 feet tall. The scraped area would be about 1 to 1 1/2 foot long up and down the tree. I've also seen these in Tyler County much more. | Onalaska | 30.854858238204500000000,-95.180912017822260000000 |
01020052 | 1998 | 3a | TX | Harrison | Two squirrel hunters have close visual encounter. | I was a newlywed at the time and we were at my brother-in-law's place visiting. I am basically a city boy but my brother-in-law has grown up in the country out there and knows the area very well. We were out squirrel hunting and we also went to check some of his fishing lines. On our way back we were walking in the woods on what looked like a dirt road. I was feeling very uneasy; I could tell something was not right. We both heard some branches breaking, we heard something hit the ground HARD! Right then we saw it. It walked into the clearing about 50 yards in front of us, stopped and looked at us. It had long brownish hair and was about 7 to 8 feet tall. The only place I didn't see a lot of hair was in the face. I was very curious. I thought it was someone playing a prank or something like that so we kept walking towards it. It walked into the woods and was gone. When we got a little closer the smell was sickening. We took a look around where it had gone in the woods, but we could find nothing but some broken limbs on trees. A lot of them broken up high about 7 to 8 feet, taller than me with my hands over my head. We kept going to the house and that same feeling that something was not right would not leave me. My brother-in-law was as white as a sheet. As we got closer to the house, we smelled that awful smell again. We heard some breathing and some grunts over to the side of us. We saw it again standing in between some trees. At that point I was very scared and I just took shots at it. I don't know if I hit it, but it let out a scream/roar that almost made me piss myself. We both took off running for the house and it was keeping pace with us and it was in the thick woods. Then one thing I remember about it was I could hear it breathing and I could hear branches breaking as it ran. As we got to the edge of his property and it stayed in the tree line back where we could not see it. But we could still hear it grunting screaming. We got to the house and got all the kids inside and stayed. That night we heard that sound on and off most of the night. | Longview | 32.567213883246660000000,-94.510402679443360000000 |
01010017 | 1998 | 3a | TX | Anderson | Man chased to his truck by dark figure. | Just after dark I decided to go to the park for some night fishing. Pulled over before I got to the lake to urinate. I stepped just into the woods and began to take care of business. I then heard something walking through the woods towards me. I could hear the leaves crushing as it came my way as if it was walking with heavy steps. I decided it would be a good idea to get out of there so I started back for my truck. Then the noise became louder, like jogging or running. I ran, jumped in my truck and began driving. I watched my rearview mirror and all I could see was something big and dark standing on two legs come into the road behind me. I wasn't about to stop and see for sure what it was. | Palestine | 31.775169484844635000000,-95.693492889404300000000 |
03080011 | 1998 | 3a | AR | Johnson | Couple in car see a large, hairy, upright figure. | My wife and I were traveling across a low water bridge. She looked down the creek and told me to stop the truck. There was a very large hairy animal(?) standing upright in the middle of the creek. It was approximately 300 - 400 yards from our location. We tried to follow a road along the creek to get a closer look but when we got to where we thought it would have been, it was gone. The object we saw didn't see us at first and it looked as if it was preoccupied with something. Possibly trying to catch a fish. We've been in the area several times since but have seen nothing. My family owns a cabin in the area and several years ago my wife (before we were married) was staying at the cabin with her parents and saw something looking in the window of the cabin at night. The object would have to be tall to look in the window. This location is very remote in the Ozark Mountains but wouldn't be too far from the other Johnson County sightings. | Ft. Douglas | 35.694876720802150000000,-93.238220214843750000000 |
01040025 | 1998 | 1d | TX | Henderson | Mother and son report seeing a large upright figure walk across highway in front of their van. | It was dark and my wife and son saw something crossing the road in front of their van. This is a very heavily wooded road with no lights. My wife actually saw the form of a large animal walking upright and very tall crossing the road. It seemed to be covered totally in hair. By the time my son looked up he saw the creature peering at them from behind a tree. They said that the eyes were approximately 7 to 8 feet high, wide apart and red. The "head" was very large and hairy. When the van came alongside of the creature my wife saw it walking toward the lake. She said that it seemed to walk right into the water and disappear. They were on their way to our new house that was under construction to turn the lights on for the night. Neither of them wanted to go out there that night so they went down the road a little further and turned around. They were both very upset with what they had seen. | LaRue | 32.096827141499304000000,-95.706367492675780000000 |
04080003 | 1998 | 1d | LA | Sabine Parish | Mother and two daughters experience road encounter near Toledo Bend Reservoir. | My husband and I do Civil War reenacting. Pleasant Hill, Louisiana has an annual event which we attend regularly. The time of my incident was in the Spring (April) of 1998. I had chosen not to camp out that year because I had my two young daughters with me. I had booked a motel room in Mansfield, Louisiana which is a good 30 minute drive from where the camp site was located. I had left Pleasant Hill about 11:30 or so on a Saturday Night. The highway between Mansfield and Pleasant Hill was then very wooded on each side with many bends in the road. I would guess I was going about 55 at most with my high beams on. As I came around one of the bends and my lights hit "something" on the side of the road that seemed to be sitting next to a dead fall of trees. My first thought was there is a man sitting next to the road and I slowed down thinking someone was hurt. Looking closer it appeared to me that the arms were going in an up and down motion and was holding something in it's lap. My impression was of a killing motion and that caused me to become somewhat hesitant. Then the head turned and the reflection of the eyes changed my initial thought from man to animal. I've tried to remember exactly the reflective color and it seems they were a yellowish-white color. I could not see a face or even the shape of the head clearly but the body reflected a silver gray color and looked like hair or fur. I knew then for sure it was an animal and I sped up to pass it quickly. I noticed as I passed that it rocked back on it's haunches (like a man would do) holding whatever it had in it's arms up against its body. I turned away because I was certain then I didn't want to see whatever it was stand up. I wish I could say exactly how long I looked at the creature, but 30 seconds would be my guess. Far less than a full minute. My girls who were with me also saw the animal and exclaimed "Mom what was that?" I was very scared and my dog who was in the backseat started to growl and his hackles were raised. I attribute his reaction more to his perceived fear in myself and the children than anything else. I was searching for something to tell them and knew whatever it may be it was too large for a dog, coyote or even a wolf. But I settled on a wolf to calm the fears of my girls and myself. I've since learned that wolves have not been in that area for many many years. This was the topic of conversation back to the hotel, yet in my mind I couldn't be satisfied with any logical explanations. The next day we left to go back for my husband. I stopped near a deadfall by the road that looked right. I looked around briefly and didn't see anything immediately, but I can't be sure I was in the right spot. There are many bends in the road and it was dark that night. I didn't think to fix any landmarks at the time. I hadn't planned on sharing this story, but in the light of day my children deemed this a grand adventure and so told my husband. He seemed to think I was a bit nuts. Since then I've told other friends who had heard similar stories from East Texas which isn't far from the part of Louisiana where we were. I've been back to Pleasant Hill every year since that experience. The landscape has changed quite a bit as they are in the process of clearing a lot of the wooded area. I believe the lumbering process was going on even then. The clearings are highly visible now from the road. The woods were the same piney type woods you'd find in East Texas. I suspect there are a few farms, but mainly in the areas we've been it's mostly piney woods, until recently. | Pleasant Hill | 31.864145719767520000000,-93.560428619384760000000 |
01020031 | 1998 | 3a | TX | Anderson | Two teenagers have visual encounter while hunting rabbits. | My son and his friend were out spotlighting rabbits. They saw the animal running, or loping, with long gray hair, and long arms. They were about 100 yards away from the animal, and picked it up in the spotlight only briefly. They said it was moving fast, and crossed a barbed wire fence without making a sound. | Blackfoot | 31.921132910428966000000,-95.864295959472650000000 |
01990001 | 1998 | 3a | TX | Rusk | Truck driver spots tall figure on roadside. | I am a truck driver for an over the road company, and I used to drive from IH35 in Texas, across to IH49 in Louisiana by way of state Highway 84. The part of East Texas I was driving in is very dense forest, and is largely covered by brush. I was coming out of Mount Enterprise approximately 1 to 2 miles. There were no houses or cars anywhere in sight. I saw a black figure on the side of the road that looked a large animal rolling on the ground like it was trying to scratch itself. It was night time (11:30 PM) but you could see well in the dark with the high beams and running lights on my rig. As I got closer it stood on its hind legs and started to walking towards me on the left side of road (walking from East to West). It appeared to be approx. 6 1/2 to 7 foot tall. I am really not sure of the height because I was driving at 60 MPH but I could tell it was very broad, and with the headlights in its eyes they appeared to be sort of reflecting the light, like a possum or coyote or other wild animals would do at night. It was completely covered with hair, sort of a reddish black looking color from what I could make out. It had a flat looking forehead and a flat looking nose and his mouth was hard to make out. When I drove past, it was jumping up and down on the side of the road, sort of hitting its chest like an ape. It never tried to run off in the woods like I heard they do when they see you. But I have thought about that and figured it may have been looking at all the lights on my truck and trailer. I drove for several hours after that and did not pass a dozen cars on the road. I went over in my head all night long trying to convince myself it was someone playing a joke in an ape suit, but they would have had to be widest person I have ever seen, with long arms (almost to their knees) but to tell the truth I just don't know. I have not drove down that way since the occurrence, and I don't care to. That would be the last place I would ever want to break down. | Mount Enterprise | 31.920112989509068000000,-94.652881622314450000000 |
02100007 | 1998 | 3a | OK | McIntosh | Southbound early-morning motorist has encounter on north side of South Canadian River. | Driving south on Indian Nations Turnpike about 4AM with light fog/drizzle (wiper blades/intermittent). I was approaching the bridge over the Canadian River and slowed due to patchy freezing drizzle. To the right side of the road (before the sign), I saw a figure on the outer side of the guard rail. I thought it was a deer at first, but as I got closer, it shielded its eyes from my headlights. I was traveling about 20 mph. It was standing upright, tall and thin, reddish-brown matted hair with some lighter skin showing through at the chest. What stands out from my memory, was the tangled hair hanging from its arm while it covered its eyes from the lights. It did not look like the "bulky" muscular artist's renditions of "Bigfoot". There was no other traffic as I approached the bridge. I am the world's biggest skeptic but the sighting left me shaken. I am not sure what I saw. There was fog and it was approximately 20 feet from the car as I passed. | Vernon | 35.147424360527950000000,-95.901374816894530000000 |
01000006 | 1997 | 3a | TX | Cass | Campers have visual encounter in the woods ten miles outside of Atlanta. | Myself and three friends of mine experienced something that to this day we cannot explain. We were camping in the woods near my house after a day of playing paintball capture the flag. Me and my friend Justin were one team and the other was Greg and Jason. Me and Justin had been sleeping at our camp when I heard a sound. I looked up to see if it was Jason and Greg coming to get us. When I looked I saw a figure leaning out of the tree line. It was maybe 100 yards away. After that the crashing noises got louder. Me and Justin got scared and went to find Jason and Greg. When we found them they said that they had heard it too. At light we headed back to our camp. As we were getting our stuff we heard a scream. It sounded like OOORREEEE! We ran all the way home and have not been back. | 33.234308331197376000000,-94.217119216918940000000 | |
01090048 | 1997 | 3a | TX | San Jacinto | Sam Houston National Forest: while taking daughter's friends home, mother has roadside visual encounter. | The weather was cool and sunny. There were thick woods on both sides of road. On the passenger side there was a dip for runoff and the property was fenced, the owner has longhorns on that property but the property was wooded. On the driver side there was a deeper runoff where the brush was real thick, there were downed trees on the edge and no fence. I was driving a 1993 Saturn. I had let my daughter sit in the back with both of her friends and they were laughing and talking, enjoying the last few minutes before I took them home 20 miles away. They were around 15 at the time, I had to have them home by 12:00 noon and that?s why I remember the time. As I came out of the dip the road curves to the passenger side and before the road curves to the other side. I am facing the road and looking into the thicket ahead, and 60 to 80 feet from my car in the thicket I see what I first thought was the haunches of a horse moving around I could only see the top part. What I saw had short reddish hair and was like 7 to 8 feet high. Then I remembered I didn?t see a tail. As I go up this curve toward this thing I start to look at it a little closer and then this thing that I thought was a horse turns around and crouches down and tries to hide behind a little tree and it?s sitting there looking at me. It had a face and reddish hair on top of its head and the eyes followed me and I drove within 15 to 20 feet of it and I did see it crouching down looking at me as I went by. The thing was big in a crouched position and I couldn?t have been driving more than 20 mph and I don?t remember if I slowed down even more or not but I kept going. I was so scared that I didn?t even stop at the stop sign and I was also scared I would flood the car since it was a standard [transmission]. The girls looked up and I couldn?t talk and I was finally able to talk. I asked them if they had seen anything and they said no and I told them I thought I had seen something in the woods, then I told them it was nothing. But I did see something there and it saw me. If I had persisted with my daughter, she would have never been able to live there ever again. Later that day I told my husband about it and he didn?t believe me. He started telling me he saw a ghost dressed in blue in the front yard when he went to work in the mornings. So I didn?t mention it again. Well after that I didn?t go into the woods anymore. We had 2 | Evergreen | 30.507184735301440000000,-95.294208526611330000000 |
02080031 | 1997 | 3a | OK | Muskogee | Geologist reports encounter while sampling rocks near Cane Creek. | I and one other person were in the area measuring and sampling rocks exposed near Cane Creek (we are geologists); throughout that morning, farmers had been hunting on their lands. As a result,we could hear sporadic gunfire all around us; after about thirty minutes to an hour, most of the gunfire had ceased. Some time later,as I worked, I heard a rustling sound behind me. Believing it to be some kind of animal coming towards us, I turned my head to see behind me. Immediately, I observed something hanging from a low branch over the bridge on the opposite bank of the creek from me. The first feature I noticed was the unusually long arms of the thing. Secondly, I noticed that it was covered by reddish-brown long hair. The creature has hanging from the lower branch with its arms much like an orangutan does; in fact, the hair and the way it hanging from the tree made me think of it as an orangutan. Also, for some reason, I seem to remember that the arms had less hair than the rest of the body. The entity that I saw was about four to five feet long with about half of that being arm. The body was round and squat. I did not notice the legs or head of the thing. The window of observation was about ten to fifteen seconds although I cannot be positive. Anyway, as soon as I noticed the thing, it dropped from the tree onto the ground. However, the presence of the bridge prevented me from seeing it hit the ground, but I do believe I heard further rustling sounds although that was probably just imagination. Afterwards, I asked my companion if he saw or heard anything; although he indicated that he may have heard something, he said he did not see anything extraordinary. That meant I was the only witness. We did not really search the area afterwards for traces or the creature itself. Since no other unusual sounds or sights occurred after this, we felt that nothing would probably be revealed. However, I did have a vague temporary feeling that this thing was advancing towards us. Of course, considering the brief span of observation time, the distance (about 200 to 300 feet from me), and the lack of additional evidence, I still cannot be positive that what I saw was genuine. | Muskogee | 35.688045223921655000000,-95.677742958068850000000 |
03080015 | 1997 | 3a | AR | Madison | Motorist has 3:00 a.m. encounter on dirt road. | I was driving on a dirt road and as I was going into a turn my headlights were shining into the edge of woods. And it was standing about 30 ft. from the front of my car. I actually saw it for a matter of seconds before it turned and left at a speed that I couldn't believe for its size. It was probably about 7 ft. And the color of its fur was like the color of cardboard box just a little darker. The length of the hair was probably about 3 in. long. And it seemed to look right into my face but I know it couldn't have because of my headlights. | Wesley | 36.010505758081630000000,-93.911647796630860000000 |
01980003 | 1996 | 3a | TX | Wood | Night time road crossing observation. | It was the winter of 1996 and we were on our way home from church one Sunday evening. It wasn't dark yet. As we came around a corner we watched what we believe to be a bigfoot cross the road. As it came to a barb wired fence it stepped over it without missing a beat. It was like the fence wasn't even there. The fences in this area range from 3 1/2 feet to 4 foot tall. It was tall, dark in color and walked up right. | Quitman or Alba | 32.802678655733590000000,-95.520071983337400000000 |
01980002 | 1996 | 3a | TX | Walker | Night time road side observation. | Two winters ago at around 9:20p.m. I was coming back from dropping off the person I was dating at the time. The conditions were sleet and ice and I shouldn't have even been driving, but there were news reports that we would be iced in within mere hours. I didn't want to be trapped with this person at my home so I ventured forth into the night. He lived approximately thirteen miles away. To make a long story short, on my way back into my subdivision ,which is VERY rural, I came around a curve in the road. I was moving quite slowly because of the horrible weather when I slowed down even more because I saw a large ball of hair about the size of a large deer on the side of the road. I had my bright lights on the animal when it stood up, took two big steps, went over onto it's knuckles and lunged into the woods. I screamed to my son "Did you see that?!!!!!" But he was sitting slouched down into the seat. I went to the house to get my father, his shotgun and his large truck. I made him drive back to where I had seen the- I will say animal. We drove all the way around the lake and around the entire subdivision in the sleet and ice because I just knew that he would see it too and I would have another witness. No animal. No witness. Just me. I was in tears. I was being told I'm stupid and all I saw was a deer or something. We were iced in for three days. I went back with someone else after the ice melted. THERE WAS ONE SINGLE SOLITARY FOOTPRINT. I SAW IT!!!!! I touched it!!!! I placed my own foot in it. Then I smashed the print underneath my own. | Dodge | 30.779745878026066000000,-95.436601638793940000000 |
01010007 | 1996 | 1d | TX | Harrison | Roadside visual encounter on FM 1997 west of Woodlawn. | My son and I were going north on FM 1997 outside of Marshall, Texas heading to Lake O' the Pines for New Year's party. We saw something that appeared to be a very large man with a brown fur coat on. It was a mostly wooded area but the thing was just off the road approximately 8 feet. The highway right-of-way was cleared about 20 feet to wooded areas on both sides. A small creek ran a few feet north of where it (the creature or ?) was. It looked like it was kneeling possibly on one knee facing away from us. I slowed the car when we first saw it. We said to each other "what was that?" We discussed going back to get a better look but decided against it. The next morning we went back to the spot to see if maybe someone had left a large object on the side of the road, but found nothing. | Woodlawn | 32.620309922920974000000,-94.394488334655760000000 |
04080016 | 1996 | 3c | LA | Grant Parish | Forest Service surveyor finds over 20 large foot prints along a forest service road. | I had just finished surveying some timber to be cut and was driving back to file the survey when I saw several large footprints on the side of the road. Stopping to look I found over 20 some odd tracks that went into the woods on one side up the road then crossing the road and into the woods. I also noticed alot of deer hair,no blood. Alot of deer tracks were in and around the tracks I had found. The tracks had 5 toes on each foot. They went approx 1/2 to 1inch into the gravel and sand along the road. I left and went home to get a camera, I returned with a polaroid camera and took 5 pictures because I used the rest earlier that month. The tracks were larger then my size 12 boot, I also weight about 220lbs and could not get my boot to sink as deep as the tracks. | Pollock | 31.488370061700465000000,-92.321827411651610000000 |
01020020 | 1996 | 3a | TX | Delta | Daytime sighting by hunter near Sulphur River. | This was late morning 11:25. I was hunting a thicket facing East. The area I was hunting runs North and South, I was at the far West side sitting on a fence line. There were 175/200 grazing cattle behind me. A few calves spooked as I walked up the fence line to the split at the base of a willow tree that I sit at most all the time. But the cattle are used to seeing me there, a few seconds pass and they kept grazing. I sat there all morning waiting on a deer or my brother to show up. As usual he was late, so I was eating the cookies I packed for him. All of a sudden the cattle behind me and the other part of the herd across the other side of the pasture started stampeding to the center of the pasture. The cattle met in the center of the pasture and continued a thunder like stamped southward. I knew it was not me that startled them. As I turned slowly and looked over my left shoulder I saw something walking on the far west fence line heading northward. It stopped twice and looked in my direction. An ice cold feeling shot down to my legs. The 6 strand barbwire fence came to its thigh or butt area. This thing was about 8 1/2 to 9 feet tall, solid black, and covered ground in a way I have never seen. I thought if this is a man he would have to be a good jumper, but it did not look like it was in a hurry, just moving on. I was so caught off guard that I did not think to lift my rifle to get a better look, all I could do was just stare with my mouth wide open. My brother shown up about 30 minutes later and I asked him, "HOW DID YOU DO THAT?" He said he just parked his truck and started walking northward where he knew I would be, 1 1/2 miles north of where I lived. So that eliminated him. | Ben Franklin | 33.472117426243310000000,-95.702934265136720000000 |
01030014 | 1996 | 3a | TX | Panola | Delivery driver has early morning encounter. | I worked as a truck driver, I hauled crude oil and condensate off of oil leases to unload stations. I would start to work about dark and finish up right before daylight or sometimes a little earlier. I did this in Gregg, Rusk, Panola, Smith and surrounding counties. I don't remember the roads because we hauled so many different leases that my memory fails me. In the wee hours of a cool foggy morning in December I had loaded and was on my way out of the lease. We were required to open and shut the gate on these leases because of livestock and public safety. Our trailers had bright lights for seeing how to back up at night and I always turned them on when I closed gates. Just as I closed the gate and locked it, I saw something step out of the woods and onto the lease road. It paused a minute and continued on across the lease road. My blood ran cold and every hair on my body stood on end. It was only about 30 feet from me, I could see it's breath in the cold night air. If bigfoot exists, this is what I saw. It did not seem menacing. I ran for the truck and drove off, and never looked back. I have never told this to anyone, not even my wife. | Gary TX. | 32.023104239002784000000,-94.389810562133790000000 |
02080023 | 1996 | 3a | OK | Murray | Large bipedal subject observed squatted by a creek. | It was Halloween night in 1996. I was taking my brother to the lake so he and his friends could sit and see if the stories of the "lady of the lake" were true. I dropped him off and started back towards the house. As I crossed a low-water bridge I looked to the west down the creek and on the north bank I saw it. At first I wrote it off as a Halloween prank. There is no way I just saw a bigfoot. Especially not in Oklahoma. So I turned the car around and came back to the bridge. I parked the car sideways across the bridge where my headlights were shining down the creek. The creature was squatted on the balls of its feet with its hands in the water...possibly washing something, trying to catch a fish, or simply trying to get a drink. As I sat there amazed the creature stood up to what was at least 7 1/2 feet tall. It never even looked at me. It simply walked across the creek, up the south bank and into the trees. There is a nursing home less than the length of a city block from this location. I kept this a secret for many years telling only my wife. The animal was approximately 7 1/2 feet tall, very broad in the shoulders and narrow in the hip. I would guess the weight to be within the 500 to 600 pound range. It was dark colored, probably dark brown or black. I could not tell due to the lighting. It was covered in hair. Long on the head and shorter as it went down. Since I only saw it from a profile angle I couldn't tell much about its facial features. The head had a large crest on it similar to that of a gorilla. The creature walked upright on two legs the entire time. I did not try to find any evidence of the creature's presence. At the time, just seeing it was proof enough for me. | Sulphur | 34.504081043475640000000,-96.970911026000970000000 |
03080029 | 1996 | 3a | AR | Clark | Visual encounter reported in pasture. | I saw a very tall creature in one of our pastures. It had a medium brown fur coat, but its face was not furry. It made a very loud noise which my neighbors also heard and called our house right after it happened. Thay didn't see the "beast" though. The creature stood about 7.5 ft. tall and was very stoutish. | Arkadelphia | 34.099012235331460000000,-93.076858520507810000000 |
01040020 | 1996 | 3a | TX | San Jacinto | ATV rider in Sam Houston National Forest has encounter. | One evening a friend and I were riding my ATV through the Sam Houston National Forest. While riding down a straight and rather wide trail approximately 20 yards wide, I turned around to say something to my friend who was riding as passenger. Whenever I turned back around there was a large humanoid creature, approximately 6 - 6.5 feet tall, broad shouldered and thick in appearance, with either dark brown or black hair covering its entire body. It spooked me and I yelled at my passenger to look. When I yelled the creature turned and ran into the woods, (the creature made a quick turn upright and ran upright; this marks out the possibility of it being a bear). My friend did not see it and asked what I was yelling about. I could not speak from awe. The creature was only approximately 40 - 50 yards in front of us in the wide open. I sped up the ATV to the location where the creature ran into the wood line. The limbs and brush were shaking back and forth but I did not see him again due to the thick underbrush East Texas is known for. It scared me at first and I downshifted the ATV as fast as possible and sped away, stopping several hundred yards down the trail to explain to my friend what I had just seen. It was an experience I will never forget, and who knows maybe it was meant just for me to see. I have told many people this story, most laugh. But I know what I saw. I am an avid hunter but not a redneck. I respect all wildlife and have a lot of experience in the field of wildlife. There is nothing else it could have been. Like I said before, I had a clear 40 - 50 yard sighting of the creature. | Shepherd | 30.467170228233670000000,-95.093708038330080000000 |
01050032 | 1996 | 1d | TX | Polk | Family has daytime sighting traveling south on highway 59. | 1996 traveling from Pineland, Texas. We cut over to highway 59 in order to go into downtown Houston to a gun show that was at the convention center that day. I'm not sure the exact location but know it was still far north of Houston on 59 probably between Lufkin and Cleveland somewhere. My ex-husband, stepson (12 yrs. old) and my baby boy (about 7 months old) were also in the car. All of a sudden up ahead and to the right of the highway a creature about 4 foot tall came running out of a wooded area diagonally, down a grassy slope and ducked into a pipe under the road. Everyone in the car who could talk said at the same time "What was that?!" I quickly looked and noticed that the highway was divided in the middle by a grassy area but on the other side of the North bound lanes was a pipe that came out by another wooded area on the other side of the highway. My thoughts were that it used it to travel back and forth. The creature ran completely upright on two legs, with dark brown hair flowing back in the wind as it ran very fast. The hair seemed to only be long in certain spots, maybe up to 4-5 inches or so. I could not tell any further details of its face because it was angled away from the car. I only know it wasn't human and it was covered with brown hair. | 30.758653740276404000000,-94.909172058105470000000 | |
02080017 | 1995 | 1d | OK | Choctaw | Young hunters have night time encounter north of Red River. | My cousins and I were spotlighting one night to find coyotes. We were driving alongside a treeline when we spotted eyes shinning in the light about 150 feet away next to the trees. I had binoculars and one of my cousins had a 22. magnum with a scope. We had a very good view of a large biped covered with brown hair, except for white patches on the pecs (chest) and one of its arms. It was about 8' tall or more. It tilted its head down because of the light, but stayed in place for about 5 minutes then stepped across the fence on the treeline and disappeared into the woods. The face was like a man and an ape. | Soper | 34.000019677490535000000,-95.690059661865230000000 |
01030029 | 1995 | 3a | TX | Delta | Visual encounters and track finds. | I was born in 1936 and grew up on a farm in Delta County. While working in the field we would see what we referred to as the nude woman. It was a large animal walking upright along the edge of woods and never coming completely out in the open. I left in 1954 to serve my country for 23 years and returning to same area that I grew up in. Sometime in the mid 1980s after a heavy rain with flooding, my baby brother found footprints where this animal had departed the water and walked around in the mud. In the early 1990s my Mom and Dad were traveling down TX 71 in Delta County and just before crossing the South Sulphur River a large man like animal walked across the road in front of them and stepping across fence and heading north. Again in the 1990s my son-in-law and myself had a couple of encounters with a large animal walking through trees in waist deep water while we were duck hunting in what is now Cooper Lake. Around 1995 while checking my cattle about 10PM, I encountered a rather large man like animal (looked to be about 8 ft tall) in my light and he went one way and I the other. One never hears of this animal any longer and the only wild animals you see now are wild boar and black panthers. | 33.300834090717590000000,-95.787906646728510000000 | |
04090006 | 1995 | 3a | LA | Vernon Parish | Former Fort Hood pilot reports dusk highway encounter a few miles east of Sabine River. | I was in the army and stationed at Fort Hood, Texas and was headed home. I had crossed the Sabine River bridge from Texas and entered Louisiana on LA 8 headed east toward Leesville. Approximately 3 miles into Louisiana where the road entered a long shallow curve to the north there was a creature kneeling on the shoulder of the road. It was a heavily built two legged animal with a round or slightly elongated head and eyes that shined/glowed amber in my headlights. I saw it move its head and look at me or my car. If I had to estimate its height, it would be six feet to six feet six inches if standing erect. I never mentioned this incident to anyone until last year my son and I watched a bigfoot program on TV. | Burr Ferry | 31.076093238403637000000,-93.473138809204100000000 |
03080025 | 1995 | 3a | AR | Baxter | While checking dogs at aunt's house, man has dusk encounter. | While driving to check on my dogs that were being kept at my aunt?s house in a fenced in area with a ten by ten out building, an adolescent bigfoot ran out of the woods and into my aunt?s yard. It ran between the house and the garage. It was approximately three and a half to four feet tall. I pulled into the drive but was too afraid to get out of the car. I had the feeling that something was watching me from the woods. The dogs were yapping but ok so I left because I was afraid. | Mountain Home | 36.351667618022490000000,-92.395749092102050000000 |
01010021 | 1995 | 1c | TX | Titus | Family has visual encounter on property. | Very close friends of a NAWAC investigator, a mother, father and son, had a particularly close encounter. The son reportedly had a visual encounter. The family was sitting at the kitchen table when all five dogs began barking as if extremely alarmed. The son went outside to investigate with a flashlight and a 12 gauge shotgun. The dogs on the west side of the house were facing west, towards the garden patch. The garden patch was not being cultivated at the time and was overgrown with tall grass and weeds. A plum tree was approximately 50 yards from the house at the northwest corner of the garden, near the fence. The son approached the plum tree, stopped, and began to scan area with flashlight 180 degrees from left to right. The son glimpsed a large figure beside a tree, and quickly shined a beam of light on the figure (as in a "double-take"). The figure turned around quickly, appeared to look at the son briefly, then turned and ran quickly. It was large, between 8 and 9 ft. tall, dark colored, human-like. | Mt. Pleasant | 33.287776936779410000000,-95.032424926757810000000 |
01060015 | 1995 | 1d | TX | Bowie | Nighttime encounter on rural property near Hooks, Texas | My coon hounds started barking in the barn where I had each hound in separate horse stalls. My one coon dog never barked while on his chain or in the pen, only while he was hunting. That is what got my attention when he started barking. The barn was about 30 yards behind the house. Me and a friend of mine both looked at each other when the barking started. Hounds as you may know have a different kind of bark when they smell something that spooks them. We call this "booger barking." I have encountered this one time before down in the Red River Bottoms where I coon hunted. Anyway, we got up and looked out the back porch window. Chris's little cow dog was looking and barking at a small barn just north of the big barn where the hounds were. We looked toward where she was barking and there is where we saw an upright creature, black in color, standing behind the little barn as if hiding from the hounds. The creature was slightly humped over, but we judged it was still about seven foot tall. We grabbed my coon light which had a spotlight, and shined it on the creature. He turned around and glanced at us. I will never forget the eyes. They were copper clad, almost gold in color. The creature then retreated back off toward the thin strip of woods behind the barns. We grabbed a shotgun and without thinking, went out to the little barn. There were several "tramped down" places where it was standing, and the bush near the barn where the creature was standing behind had broken leaves on the ground. No hair, and no footprints! We should have immediately sealed off this area and searched real good for hair but we didn't. I think this is a problem when bigfoot is sighted. People are so excited like we were, they don't think clearly for just finding evidence. People want to get another sighting or spot it again. I beleive I have also ran into this same creature or something similar before while coon hunting Red River Bottoms, but never got a visual sight of it. We just smelled it and was tracked out by the animal as we were coon hunting. Hope this helps. There have been many sightings in the Red river bottoms around Hooks. Thank you. | Rural Hooks | 33.500894253749465000000,-94.249305725097650000000 |
01050012 | 1995 | 3a | TX | Erath | Early morning road cross encounter. | I was on my way to Gatesville traveling south on US 281 south of Stephenville when I topped a hill and noticed something at the edge of my high beams crossing the road. It appeared to be a large man possibly a hitch hiker but as I got closer it turned towards the truck continuing to walk in the bar ditch. This thing was approximately 8' tall and covered in long hair. It appeared to have long hippie-like hair and somewhat of a beard. From what I could see this thing was very big as all I could see was from the thigh up and it still towered over the top of my truck. As I got closer the one thing that really got my attention was the eyes. They appeared a yellowish green and only slightly shinned. The nose wasn't like a pig's nose but more human with flared nostrils and the face seemed very humanlike in its expression. It had a very large upper body and chest. It appeared to have no neck as the trapezius muscles kinda flowed into the head. As I passed I checked my rearview and could see it turn into the brush. I checked my brakes and started to turn around but then thought what am I doing, thinking my eyes and the early hour of the morning were playing tricks on me and continued on to Gatesville. The rest of the way to Gatesville I kept trying to figure out what I had seen. Was it a man, hitch hiker, transient, or animal. I tried to put it out of my mind but could not quite let it go. I told my wife only after 3 or 4 years had passed and I got that look so I never told anyone else until I found this website and found how many other people have had similar experiences. | Hico | 32.049916134271730000000,-98.088641166687010000000 |
22040901 | 1994 | 3a | OR | Linn | Camper Has Unexpected Sighting | We were living in Fernview Campground just west of Cascadia, Oregon. I was walking past the bathroom area of the cabin, which had an uncovered window. I glanced out the window, and saw a bigfoot walking up the community road that comes down to the cabins. It had it's back to me, and was taking very very long strides. He (pretty sure it was a he) was at least 7-8 feet tall, with the physique of an athlete, all slender hips and muscles, and very broad shoulders. His hair was about 6-8" long, all over his body, very silky looking and a dark auburn color. I felt like he was aware of me looking at him, but was not concerned. I could not see any part of his face. He walked past a large tree, and just disappeared. Never came out the other side of the tree, which I could plainly see. My dog was tied up right outside the window, and started barking like crazy, so I knew she saw it too. We had no cell phones or cameras, but even if we had, I was in shock and didn't even consider trying to take a picture. My family was out in the living area watching videos, and didn't see it. After it disappeared I hollered out to my husband and said "I just saw a bigfoot!" The distance between me and it, was about 25'. I walked out to see if it had left tracks, but it was mostly mossy and no tracks showed. | Cascadia. | 44.761675806714080000000,-121.997091300479600000000 |
03090010 | 1994 | 3a | AR | Little River | Hunter has dusk encounter along railway outside of Wilton. | I saw what appeared to be a large black figure too dark to really tell a definite color. There was an odor worse than that of a skunk. It acted very aggressive as in territorial. It had a low deep growl and was around 7-8 feet in height. | Wilton | 33.746002868794676000000,-94.152960777282710000000 |
01110037 | 1994 | 3a | TX | Houston | Early Morning Sighting of Two Chimp-like Animals | It occurred when I was a teenager at our family hunting camp, it is located next to the national forest in Crockett Texas, we called it arbor, it was early morning I know this because my dad always put me on my stand in the dark of morning. I was hunting alone and I remember hearing something running, but I really couldn't make it out but it was heading toward my stand, when it got closer it was two animals running on all fours, they ran under my stand past me and through the creek behind me. I was in a pretty high box stand, but I remember thinking what is that, because it ran like it's arms were to big for it's body, I thought it looked a boy running on all fours, but not a boy..it scared me so I didn't move, they were fast and going somewhere fast like they knew that the creek was there cuzbthey didn't stop just ran right across without stopping, when my dad picked me up after morning I described 2 hairy maybe chimp monkey ape but not any thing I've seen b4 running on all fours, of course. He said probably large beavers? I never said anything else just new it wasn't beavers, they were running like they were meant to sit upright but on all fours kinda like arms then feet, sooooo? I'm 31 now, and am telling what I definitely remember seeing, something like that was like seeing a ghost spooky... | Crockett | 31.215737675442902000000,-95.335235595703120000000 |
03080032 | 1994 | 3a | AR | Saline | Late night encounter near Benton. | We had just moved into our home here and the deer were always coming up to our back fence and causing these little wimp dogs of mine to go into cardiac arrest, especially at night when I was trying to go to sleep. So I was in the habit of taking a small rifle and shooting a round into the trees to frighten the deer away and shut the dogs up. One night I decided to take my single shot, break-over .410 into the woods on the trail to really scare them away. So carrying a flashlight, the gun (broke open, 1 round loaded) and two more rounds, I went off into the woods. About 30 yards into the woods, I heard movement to my right at about my one o'clock. Shining my light at the brush, I saw the thing standing stock still. I could tell it was about 7 feet tall, and it was half again as broad across the shoulders as me. I'm 6'1" and weigh 300 pounds so I'm not a little fella by any means, but I was next to this thing. It had a brownish - orange long fur over what I could see of it's body and its face was dark. My light reflected in its eyes like an animal. At that time it grunted and made a move towards me. The first thing I did was to close the gun, aim and fire. I know I didn't miss because he was only about 30 to 35 feet away and I saw fur fly. It yelled and began to move towards me again and I began to walk backwards, reloading the gun and never taking the light off of it. I fired again, not missing and it really started move on me, so I did this one more time, this time firing one handed. I turned and ran from the woods to my house. My wife was on the back porch when I came out of the woods and I yelled for her to get my 8mm rifle. She met me with it, I spun around, fully expectng to see this thing on me. It wasn't there. I could hear it running through the woods, which isn't easy with all of the under growth here. It let out a long loud yell that reminded me of sounds you might hear at the primate house at the zoo. | Benton | 34.556264803623600000000,-92.669763565063470000000 |
03080028 | 1994 | 3a | AR | Carroll | While traveling from Springfield, Missouri to Eureka Springs area, group has roadside visual encounter. | I had been playing and living at an opera festival seven miles or so west of Eureka Springs in the Ozark mountains. One night after a runout performance in Missouri several of us were driving back to the festival site. We were on hwy 62(?) between Beaver Lake and Eureka Springs. It was after midnight when our carlights illuminated someone or some thing standing off of the right (south) side of the road. It raised its hands and covered its face I assume due to the carlights. We saw no clothes on it and it appeared to be covered in brownish hair. What we saw didn't really register at first. We all thought it was very strange that someone would be out there naked at that time of night. None of us thought it was a bear because we saw hands (also, I had seen bear in that part of Arkansas and this did not resemble a bear). We didn't stop or turn around because we were all a little freaked out. I later realised that this thing had been standing on a small slope. It must have been 7-8 feet tall. It wasn't thick or bulky but appeared thin in comparison to its height. When I saw what I did my first reaction was "who's stupid enough to be out here at this time of night? They'll get run over." Then I realised that it was hair covered and TALL and probably not a man. | Eureka Springs | 36.433437049226670000000,-93.782043457031250000000 |
04080019 | 1994 | 1d | LA | Rapides Parish | Two motorists experience road encounter in rural Louisiana. | My wife (girlfriend at the time) and I were driving back to Dallas from New Orleans. We had started out at 9 pm. I was driving my 1991 Isuzu Amigo, and the top was rolled up because the weather was nice. We had been traveling between 2 1/2 to 3 hours at 75 mph. We were approaching Alexandria. At this point, we were on an unlit 2-lane highway. On both sides of the road, there were wooded, swampy areas 25 to 30 feet from the edge of the road. As we were driving, we saw a figure off to our right in the headlights. We both saw it as we passed and exclaimed simultaneously, "Did you just see what I saw?". We both agreed that we had and I asked her, "What did you think that you saw?". She said, "It looked like a Bigfoot." I wanted to immediately turn around and go back. She did not as we were in an open convertible. There was a friend of ours asleep in the back seat, who slept through the entire incident. As we passed it, it never seemed to detect our presence. At least that's the way it seemed because it never turned or even flinched as we went by. We saw the backside of the creature, as it was traveling in the same direction that we were. We estimated its height at 7'. It was covered with hair and in the illumination of my headlights, it appeared to be gray in color. It was walking and it was slumped over in the front. | Alexandria | 31.167204995015750000000,-92.501707077026370000000 |
01050003 | 1993 | 2 | TX | Liberty | Squirrel hunter has a daytime encounter. | I was squirrel hunting on my grandmothers property, that is around 2 1/2 miles east of Dayton. I had just walked in a clearing, about 14 x 30 ft, surrounded by dense foliage. I had a New England single shot 12 gauge with me. I was looking up into the trees for any sign of squirrels when I caught a movement out of the corner of my right eye. I looked down and to the front of me and saw standing about 15 ft away a very large creature. It was about 6 ft 7 in to 7 ft tall, very broad shouldered, very hairy except the face. The face was devoid of hair. Coal black eyes, wide nose, very long arms and big hands. It was like I had surprised it. We stared at each other for about 10 seconds, when I cocked my 12 gauge. At that time it turned to its right and disappeared. VERY quickly. It was getting to be dusk but I did look for tracks and found none. There was no smell. I hunted at that location quite often and know the surroundings. That day there were no birds, squirrels or any signs of wildlife whatsoever. It started to get darker so I started home. | Dayton | 30.075927465506330000000,-94.875397682189940000000 |
01050015 | 1993 | 3a | TX | Cass | Young man tells of childhood experiences. | It was about 1:00 - 2:00 A.M. in the morning, I woke up to go to the bathroom, when I woke up I happened to look towards the window and I saw this huge figure standing on our front deck. There was a security light outside so it made it more visible to see. I knew that it was not a person, my father is 6'3" and that creature was much taller and more broad shouldered. I did not see his actual body just the outline mostly through the window. It was just huge, and I was too scared to walk to the window and look out, I just laid down on the pallet I had made earlier that night while I was watching movies. I have noticed strange events occurring around our property, such as our ducks had ended up dead, heads had been completely torn off, and on the way to the pond in the pasture was a dead cow with most of its insides torn out. Now we did smell rotten odors, but we brushed it off as being water moccasins because they do have a terrible odor when near by, and at the time did not think anything of it. We also raised horses but nothing had really disturbed them. I was about 7 when this happened so I was terribly frightened. A few days after the event I was out back and I looked into the field and saw something large walking on two hind legs I would guess about 100 meters away. I know it was way too large to be anything human. Ever since then I have been scared to go out into the country at night anymore. | Linden | 33.044401630211950000000,-94.380948543548580000000 |
01060012 | 1993 | 3a | TX | Polk | Newspaper deliveryman has early morning road encounter near Alabama-Coushatta Reservation. | I was employed by the Houston Post as a delivery driver, delivering daily papers from Livingston Texas to the Reservation. I pulled off the side of the highway, onto the shoulder near a deer crossing, to finish wrapping papers for the return trip to Livingston. While sitting there with my high beams on I observed a large herd of deer, which I saw almost on a nightly basis. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something different, following the deer. As it came into better focus, it looked like a "hairy man." It must have seen me there before, as I stopped there on a nightly basis. The creature was about 6 and a half feet tall with light brown, long hair/fur. I kind of dismissed the encounter and was embarrassed to speak of it until I met Daryl at a Legacy Outfitters Meeting in Waco. | None. | 30.719923626952184000000,-94.696826934814450000000 |
01030007 | 1992 | 2 | TX | Wood | Hog hunter has morning encounter in Sabine River bottoms. | I was hunting hogs and felt I was being watched all day. I turned around to go back to the truck. It was sitting beside a tree. It stood up and I looked at it through a scope. It walked away like I was not even there. One man at the feed store told me he saw a 10 ft tall "bear" standing in a barn one day at dusk as he opened the front doors. It ran out the back doors on two legs. | Alba | 32.715666255703180000000,-95.581912994384760000000 |
03080003 | 1992 | 1d | AR | Ashley | Couple reports late night road encounter near Crossett. | My husband and I were driving home from Hamburg to Crossett, Arkansas, very late one night. We took a less traveled road, a shortcut to our house, which was Hwy 133 or Cross Road. We slowed down to cross over a railroad track and then we went into a very tight curve, slowing even further. As we were accelerating out of the curve, we saw a creature running very fast on two legs from the forest. It seemed that it was going to collide with our vehicle, which was a truck. The creature avoided impact but came to a halt right outside my window. I only got a glimpse of it up close as we drove by, but I can tell you that I saw right into its eyes and it was NOT a bear! It was large and we both observed hair on the body. All of the land through there is owned by a paper company so it is heavily wooded with no residential areas. | Crossett | 33.231651990466230000000,-91.974792480468750000000 |
03080006 | 1992 | 3a | AR | Franklin | Mother looking for children witnesses strange animal. | [This report was submitted by the witness on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 to NAWAC Investigator Tal Branco in person.] The witness lived near the top of Younger Knob, on property adjacent to the very large, deep and steep-sided mountain hollow (canyon) formed by the South Fork of White Oak Creek. On the day of the sighting she and her two young daughters climbed down the side of the hollow to check on her 9 or 10 year old son and his 12 or 13 year old cousin who camped along the creek. The trek to the base of the slope took hours of careful travel with frequent rest stops along the way. When they reached the narrow canyon floor along the creek, they could hear the two boys calling to them from their campsite further up the creek. The two girls were allowed to start walking toward the camp, but the witness sat down on a large rock beside the creek to rest for a while. While sitting there she noticed something shining in the water, and was preoccupied with trying to determine what kind of object she was seeing. By that time the two girls had reached the camp site, she could no longer hear the four children talking. While looking intently at the shining object in the creek for several minutes, the witness had a strong and sudden feeling that she was being watched. She slowly turned to look down the creek and up the creek, and then carefully scanned the bluff and terraces across from her position. She saw nothing in those directions, but still had a growing feeling of being watched. She then turned around on the rock to look up the steep slope she had just traveled. She froze when she saw a large human-like being staring down on her from a sharp ridge about 100 yards away. The witness stared at the animal for several seconds and mentally recorded details of its appearance. While her eyes were fixed on the animal, she heard all four children laughing and shouting as they ran toward her. She immediately stood up and started walking to intercept the children. She quickly looked back toward the ridge, and the animal was gone. She hurriedly gathered the children and started walking cautiously back up the wall of the hollow. As they approached the area where the animal had been standing, they could smell a strong rancid odor like that produced by a large male bear. Hours later they climbed out of the canyon and returned home safely. | Mountain Top | 35.571610855052060000000,-93.720588684082030000000 |
01970003 | 1992 | 3b | TX | Panola | Hunters have strange dusk encounter in dense Sabine River bottom woods. | I am a 42 year old computer systems administrator who lives in East Texas on my 133 acre farm with my wife and two teenage children. Although I was born in the big city, I have spent the majority of my life in the country and I am an avid outdoors man as are the rest of my immediate family and relatives. I will try to relate only the facts and necessary details but please bear in mind that the story I am about to relate to you is the most incredible encounter I have ever had in the Northeast Texas pine woods. As such, I feel the detail is important. It was late November 1992 and my wife and I were deer hunting in a nearby 9000 acre hunting lease with my aunt, uncle, and niece. This area, which is bordered on one side by 5 miles of the Sabine River, is some of the most remote forest land that I know of. The area in which we hunt is really out of the way as the nearest inhabited farm house is approximately 7 to 8 miles as the crow flies. As serious outdoorsmen, we pride ourselves in finding such inaccessible hunting spots, and this one was no exception as it required a 6 mile drive down old logging roads followed by a 15 minute ride on a four-wheeler deep into the Sabine River bottomland. It was an evening hunt, and, after disembarking the four-wheeler, I walked my wife to her tree stand and settled her in. I then took a 10 minute walk down the old fire lane to my tree stand. I made a mental note of how quiet the woods were that evening, as if there was a serious predator in the immediate area. Three hours later, right before dusk, I heard the familiar crack of my wife's rifle, so I began the walk back to investigate. Upon arriving at my wife's location, I met my aunt, uncle, and niece who also heard the shot as they were headed our way on their four-wheeler to rendezvous with us and begin the journey back. My wife described how a group of four deer had emerged within close range of her tree stand. Upon shooting the biggest one, the other three ran the woods. To my wife's dismay, the deer she shot struggled to its feet and attempted to follow. Rather than taking another shot, my wife had reasonably assumed that the deer was not going to go far and simply waited for me to arrive. The deer's wound was fatal as it was leaving a heavy blood trail. Even though the sun had already set by the time I got there, the trail was easy to follow by flashlight. My uncle and I left the rest of our party and proceeded to trail the deer armed with two fresh flashlights and a high-powered rifle. We could tell by its tracks in a low, wet spot that it was a large deer weighing 160 to 180 lbs. Approximately 100 yards into the woods, we came to the spot where the deer had laid down for the last time. There was a large quantity of blood, but no deer and no immediate trail! We instinctively began circling the spot, trying to pick up the trail again. When we did, it was very faint. Even though the trail had reduced itself to a trickle of blood every now and then, it was still reasonably easy to follow as it was straight, and traversed open woods. After approximately 15 minutes of following the new trail, we came to a downed tree at which the trail seemed to end again. This was a large sweet gum tree that was much too big for us to step over. But, after climbing over to the other side, we picked up the faint trail again. Upon leaving the downed tree, the trail became more sparse. Eventually, we crossed a shallow creek with steep banks and picked up the trail on the other side. Approximately 50 yards across the creek, we came to a spot on the backside of a large white oak tree on which the ground was very bloody - but no deer. At that point, the trail which had been very straight and deliberate, decided to take a 90 degree turn. We didn't say anything at the time, but, by now, my uncle and I had reached the same conclusion: This deer was being carried. It was being carried by something large enough to traverse obstacles that we had to climb over and wade across. Something that had stopped momentarily behind a large tree to see if we were still following. It was well past sundown now, and we had been on the trail a good 45 minutes. The moon was high and bright, but my flashlight was beginning to fade. Since my uncle's light was larger and brighter, we decided to turn mine off and save what was left. Shortly after, it decided to confront us. It's not what we saw, because we never saw it, even though we were within 50 yards of it, just on the other side of a small clearing. It's what we heard. I can tell you that I have heard everything from panthers screaming to a charging 400 pound wild boar hog but I have never heard anything like the sound that it made. To this day I have initially used one word to describe it: Big. I did not find its incredibly loud, roaring howl hard to interpret. It was letting us know under no uncertain terms that the chase was over and it was time for us to go home. It was so loud, that the rest of our party back on the fire lane heard it, and thought we were on our way back and playing a joke on them. At that point, our party began yelling for us, which caused this thing to growl back at them in challenge. The whole exchange so rattled me, that it took me at least 30 seconds to realize that I was the one with the semi-automatic high-powered rifle and flashlight. Nonetheless, I still remained at the ready and concentrated on exactly where the sound was coming from across the opening. My uncle and I have spent many hours together in the woods, and it didn't require the spoken word for us to know what the plan was. I immediately flanked to the downwind side of the opening hoping to either force this thing to drop the deer and run, push it into the opening where we could see it in the bright moonlight, or confront me in the tall, open timber where I would have a good clear shot. I suppose that in executing this maneuver it was my dogged desire not to make this deer the first one that we have ever lost. Whatever the reason, the plan didn't work. Whether or not it was for the better remains to be seen. I eventually slipped all the way around the edge of the opening back to where my uncle was positioned. Neither one of us saw a thing. At that point, we decided it was time to head back. Ten minutes into the walk back, our party started whooping for us again. Before we were able to respond, something else decided to take up the reply. We kept moving through open woods, and in the direction of the fire lane. Every time our party let out a whoop, it would answer in a challenging tone. And it was getting closer. As we approached the fire lane, the underbrush became dense except for one opening about 100 feet wide. My uncle and I instinctively positioned ourselves on both sides of the opening. Whatever was following us would have to come directly between us before it entered the fire lane. As we crouched in wait behind two large trees, we heard one of the four-wheelers start and head away from us down the fire lane. We immediately broke for the opening and trotted down the fire lane to where our party was waiting. Upon arriving, my wife told us that they heard me walk out of the woods and head the opposite direction down the lane, walking as if I was carrying something heavy. Upon hearing this, my niece decided to crank up the four-wheeler and go pick me up. This does bear some importance as I am a pretty big fella myself at 6' 1" and 240 pounds. However, obviously, it wasn't me they heard breaking out of the woods and walking down the dry leaf covered fire lane. I immediately mounted the other four-wheeler and caught up with my niece before she came face-to-face with who knows what. We all headed home, neither one of us saying very much. We had enough hunting for one day. However, we returned for several days after that, hoping to find vultures, a carcass, or any other sign of the deer or its captor. We never found anything. For some reason, even prior to this incident, we always referred to this area as one of the most "unfriendly feeling" spots we had ever hunted. | 32.085483430290540000000,-94.170684814453120000000 | |
02080024 | 1992 | 2 | OK | Murray | Man reports late afternoon encounter near Lake of the Arbuckles. | I had gone out looking for my family's homesite from the 1890s. I had only a general idea of the location, near a spring. I had chosen the winter in the hopes that the bushes and trees would have lost the leaves and I would be able to see ruins better. I was looking at some old metal cans and was down on one knee, I heard a twig snap and looked up, I saw nothing and continued my study of the junk I had found. After about five minutes I got the feeling that someone was looking at me. I looked up very slowly and about 30 yards away, standing behind a clump of bushes, was a very large animal. I stood up and just stared at it, I guess I was in shock. It was about 7 1/2 to 8 feet tall, very stocky and was a reddish-grey color, its face was darker. It simply turned around and walked up over a small rise, towards rock creek. I stood there for about another minute or two and walked back to my truck. It made no noise, and I smelled nothing. It was a very still day and I was in a low place between some higher elevated hills. It was about 7 1/2 to 8 feet tall, very stocky and was a reddish-grey color, its face was darker. Its face was flat looking and its head had a almost gorilla looking cone shape to it. | Sulphur | 34.452784677593776000000,-96.981811523437500000000 |
02080030 | 1992 | 3a | OK | Pontotoc | Child watches fawn being chased near Canadian River. | I was eight years old and we just moved to the country, that had lots of wood all around the house. We had a little camper I played in. I had several Chihuahuas and a rottwieller. Well one day I was playing in the camper and the dogs were barking running just a little ways from were I was. I decided to follow them. What came after was cute. It was a little fawn. I was going to chase it but [I saw] this huge, smelly, 8 foot tall, red mud clay color thing (as little as I was I thought it was a tall man until I hollered hey who are you. He looked at me and his face was so ugly and scary I knew then he wasn't a man. He stepped right over a 5'5 fence. The little fawn ran right under it. He didn't catch fawn. I was in shock and I couldn't speak so my dad told me to draw what I saw. He said it look similar to a Sasquatch. That deer season my dad was deer hunting. He had a deer right next to him. He was about to shoot him and he heard something coming toward him the buck ran off. Dad stood up and yelled you scared my deer off your on my land. He heard a high pitched sound like a lion and a bull mixed together and heard branches breaking over his head. He ran to the house and got both my brothers, they each got a gun. My mom called the sheriff and he thought it was a prank but they sent a deputy anyway when he heard those sounds he said call me if you kill it and left. Now it was dark the sun had set so they gave up. The rest of the night it paced back and forth making that high pitch sound. | Byng | 34.871003458877260000000,-96.683120727539060000000 |
02080013 | 1992 | 3a | OK | Atoka | Boys have early morning encounter at watermelon patch off road. | A friend and I were standing alongside a country road. My friend's cousin who was with us had walked up the street to a friend's to get him to join us. We also had several dogs with us in the road. I remember that one or two of the dogs were hunting/tracking dogs. As my friend and I waited in the road we started get the feeling that we were being watched. We noticed a melon patch across the road. We both remarked that it was kind of spooky looking and I made a bet for him to walk across the road and go into the melon patch by himself. He laughed and said forget it. As we stood there I noticed something that seemed to be standing behind a large tree that was by the melon field. I thought it looked like a man as it was standing up erect. I pointed at it to my friend and he saw it also. The dogs we had with us were going crazy by this point. They were barking and running around in the road. Just then I heard what was probably the scariest sound I've ever heard and will ever hear in my life. The sound came from the melon field and was enough to make my skin crawl. The sound was a very deep growl. Very similar to a bear growl only deeper and more focused. I mean that it was a constant low pitched yet resonating growl. It seemed to be a warning growl for us to stay away I guess. As I looked at my friend we both had the look of total fear on our faces. We took off as fast as we could. We totally forgot about my friends cousin who seemed confused when he finally caught up with us. After we told him what we saw and heard he knew what we were talking about since he lived there and was familiar with the stories. We were too scared to walk all the way back to his house so we stopped off at one of their uncle's house and he took us home by car. He recounted his stories to us, he believed in the thing as well. After the event, we could hear strange sounds coming from the woods for quite a while. They sounded like whistles and howling. After a bit they died off and we finally got to sleep at about 5 or six in the morning. | Atoka | 34.406059881670046000000,-96.137409210205080000000 |
02080010 | 1992 | 1d | OK | Caddo | Night time road observation. | We were driving north about a mile or two from my mom's house in the back roads of Stecker, driving about 40 miles an hour (we were taking my sister back home who lives about 8 miles away) when all of a sudden we saw what looked like a grayish looking football player streak across the road. It was very fast when it ran across the road. I know it wasn't no deer because whatever it was, it was on two legs, grayish and was built like a football player. Meaning it was thick on top like it had shoulder pads on. I never seen an object like that ever. I can't exactly say what I saw but all I know is that I saw something weird. If it was a bigfoot, in my opinion from this happening of why they are so hard for people to prove is because they are so incredibly fast. Maybe that's why they're so hard to prove or get a hold of. All I know is they are extremely fast. We didn't stop or nothing, we were too scared so we just kept driving. We were in a little bitty car, a 79 old Datsun, so I know I couldn't run over it or something. | Stecker | 34.941392337729816000000,-98.331756591796880000000 |
01030012 | 1992 | 3a | TX | Fannin | Woman reports midnight road-crossing encounter near Pecan Gap. | I was driving from Windom. It was after midnight. I had the high beams on as you never meet another car at that time of night. I saw a dark colored upright figure, like a "big" man run across the road. The figure was at the edge of my headlights so I didn't get a real clear look at it. It ran from the west to the east. I was traveling pretty fast so I reached where it had crossed within a second or two and it was gone. It had disappeared into a cluster of cedar trees that were along the fence line. I have only told a couple of people about it. At the time I didn't think about it being a bigfoot because I have never heard of any in the area. After reading other reports recently, I am convinced of what I saw. I have heard screams in the same area at night, but I believed them to be panthers or mountain lions. | Pecan Gap | 33.476413082137030000000,-95.858159065246580000000 |
01110028 | 1991 | 3a | TX | Montgomery | Hunter Has Daytime Sighting of Large Bipedal Creature | I was sitting in a tree stand looking over a fifty acre clear cut when I spotted something stepping over the fence in the corner. It was covered in hair top to bottom about 7 -8 feet tall. Its hair was black and it walked across the field to the other side and stepped over other fence and disappeared | Splendora | 30.225255026929723000000,-95.199279785156250000000 |
01050016 | 1991 | 3a | TX | Tyler | Truck driver has late night encounter. | I was a truck driver at the time for a huge retail chain. I was driving down Hwy 287 between Chester and Woodville about 1-2 o'clock in the morning. There was no traffic so I had my high beams on. Then I saw this thing standing along the side of the road, it was huge covered in dark fur, and it just walked (on two legs) across 287 in 3 steps. Now that highway is about 25 feet wide. As it crossed it looked at the truck and its eyes reflected in the light, like most animals...but the color was not like any I had ever seen before. Once it got across the road it stopped, looked in the other direction and then just slipped off into the woods. I was about even with it as it got to the edge of the tree line. It just kept going until I lost sight of it. It was tall...approximately 7 feet tall, covered with dark brown/black hair, with an odd-colored eye shine. This is the first time I've said anything about this to anyone except my wife and my two daughters. | Chester | 30.869962064868623000000,-94.548683166503900000000 |
01020045 | 1990 | 3a | TX | Johnson | Group of six people report distant encounter on the Brazos River at Lake Whitney. | My wife and I were out on the Brazos River with some friends. We were fishing and swimming on a sand bar in the Goatneck bend of the river. A member of our party noticed someone moving around on a rock ledge up on the cliffs about 250-300 feet above the river. They were about 1/2 mile away from us. As we started watching, whatever it was started jumping around, waving its arms like it was trying to get our attention. It did get our attention. It was jumping around like it was playing. We were able to observe it for 5 to 10 minutes. It jumped from one rock ledge to another that was 15 feet away and 20 feet or so down. A person couldn't have made that jump. It then jumped into a gully and disappeared. We waited a long time to see if it would reappear, but it didn't. | Whitney | 32.052244069436710000000,-97.480230331420900000000 |
01030004 | 1990 | 1c | TX | Camp | Family reports series of encounters in early 1990s near Lake Bob Sandlin. | Please contact Dr. Carl Baugh in Texas. He came out and brought two others with him. He documented that there were indeed five bigfoots living in this area. He took pictures, video, and samples of hand and foot prints. A family of four, myself and three sons, had various encounters with these animals. We hunted them and watched them for two or three years before we moved from the area. Dr. Baugh asked us not to make known where these creatures were because they would be hunted down and hurt. We never made it public. However, it was amazing how many others came up and said they also had seen this creature. There was one, who we called Blondie, that was a loner. He was not brown as the others we saw. He was a lovely blonde color with skin a golden tan. I believe he had a hearing problem because he nearly walked into me one morning, approximately 75 feet, before I screamed. Then he jerked and ran the other way. His hair was not matted, but seemed to be combed smooth. He/she was hairy all over except the face and chest area. The first witness, my son, was riding his bike with his twin brother and another boy. He came down a hillside road before the others and this large one stepped out in front of him. He came within fifty feet from it when he slammed on his brakes. He went into shock and we had quite a time with him. He was 15 at the time. Describing them would be difficult except to say they ranged from about five foot to at least eight foot tall. The hair was brown, nearly the color of tree trunks. They were thin, not fat at all. Hair around the face was long and swung loosely as they walked. The body hair was shorter and laid smoothly on the skin. The blonde one was very easy to see. He must have been young, about six foot tall, and the skin was such a lovely tan. I will never forget those few seconds of my encounter with him. His nose seemed larger and nearly flat against the face...but not like a bear or a pig...very hard to describe. The sounds they made when warning you away was like a "Hey", but more with a long A. They growled if we got too close and their eyes in a flashlight were green neon colored. The eyes in the tail lights of the car were glowing red. I would never take anything for this experience. It was wonderful and opened my eyes to the world around me. They are there. They are not mean or evil | Pittsburg | 33.038204940357176000000,-95.010538101196290000000 |
02080008 | 1990 | 3b | OK | Bryan | Young man and mother awakened by loud vocalizing animal. | I was sleeping and it woke me up! It was Screaming so loud, I thought I was dreaming. I pinched myself, when I realized that this was for real. It took me about 7 minutes before I could move, I was in Shock! It ran around the house 5 times before I could move. That is when I woke my mom up. You could hear it running around the house, it would scream so loud it hurt your ears. I woke my mom up to let her hear this scream and she panicked and knocked all the pictures off the table. We had 2 German Shepherds, one would bite. We looked outside and the 2 dogs were about 25 ft. from the house barking like they were very scared of whatever it was against the side of the house. We called the police and all they did was shine the spotlight on the barns, and then they left. We concluded that they probably had other reports of this and they were like us, did not want to see it. | Durant | 33.937663413796340000000,-96.532745361328120000000 |
01080120 | 1990 | 1d | TX | Cass | Mother, children and friend of family have road encounter near Atlanta on Highway 59. | There was something on the right side of the road and it crossed in front of my car. We were coming from Arkansas on highway 59 around Atlanta, Texas. It was tall and hairy like a bear, but it was running quickly across the road. When it got to the other side it stopped for a second then ran into the woods. My three children were in the car and my best friend at that time had rode with us. I slowed down when I saw it and someone said don't stop and I drove on. | Atlanta | 33.086849368184026000000,-94.237707853317260000000 |
01030019 | 1990 | 1d | TX | Liberty | Mother and son have road encounter in rural Liberty County. | My mother and I and one of my friends were traveling north on FM 1008 between Dayton and Kenefick TX. I believe it was late evening or early night. All three of us watched a very tall creature completely covered with hair from head to toe stand at the side of the road and disappear into the woods. All three of us saw the same thing. I will talk to my mom and get her to recall the incident. | Kenefick | 30.171546895744946000000,-94.899902343750000000000 |
02080032 | 1990 | 3a | OK | Cherokee | Several reported encounters near Eldon. | Various newspaper articles reporting possible bigfoot near Tahlequah, Oklahoma. First report was on August 1, 1990 at a mobile home near Eldon, Oklahoma which is east of Tahlequah at the junction of highways 62 and 51. Woman living in the mobile home reported to Cherokee County Sheriff's Department that she heard noises and noticed a bad smell. She then allegedly observed a creature approximately 10 feet tall and about 400 pounds. Deputy Joe Weavel investigated the reports and found impressions big enough to place both his feet in. Two days later, an 8 year old girl and her mother described a similar creature going through a trash pile near their house. Their dog chased it but returned with it's tail between its legs. The creature was described as 8 feet tall with dark brown frizzy hair and similar to a bear except that it was described as walking upright. Oklahoma Wildlife Department district chief, Joe Adair said he had received several calls regarding the animal and believed it to be a bear. He said he "nothing to base that on" and that it was unusual for a bear to walk on its hind legs for very long. Similar reports came from this area in the early 70s. | Eldon | 35.925339576161015000000,-94.764804840087890000000 |
01080077 | 1990 | 1d | TX | Palo Pinto | Two fishermen report early morning road encounter while enroute to Possum Kingdom Lake. | I was going trout fishing with a friend below the spillway at Possum Kingdom Lake and we had taken Highway 4 north. It was fairly dark, but visibility was good. As we approached the bridge over the Brazos River something was kneeling on the road by some roadkill. When the headlights shone on the scene a tall hairy being stood erect and ran across the road and down a steep bank towards the river. I got out of the truck to try to get a better look but it was too dark to see anything. The figure was quite tall and covered with long dark hair all over its body. It moved rapidly and with agility in the dark right in front of us. It was not a bear. | Palo Pinto | 32.862862628190220000000,-98.302531242370600000000 |
01020043 | 1989 | 3a | TX | Henderson | Series of visual encounters on property near Athens. | Well to tell you the truth I was a teen at the time and I always thought it was a ghost or something like that because it was white, but when I found out others had seen something similar, it dawned on me it really could have been a bigfoot. We lived in a rent house that was shaped like an "L" on 27 acres of land. In the back there was a pond. I hate that place. I loved it at first, so much land, trails to walk. The landlord said the pond was stocked but we never caught any thing. I don't know what is there now or even if the house is still there. I was always too scared to go back. There were strange things that happened. At first it was cool. I would have my friends over and they would be scared and I thought it was funny. I would even tell them there were ghosts. From the beginning there were the strange noises. Not really howls - more like screams in the night air. Mom thought it was maybe a wild cat. We used to tell people it was a banshee! ( dry laugh). But then people started seeing it: something white, big, 8 foot easy, smooth moving, fast, clever. The first sighting was by a boy not liked by my family. He came over late one night to talk to me out back. All of a sudden he got this shocked look on his face. My family are all nurses. My father is 6 foot he said "oh man" and left. He later told me he thought my Dad was spying on us. He said he had seen a large white figure moving from tree to tree and hiding behind them. The second sighting was by my boyfriend. We had a fight and his truck would not start so he decided to walk home through the fields. He said a large white figure walked beside him. It never attempted to hurt him. He never looked directly at it. He was too afraid. He just kept walking calmly, looking at the ground. When he reached the fence line it stopped. He continued walking but it did not follow. I met my neighbor in home room one day. He did not know I was his new neighbor yet and he told us this story about a large white thing in his neighbor's yard (my yard) following him one day while he was on his four-wheeler. After that we all saw it occasionally and decided it was harmless since it only seemed to watch us. Then one night me and a friend of mine were walking down the road and this thing came from behind a tree, ripped a huge tree limb off and threw it. We were so frightened - everything is a blur. We turned and ran. I outran my friend but he swears he could feel the thing's breath hot on his neck. We ran to the friend's house that we were in fact just leaving. We both jumped the gate. Some more friends who were leaving behind us said something white was behind us then just gone. Still no one believed us completely till we showed them the limb ripped from the tree lying in the road the next morning. This is the only time it was seen out of my 27 acres and the only time it acted violent. But it was so traumatic I asked my mother to move. We moved shortly after. I have never been back. | Athens | 32.150254517299960000000,-95.691003799438470000000 |
01120007 | 1989 | 3a | TX | Roar heard while loading firewood | While loading firewood, bipedal footsteps approached brush pile when I got no response I shined flashlight at 5 feet. A huge round black face,bare of hair,roared loud as a tiger. I ran into my truck. the passenger door was open. It got into my truck and in a very base scream roared in some kind of language into my direction, I drove and it got out. This event occurred approximately 7 miles west of Sanger, Tx, Denton county, approximately 1 mile north of fM 455 on clear creek bottom land. When I shined the light directly into its eyes they reflected back red. The creature was exactly my height, 6'2". I never noted body size. | Sanger | 33.376340676205200000000,-97.267627716064450000000 | |
04080004 | 1989 | 3a | LA | Bossier Parish | Man has close encounter near campsite. | The witness was out with a group of people partying around a campfire. He had to relieve himself and left the group. He encountered the creature at a close distance and became very frightened. He ran to his van and left the area without informing anyone of what happened. To this day, most of his friends think he imagined the whole thing. Between midnight and 2:00 am | Haughton | 32.569094566222130000000,-93.485841751098630000000 |
01010018 | 1989 | 3c | TX | Delta | Deputy Sheriff and college professor find tracks after friend calls and reports visual encounter. | I live in Northeast Texas close to the town of Commerce. I was witness to several incidents when I lived just outside Commerce. At the time I was employed for the Delta County Sheriff's Dept as a deputy. It was around 1990 and a friend and I were in the business of buying dairy calves to raise and resell. My friend lived in an area close to the town of Horton. The actual town is now under water - part of Cooper Lake. This was a very remote area of dense thick woods running all the way to Sulphur Springs. My friend began finding his calves dead at the barn. It appeared that their necks had been broken. This all came to a head on an evening as he heard his boar hog squealing loudly from the pen. The pen was located at the edge of the woods. My friend had a very mean boar hog that weighed around 400lbs. He called me on the phone and told me to come as fast as I could. When I arrived he was almost in shock and told me that he went and grabbed his rifle and went to the barn. He said that he saw a very tall hairy creature lifting this boar hog over the pallet fence. My friend fired a shot at it and it dropped the hog and ran off. My father and I went to the pen and found a set of tracks. These resembled a very large human foot in the dirt. My father - a retired Dallas police officer, contacted my friend's neighbor. The neighbor was also a retired police officer and professor at Northeast Texas Community College. He came and called a couple of his students and plaster casts were made of the print. Several pics were taken of the cast and one was even printed in the local paper. The cast went on display at the college in the science dept. I have the cast. At this time I am still trying to find where it was stored to get the dimensions for you. As we were talking with my friend's neighbor, he advised that he oversaw a cabin across from him (bordering my friend's land) way back in the woods. The owner had said that strange things were happening at this place. We saw that the tracks went due east toward this other piece of property. We went to the cabin and saw several more of the footprints going in a circle around the cabin. Over time we saw and measured two other sets of tracks. The only size I remember was 12 inches. The other tracks were bigger than the set we cast. The strange happenings always started in the spring and continued until the late fall. His property is about 2 miles from the Horton bottoms where I know several people who have seen this creature but would not go public for fear of being thought crazy. One was chased out of the bottoms while duck hunting at a slough. I have since moved to a different part of the county. About eight years ago a friend and I were walking along the Sulphur River and found tracks going to the water as if to get something to drink. As I said I am still looking for the cast as my dad put it into storage. As soon as it is found I would be glad to send a pic to you. In the cast you can clearly see the tissue ridges on the bottom of the toes - much like ours. I am curious if anyone has ever reported anything like this in this area. I have nothing to gain from telling this story. I have been a law enforcement officer in this area for 13 years. At first I told a couple of people of what I had seen and most thought I was crazy. Thanks to the internet I can relay this story to you. Please feel free to contact me if you wish. Thank You. We continued to find tracks on this part of the property. My friend and I hunted on it until we had an encounter. We didn't see anything but what ever it was kept moving in a circle around us. It was not worried about making noise as most wild animals do. | Horton | 33.263738056311000000000,-95.781383514404300000000 |
04080018 | 1989 | 3a | LA | Rapides Parish | Two men report encounter near Red River south of Alexandria. | My friend and I had driven down a small path towards the Red River. Normally this trail is only used for three wheelers and motorcycles. I had a small truck and wanted to see if it would make it. We were standing at the top of the bank in a moderately wooded area. I looked back away from the river and at the bottom of the hill near a small creek that we had driven across I saw a dark, heavy set figure standing near a tree less than 100 yds. away. I told my friend to look back and just as he did the object crossed the path and went off the trail. We stood there for about 2 minutes trying to decide what this was. Then we heard something moving through the brush a lot closer. We could see movement coming towards us. We ran to the truck, which was between us and what I'm now sure was Bigfoot. When I started the truck and looked behind me for a way out, it was standing less than 50 ft. from my tailgate. I turned the truck around by going forward into some brush. When I had the truck pointed in the right direction (away from the river), the creature wasn't in sight. I floored the gas and hit the creek, getting stuck in the process. My "friend" made me get out to try and push the truck out of the creek. I was so scared that I never looked back to see if it was after me. So that sighting cost me $1800 in repairs to my truck. I'm still not sure if these things are dangerous but I don't want to be around them to find out. What we saw was very fat. I couldn't tell how tall this thing was. I'm 6'4" and I'm pretty sure it was taller than me. I've never seen a person that weighed as much as this creature looked like it weighed. It seemed to have thick long black hair. It was a lot bigger than any black bear. There are many sightings in the general area. People in Louisiana don't like to have conversations about things they don't understand so not many people talk about their sightings. Maybe they don't talk much about them because they're so common. | Alexandria | 31.132313651100187000000,-92.240695953369140000000 |
01080001 | 1989 | 3a | TX | Marion | Medical research biologist (now a NAWAC investigator) recalls face-to-face boyhood encounter on grandfather's farm. | At the time of my experience I was 9 1/2 years old. My mother was ill in Houston, and I was sent along with my younger brother and sister to my grandparent?s cabin for the summer. They owned land and a cottage just outside of Jefferson near a community called Berea. It was a place that I had visited often until the place was sold in the 1990s. The road that led towards their property was known back then as Route 4, but now known as Berea 3. This road dead ended into two gates, one which led to a large cattle barn on the left and the other which led to my grandparent's property. There was no road that led from the gate to the cabin, but rather a rudimentary roadway best described as a pathway through the grass, with worn, tire-beaten tracks ? I will call this the roadway to the house. This was a very secluded area, with no development that I know of, from this property all the way to Linden, Texas. I always remember this area being referred to as "International Paper." It was about noon in late June when my grandmother and aunt were preparing a picnic for the five of us for lunch. Having remembered a particular spot that I thought would be nice for a picnic I took off to scout the area. I headed toward the gate at the entrance and reached the spot that I had in mind, but found that the area was too overgrown and turned around to head back. Around halfway, I began to hear a rustle in the woods that seemed to be coming right towards me. I was very excited! I can remember my exact thought process to this day. I immediately thought, "All right - I'm gonna see a big deer any second...or maybe it's Mr. [neighbor] running through the woods on a hunt...or maybe it's Mr. [neighbor] chasing a deer!" At this moment the cracking of the twigs, leaves, and pine saplings became very intense and was just about on me, coming toward the "roadway" and from my right. As I focused on the location of the ruckus, the animal came into view from the thicket and this is what I saw; it was not what I expected: At about 15-20 yards to my right, it came into view and turned to its right (towards me and parallel to the roadway). It was moving, on all fours, at what I would call a hustled pace, almost as if it was running from something. When it was at about 9-12 yards from me and about two feet off of the roadway, it used a rather large (4ft) wooden fence post to hoist/propel itself into a bipedal progression, using its left arm and hand. Its change in gait or posture did not result in a change in its speed. It then took a few running steps before passing behind a five foot sapling and stopping right before me. I could hear and feel the weight of this animal as it impacted the ground. There was nothing that obstructed my view during this chain of events, other than the split second that it ran behind and past the small twig of a tree. When it reached me, it immediately stopped and squared its shoulders at me. I had never been so scared in my life, even to this very day. At only a distance of maybe 7-8 feet with nothing in between us, I completely froze and even held my breath hoping that maybe it wouldn?t see/hurt me and just leave (this was my instinctive reaction). I never felt that it was charging me, but rather that it happened upon me by accident. This creature seemed to be just as startled to see me as I was to see it. His facial expression and body mannerisms told me that he was caught off guard and seemed very apprehensive as if it wasn?t sure what to do. We locked eyes with each other for a number of seconds before he turned his upper torso back and to his right (as if looking over its shoulder), shifting his weight onto his right leg, as if considering to take off, only to turn back to me and lock eyes again, and repeating this twice more. (I almost have to demonstrate this as it is very hard to put into words.) He seemed to be curious about me but looked like he wanted to get the hell out of there. He stood unobstructed right before my eyes for what seemed like an eternity, but probably only lasted maybe 8-10 seconds. While this was taking place, I saw in my periphery that my younger brother (about 60 yards away) was running towards us from my left and calling out my name. I wanted to yell for him to stop as he did not know what stood before me. This was about the time when the creature started to look back over its shoulder although not in the same direction of my approaching brother. After several seconds he made the move turning back and to his right and took off sprinting on two legs, using his hands to tunnel his way through the thicket. I paused for a second as it gained some distance from me, turned, and ran back towards the house grabbing my brother in route. These events are forever tattooed into my brain. The following are details and observations that should be noted: First and foremost, I cannot explain enough how human-like this creature was. From its facial features and expression, body language, and walking/running gait, this creature was scarily human other than its other body characteristics. Even at my age, I could tell that this was an intelligent creature by the way it seemed to be assessing his circumstances. I also cannot express enough how fluid this creature was in shifting from a four legged "run" to a bipedal running gait. This creature does not have any problems, or handicap whatsoever, in its gait, ability to walk or run on two legs, or to progress from one to the other while moving at a high rate of speed. It was very much more human than "ape." I don?t really like to use the word ape when describing it. With understanding of my own height at the time and after taking that into consideration, I would estimate the creature to stand between 7 1/2 - 8 1/2 feet tall (though I want to say closer to 8 - 8 1/2). He had very broad shoulders and heavy muscle structure. This was a massive creature that I would guess weighed in the vicinity of four to five hundred pounds, but I can honestly see it pushing 600 plus pounds. It was huge and stout. It was also very trim and did not exhibit a pronounced abdominal region as an herbivore will. The hair color was a deep reddish-brown rusty color, but dark overall. I want to say that it had a mix of different colored strands, some being reddish, some black, but mostly brown overall. It did not appear shiny, but rather dull and coarse. I would guess the length to be about 3"-4" in length. The hair covered most of the body, not including the face (with the exception of cheeks and jawline), forehead, palms of the hands, and the hair appeared much thinner on the thoracic (chest) and abdominal regions. Its head was cone-shaped slightly to the back (or crown) of the head with the hair growing up and back not growing down into the face. There was a forehead, as the hairline on the head did not extend down to its brow line (which was pronounced). Its neck was very thick and maybe short. I also believe that it may have had a restricted ability to swivel its head from side to side, as a human might do. Because my eyes were fixed on his face, I did not get a look at its feet or genitals, though I feel sure that it was a male, for it exuded masculinity. Its eyes were a dark brown and its skin looked somewhat tough and weathered. I have difficulty describing the color of its skin. I can only describe it as an overly weathered and medium toned skin (not black or brown) with a face that seemed more human than ape. | Jefferson | 32.821957111869370000000,-94.400925636291500000000 |
01030030 | 1988 | 3b | TX | Coke | Fishermen heard vocalizations, found tracks, had rocks thrown at them and found possible feces on vehicle. | I arrived at site during fall thunderstorm and after it passed around 9 pm, set up to fish under bridge as the water was running and the catfish had swam upstream from Spence to feed. Observed one identifiable humanoid track (fresh) in river mud under bridge and several large smears along rivers side in 20 ft radius. Around 10 pm., from across the river, we heard 2 LOUD roars, that ended in a scream, grunt cough? This was unnerving, as we had fished this area several times times in the past and even though at times felt nervous in the area, maybe spooked?, nothing like this before. After the screams we heard a heavy moment in the thick mesquite in the area the roars came from, then a heavy thudding sound. Nothing more occurred for 1hr, until my fishing buddy said in a low voice that someone had just threw a rock at him, at that moment a large rock hit the dirt between us with a lot of velocity, I yelled to cut it out, and another roar answered me, this time there was no doubt it was time to leave. We gathered our gear as fast as possible and left for the truck parked up on the road above us, as we were walking up the concrete to the bridge, we both heard a heavy splashing and something running in the river below, {river at this time around 5 ft. deep due to run off} and a grunting noise. When we got to the truck we both saw river mud spattered all over the windshield, side and grill, and it had the most foul odor I've ever smelt, like the smell of lake mud when the lake turns over in the fall. I've never been spooked like that before or since. Also I've never returned to that spot because it scared me. Problem is, it's some great fishing! Locals in the area at times had told us to stay away from under this bridge, but never gave explanation. The store in the town of Silver (pop. 10), at the time was the areas meeting place. For what is worth, there's the info. Hope it can be of assistance to you guys. | Silver | 32.019865907642640000000,-100.736474990844720000000 |
01040005 | 1988 | 2 | TX | Harrison | Hunter has close encounter on on family property near Caddo Lake. | In 1988 my wife (fiance at the time) and I were visiting my grandmother who was in her mid eighties at that time. She was living on some property that has been owned by my family for over half a century. She had spent a good portion of her life on this property. It was dusk and we were about to leave so we decided to sit on her porch before leaving. After sitting on the porch and talking for a while we heard a loud AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHWWWWWWW! It was coming from just inside the woods behind her house. I'm pretty familiar with animal sounds, but couldn't identify this sound. I figured that since my grandmother lived there most of her life she would know what it was. I asked her about the sound and she said that she didn't know, but she said that she takes all her scraps and garbage to the edge of the woods every evening and lately she had the feeling that she was being watched. She also told me she had started carrying a garden hoe when she went out there. In December of 1989 my friend and I went hunting on my family's property near Caddo Lake. It was about two hours before dawn and we settled into our deer stands. My deer stand was on the edge of a pipeline clearing. My friend's stand was in a thinly wooded area overlooking a small clearing about a quarter mile away from mine. I sat in my stand freezing my butt off. I didn't hear or see anything for almost an hour in the freezing temperatures. There was a full moon that night and it was pretty easy to see in the cleared areas. About an hour before the sun started to rise, I noticed something coming out of the woods. It began to walk down the opposite side of the pipeline clearing, towards me. It stayed in the shadows along the side of the wooded area it had exited. It was walking on two legs. At first I thought it maybe a hunter, but I looked hard to see if he had a gun and didn't see one. This was private property a mile off the nearest road and I didn't see a gun! It was also deer season, dark outside, and the woods are thick with trees, vines, and briars. This thing had just walked out of woods that are hard for me to walk through during the daytime without getting cutup from the briars. I couldn't imagine any person strolling through these woods at night during deer season. At first it was probably 75 yards away but it was getting closer. I thought maybe I'm seeing things, but I decided to click the safety off on my gun just in case. Immediately after I had clicked off the safety, this thing heard it; it was barely audible to myself. I could tell it had turned my direction, because its shoulders were now turned towards me. Without missing a step it was now walking backwards while looking at me. After about four steps backwards, it quickly spun around and I couldn't count the steps after that, it took a few more steps and quickly exited the pipeline. It entered the woods at a different location from where it had exited. I still couldn't believe what I had seen, but I kept watching where it entered the woods in case it came back out. I noticed one large tree a few yards back in the wooded area that was higher than the other smaller trees around. This tree began to shake violently. After that I was done hunting, but was too scared to exit my stand. I was certain that it had to be Bigfoot. Every noise I heard after that spooked me. I stayed in my tree-stand until my friend came and got me after the sun came up. I told him what I had seen. I don't know if he believed me but we went to look for tracks. We didn't find any tracks but we saw a well-worn trail on the ground where it had exited the woods. I couldn't enter this trail because the trees and briars were real thick. It looked as if small animals could only use this trail, as it was low to the ground. There was a freshly beaten path where it had reentered the woods. I was able to enter the where it had reentered. I noticed an old plastic pail hanging about five or six feet up on the tree that had been shook. I have no idea why this pail was there. Nothing was in it but pine straw. The woods were too thick from that point on and we didn't see where it could have gone from that point. | Karnack Texas | 32.589273259169340000000,-94.167852401733400000000 |
01110042 | 1988 | 3a | TX | Leon | Law Enforcement Officer Has Roadside Sighting of Large Bipedal Creature | Most people won't believe what I am telling but regardless here goes. After working at the Huntsville Texas Police Department in the late summer of 1987, I was driving north on the highway heading back to the Dallas, Tx. I was alone and admiring the pine trees and the Texas evening sunset when out of the right corner of my eye I noticed what appeared to be a hair covered creature standing upright over six feet tall coming around the end of a creek area heading south. this creature was not alone, it was carrying a baby creature. The adult stopped and looked directly at me while it carried the infant in its left arm. The adult creature had a long stride and never ran but, was moving in a hurried manner. The adult creature turned left into the forest, I never have mentioned this to anyone because of where it happened. About 200 yards ahead was a sign on my right that had the name of a creek on, it read Boggy Creek. This is one reason that I have never mentioned this story. I am now 63 years old, a strong Christian and hold a Masters degree. I know what I saw and have decided after all this time, I am going back to search for what I saw over two decades ago. | Huntsville Tx. | 31.190247670877710000000,-95.974655449390410000000 |
03080004 | 1988 | 3a | AR | Baxter | Artifact hunters report encounter near the White River. | I was with my brother and friends, searching for Indian artifacts and arrowheads in a cave. We were near the Buffalo Wildlife Mgmt. Area and the White River. We found bones, branches, tree limbs in the cave. When we left the cave, we noticed rocks coming down from above us. We saw a tall, hairy, animal on top of the ridge throwing or kicking rocks. The animal was running on two legs after us. The animal ran and kept pace with our pick up truck. The truck was going 30 to 40 mph. | Norfolk | 36.157835441026250000000,-92.328758239746100000000 |
01080027 | 1988 | 2 | TX | Harrison | Son and father have morning encounter while hunting not far from Louisiana state line north of Waskom. | My father and I were walking along the line fence on our way to two deer hunting stands. (I am a long time outdoorsman, used to the woods and familiar with the creatures that live there). I climbed up into the first deer stand to be on the watch for a buck. My father continued on along the 5-strand barbed-wire fence, up and over a little hill and down into the lowland canebrake. It had not rained for a long time so the ground was dry, even though it was low and should have been at least damp if not wet. He, too, climbed up into his deer stand to watch for a buck. Instead of a buck I saw a large creature, taller than a tall man, the top of its head a yard above the top strand of barbed wire. The creature was walking upright on its hind legs, taking long deliberate strides, walking along the line fence. It was hairy, hair covering its head, face, and neck. It did not have a long nose like a bear does. It was still early in the morning with deep shadows, no bright sunshine to light up the path. The creature strode purposefully on, up and over the hill and out of my sight. But not before the horses in the pasture sensed the creature's presence, whinnied loudly, then bolted, running away across the field. My father then heard the dry crackling of the canebrake, something large was breaking the spindly stalks as it made its way along, then stopped for a bit with some more thrashing crackling noises then continued on beyond where it could be heard. But not before my father got a good strong whiff of a terribly unpleasant smell. I had expected to hear a rifle shot but no such sound came. I climbed down from my deer stand and walked up and over the hill to join my father. I learned that my father had not seen the creature, only heard it and smelled it. We searched in the canebrake for tracks but because the ground was dry and hard came up with nothing but a discovery of what had been a wild bee honeycomb apparently eaten by the creature. | Waskom | 32.518157541023930000000,-94.049148559570310000000 |
01010015 | 1988 | 3a | TX | Hunt | Late night driver reports seeing two tall hair-covered subjects just beyond Sulphur River bridge outside Commerce. | I left my job at 11:00pm. I was headed east to visit my girlfriend. After a 1.5 to 2 hour visit I headed back to my apartment on the west side of Commerce. Traveling back west over the Sulphur River bridge I saw two animals standing on the north side of the road just 50 yards past the Sulphur River bridge. With my headlights on bright there were two standing side by side. The tallest must have been over 7 feet tall and the other about 1 foot shorter. As a child I watched "In Search Of" and was fascinated by the chance of seeing a bigfoot sometime in my life. What I saw were two grayish brown creatures standing 10 to 15 yards off Highway 11W. It instilled pure terror in me and the hair stood up on the back of my neck, my heart rate raised by 50 instantaneously, my foot went down on the accelerator. I never told anyone thinking they might think I was making the whole story up. So after seeing the Texas Bigfoot Research Center on "Fox 4 News" I called the phone number and made this report of mine. | Commerce | 33.266824014208815000000,-95.916824340820310000000 |
03080020 | 1988 | 3a | AR | Sebastian | Fisherman has close encounter on lake in western Arkansas. | I was visiting some friends in Huntington Arkansas in the summer of 1988. We all decided to go to a local lake for some bass fishing. They had warned me that there were tons of water moccasins and to be VERY careful where I stepped. I was moving along the bank fishing and I was paying a whole bunch of attention to where I was placing my feet when all of a sudden there was a commotion in the woods about fifteen feet to the right of me. When I turned and looked I could see a very large creature, about 7 to 8 feet tall with very broad shoulders, and could hear a sort "whoooop whoooop" noise. Thinking it was one of my companions trying to scare me I moved toward it. At that time it grabbed the tree trunk next to it and just twisted it off, and kind of slapped the ground with it, and made a very low guttural growl. At that point I was more scared than I have ever been in my life. It was really intimidating because its muscles were flexed, and its head was tilted down and it was staring right at me. My Dad had taught me about encounters with bears and what to do. My instinct was to run, but my Dad always taught me that an animal will chase you if you run. I just dropped my pole and looked down at the ground and slowly backed away. The animal followed me a short way and just turned and walked into the woods. When I got back to where my friends were I told them happened and they just laughed at, and made fun of me. I have never been back to that part of the country and now live in the desert where there are few trees. | Huntington | 35.090136128158726000000,-94.396591186523440000000 |
02080006 | 1988 | 2 | OK | McCurtain | Squirrel hunter has encounter near Little River. | I went squirrel hunting a half mile into the woods. I thought all morning that I could feel something watching me. I began to hear the sounds of something big and strong on the move, something just out of sight, the sound of breaking limbs, shaking trees. Through a gap in the leafy cover near the ground, I saw the hairy, reddish-brown legs of an animal that appeared to be walking upright. I got the heck out of there and I haven't been back. I've got a reputation for being a real good hunter. For a long time, I didn't tell anybody and when I did tell people, everybody made fun of me, so I haven't said too much else about it. Too many other people have seen it. A lot of coon hunters have been talking. | Idabel | 33.943431150826484000000,-94.624171257019040000000 |
04080027 | 1988 | 3a | LA | Vernon Parish | Three boys have encounter outside friend's house. | My friends and I were out being bored and just hanging out during summer school vacation. When my friend came up with the idea to scare my other friend who lived down the street. So we walked on down to his house and climbed his fence and then went around to his bedroom window. We were going to bang on the glass hard and scare him. But when we looked into his room he had just walked out his door. So we were all looking in the window. He must have seen some movement out of the corner of his eye and it caught his attention. Then I heard my friend yell to look. This time we both looked at what he had been watching and my mouth dropped, my hair stood up and I just stared. It was standing there looking at us for less than a second and then it turned and started to walk away. Then it stopped, took about 3 or 4 steps and then turned around again and it made a growl twice at us. My friends took off and I was right behind them. I jumped the fence with one hand and ripped my pants coming over it and ran until we were out of breath. | Leesville | 31.139366410772183000000,-93.231525421142580000000 |
01050001 | 1988 | 3a | TX | Panola | On Sabine River, young fisherman has late night encounter. | When I was about 16 which was in 1988 my friends and I always spent our weekends and breaks from school at my hunting camp on the Sabine River in Panola County, Texas. We would hunt and fish and live off the land mostly. One evening we had been fishing and had caught a lot of catfish so we cleaned our catch at our camp water well. It was an old type well with a hand pump. We built a fire and began to cook our fish. We had just finished eating when we heard a noise from where we cleaned our fish. We are used to having varmints such as raccoons and opossums and coyotes come in to get the guts from the fish. Well I got my flashlight and my .22 rifle and went to shoot whatever was getting the guts. When I was about 50 or so yards from the well I heard a moan - not a growl but a moan. I could see a large dark mass at the well. I thought it was just several raccoons in a wad eating. So I raised my light [and] when I did the large mass stood erect on two feet. I thought it was someone playing a trick on me. I immediately called to the person or what i thought to be a person. I told them I had a gun and was gonna use it. The thing didn't move or answer. I called again and said "this ain't funny I'm scared and gonna shoot." Now I stand six foot even and weigh 250 lbs. This thing was at least six foot five or taller and bigger than me. As I got closer my light exposed more of the thing. It began to move as I got closer it was covered in what looked like mud covered hair. I can't tell you the color because it was all matted up with mud just like pigs do to get rid of biting insects. Well the closer I got the more scared I got and I fired a couple of shots in the air to see if it was a joker they would tell me not to shoot. The thing ran off but not far I could hear its foot steps in the leaves. I walked back to tell my buddies and get help. None of them would go back with me to the well. The next day there were large five toed footprints at the well and all the guts were gone except the heads. My buddies all said I was playing a prank and made the tracks myself but I wear a size 13 shoe and these tracks were longer and wider than my shoe. I spend lots of time in the woods of East Texas and am as close to an expert as you can get on wildlife around here and I can tell you what I saw was an as yet unclassified animal. | Carthage | 32.093082418204865000000,-94.197421073913570000000 |
01040015 | 1987 | 3a | TX | Gregg | While hunting in Sabine River bottoms, two boys have daytime encounter. | Today I accidentally found your site looking for something that had nothing to do with bigfoot. I had no idea anyone else in my area had ever seen or reported any stories of a bigfoot. I never told anyone about what I and my friend seen hunting after school one day. I don't remember me and him even talking about it very much. It was in 1987 it was hunting season -- I'm not sure of the month. The two of us were walking along a dirt road in the Lockerplant river bottoms. Not sure which of us seen it first but definitely caught our attention. We were looking down a right of way when this large figure walked out of the trees. It walked along the tree line for several seconds going back into trees. At first we thought it was one hell of a big man or maybe someone hauling a deer across their shoulders. I remember asking [my friend] if that guy was wearing a fur coat. We knew what it was and it was not a man. The thing was at least 7 foot tall and covered in hair. It seemed to walk like a person, it was too far away to notice any details about face, hands or feet. I'm not sure but think it noticed us and that was the reason it never crossed the right of way. We knew what we seen and even with guns in our hands we both ran all the way home. | Gladewater | 32.511010299676510000000,-94.906232357025140000000 |
01040002 | 1987 | 3a | TX | Harrison | Deer hunter has visual encounter on southeast shore of Benton Lake. | I was deer hunting on a piece of land called Benton right off of Caddo lake. I was standing at the shoreline watching the water when I saw something out of the side of my eye. Looked to my left and saw an animal come out of the water, look both ways and then walk into the woods. The animal was large even at the 50-yard distance dividing us. As I was walking back to the truck I saw a foot print in some loose soil. | Baldwin | 32.720937778007760000000,-94.233040809631350000000 |
01980004 | 1987 | 3a | TX | Red River | Hunter has visual encounter while trying to find hunting spot near a creek. | I was deer hunting with friends on a place known in that area as the boware slash, a slash where I come from is a swampy area. We had to cross the 4 DUCE Ranch to get to our hunting lease, the ranch was owned by Sally Gooding at the time, I don't know if she still owns it now, it has been 11 years ago since this happened. We had to cross a creek in a boat to get to the deer lease. This lease was surrounded by two creeks. These creeks ranged from 12 to 24 feet wide and had been drug out by beavers which made them 7 foot deep and deeper in places. You will understand why I'm giving you all this info in a few minutes. There were three of us hunting in this area it is way off the beaten path. My friends went one direction and I went the other. I had never been there before and so I spent most of the morning slowly making my way through the woods and trying to keep my bearings about which direction I WAS going. We had gotten into the woods before daylight and there was only a light breeze blowing, and I was trying to keep it in my face. I had seen a couple of does after the sun came up, and I could hear several dogs running on the opposite side of where we came in. Weyerhaeuser owned a few hundred acres on one side of us and the 4 DUCE RANCH was on the other side, were pretty secluded. I was making my way along the creek in the direction that I should have found one of my friends. I was moving very slow still looking and hunting as I went, and still had the wind in my face. Before I tell you more I want you to understand I grew up and have always lived out in the country. I have played in the woods from daylight till dark and I have never been scared like I was on this day. As I came up on a big blowdown with a lot of undergrowth around it I could see something moving around in the brush pile, I heard the limbs moving and twigs popping first and thought it might be one of my friends making him a blind to hunt out of. I whistled like a quail twice to get his attention so that I wouldn't startle him. I was probably 30 or 35 feet away and the brush and undergrowth in the slash was pretty thick. After I whistled the movement stopped and I could see a large dark colored figure moving toward the creek at an angle away from me, my hair on the back of my neck stood up and I had a feeling that I had never felt before. This had never happened to me before while I was hunting. I was still thinking to myself it may be somebody, but I still took my 30.06 off of safety and walk toward what ever it was I lost site of it in the underbrush and then picked it up again on the other side of the creek. The creek in this area was about 12 or 14 feet wide, I never heard any sound of anything hitting the water. I ran up to the edge of the water and about 100 feet on the other side I could barely see a black figure with a silver looking tint to its hair, where it was standing the sun was shining on it, I only saw it for about 30 or 40 seconds this last time. Whatever it was walked on 2 legs and was 6 foot tall or taller and moved through the woods quieter than anything I have ever seen, after it was on the other side of the creek it never made any noise. The ground was covered with oak leaves that were damp and a lot of undergrowth so I didn't see any footprints. I walked back to the blowdown where I had originally seen it, and found where a large log had just been moved, this log was probably 3 foot tall and maybe 20 foot long, although it was decaying it was too heavy for anyone I know to move. I figured I had interrupted a midmorning snack and then I questioned my own good judgment about going toward it when I first saw it. I get chills just writing this. I decided it was time for me to head back to the pickup. It was one of the longest walks I have ever made. I had to go through some thick stands of switch cane. My heart was in my throat and I left my gun off of safety all the way back to the truck -- that's something I have never done before. I pride myself in being safe with firearms, and have been hunting since I was 6 years old. I told my friends what I had seen, but they just made light of it, they said it might have been a bear. I am familiar with all types of wildlife and I know it was not a bear, it was something I have never seen before or since. | Clarksville | 33.708633094238010000000,-94.913978576660150000000 |
01020011 | 1987 | 3a | TX | Hardin | People on Bragg Road saw something run in front their car. | Sitting in a car on Bragg Road, my date and I were watching the lights when something large hit the back of our car. Weeks later, we were sitting on the same road when a creature on two feet crossed in front of us. The creature looked at us, then went into the woods. Years later, I was driving from Woodville when something on two feet ran in front of my car. I was scared. I did not stop to check for foot prints or a better look. | Saratoga | 30.345028162398513000000,-94.549541473388670000000 |
21011301 | 1987 | 3a | TX | Rusk | Man Recounts Encounter Near Grandparent's Rural Home | I was visiting my grandparents in East Texas, running around with my cousin. He went back to the house to get something and I waited for him to get back. I felt a presence, something looking at me. I turned around and looked down the road sloping down to a creek, and walking across the road staring at me was a very tall creature covered in dark fur. It was silent, but stared at me. It walked completely upright, slightly bent over. | Mt. Enterprise or Laneville | 31.953809051651692000000,-94.745655879378320000000 |
01050040 | 1986 | 3a | TX | Harris | Teen girl has extraordinarily close encounter while walking home in early morning hours. | I was walking home along a fence line behind my house between 2:30 and 3:00am and heard leaves moving like someone was walking near by. Then something hurdled the fence and landed in front of me. The fence was about 5 feet tall and this creature had just grabbed the top of the fence and threw its legs to one side and over the fence. When it landed, it landed low and when it stood up right it was about 7ft tall and was totally black (I could not make out any of its features and did not look as if it was wearing clothes - it looked as if it had dark hair all over its body) standing about 5 feet from me. We looked at each other for about 3 seconds and then it turned and kind of leaned over or forward and took off. I could hear branches breaking as it went threw the woods. I was so scared that I could not move for about 45 minutes. Then a week later my mother told me that she had seen something similar coming home late one night the following week. She said that while driving home a big creature walked out in front of her car holding a possible dead deer in its arms. It walked out in front of her while she was driving and just up the road from the house. She said that it looked at her and kept walking. It crossed the road, crossed the ditch and then stepped over the 3 foot barb-wired fence. We still talk about this and wonder what the heck was it. | Spring | 30.028826152927713000000,-95.301246643066400000000 |
01080030 | 1986 | 3a | TX | Newton | Late night motorist has road encounter and loses control of vehicle. | I was driving from Beaumont to Louisiana. I was on Highway 87 going into Bleakwood, (community near Kirbyville). At about 2:00 A.M. I was driving about 60 mph, saw a figure moving on the road ahead. The very large furry human shaped creature stopped, turned and looked toward the lights, then turned and walked into the trees. I was terrified...I slammed on the brakes and my small car spun completely around. I got the car straight and kept going. I've told only a few people about this incident. My sister said it must have been a bear, but it was no bear. It was a light golden brown with slightly darker areas on some of the fur. The face was flat like a human...not a pointed nose like a bear. It was larger than a normal human. I recently saw mention of sightings in East Texas while I was searching for wild animals of East Texas, since I recently moved to this area and see and hear lots of coyotes and unknown smaller wildlife out here in the country, so thought 'Maybe these folks won't think I'm crazy...I really did see this creature'. It was a light golden brown with slightly darker areas on some of the hair. The face was flat like a human...not a pointed nose like a bear. It was larger than a normal human. | Bleakwood | 30.641161336563613000000,-93.808135986328120000000 |
01090045 | 1986 | 3a | TX | Rains | Camper claims to have visual encounter on shore of Lake Tawakoni. | I have never forgotten the experience my friends and I had one night while attempting to spend the night on the shore of Lake Tawakoni. I was about 16-17 years old at the time and it was mid-summer. The lake level had dropped enough to provide a large shore line that we would make bond fires on and ride motorcycles, etc. (We lived on about 20 acres of lake front property) After setting up tents and starting a large camp fire, we generally goofed off and told stories until we had adequately freaked ourselves out so we went back to the house to calm down and regain our braveness. Sometime after midnight we decided none of us had the guts to sleep in the tents so we all got flashlights and made our way back down to the lake to put out the fire. As we came within 100 yards of our tents we heard the distinct sound of someone inside the tent moving around pretty aggressively....you know that sound you make when you rub against the nylon fabric of a tent. Thinking it was some other friends trying to scare us we all trained our flashlights on the tent that was moving around and as we walked closer, began to yell out threats to whoever was in there. The camp fire we had made had burned down to a red-orange glow. We all were very nervous and the hairs on my body were standing on end....something wasn't right and we all felt it. As we got within about 50 yards of our tents, a figure came out of the tent and trotted off from our left to right with the camp fire between us and it. To this day I can see this creature in my minds eye very clearly. I believe it was a young bigfoot (I know this now...not then) that was around 5 1/2 to 6 feet tall (that's a guess on my part as I am 6'4" tall). It had a very pronounced slump in the head/shoulder area with little to no neck and hair all over the body that was not dense.....the hair seemed to average about 1-2 inches tall and was standing mostly straight up vs. laying down. Much like a young orangutan. I remember it having very long arms and a very muscular body. I'm guessing this was a "teenage" bigfoot that was trying to find something in our tent to eat or steal. Needless to say, we all stood motionless for a few seconds as the creature disappeared in the dark woods, then we all broke the sound barrier as we took off back to the house. We all stayed pretty silent the rest of the night and went to sleep in my bedroom. After everyone had gone home the next morning, I rode my dirtbike down to the campsite to clean everything up. As I shut the bike off, I had the VERY strong feeling of being watched and after just a few minutes couldn't take it anymore and started towards my bike. As I was getting on I heard a very loud and very deep grunt the likes of which I had never heard before or since. It put a fear in me that, as I type this, is giving me goose-bumps. I put my bike in gear and took off like a scaled cat back to the main house. After explaining everything to my dad, and he seeing my pale face, got the shotgun and we both walked back down. When we got there the terrible feeling of being watched was gone and it was if everything was normal. We poked around and didn't see anything. To this day I wonder why we didn't look for prints in the dried clay of the shoreline but I guess we just didn't know any better. I've never told anyone this story because I thought I was crazy for seeing what I believe to be a young bigfoot in the Lake Tawakoni area....but I see from your web-site that I am not alone...there have been several sightings in that area around the same time frame as mine. | East Tawakoni | 32.894002351815516000000,-95.933990478515620000000 |
01030013 | 1986 | 2 | TX | Bowie | Deer hunter reports encounter in Sulphur River bottoms at western edge of Wright-Patman Lake. | Late one afternoon in November 1986, my nephew came down and wanted to go deer hunting at Maud. I grew up hunting at the old Berry Farm. I put him in one of the deer stands that my brother and I had put up and I went on to mine. I told him I would come back by the stand that he would be hunting out of so we could come out of the woods together. That afternoon it was starting to get dark but still light enough to see I started back towards my nephew?s stand. I started up a creek bottom that ran in to a big swamp thicket next to the lake when I smelled something with a very foul odor. I could hear something moving in the thicket, at first I thought it might be a deer, but it was too big to be a deer, and sounded more like a man walking in the water, so then I thought my nephew had got down and started to my stand so I yelled his name so he would know I was coming his way. This thing started moving away from me fast. Down the thicket about 50 to 75 yards there was a little opening about 30 feet across, this thing crossed the opening. I could not believe what I was seeing. This thing was around 6 to 7 feet tall with dark brown hair covering its whole body. It crossed the opening in what seemed to be 5 or 6 steps! I really don't have enough room to write all this down. I'm not crazy, I know I saw something and what ever this thing was it was BIG. | Maud | 33.277444617161430000000,-94.381484985351560000000 |
01040031 | 1986 | 3a | TX | Collin | Student on the way to school sees a large, hairy figure cross road. | Hurried on the way to school. I was about 50 yards away from intersection when I saw something cross in front of me. It was somewhat foggy, but I saw it as plain as day. Its eyes were like that of an animal. They glowed red when my headlights hit them. There were no sounds heard. I damn sure did not get out. The creature just passed in front of me in a hurry as I was. It did make eye contact and disappeared into the thicket on the side of the road. At the time, this was rural McKinney. Now this area is developed. | McKinney | 33.219302536382640000000,-96.679344177246100000000 |
04080026 | 1986 | 3a | LA | Vernon Parish | Three campers have encounter at campsite. | The witness was camping in an open air tent. The camp was next to a creek called "Castor Creek." Camping with him were his two younger cousins. At approximately 2:00 a.m., the youngest cousin (15 years old) was awakened by the sound of something moving around the camp site. When he awoke and realized what he was looking at, he screamed, awakening the other two. They saw a large, hairy figure standing on two feet. The height was between six and seven feet tall. The subject was moving from one side of the tent area to the wooded area side. At no time did the subject make any moves to harm or intimidate the three campers. Once the subject was on the wooded side of the tent area, it stopped moving for five to ten seconds and looked back at the campers. The subject then walked into the woods and out of sight. The witness described the smell of the subject as being like "a 100 rotten eggs." The witness was sure that the subject stood between six and seven feet tall, and weighed approximately 350 - 400 pounds. They noticed during the time of the encounter that there were no sounds from the woods. The sounds returned after the subject left. At 5:45 a.m. the three packed up and left the area. | Leesville | 31.099136608903038000000,-93.278303146362300000000 |
24081101 | 1986 | 3a | NY | Westchester | Sighting of Large Upright Creature with Footprints Found. | Getting out of my boyfriend's car walking up the long walk to the building turned around to say see you later, and when I turn back there was this huge brownish figure about 8 ft to 9 ft tall leaning up against the building. Please note there was a huge tree in the yard where I worked, this thing frightened me so bad I didn't know where to go because it was nothing but wooded area to my left and maybe a couple of hundred feet in front of me there was a store. But I knew I wouldn't make it if this thing decided to chase me. I turned around to see if my boyfriend had left the area, screaming his name loudly and when I turn back the thing was gone. We had to use a card key to access the building I ran upstairs and I was telling my colleagues what I'd seen. Everyone ran to the window but we didn't see nothing. We didn't think to go downstairs to look and see the footprints in the snow but I remember some of my colleagues laughing at me. I know what I saw I will never forget that ever in my life thank you. If I'm not mistaken the number 76 bus went up that area and rye Brook New York a little city outside of rye New York. As you come down that creepy street because it's a lot of wooded area there's nothing out there but woods and businesses are far apart. This thing could easily came out of the wooded area in rye New York. It wasn't a bear bears don't stand up like that, this was like a real tall heavy heavy heavy heavy man with a lot of hair on him his arms hung down past his hips. I'll never forget that thing as long as I live again thank you. | Rye | 40.980653500000000000000,-73.683739899999990000000 |
22011701 | 1985 | 3a | PA | Wayne | Woman Recounts Series of Unusual Occurances and Sighting of Large Primate | This event happened over 35 years ago when I was around 12 - 14 years old. It changed my life yet I only recently told people what I saw. Some details I don't remember anymore such as time / exact dates. A little details: My father often took me for most of the summers to his uncle's property. We stayed in off grid hunting cabin. My father was a avid outdoorsman, hunter & fisherman. He taught me alot about the outdoors. I was a complete animal & nature lover. I study & read about all animals. I even took summer classes / internships on zoology, zoos, basically anything I could at my age. I was no novice even at that age with the local Wildlife. Another tidbit is at that time I owned a mix breed (Lab, Shepherd & Collie) dog, Prince. Prince was my constant shadow & protector. He was quick to act & fearless. He lived spending the summers with me & his favorite pass time was finding then chasing deer but especially bear. Luckily he always listen to stop causing trouble & come back. Now to what happened: Please see more detail description of surrounding below. Most days I spent the heat of the afternoons in my favorite place. Which was a boulder at the end of a trail from the cabin. It was in the shade of the wood line with beautiful views of the field & brook. I often brought a sandwich plus apple with me while I sat on the boulder to read. This became my normal routine for the next couple of weeks. Every afternoon I would be there for a few hours reading. But something seemed off. Normally I would hear & see various song birds. Also small Wildlife would normally be spotted also. Everything seemed unusually quiet. Yet I got the feeling something was in the woods across the field. Oddly my dog Prince was acting very distracted. He wanted to go back toward the opposite direction of the cabin. Something he never wanted to do normally. I wasn't sure if homeless person or wild animal out in woods, so I decided to leave my apple on the boulder. Each day I came back my apple was gone. So I thought I would test to see if whatever is around is carnivorous. Since we fished in the mornings I always had plenty of trout. I started to leave a trout & apple on the boulder. I was surprised to see both were always gone. Not even a trace of fish bones was left. Whenever we down to my uncle's farm I would collect acorns to leave on the boulder also. After a few days of leaving the various food items on top of the boulder I started to find different color river rocks on top of the boulder. At first I didn't think much of it. But then noticed despite removing the rocks every day so I can climb up on the boulder to sit I would find more rocks the next day. I still felt like I was being watched. I started to get uncomfortable & began leaving after placing the food items on the boulder. I felt like I was being followed back towards the cabin. The rest of the day I spent by the pond. I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. My dog, Prince normally swimming for hours in the pond was glued to my side. My uncle & aunt came up to have a cookout with us. Their dogs were also acting very mellow & staying under the pavilion with us. We normally walked over to the large equipment barn on the opposite side of the field in back of the cabin. The barn was filled with straw bales we could sit on & watch the deer. This night was the first time we ever came here tons of deer didn't rush out onto the field. We would see some deer across from us come out of the wood line then dart back into the woods. We were down wind from them so it was odd. I felt like I was being watched still. I told my father I just wanted to go back to bed / cabin. I was in a rush to leave & didn't realize I dropped or lost my campus until I got back to the cabin. Next day = actual sighting As I approached the boulder I was shocked to find my campus sitting on top of more river rocks. This really freaked me out. I figured it had to be a person stalking me now. I turned around & hurried down the trail. I still felt like I was being watched & followed. Half way back to the cabin my dog Prince started growling & charging toward the brook. I grabbed his collar & put him on a leash. I was afraid if a person was out there they had a gun. Then a black bear appeared in the woods walking parallel to us. He obviously could smell I was carrying food, but weighing his options against a barking snarling dog. I threw the food in back down the trail. But the bear didn't move. My dog, Prince was suddenly quiet & looking up the slope. I couldn't see anything at first. I noticed long the tree line something looked off. It looked like a strange shape next to a tree. The sun was in back of it so wasn't sure it was a odd shadow. I heard banging noise & almost like a growling. Turned back to see what the bear was doing thinking the growling came from him. The bear took off running like it's life depend on it. I looked back up the slope. I realized it couldn't be a shadow because it was moving. The loud banging noise was him beating his chest with one hand. Even though I couldn't make out what I was seeing I never felt so scared. I was literally frozen in place. The shape was almost human but the lack of neck, width of chest, the arms were too long to be human. His hands down to his knees. Most of all the size was just so big I couldn't fathom what I was looking at. It stood head half hidden in the tree line of mature pines. That had to be anywhere from 8ft-12ft tall -? He squatted down 1/2 behind the tree watching me. This only showed how big he really was. I looked down at my dog to comfort him since he was leaning into me & down the trail willing myself to move. Hoping my eyes were playing tricks on my. This was only seconds looking away. I heard a stick crack & looked back up to the huge figure. He had moved a little down the slope. He must have moved very fast because I only looked away for a few seconds. He was back to squatting by a tree. Now I could see better that he was covered in dark brown - black hair. My first reaction was this was a Gorilla, like I saw at Bronx Zoo. Except so much bigger & with longer hair. He's skull seem a little different than Gorilla. Also he was standing completely up right but his hind legs remained bent slightly. The sun was still behind him making out exact facial details difficult. He threw something in opposite direction. I looked in that direction & as soon as I looked away I saw in side vision he began moving again. He crawled in a way by stretching out his arms & legs while remaining close to the ground. He was able to move very fast a great distance = basically his height + arms & legs stretched out then pulling himself forward. He was now even closer down the slope & resume sitting position partially behind trees by the time I turn my head back. He threw another small rock down the trail. This time I wasn't looking away. He started making odd gurgling like noises. He then got quiet & watched me. I felt like he was studying my reactions / emotions. Maybe because I was frozen in fear. Then he got up to his full gigantic height. He took a long pronounce step to the side out in the open. Then stood staring at me. I got the feeling he wanted me to see him. We stay watching each other for a little awhile. Some of my fear was wading. I got the feeling he was trying to communicate with me. Then he dropped down like a gorilla with his hands on the ground also. The side view of his face showed his nose & mouth protruded out like a snout a little. He's forehead seem to also protrude forward a little. In this position he had the exact profile of a gorilla's topline. He's skull was more rounded. Arms & legs much longer than Gorilla. He was massive but not as broad as a male Gorilla. Also still just so unbelievable tall. Once again he out stretch his arms & legs in a full out run unlike any Gorilla or Chimpanzee I've seen. He was gone in a blink of a eye. The way this animal can move it's no wonder they are difficult to spot. What I saw definitely seemed like a intelligent ape / early humanoid species. Especially the reaction from my dog that's normally very scrappy. He would've shown aggression toward a bear or stranger scaring me. I've seen seen him afraid of anything before. The next morning I found a colorful river rock on the cabin stairs. I asked my father, uncle & cousins if they ever saw anything odd in the woods. I told them I saw something really big & moved very fast. They all blew it off as a bear & laughed. I left it at that & when I returned to the cabin I stayed by the pond or in groups with my friends. I never went to my favorite spot again. | Lake Ariel is a village in Lake and Salem Townships, Wayne County, Pennsylvania. Located in northeastern Pennsylvania | 41.453663800000000000000,-75.383451200000000000000 |
03080012 | 1985 | 2 | AR | Johnson | Man has encounter while gathering ginseng roots on Ozark National Forest. | [Due to the inability of the witness to submit a written report via the internet, I have written and submitted this report for him. In most cases, we strongly encourage witnesses to write and submit their reports. However, in cases such as these, we make exceptions.] The witness was gathering ginseng roots on a terrace of the hollow (canyon) wall. (At that time he was not aware that he was violating National Forest Rules by gathering ginseng. He stated he has since learned the hard way that it is a violation.) He had obtained several roots from a particular location just a hundred yards or so below the road where his vehicle was parked. He had just shaken the dirt off the roots and placed them in the leg of an old pair of pants that had been sewn up on one end for that purpose. He then began to get a feeling that someone was watching him, so he began to look around. When he looked up the slope, he saw what he thought was a man disguised in a long, opened fur coat leaning against a tree with his right shoulder. The figure was calmly watching him from about 50 yards away. He stated he thought it was someone he might know that was "messing with him,? so he said he immediately began to trot to his right to get around a rock point so that he could run up to the "man's location.? He stated he intended to, "thump his gourd" when he got there. He stated that when he did arrive at the location, the figure was gone. When he looked down the slope he saw that the figure was not a man, and that it was at the same location he was at when he first saw it. He said the animal had squatted and using both hands it scooped up the loose dirt the witness had shaken off the ginseng roots a few minutes before. The animal brought the dirt close to its nose, smelled it, then dropped it. The animal then picked up the leafy tops from the ginseng roots which the witness had discarded, smelled them and dropped them to the ground. As the animal began to stand up, the witness stated, "I got the hell out of Dodge." The witness clambered up the steep wall of the hollow to his truck and left the area. | Yale | 35.635813748104070000000,-93.653297424316400000000 |
03080019 | 1985 | 2 | AR | Saline | Deer hunter encounters two huge ape-like creatures fighting. | [This report was submitted by a NAWAC field researcher on behalf of the witness (no Internet access) on Thursday, October 07, 2004.] The witness stated that he first heard deafening roaring, screaming and growling sounds from unknown animals on the forested mountain slope north of his concealed hunting location. He assumed the animals were bears. He heard tree limbs and brush cracking and breaking as the animals came closer to the opposite side of the clear-cut he was watching for deer. He saw the brush being shaken and bent and within a few seconds he saw two huge auburn-colored animals come rolling out into the open woods alongside the clear-cut. He estimated that they were about 150 yards from his position. He stated they were wrestling, grappling and roaring as if in mortal combat. As he watched, they separated more than once and one of them would try to run away in quadrupedal fashion only to be run down and caught by the other as it traveled upright on two feet. The witness said that each time the fleeing individual was caught, the two began wrestling and rolling on the ground again, all the while screaming and roaring. The fight continued down the mountain, just inside the wood line adjacent to the clear-cut and in clear view of the witness. The witness stated they were soon within 50 yards of him as they reached the the old logging road just above the point where he had earlier walked off it to conceal himself in a gap in a rock outcrop. At the point the animals reached the log road, the road crosses Rocky Branch. The moment the two reached the log road and branch, all of their previous sounds and actions ceased. Immediately one of the subjects turned to look up the log road and branch, and the other looked the opposite direction. One of them slowly scanned the woods in his vicinity, and looked directly at him. Within a split second, both stepped into the brush and vines in the boulder-strewn branch bed and disappeared without another sound and without visible movement of the vegetation through which they passed. | Paron | 34.787303089873510000000,-92.849235534667970000000 |
01080032 | 1985 | 1d | TX | Collin | Couple reports dusk road encounter on FM 1461. | My Mom and Dad had gone to town to pick up pizza for supper. On their way back home they were approaching an s-corner on 1461 north of Hwy 380 and saw a large light brown colored figure cross the road. The figure was standing upright and was moving very fast, across the road. They were very startled at what they saw. They traveled about 50 yards past the figure and then looked at each other. My mother asked my dad if he just saw what she saw, and he replied that he did. My mother then stated that she believes that it was a bigfoot and my father agreed. They claim that the figure was in a hurry to climb a hill and get over a fence that was on the west side of the road, and that the figure made long strides as it moved across the street. My mother and father came home with the pizza and I could tell that they were shaken up by the experience. My father told me about what they had seen, so we grabbed our rifles and flashlights and went back to where the figure was spotted. We searched the road ditches and fence lines. I remember seeing a large cedar tree which had grown through the barbwire fence. This cedar tree had a large branch that was about three inches in diameter and had been snapped in a downward position at the trunk of the tree. I must say that we did not look for things that we should have like foot prints or hair on the fence, but it was a nerve racking evening. If I had it to do all over again, I would have spent more time looking for clues. I am writing this for my mother. You can contact her for further details. I told her about the discovery that I made when I visited your website and she was very happy that they were not the only ones to have seen this figure on Hwy 1461. I believe that the other mentioned sighting was several miles further south, but it is exactly what they saw. My mother stated that she would not have told the story, until she heard that someone had came forward and told their story. I just wonder how many other have seen this figure and have not told their story. | McKinney | 33.246754366335960000000,-96.680481433868410000000 |
03080008 | 1985 | 3a | AR | Jackson | Man remembers morning visual encounter through bedroom window as a boy. | I have grown up around here nearly all of my life. While I was living in Bradford, a town north of Searcy, I had an encounter with a bigfoot. I thought I could tell you this story and maybe you could help me to some conclusions. I think I was 11 or 12 years old. At this time I was living with my Grandparents in Bradford. When I say in Bradford that simply means we had a Bradford zip code. We had a farm about 6 miles west on 87. Lots of pasture land and woods to nearly every direction, close to some hilly areas. It happened around 9-930am one summer morning. I woke up and was lying in bed. I could hear my Grandmother and my Mom talking in the dining room. I got a feeling somebody was watching me. So I turned to look out the window, and there he/she was looking at me. He/she was very tall - more of a slim muscular build, and a reddish-brown hair. It was very peaceful, I never felt scared or threatened by what I was seeing. As this creature stared at me I simply stared back. My curiosity was getting the best of me. I wanted to look at more of it. As I tried to get out of bed gently I put my foot down on the rug that lay on top of a wood floor, I lost my footing and fell to my knees. He/she stared at me still and seemed to have a look of confusion. We just looked at each other, still I never felt scared. Being that I was so intrigued by this creature I wanted to see him/her or touch him/her or something. When I tried to make a move toward the door, just as my shoulder turned he/she took off running to the west. I took off running through the house toward the kitchen and out to the back porch so I could try to see him. I saw him running away toward my neighbor's barn. As I watched him run I noticed how odd it ran in comparison to a human. It ran with its hands flat, palms back and very long strides. One thing that I didn't notice until many years later, the window he/she was looking at me through is very high. I am 6'5" tall and I can only look through the bottom pane and it was looking through the top. This is something that has been on my mind for years. I have done some research on bigfoot and sasquatch. It has me asking more questions. Thank you for letting me share this moment with you. | Bradford | 35.475559465482320000000,-91.550874710083010000000 |
03090006 | 1985 | 1d | AR | Little River | Couple has dusk roadside encounter north of the Red River on Highway 41. | My ex-husband and I were going to watch the sun set on the Red River, south of Mena, Arkansas. We traveled south to DeQueen and then through Foreman to the Red River. We got there 15 to 20 minutes before the sunset. We started home going north on Highway 41. I was driving, and just shortly after we started on the road it was starting to get dark, we had come through a curve on the road, when all of a sudden we saw a huge figure 7 to 8 feet tall standing on the right side of the road, on the shoulder as if it was going to cross the road in front of us. It out stretched its arms at us, and my ex-husband screamed and slid to my side of the car and grabbed the steering wheel to turn left so I wouldn't hit it. I was staring at the road and I then looked at him and asked what was that? We both came to the conclusion that it was a bigfoot. It had reddish-brown long hair, and it stood upright with very long arms. I can still see it clear as day. | Foreman | 33.585451301822296000000,-94.396591186523440000000 |
01030010 | 1985 | 3a | TX | Jasper | ATV riders report close encounter near Jasper. | We were riding 4 wheelers on trails at Ebenezer Park around 11:00 am. My friends and I started out down the trail that runs between Ebenezer and Boykin Springs. We had stopped to check the bike for proper equipment and make sure everything was OK before proceeding. We heard something back at the trucks. The guys headed back to the trucks to see if someone was breaking into our vehicles. My girlfriend and I hung back so we could spend some time together and talk. We were there for at least 15 minutes and we heard what sounded like a deer walking up on us, so we waited to see what it was. When she stepped out, it was awesome. I had read a bunch of books about bigfoot and wondered what it would be like to see one. I got my chance. She (you could tell it was a female) stood against a tree like a construction worker leaning against a shovel. The funny thing about the sighting was I felt like I was in no harm. It was maybe 20 feet away from me and at no time did I feel like I was going to be harmed. My girlfriend and I sat on the bike for a good 20 minutes. You could tell that she (the bigfoot) was as curious about us as we were of her. She actually didn't try to run. I had grown up in a little town in East Texas and had squirrel hunted all through the woods and wandered the same woods when I was around 15, but this was the first time seeing this. All I could think about was how she looked. How something like this had never been killed. Then after a while, she just started to really stare at us. Then it hit me that my dad had told me when I was in the woods that animals hate to be stared at. They get panicky about it. About this time I thought that it might be a good idea to go our separate ways. So I cranked up the bike, and when I did, she just disappeared into the woods. I told the guys what happened and they told me that I was crazy, that there was no such thing. | Jasper | 31.076019725889633000000,-94.130773544311520000000 |
01050031 | 1985 | 3a | TX | Hunt | Father and son report nighttime road cross encounter in Sulphur River bottoms. | Me and my father was traveling north on CR 1019 and crossed the South Sulphur River bridge and I thought I saw car light coming over the railroad tracks about a half a mile ahead. Then as I got closer I found that it was not car lights. It was my headlights reflecting off of something standing beside the road ahead. As I got closer I could see that it was some type of big animal standing upright beside the road. I could see that it had long silver and white hair, that is why my headlight reflected off of it. The animal started to move from the left side to the right side of the road as I got closer. I was about fifty feet from the animal when it crossed the road to the right side. It stood as tall as a cow would if the cow could stand upright. The animal then started to move out of my headlights and went over the fence and disappeared into the nearby field. I was too scared to stop and look into the field and my dad said that we needed to get out of there. I have never seen it again. But, I have been raccoon hunting in that area many times. And, on different occasions my hunting dogs refused to leave the truck or sometime they would leave and come back quickly and stay at the truck like they were really scared of something. Those dogs were always very aggressive hunters. I have a couple of friends who saw the large animal a week or so after I saw it. | Wolfe City | 33.324979294197900000000,-96.133418083190920000000 |
01050008 | 1984 | 3a | TX | Bowie | Woman taking a walk has startling encounter near the Sulphur River. | I was walking down a dirt road near dusk. It had rained that day and it was an overcast sky grey and white. There was a misty fog, but not a heavy fog. It was very quiet and I remember looking down as I was walking and hearing my footsteps. I went around a curve where there were several horses grazing in a pasture. As I came around the curve I began to walk down a straightaway where the road crossed over a small creek. Right as I came upon the creek, I was startled by something to my left. I heard a sound, kind of like small branches and leaves being stepped on, and at the same time I smelled something that was unfamiliar to me. It was not an overpowering stench, but it did smell bad like a wet animal or something. I looked to my left and was frozen by what I saw. I saw a figure standing right at the edge of the creek and it was looking back at me. For a moment it seemed we were both frozen. I have never been as scared as I was in that moment. I remember it being very tall, around 7 feet high, and it was covered with black hair, the entire body. Its arms were long and hung down close to the knees but not all the way. I could not see any ears and because of the mist I could not clearly see its face. But everything was so still and quiet that day, I remember seeing it breathe. It was completely motionless except for the slight movement as it breathed in and out, and that is what frightened me so very bad, because I knew that it was real and I was not just seeing something among the trees. I turned and ran as fast as I could back home. I never looked back to see if it ran, or if it was following me. | Simms | 33.401566641337090000000,-94.527740478515620000000 |
01060011 | 1984 | 2 | TX | Jefferson | Squirrel hunter reports early afternoon encounter on Pine Island Bayou. | I was squirrel hunting out around Pine Island Bayou in the early afternoon. I was walking down a make shift trail running beside the bayou. The area was pretty open and you could see everything clearly. No high brush or dense wooded areas either. I was sitting on an old tree that had fallen and was snacking on something and petting my dog that was with me, half lab/half pit bull. We were sitting there when all of a sudden we heard this splashing noise coming from the bayou which was probably 50 feet to the side of me. The splashing was probably 200 feet away from me down the trail. My dog snapped to attention and I had my shotgun pulled and ready for whatever we saw. Up the bank came this large creature walking on 2 legs. It looked right at me and took a step toward me when my dog started growling and barking at it. It was probably 6'5" - 7'0", covered in dark brown, somewhat wet hair from head to toe. It looked right at me and it looked like the face of a man who had not shaved in many years but it was very intimidating. Well, my dog started to run toward it and it picked up an old log and threw it at him, then turned around and ran back across the bayou and back into the woods on the other side. It had made a kind of growling/yelling noise when it threw the log at him. I did shoot at it when it threw the log but I only had a single shot .410 and I do not know if any of the buckshot hit him. It scared me so bad that instead of running back up the trail I had came down, I just ran straight into the woods behind me until I came to the first house in the back part of the sub-division and never looked back until I hit the road that was there and waited for my dog to catch up to me. From that day forth I have never went back into those woods or any woods around me. I have not told anyone until recently we saw the report on the Travel Channel and I told my wife what I saw. I did not stay around or go back and look for anything. I will say this, I still have dreams/nightmares of that moment. | Beaumont | 30.169840218117790000000,-94.273166656494140000000 |
01060007 | 1984 | 3a | TX | Harrison | Teenage girl recalls late night road encounter near Caddo Lake. | All that I saw was a big hairy creature run across the road in front of the car I was in, and jump a fence. I was riding around with my friend. It happened so fast. After it jumped the fence I could hear something in the woods. | Uncertain | 32.723140171063590000000,-94.135365486145020000000 |
01030006 | 1983 | 3a | TX | Rusk | Young man remembers close encounter through screen door as a child. | I was about 5 years old at the time. It was summer and the door was left open and the screen door closed. My grandfather had been in a wreck and his head had been in traction. He was lying on the couch fold out bed asleep. My grandmother and mother were in the other room with a friend playing a game of cards and I was playing with toys and watching The Price is Right (didn't have any choice - too small to change the channel) on TV. When I looked toward the door there was a 4 foot thing covered in a ruddy reddish brown fur. He was wide across the shoulders, sort of flat face watching me play with my toys. I walked up to the screen and we watched each other for a while. Its eyes were almost like it was curious of me like I was of it. I walked into the other room and to get my grandmother to show her this thing at the front door. But when she came it was gone. I never felt afraid of it nor did it act aggressive just curious about me or my toys. They pretty much discounted it as a child trying to get attention but to this day I can still see it in my mind every detail. And the following morning I took the toy outside and left it for the furry being. Never saw that toy again. Years later after I had gotten older I looked into Native American lore and looked at information on Sasquatch and put together I had seen a child. After listening to Coast to Coast I decided it was time to say something, knowing that I wasn't alone in seeing something like this. | Overton | 32.270805229831240000000,-94.958610534667970000000 |
01120048 | 1983 | 3a | TX | Denton | Fisherman Has Strange Late Night Sighting | I was fishing on Clear Creek off of Sherman Dr. in Denton Tx.. It was around 10 pm and the moon had not come up yet. I had my back turned towards a gravelbed. I heard something very large jump the creek and then run along the edge of the creek towards me. I had a 22 rifle with me and I fired it into the bank next to me. Then the animal jump up the bank and it was at least 15 feet staight up. I was scared almost to death when it stopped right above me in the woods. I gathered my stuff and started walking, in the water, towards my car.I kept catching glimpes of it threw the trees against the sky. It was huge and was walking up right. I never did get a real clear look, and dont know if I wanted one. But the woods stopped about a hundred yards from my car and thats where it stopped. I never went back down there at night by myself again. | Denton | 33.281175873671230000000,-97.099914550781250000000 |
01990003 | 1983 | 3a | TX | Montgomery | Repeated encounters in rural subdivision. | I had bought a lot in the subdivision of Westwood in 1983 and my brother and myself had been working to put up the walls on my house and had worked into the late evening and were using gas camp lights to see by. My brother had been a logger in Washington State. He had come home with tells of Bigfoot. But, of course, no one in the family believed him but me. I had had my own encounter years ago when I was in my teens on a hunting trip. So when the smell hit us brought by the slight wind our heads came up at the same time and my brother looked over at me and smiled. My heart was thumping so hard I had to catch my breath. The smell was very bad like that of a bad potato. I walked out to the road where my car was with my rifle on the hood. As I stated we were in the middle of nowhere in a very empty part of the subdivision with swamp behind my property. We had tents set up near the road so we turned the lanterns off and just listened to the night sounds and heard the sounds of something very large moving around us. The night went by quietly thought. But the next night was very scary. We had just put up our tools and turned the lanterns off. we sat out on the road in lawn chairs. it was very dark. My lot was on a circle. It had been very quiet but about fifty yards to the side of us all hell broke loose there were at the least three very large animals began to scream and cackle and make a primate type babbling. I got up and used the head light of my brothers motorbike to try to see them but when I moved they were gone and the night was very very still. We had many more encounters with them after that put mostly from a distance. They would check us out in the daylight from time to time. The one we were sure was a male would watch us from the pine trees about 250 yards away but we saw him good enough to see he was about eight feet tall very broad in the chest and had tall sloping forehead. Like I said we had many encounters with them but it is too long to go into here. | The Woodlands | 30.228963070192804000000,-95.502262115478510000000 |
04080010 | 1983 | 3c | LA | Calcasieu Parish | Four camping teens see strange eye shine and find track. | me and three friends were camping out on a old rice canal one summer night when it began to rain. We gathered up our blankets (we didn't have a tent back then so we slept on blankets by the fire) and stuff and began the walk back home (about a mile or so). Being I was the only one with a gun and headlight I started hunting rabbits in the misty rain when about a hundred yards from where we were camped on the west side of the tram road I shined a pair of eyes about 7 to eight feet off of the ground. The eyes shined bright bluish silver. The animal was behind a grown pine tree and as I was shining it kept moving its head back and fourth around the tree from one side to the other. Just as I raised my gun to shoot it disappeared. So we kept walking further down the road about two hundred yards when a armadillo ran from the same side of the road as the animal across my feet and into the opposite woods. It scared us a little and then we walked on for about twenty yards and I shined it again this time on the opposite side of the road and crouched down behind a fallen tree looking at us. I wasted no time and fired at it and the recoil knocked my headlight wires loose. When I fixed them (about 30 seconds) I shined the log and didn't see anything. I started walking out to the log to see what I shot when one of my friends said you better not go out there it might get you! Well that was the end of that and we quickly walked home as fast as we could. The next day me and one friend and my mother went to see what I shot and only found one large foot print about 15 inches long by a tree near the log where the animal was when I shot at it. The second time I was between Starks and Deweyville Texas north of Hwy 12 on long slough with an older man fishing for bass when we heard the sound of a tree top being broken like it fell, but without the thud of it hitting the ground. We didn't think much of it and went on fishing after rounding a couple of bends my friend on the west bank and me on the east bank I came up to a fresh mud flat that the receding water left and on that flat was two sets of foot prints one large about 13 or 14 inches and one small about 6 or 7 inches walking side by side up the mudflat away from us. I told my friend what I found and we immediately left headed back to the car on hwy 12 about a half to a mile away. | Starks | 30.349176094149832000000,-93.680419921875000000000 |
01110036 | 1983 | 3a | TX | Fort Bend | Two Hunters Have Daytime Sighting of Bipedal Creature | My nephew and I were rabbit hunting by the Brazos River on my parent property at night. We were spot lighting, I was looking off in one direction while my nephew was spotting in another, he said "I saw something." I asked, "What a rabbit" he said,"No, I don't know what". He was spotting the edge of the wood line and at the same time we both saw a creature walking on two legs at a fast walk with long arms. It appeared to be about 5 foot tall from where we were about 100 yds or so away on the top of a small rise right above the lower level of the property which is the old river bank. THe creature ran a long the wood line for about 10 feet or so before disappearing into the woods. I shot off my shotgun in the direction of the creature and we ran back to the house which was up by the road about 250 yds. We never saw it again and I spent a lot of time on that river day and night from Richmond, Tx up pass Fulshear, Tx. | Rosenberg | 29.655010761596618000000,-96.023404598236080000000 |
01030018 | 1983 | 3a | TX | Anderson | Kids have unusual visual encounter while riding bikes through Piney Woods. | The encounter was in 1983 in Palestine, Texas. The time of year was summer, at dusk. Deep in the piney forest my two cousins and myself were out riding our bikes through the woods, and down the deep valleys. We topped this one particular valley, and decided to rest a few minutes, and all three of us looked out across the next valley in front of us, when we all three froze in pure amazement at what we saw. Standing on the other side of the next valley, at the edge of the drop off was a being that stood probably about 7-7 1/2 feet tall covered from head to toe with brown and red streaks of fur. This sasquatch looked like he was as amazed to see us as we were he. The three of us never took our eyes off of the creature, and the sasquatch never broke eye contact with us either. After about 30 seconds of staring at each other something truly amazing happened, it bent at the waist, never losing eye contact, and picked up a hickory nut and stood straight up and cracked it with its thumb and first finger. We heard it snap, as it placed its right hand cupped under its left. It dropped the shells without looking at what it was doing and stuck the nut pieces in its mouth and chewed it up. It chewed for maybe 10 seconds then turned to its right, and walked away from us very slowly and would look over its left shoulder at us repeatedly until it just blended into a thick portion of the woods, and it was gone. My cousins and me just looked at each other and didn't know what to say. We just got on our bikes and peddled as fast as we could back to their house, which was about 3 miles through the woods. | Palestine | 31.721742613401577000000,-95.536508560180660000000 |
01050007 | 1983 | 1d | TX | Jasper | While sitting on relative's front porch, two children have daytime sighting. | Back when I was 10-12 years old, my cousin and I were sitting on a [relative's] front porch in Buna, Texas looking out across a field. All of a sudden from the left side of the field a huge man like creature that was covered in hair was running out of the woods across the field, it turned and looked up our way for a second then jumped a barb wire fence (with no problem). The fence was running towards the house through the middle of the field...and continued to run in behind the pond. The last thing that I remember seeing was he ducked to avoid a tree limb as he was running into the woods.....The field was 250-300 yards wide and as he ran from side to side was about 100-150 yards off. [Taken from email correspondence with the witness:] My cousin still gets chills when we talk about the thing we saw. As far as pictures, movies and books, that is what we saw. We were both very scared at that time. Wished I would have been older...we could have gotten all kind of footprints in the field. Whatever anyone thinks about a bigfoot being out there, I don't care. I know and my cousin knows there was at least one. | Buna | 30.447341792261600000000,-93.949584960937500000000 |
01130050 | 1983 | 3a | TX | Walker | Hunter has close encounter in Sam Houston National Forest near Stubblefield Recreational Area. | While hunting on the Sam Houston National Forest, I encountered a weird ape-like animal that was like nothing else in the forest. I saw it a couple of times as it followed me and finally I saw it really good from about 10 to 15 yards away after I had tripped on a log. This thing was the size of a brown bear except that it was on two legs! It was huge and I remember it like it was yesterday. | Richards | 30.542156206995138000000,-95.840950012207030000000 |
01040017 | 1983 | 3a | TX | Liberty | While riding bicycle, teenager has close encounter near Old River. | First off I was a young boy when this happened so please forgive some memory errors. I was riding my bike in the woods and going home on a trail, I could "feel" something watching or "following" me. I raced out of the woods to a better trail I could hear in the bush as something was keeping pace with me. The bush was being thrashed about as if it were chasing me or just following me. I cleared the woods and turned to look and I could see something that had reddish-brown hair all over it. It stood very tall well over 8 feet. It had "blackened skin" along the facial areas that I could see. This incident has haunted my childhood and adulthood dreams. The area in which I had seen this "creature" is now cleared and a subdivision is built upon it. Most of it is still very wooded. As a young boy I hunted these woods often and would smell a horrid stench and often attributed it to a decaying animal, but after the chase I quickly remembered the smell as it filled the air. I was now looking at as this thing stood there. I remember my father telling my about Bigfoot and that he and some friends had seen something he could not identify as a boy in West Virginia. There was no forest noises, ie birds or wild game running around. That is what made me feel uncomfortable and why I began to leave most quickly. | Old River-Winfree | 29.868000757755300000000,-94.826087951660150000000 |
04080015 | 1983 | 3b | LA | Iberville Parish | Experience of NAWAC Investigator in Atchafalaya Swamp. | It was April of 1983. We were on a crawfishing trip and camped out, I think, on Bayou Sorrel in or near the Atchafalaya Basin. The reason I say "I think" we were on Bayou Sorrel is because we took the Whiskey Bay exit off of the Atchafalaya Bridge but then we had to travel about 20 miles on a dirt-road levee to get to where we were gonna camp. On the camping trip were my now ex-husband, my dad, my brother-in-law, my sister, my uncle and me. A friend of my uncle's told him about a lake that was about an hour's boat-ride away from where we were camped that had a lot of big blue catfish. We had a couple of aluminum boats for the crawfishing and my ex-husband brought his new bass boat along just so we could do some sight-seeing. The reason I mention this is if anyone familiar with the area is reading this I don't want them to think we are a bunch of know-nothings bringing our fancy glitter bass boat down to go crawfishing. We knew better but it was a new boat and we just wanted to try it out. Back to the issue....my ex-husband, my dad, my brother-in-law and I took off for this great fishing spot down what looks like a canal but is really an opening in the middle of a bunch of woods. In the spring the water fills up this basin area so just the tops of trees are sticking up out of the water. Sometimes you just see the roof of an old camp site or home site sticking up out of the water. During this time crawfishing is great. After the water drains out it is leafy bottoms, good hunting ground for deer or whatever. Truly a sportsman's paradise. We traveled what seemed like forever and fished for a little while. The sun was starting to go down so we decided we had better head back to camp because it would be impossible for us to see anything in the dark with all the trees around. What we didn't realize was how shallow the water was in the first place. The tide had evidently gone out while we were en route to the and our heavy bass boat with that great big motor on the back of it bottomed out. So there we sat, the sun going down, our boat bottomed out, and it's pretty snaky around those parts. We had already seen a few snakes in the limbs of trees (resting, escaping the high water) while we were checking our crawfish traps and nobody wanted to get in the water to pull the boat out. We tried kicking the motor up with it running to get it off the bottom and rocking the boat back and forth, making quite a bit of racket. We turned the motor off and while we were discussing our dilemma we heard something moving through the water, like walking towards us. We stopped talking, listened, it stopped moving. We wondered what it could be, maybe a deer, maybe a bear, but none of us had ever really heard of any bears around there. It started moving closer to us, this time limbs are cracking off of some trees. Not twigs, limbs. I don't remember any other noises, just the walking through the water, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh at a very steady pace and the limbs cracking. I had a .380 Bersa pistol next to me which my ex-husband promptly took from me and I have to say I was quite relieved of the responsibility. We were all pretty nervous and nobody moved or said anything. My ex-husband told whatever it was that he had a gun, if it is somebody then they had better start talking. Still, "it" kept moving closer and the tree limbs were cracking louder and sounding nearer than we were comfortable with. All of the men in my family have hunted and fished all of their lives and they all felt like this wasn't a deer or a bear because it wouldn't move away from us, only kept getting closer. Finally, my dad said "to hell with this" and jumped in the water and pulled us off of the bottom we were wedged on. We hurriedly dropped the motor and got moving. We never saw anything. From time to time I ask one of the men if they really think it was a bigfoot, thinking maybe we all overreacted. We all admit we were scared but don't know what it was. I believe that it was a bigfoot. | Butte LaRose | 30.126124364224576000000,-91.458435058593750000000 |
01000009 | 1982 | 3a | TX | Parker | Couple has night time encounter while out parking. | My girlfriend and I were parking at the edge of a creek flowing into the back of the lake. It was dark and under the cover of trees where we were parked you could not see your hand in front of your face. We had the windows cracked a little and were in the back seat of the car when we heard something out of the ordinary. We had been there before so new the usual night sounds in the area. A owl lived in the big tree near by and hooted all the time. The hill in front of the car went down to a swamp with a creek in the middle going to the lake. There were crickets, frogs and locusts all making their normal sounds that night. But we heard something coming through the leaves in the bottoms, it sounded like it was heading to our car. I have spent a lot of time in the woods hunting, fishing and trapping growing up so I don't get spooked too easily. At first I thought it was a cow, but then we noticed all the night sounds were gone, no frogs, crickets, owl - dead quiet except the foot steps. They were on 2 feet - a step and a drag step like it had a hurt foot or something. Then being a kid I thought of all the horror movies I watched and figured it was a guy who jumped the train and was coming to kill us and take our car. As the steps got closer I got really bugged, it was coming up the hill right at the car. Finally after what I thought was an eternity I flew over the front seat and started the car, the only problem was it was a new car she just bought and I never drove it. She was screaming about dying or something when I threw it in reverse and stomped the gas. I was there before and knew the road opened up behind me so as I was going backwards I hit the light switch. This was a big mistake because it turned out to be the cigarette lighter, as soon as we came out of the tree cover we got some moonlight and I found the headlight switch. This all happened really quick, but I looked up and there was this animal leaping over the hill going into the creek, it was really wide at the shoulders and had almost no neck. I thought at first it was a bear but there were not any bears in this area. I saw a big brownish black creature running through the trees. I saw two shoulders and the back of the head go between two trees, later measured to be about 4.5 feet apart. It covered between them easily. I asked my girlfriend if she saw it, she said she saw a brown spot in the lights like a bear on two legs. I think the car scared it, so we went to town for help. After we got more people, trucks with lights and some equipment we came back. We left the truck lights shining in the bottoms and looked around for tracks with our flashlights. We started to look for footprints, the ground was dry and covered with leaves but we did find large scrapes going up the hill to where the car was parked, they looked like it was where the animal jumped over the hill. They were very far apart, I had to stretch as far as I could from the one on the bottom to the one at the top. I am 6' 4" with a 38" inseam, this was a large stride. This is when the whole woods went quiet again, it was nuts, 5 pretty big guys all standing in a circle like a herd of buffalo back to back, scared I guess, none of us moved a muscle. Flashlights and guns pointed out at the dark we listened to the dead quiet of the woods. Then all of a sudden a tree limb snaps - loud, and then everything gets back to normal. Then one by one the frogs, crickets, owls all started making noise again. Really strange night for sure. The next day my brother and a friend went to walk the creek with buckshot in our shotguns. We walked about a half mile down the creek spread out like small game hunting. We came to the area where the railroad tracks were up on the hill, my brother was at the bottom, I was in the middle, my friend was on the end farthest from the hill. Then we heard a lot of racket and looked over to my brother, he yelled my name in a really scared voice as something was going up over the hill. I remember seeing trees bending back as if being used to help something get up and over the top. When I got to where my brother was he was on one knee and had his gun pointed up at the hill. I said what was it and he said I DON'T KNOW, BUT IT WAS BIG. We found 2 marks on the really steep bank going up to the railroad tracks, I tried to climb it and could not. The marks were in the middle of the hill and at the top, something very strong and powerful went up the hill. It had a big stride also. The hill was about an 80% incline. | Weatherford | 32.788176481571920000000,-97.836127281188960000000 |
01040027 | 1982 | 3a | TX | Matagorda | Boys sees a strange figure peering through window. | I saw the figure through my window, it just stood there just looking in at me. It didn't move or make any sound. I'm not sure how long it was there, it was already standing there when I happened to walk by and noticed something standing in front of the window and appeared to be looking in. About fifteen or so minutes later when I went to look at the window it was gone. The next day I went out to search for evidence but didn't find anything. | Bay City | 28.988668985856588000000,-96.010100841522210000000 |
04080005 | 1982 | 2 | LA | Evangeline Parish | Experienced outdoorsman has encounter at home. | was about 9:45 or so that evening and I was sitting on the porch swing. The moon was real bright that night and I was watching a couple rabbits in the yard, my dog was at my feet. All at once this foul putrid odor came up. At this point my dog stood and but didn't make a sound. At first I thought the septic system had backed up. But then the dog started doing something I had never heard him do. He was whining but at the same time trying to growl. I looked in the direction he was facing and could see something standing on the edge of the thicket. I told the dog to catch it but he didn't move. This too was something he had never done. I watched as this thing crouched down and stay put for about two minutes. Then slowly turn, still crouched over and start across the field. This thing moved just like a man walking crouched over. I have seen numerous bears in the wild and this was not a bear. It made its way across the field to the fence row (about 150 yards), on two feet. I have never seen a bear do that. At that point I went inside and got my headlight and rifle and started across the field with my dog. The whole way he was whining and under foot. At about 50 yards from the fence row I stopped and shined my light. What I saw was unlike anything I had seen before. Whatever this was had the strangest colored eyes. They were a translucent blue. I saw them just above the fence but could not make out a body because the fence was overgrown with briars and honeysuckle. This thing started moving up and down the row about 10 yards in both directions, then stood up. It was about two feet taller than the fence. This was a typical 5' farm fence. At this point, not knowing what I was facing and the fact that my dog was still whining and kept trying to go back to the house I decided to go back myself and leave whatever this was alone. | Pine Prairie | 30.835919836308086000000,-92.419052124023440000000 |
23041101 | 1982 | 3a | CA | Modoc | Frightening Encounter with a Wood Ape in Modoc County, CA | A large bi-pedal creature, about 8 foot tall by our small travel trailer that my 17 year old son slept in, that was parked down from our cabin and my son walked down there every night to sleep. It had an arm up over a branch of a tree right at the trailer. It was making deep grunting sounds and smelled terrible. The body was covered with hair but not the face and hands. The hands were very large, the skin was like a dark tan like. The head came to a point at the top but not real pointed. The limb of the tree was 7 1/2 feet high off the ground, (measured it the next day) . His head came over the top of the limb. The creatures hair seem to be a dark brown or rust color. The creature attacked my son, he ran for the trailer door and the creature tried to wrench it out of his hands. My son was screaming very loud and we heard him up at the cabin. My husband grabbed his gun and ran out, saw what was going on and ran to the trailer firing his gun. By the time my husband got down off the deck of our cabin the creature had his arm on top or the trailer and tore the roof air vent off pushing his hand into the vent. Two shots connected with the creature, one in the shoulder and one right below it. My son said, “mom it was waiting on me, it had to be watching me, it was trying to kill me”. | Alturas | 41.288583663323280000000,-120.771183555953980000000 |
22060601 | 1982 | 3c | MO | Texas | Terrifying Screams Remembered by Remote Fisherman | I don't remember the exact date this happened. My dads family were all from Missouri. Dad and his six brothers were all born and raised around Steelville Mo. They were all outdoorsmen. Fishing hunting and trapping. Only one of them said anything about seeing an unusual animal. He worked at a place called Montauk state park. I think that is where he saw it. When I asked him what kind of unusual animal he refused to talk about. I wish now I had tried to get him to talk about it but I didn't. We were floating the big piney river at about ten o'clock at night. My uncle and cousin in one boat and my dad and I in the other. We would float the river till we got to a certain spot and then fish from the bank until it got dark. Then we would put on our jitter bug lures and float the last hole of water before we got out. It was a very dark night no moon. We could see by star light where the tree line was. My uncle asked us if we would not wear any light colored clothes. I guess as to not spook the fish. So here we are drifting silently down river. And I mean silently. When I caught a fish. I had some trouble getting it on the stringer. My uncle said turn out that light I was using . A few minutes later as we drifted silently down river. Which flows very slowly by the way. We hear this hair raising bloodcurdling SCREAM . The likes of which I have never heard before or since. It was amazing. Like something out of a horror film only worse. Very loud and it seemed to go on for a long time. Now that I think about it was probably only about fifteen seconds. Seemed much longer at the time . I asked my dad what was that and he very quietly said I don't know . Then I asked my uncle what was that . No answer . I could hear my uncle and my cousin talking in hushed tones. I heard my cousin say momo. I asked my uncle again what was that and he said it was a cow forget about it. Now I admit to being a a city boy but a cow really . Later he said it was a cow drowning . An animal that size drowning would have disturbed the water. The river was calm as glass. There were no sounds that you would expect to hear from an animal drowning. I think it was the best thing he could think of at the time. My uncle was very religious and I don't believe that he could accept the idea that there might be some hairy missing link running around in the forest. Everything seemed normal before we heard this. Afterward it was just weird. Even the woods seemed different. The usual sounds were gone. The scream had a female quality to it at first then as it trailed off it took on a more masculine sound. Not like a grunt. I believe we put ourselves in a perfect position to spook something on the bank silently drifting down river like that. I know there is a trail along the bank where the scream came from. I would not have had the guts to go back in there that night but I wanted to go the next day. My dad refused to let me. It seemed that I was the only one that wanted talk about this. I remember the look of fear in my cousins eyes. They were as big as silver dollars. I think this scared my dad more than he wanted to admit. We never fished this stretch river again. I think it scared the crap out of all of us. We had flashlights but didn't use them. Maybe we didn't want to see what it was. I have always regretted not using a flashlight because I will never know what it was. I think about that a lot. | Licking | 37.527640178881505000000,-92.011722385290530000000 |
01980007 | 1982 | 3a | TX | Red River | While searching for their uncle, two boys have visual encounter. | My cousin and I were playing outside. It was near dark. We were told to find my uncle. He was working out in a pasture that was cleared for cattle. We jumped the fence to go find him. My cousin said, "there he is," so we started toward him. We were about fifty feet from him when we realized it wasn't him. It was a hairy creature about six and one half feet tall. It turned around to look at us, grunted and ran toward the woods. It stepped over a fence and disappeared. We screamed as it turned. My uncle heard our scream and came out of a nearby barn. He thought we were making it up. That was until about eight months later. In December of 1983 we had another encounter. It was a Saturday night and we were going into town to see a movie. Rain and sleet had been falling most of the day. We lived back off the main road and had to travel logging roads to the highway. About 1000 yards from our driveway, my aunt suddenly screamed. We looked up in time to see it. It was crossing the road right in front of us. It jumped across a ditch on the side of the road and disappeared into the woods. In the headlights, the color of the animal was that of a brown bear. He was covered with hair. The hair was not very long. There were missing patches of hair on the arms and legs. Again he seemed to be about six and a half feet tall, kind of sloped up the back. We heard no sound as he crossed. | Bagwell | 33.691281137296500000000,-95.136108398437500000000 |
02080020 | 1981 | 3a | OK | Latimer | Mother and sons have encounter with unidentified "prowler." | It was dark, about 8pm. My two sons and I were watching television while eating popcorn. The eldest, age 16 was sitting across the room, on the loveseat. The youngest, age 8 was sitting next to me on the sofa, we were sharing a bowl of popcorn placed between us. I smelled this horrific stench coming from the window directly behind us. My family has teased me about having the nose of a hound) so the my 16 yr. old says "Oh Mom your always smelling something." Well, I look around and the smell dissipates, we continue watching television; a few minutes pass, and the stench blows in again. I got up while telling my oldest son to help me pull out the sofa that there is something horrible under it. As he approached he smells the stench and says "It's a snake", the youngest moved back, we pulled the couch out and looked all over the entire room and came up with nothing. We notice the breeze blowing the curtain and decide that whatever the source it's outside, and we'll check it out in daylight. The 16 yr old went outside about an hour later. He came back inside for the shotgun. (His Dad has taken him hunting since he was 6 years old, he knows guns and the woods.) He said someone was standing in back, about 6 yards (north )of the house by a railroad tie post, watching the house, and it was one darn big guy. He took the gun and went toward our chicken pen. I heard him yell from about 50 yards or so from our chicken pen to "call the law." I was scared beyond measure for my son not knowing what was happening. I called the sheriff, after about 10 min. my son came back to the house he said the guy stepped over a bobbed wire fence, and jumped over a brush pile while leaving. He'd not had to use the gun. Two sheriff deputies arrived. They shined lights up and down the yard and property and found nothing. My son went to his Grandmothers house to inform her that we had a prowler. She lived about 40 yards northeast of us. He'd been gone about 20 min. when I heard the metal latch of an outside storage building. Someone had gone into the building. Now my youngest son and I were in the house, the eldest knowing I was already spooked would not be lurking about. His Dad was out of town working putting up a gas rig. The question being who had opened the latch? The building is my laundry room and contained my washer, dryer, and deepfreeze. I phoned my mother-in-law, and asked to speak to my son. When he answered the phone I asked if he'd been there the whole time. The answer being yes, I told him someone had entered the laundry building, and to my knowledge hadn't left. He said he would be home after telling him to be careful, I waiting and watched. He was home in two minutes. While we were discussing what to do he yelled what in the **** is that? My 8 yr. old ran into the kitchen, they both had seen a face in the picture window behind the sofa. The eldest said it was hairy and dirty. I called the sheriff again, my son got the shotgun, my youngest son and myself waited behind him sitting on the floor with the lights out. I fully expected some deranged vagabond to jump through the window. While waiting we smelled the stench again as we were only 3 or 4 ft. from the window. Then I knew the scent was coming from this person. Knowing this sent chills up my spine. The deputies arrived and again found nothing, and left. I never associated this event with the bigfoot until reading about other incidents. The stench is what ties it in for me, and the description my son gave of the face in the window, the way this character acted just wasn't in keeping with anything I've ever known. But the deciding factor for me was about 8 months ago I repeated this story to a friend of ours, retired Oklahoma Highway Patrolman, who hunts with my husband. He said this was out of character for any perp he'd ever seen. As close as I can describe it the scent was a mix between dirty, wet, steamy blue jeans, soiled diapers, and wet, filthy dog. That's why for years I thought we'd had a deranged, or drugged tramp lurking about, as my husband had found the signs of someone being in the woods round about. | Wilburton | 34.940829466159610000000,-95.328884124755860000000 |
04080021 | 1981 | 3a | LA | Rapides Parish | Firefighter Captain's experience as a young teen. | This was in the early 80s, late spring or early summer. I was still in high school (graduated in 1983). My two brothers and I as well as my best friend and his two brothers were in a field with our 2 dogs goofing off, on top of a hill overlooking a swamp bottom. We had been talking about and wondering why the cattle that stayed in this field never went to a certain part of the field (the area we were looking at). (We jokingly called this the "devil's corner" because of this). On this particular day the cattle had wandered into this area and were grazing. After about 10-15 minutes of sitting at the top of the hill and talking about this, we noticed that a few of the cattle looked very anxious and were looking toward the fence row that bordered the swamp area. We all started getting excited that the cows were scared of something, when all of a sudden the herd became startled and began running up the hill out of that corner and bottom. Since we were in their path we moved and watched them run back toward the south end of the field. Being curious we gathered up some weapons (logs, sticks, rocks) and decided to go see what was there, not expecting to see anything. We crossed the muddy bottom and started toward the fence row. We noticed that it was extremely quiet in that corner of the field. We began to look around when we noticed some reddish hair stuck to the barbs on the fence. One of us said there are no reddish colored cows, so why is this hair this color and on the top row of 4 row barb wire fence (fence was 5 ft at the highest point). We then heard something moving in the woods (very thick and dense with lots of thorns) where the hair was. At this time I noticed that a pine tree roughly 5inches in diameter had been twisted and knocked over about 8-10 feet up. We hadn't had any storms recently and no other trees were damaged. We decided we should leave. As we started to leave the younger 4 boys got scared and threw their stuff down and began running home, but my friend and I didn't. I then had the feeling that we were being watched. I asked my friend if he felt that as well and he said yeah. We turned toward the fence to see a face about 7ft up standing next to the broken tree. I asked my friend if he saw it as well and all he could say was "uh huh." We stared at it for about 2 minutes before we ran away. What I saw were 2 eyes, a black with gray/white color with red/orange hair. The top of the head was hidden by brush, the bridge of the nose was very apparent, straight, long and narrow, the rest was hidden from view. After that we never said anything about it again. About a month later my friend decided he was going back in there to look around with his dog. (This is the same dog that was with us the first time and acted very afraid, and this dog has chased many animals in that field). I went as far as the fence row by the broken tree with him but told him I was not going in there with him and that I'd wait there for him. He said he'd be back later. After he crossed the fence I lost sight of him about five feet in. No sooner had I lost sight of him I heard movement to the left of the spot he went in, shortly after this I heard him come running back to the fence row, he was yelling I saw it, I saw it. He jumped that barbed wire fence in stride with his dog hot on his heels. From that day on we never went to that area again. Later on that fall we found a calf in the swamp that had been ripped open and the guts had been pulled out, but not eaten. We passed it off as wild dogs or coyotes/wolves. Later that winter we had a snow (unusual) and again found another calf that was the same way but in another area of the field. We also passed this off as wild dogs, coyotes/wolves. That wooded area has since been cleared/thinned with homes in there now, but the swamp is still there and all but dried up. This swamp has access to Bayou Marie, Cedar lake, and the Red River. My parents still live there so I visit the area several times every month. | Pineville | 31.305569311184193000000,-92.404627203941340000000 |
05080044 | 1981 | 3a | TX | Liberty | Squirrel hunter's account of encounter in woods near home. | Me and my dog were squirrel hunting. My dog came out of the brush with his tail tucked and with a deep growl. I looked to see what he was growling at and observed an animal about 4 to 5 feet tall that looked like an orangutan that stood straight up. It was red brown in color. It was about 20 yards from me. When we saw each other we both ran opposite directions. It appeared to be just as afraid of me as I was of it. Even though I had a .22 rifle, I was too scared. All I could think was to run. What made me just now tell this story is because of the recent hoax [in the news]. These people [hoaxers] make bigfoot sightings unbelievable. I have told family and friends but just got laughed at. I know what I saw and consider it an honor to witness. I will take this to my grave. | Dayton | 30.193805201155210000000,-94.943332672119140000000 |
03080027 | 1981 | 3a | AR | Benton | Motorist has visual encounter while crossing bridge on his way to work. | In early to mid October of 1981, I was 17 years old. I was working weekends in Fayetteville, a town 28 miles from where I lived in Siloam Springs. I usually left for work around 5:30 am. I would drive the old highway #68 towards Fayetteville-Springdale. One morning I was on my way to work and as I was coming close to where Fairmount road was I could see something by the bridge at first I thought it was a coyote or large dog scratching around the bridge with its back legs but as I got closer I realized it was not and that it was a sasquatch! It was a reddish-brown color and I could see its face area had almost no hair and the skin tone was lighter than the rest of it. It looked up at me as I passed on over the bridge. My car was a Volkswagen bug and the lights were not very bright. It seemed to be startled. I looked into the rearview mirror to see it jump up and run across the road. It moved in long strides and very quickly. It was tall maybe close to 7 feet and was thinner than I would have expected it to be. The activity it seemed to be doing when I first saw it was digging at the ground next to the bridge the motion it was using was similar to what primates do, the manner in which it moved across the road was however more like a human would move. | Siloam Springs | 36.174171035899240000000,-94.448733329772950000000 |
01060014 | 1981 | 3a | TX | Montgomery | Man recalls daytime encounter as a teen in San Jacinto River bottom. | After a lot of debate, I decided to share this with you. I am currently 39, my encounter happened when I was 15. It was during the summer of 1981. Like usual I was out in the woods near Old Houston Road, with friends running around tracking, fishing and just in general being a guy. It didn't take long to get separated from everyone. That happened a lot. We all would meet back at one camp or another later. I had been tracking hog and followed the trail into a stand of yaupons and shrubs that topped out about six feet or so. Once inside I found a small clearing with grapevine and a couple of trees with low hanging limbs. I sat down enjoying the place thinking it would make a great camp spot, when off to my left, south, I heard something moving. Looking over I froze, on the other side of the bushes looking over the top was a head and shoulders. I remember long shaggy hair, a dark face and small eyes. I don't remember much else because at that point it began shaking the bushes and shoving its way through. I did what any sensible teenager does, I ran, tearing my clothes on limbs as I dove a through a low game trail. I didn't stop running till I was out of the woods and headed for my house. The sighting took place maybe two miles from the San Jacinto River, in an area that backed up on a subdivision, but at the time there were three houses down Old Houston Road. I can say from experience, that one can travel from the river to 1314 with out being seen. In those days there wasn't much along the river till you got close to either I-45 or Hwy 59. I don't remember any smell, and by the time I worked up the nerve to enter that part of the woods again, there were no signs of tracks. But it did appear as if something had forced its way through the brush. There were lots of broken limbs. I told only one of my friends at the time, and he helped my search for tracks but we never found any. | Porter | 30.105781356561902000000,-95.203227996826170000000 |
04080012 | 1981 | 3a | LA | Beauregard Parish | Kids have encounter while visiting grandparents on the Fourth of July. | My family was visiting my grandmother who lived in Longville during the week of the 4th of July. There was a family that lived next door who had two boys about my age. My brother and sister and I along with the boys from next door had been shooting off fireworks all day. We had been having a bottle rocket war (shooting bottle rockets at each other). Probably why they don't sell them anymore. Anyway, we were in teams. One boy and I on one team and the other boy and my brother and sister in the other. They lived on about ten acres of land. They had a large pond on the property towards the back, kinda in the woods. So we were playing all over the property when my team ran to the other side of the pond which is nearest to the woods. Well, we were not there very long because we heard heavy footsteps, and very heavy breathing coming from behind us. I don't remember smelling anything. The area has lots of pine trees with some underbrush and I could hear (whatever) coming through the brush. That is when we turned and saw it. I turned to see what was coming, thinking it was a friend of mine. I turned on a flashlight shining it about chest high. All I saw was grayish brown hair I moved the light up to illuminate the face and when I did that all I remember were two bright yellow eyes shining at me, that was until it blocked the light with its hands. I dropped the light and started running to the house screaming my head off. We were screaming and yelling so much that the other kids started to scream and yell too. We ran back to my grandmother's house. Our parents didn't believe us, they thought we imagined it. | Longville | 30.591893067487028000000,-93.227577209472650000000 |
01110076 | 1981 | 3a | TX | Travis | Airman reports night-time encounter on Bergstrom AFB. | I was in the Air Force (Security Police or now Security Forces). I was also a member of the base SWAT team and involved in the martial arts. I had just gotten off duty but was asked to respond to a call about a baby crying in base dump. I only went with them because we had to discuss an upcoming base SWAT team training exercise. This was at Bergstrom AFB (now Austin-Bergstrom International Airport). I responded with three other guys. One was a black belt and SWAT team leader armed with a .38 caliber pistol. Another companion was a 3rd degree black belt armed with a .38 caliber pistol too. The third was a K-9 handler, with his dog. The dog was a holdover from those bred for duty in Vietnam. He was considered to be so dangerous that they had clipped and tattooed his ears to ensure no one accidentally handled this dog. The call came from a general?s wife, so it had to be checked out. We went to the dump area. I was then a very remote area of the base. There was a maze of deep creeks and natural drainages in this area. The closest civilization was Bastrop, Texas, and a small prison. The dump was fenced on three sides by a six foot fence with (I believe a 12" "Y" outrigger on it). The fourth side of the dump was a four foot high barbed wire fence. Beyond the fence was a freshly plowed field. The area was maybe two acres in size, in the shape of a triangle. We arrived and entered through a gate on one of the short sides of the triangle. To our right were several large trailer sized dumpsters (maybe 8), and about 10-12 smaller (Dipsy Dumpster) on our left. The K-9 unit went first. As he approached to dumpsters on the right, we heard the sound of a baby squeal. The cries seemed to move from one dumpster to another; moving further away from us. This was weird, but then the K-9 handler told us that he thought it was just a baby rabbit. He said he has heard them squeal like that. After he got down to about the 5th dumpster, the sound came back towards us at the gate. We got a little creeped out by this so the senior Sergeant told us to just do a quick walk through so we could get out of there. As we started back towards the vehicles, we heard the noise coming from the dumpster on our left, so we started checking them. When we finally got down to the 7th or 8th dumpster, we heard what sounded like a very large bodied impact against the end dumpster. Now these dumpsters were about 4 to 4.5 feet tall and maybe 6 feet by 6 feet wide. There was about 10-12 feet of space between them. When we heard the banging sound against the end dumpster, we let the dog handler order (what we thought was maybe) a person to come out. He gave them the order; there was no response. He then long leashed his dog and gave the order again. By now the dog was pulling and tugging to get to where the sound came from. The winds were blowing away from us, so all we could smell was the stench of the dump. The dog handler gave a final command for the person to come out or he would release the dog. There was no response. The dog was going nuts now to get to the sound. The handler pulled the dog back, unclipped it from the leash and sent him towards the sound in attack mode. Just as he reached the end dumpster, preparing to run around it, this huge creature leaped from behind the dumpster running. We all had our flashlights trained on the dumpster at about human height. This thing was huge. About 7-8 feet tall; covered with long dark brownish black (matted) fur. It did not turn towards us, but ran out and across the field. It took two steps and stepped right over the barbed wire fence in as it ran off. Our flash light hit it about the shoulders. This was not a man. The stride covered the 10-12 feet in two steps, and then over the barbed wire fence without jumping. Most importantly, this killer K-9, was frightened so badly, that he locked up all fours and abandoned his full out charge towards this creature and started screaming as if he had been hurt. He was looking up at the creature, and started backing up even as his momentum caused him to continue sliding forward. When he finally got his traction, he turned and ran past us back towards his kennel truck with his tail tucked between his legs. He was screaming in terror and was pissing himself looking over his shoulders to ensure the creature was not following him. I would have doubted my own eyes, but this dog's behavior was one of pure terror. The dog was trained to attack on command without fear. I had never seen him behave in this manner, so I feared for my life. I knew he was responding to something real, so I was terrified too. We were no more than 15 or 20 feet away when this happened. The creature could be seen running across the field (in silhouette) disappearing into the woods. Since we had to report this in an official government document, we delayed and discussed what we would put in the blotter until about 3:00am. Had we told the desk sergeant what we saw, we thought we could have lost our security clearances, so we simply said it was a rabbit or something. I do not know if the report is public information now or not but it will validate the response if nothing else. | Austin | 30.170508052013170000000,-97.660388946533200000000 |
01020037 | 1980 | 3a | TX | Rusk | Man has encounter while duck hunting on Lake Cherokee. | I was duck hunting in waders at Lake Cherokee. After hunting that day, I was exiting the water onto the shore and looked to my right about 200 - 300 feet. I had that creepy feeling that I was not alone. I thought to myself that it was just a big tree stump, but it moved. I saw a large creature that was fairly tall and dark. It looked at me. It appeared to be hairy. I could clearly make out that it was not another hunter. It had hair on it - kinda long and dark. We looked at each other for what must have been 20 minutes. I think it had been looking at me before I noticed it. I could not make out any facial features. Finally, what I saw turned and started walking away from me. I stood there watching it walk along the banks of the lake. After it was pretty far away I headed back to my truck. At the back of Lake Cherokee where I was hunting there were no houses or structures back then (in 1980). I haven't been there in over 15 years. I didn't hunt at that location for quite some time. When I did, I took someone else with me. It really spooked me. I have never gone on record with this for fear of being labeled a nut. | Monroe | 32.331600819163680000000,-94.712469577789300000000 |
01030020 | 1980 | 3a | TX | Travis | While going to shoot target practice, two men see upright, hair-covered figure. | My friend and I were out on Old Ferry Road near Paleface Park. My buddy, who is still my best friend, saw something big and hairy trotting upright on two legs, crossing the road ahead of us. We were parked on the side of the road. He instantly locked both doors. I saw the object from behind, moving through the brush. This object was about 75 yards ahead of us at dusk. This scared us so bad that we went straight home. We talked to a Travis County Sheriff several days later, and he reported seeing a bear. What we saw was not a bear, it was trotting on two legs. | Spicewood | 30.424992973925597000000,-98.077697753906250000000 |
04080028 | 1980 | 3a | LA | Vernon Parish | Three pre-teens have visual encounter in woods on outskirts of Leesville. | I was 12 years old and my father was stationed at Ft. Polk, Louisiana. We were living in a town called Leesville just outside of the military base. Two friends of mine and I decided one day to explore the woods off of a highway known as Texas Highway. I remember we were deep in the woods and we came up on a stream, quite large, about eight feet in width. From the side of which we approached the stream we were about five feet above the water and as we approached the stream the three of us immediately spotted two creatures on the other side of the stream in a crouching posture position drinking water from the stream. We froze in amazement of what we were looking at, and at the same time the three of us were trembling with fear knowing we were so deep in the woods and quite lost. We were looking at two human-like/ape-like figures that were completely covered with darkish brown gray hair but the face appeared to be of lighter tone skin. From the head down the two creatures had long hair past their shoulders, with a lot of long grayish hair tones, the rest of the body was short hair. They were staring at us and we were staring at them. One was of adult and we could tell it was female and the other was childlike and was of male gender in appearance. They appeared to be just as frightened as we were and after about 30 seconds of this encounter the adult creature turned to the childlike creature and made a motion with its hand and they turned around from the stream and started running through the woods. There was never a sound made from either one that we could hear. Needless to say when they took off running we did the same in the opposite direction and didn't stop until we were out of the woods. At that time we never spoke about the incident to an adult because we were not supposed to be off on our own exploring in the woods. | Leesville | 31.133856487091190000000,-93.275599479675300000000 |
03080005 | 1980 | 1d | AR | Faulkner | Father and son have close encounter while fishing on Lake Conway. | Let me first say, this incident is NOT made up. There is absolutely no doubt what my father and I saw. Neither myself, nor my father would have any reservations about a polygraph test. It was my 11th birthday; therefore, my father let me miss school to go to Lake Conway, which is known for its crappie fishing. We were in a boat with small out-board motor in a cove tied to a stump which was in the water (Lake Conway). For ten to fifteen minutes there were noises in the woods like limbs breaking continually. I kept telling my father there is something in the woods (it is very thick brush and cypress trees), but he continually said "Son - it is the birds." I was fixated (twenty feet away) on the noises so I was just looking in that direction constantly. My father was turned around looking away from the shore line. All of a sudden, it just came out of the woods (bigfoot) and stood there. I can honestly say that I could not talk (this has never happened before or since). I finally got my father's attention and said "get the hell out of here!!!" My father whipped around and said "Oh my gosh,? then he pulled his .38 and drew on the animal. It never did anything except stand there. It was absolutely not aggressive except for the earlier breaking of limbs. My father then untied the boat, started it and we kept circling around it for at least ten minutes. I will not break my father's anonymity in the community, but let's say he was very well known in a town of 20,000. Therefore; we never went public with the story, but we still talk about it all of the time. There is no doubt it was one of two things...Bigfoot or someone in a great costume in central Arkansas on a weekday waiting in a cove way back in the lake to scare someone. I like to think of myself as somewhat of an intellectual, and my father has his doctorate. My point, is that if it was a "joke" then that person risked death, because my dad had the gun pointed at it, from twenty feet away. | Conway/Mayflower | 34.961653140991560000000,-92.370815277099610000000 |
01020021 | 1979 | 3a | TX | Red River | Deer hunters report recurring incidents near Manchester. | I was deer hunting 10-12 years ago in late Nov. I was on a deer lease in Red River County. I was sitting on a stool and observed deer scrapes on trees along a creek bed. I was watching for these deer to approach. After I had been sitting there for an hour or so I turned my head and noticed what looked like an 8 or 9-foot tall stump that wasn't there earlier. It was approximately 120-130 yards away. I raised my deer rifle and looked through the scope at it. Through my 6X scope, I was able to see it as close up as if it were 30 feet away from me. It was looking right at me. It was a large ape-like creature. I kept it in my sight for 15-20 minutes. It never moved. I then heard a snap off to my left. I turned my head to observe where this noise came from. I didn't see anything. When I turned back to the creature, it was gone! It had been standing in grass that was knee-high to me, about a foot and a half to 2 feet tall. I feel that it couldn't have moved away in the short period of time my attention was drawn away. I feel that it dropped down in the grass to avoid detection. I feel that the snapping noise was made by another creature to divert my attention from the other one. At this time, I got up and left everything but my rifle and backed out of the area. I had this thing dead to rights in my scope but couldn't shoot because I did not feel threatened. | Manchester | 33.870415550941830000000,-95.188379287719720000000 |
01100065 | 1979 | 3a | TX | Angelina | Hunter reports night-time encounter while hunting rabbits. | I was hunting rabbits in the winter of 1979 with a friend in the Peavey Switch area. We had been walking the old road east of the Diboll cut off and had seen nothing. We loaded up in my truck and started riding the roads and shining lights looking for eye shine or rabbits in the road. We were coming up on a bend in the road I was shining across an old clearcut when my friend started screaming. I turned to see what he was looking at and saw what looked like a large man turning and going into the brush. We left the area as fast as the old truck would go and I pretty much gave up night hunting. | Hudson | 31.239224129301890000000,-94.832954406738280000000 |
01970001 | 1979 | 1d | TX | Bosque | Two hunters have daytime encounter near Brazos River. | I am 34 now and a professional, and want to remain anonymous. I have told this story to only my immediate family. This incident occurred back in 1979 in Bosque Co., when I was in high school. Nothing like this has ever happened since this occurrence, nor have I ever heard of any other encounters in the area. Although there were stories that some old timers told of a wild man in the area. I always thought it was just a story to scare the kids. I grew up hunting, hiking and camping in Texas, and was very familiar with the different animals in the area. The most threatening of which were the occasional bobcat or cougar. So at this time I was somewhat seasoned to the wilderness and animals of the area and not totally green. My friend and I often hunted squirrel, raccoon or rabbit and were out this day squirrel hunting with .22 rifles. From down behind his house a dried up creek ran for miles to a point where it intersected the Brazos river. The banks of this creek were anywhere from 5 to 25 foot tall, and we often walked it when we went hunting. My friend had a weimaraner dog at the time that we always took with us. The dog loved to run rabbits and was generally a good companion on hunting trips. We left out at noon and spent the afternoon walking and hunting, with no particular purpose. Late in the afternoon, I say it was nearing 5 PM, we were about half way or better back to his house. Again taking the creek bed as our primary route. The sun was low and directly ahead of us, just above the rim of the creek bank which at this particular section were around 20 feet tall. We had been walking and talking and not particularly paying any attention to our surroundings. My friends dog started acting really strange. He would run back down the creek bed and then back to us and kinda whimper. This was very uncommon for the dog as it was quite big for the breed and a fearsome fighter and extremely smart. We kept going and the dog finally ran off, something he had never done. My friend had turned around and started calling for the dog down the creek bed. I started forward and looked up on the rim of the creek bank and saw something. Approximately 80 yards from where I was standing was a bend in the creek. The sun was almost directly in front of me above that turn. Standing next to two trees on the top of the creek bank was a very tall dark figure. At first I thought it was another hunter in full camo. I touched my friends arm and he turned and saw it too. There was nothing behind it but an open field so I had a good view of the silhouette but could not make out any features due to the sun. Going on the premise of it being another hunter I waived hoping for a response. The figure then moved behind one of the trees to its left. There was a small gap between the two trees and a large, say 10-20 yard gap between those trees and the next clump of brush. Again behind the line of trees and brush on the creek bank was nothing but field. The figure never emerged from the other side. Worried that it was lying in wait for us, we back tracked down the creek bed and found a low spot to get out of the creek bed and into open field. We hot footed it back home and found the dog waiting for us there, under his house and not too willing to be moved. We talked about what we saw, and what or who it could have been. The dog's reaction was what spooked us the most, so I don't think it was another hunter. The thing was probably 7 to 7 1/2 feet tall and weighed around 400-450 pounds. I was almost 6 foot tall then and had a pretty good judge of the distance and relative size. Aside from this occurrence we never saw anything strange again. Although, we heard odd sounds coming from the bottom on a number of occasions. We always just chalked these up to wind in the trees or animals, or our overactive teenage imagination. Now many years later, this instance sticks out in my mind more than any other from my time before and since of being in the woods. I still hunt, hike and camp in Texas, but have not returned to that area since. | 31.779547369387327000000,-97.332687377929690000000 | |
01010022 | 1979 | 3a | TX | Hopkins | People in a parked car report late night encounter. | The witness told me that when she was 17 she, her boyfriend and a friend were in the White Oak Creek area outside of Sulphur Springs. She said they were sitting there and a large shadow crossed the car, and the car begin to shake. The friend was sitting in the back of the car, which she described him as being a very tough guy, and being approx. 6.5 feet tall, and not afraid of much. While she and her brother were in the front of the car, they did not see what was happening, but they turned around and looked at their friend, and he was slumped over crying in the back seat. He would not tell them what he had seen, and she described him as being in shock after the incident occurred. She said they then started the car up, and speeding out of the area. | Commerce | 33.211690958029820000000,-95.734863281250000000000 |
01010010 | 1979 | 3a | TX | Titus | Man remembers visual encounter as a boy near home. | I was out in our back yard when I was 9 years old playing on a rope swing. I heard a loud grunting sound like a large animal running. I turned and looked across the road. There was a very large, dark, furry creature running through the neighbor?s pasture towards our land (on our side of the road there were several hundred acres of wooded land that ran up to Lake Tankersley). As the creature reached the barbed wire fence it just sort of stepped over and never missed a beat, it continued across the road about 40 yards north of me and entered the woods. I could clearly hear branches being broken and the continued huffing as it ran through the woods. Needless to say it scared the living hell out of me and I made a bee line for the house. After that you couldn't get me farther than a hundred feet from the house at dusk. I did go into the woods the next day and there were quite a lot of freshly broken branches along a line that matched the creature?s path as best as I could tell. | Mt. Pleasant | 33.186374108545444000000,-95.024764537811280000000 |
03080009 | 1979 | 3a | AR | Johnson | Two boys have encounter near railroad tracks. | We saw a large man squatting on the rail road tracks looking at us. I thought it was a man but as we began to walk away he rose up. By what I remember of the size of the foliage and trees in the area he stood about 8 feet tall. As we continued to walk away he walked off in the opposite direction. A foul smell like dead flesh was in the air. No birds were making any sounds. It was a full moon night. Next day foot prints were found in the mud of a drainage ditch near where we observed him walk off. | Clarksville | 35.424728036397230000000,-93.645057678222650000000 |
04080008 | 1979 | 3c | LA | Caddo Parish | Strange noises heard at night outside window and tracks found. | It was late June or early July in, I believe 1979. I was invited to stay with some former neighbors and their nephew on their farm. They had just had a house put on their farm and their nephew was visiting from Dallas for a couple of weeks. I thought it was great that I was going to get to spend some time on my neighbor?s farm for a couple of weeks. I loved hunting, fishing and roaming the woods. The farm consisted of about 80 acres and woods surrounded the entire area with a couple of ponds and two abandoned houses (shacks) in the woods. An electric barbed wire fence surrounded the farm to keep the cows in, and their yard was also surrounded by a 2?-foot high electric fence to keep them away from the house. It was pretty hot at that time of year and they didn?t have their air conditioners working yet, so we had to sleep with the windows opened. The neighbors nephew and I were sleeping in the same room in twin beds with windows behind and a little to the side of each bed. At around 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning the nephew and I were awakened by a deep loud raspy breathing outside the window. It continued for at least 3 to 5 minutes, but at the time seemed like an eternity. I believe that the uninvited visitor was watching me sleep. This was the most terrifying moment of my life still to this day. I was paralyzed with fear and did not want to move or breath. I managed to force myself to slowly inch my way to the side of the bed away from the window. I did not want the intruder to notice me moving. Once I was to the side of the bed I was trapped by the sheets. The Mrs. always tucked the sheets in neatly and tightly at the feet and sides of the bed. I did my best not to move my head and breathed as shallow as I possibly could, as I was too scared to move. I kept trying to see what it was by looking out the side of my eyes but I couldn?t see anything. I was so terrified that this thing was going to break through the screen. After a few of minutes my body was starting to ache from being so tense. At that point the mantle clock on the other side of the house chimed and almost gave me a heart attack, but also frightened this thing away. That clock seemed so loud. I felt like that clock saved my life. I didn?t hear anything, no footsteps or anything else; it was like it just wasn?t there anymore. At this time I asked the nephew want he thought it was. He didn?t have any idea. About 30 seconds later I began to hear a night bird chirping and the neighbor?s 6 to 7 month old German Shepherd crawl out from under the house. As soon as I heard regular noises outside I jumped up and look outside, but saw nothing. I know nobody was playing a joke because I could hear my old neighbors snoring in the other room. The next morning the nephew and I briefly discussed the incident, but I could tell he didn?t really want to talk about it. This was also the last time I have had contact with him. At that time I was interested in Bigfoot, but had no idea they were in this part of the country. Their house was a wooden framed house and the windows were at least five and half feet off the ground. The dog was a pretty good-sized hyperactive German Shepherd puppy that normally barked at people and chased animals. I know that he was hiding from whatever it was outside. He was chained up outside my window, and the chain was just long enough for him to go under the house several feet instead of having a doghouse. If any animal wanted to get him they could have easily either crawled under the house or just pulled the chain holding him. When he came out from under the house I could hear its back rubbing on the bottom edge of the house. I don?t know what it could have been other than Bigfoot. As a side note: I?m a very heavy sleeper and I snore very loud. I?ve even woken myself on several occasions. I believe my snoring may have attracted Bigfoot that night. | Shreveport | 32.500206934903375000000,-93.903064727783200000000 |
01000004 | 1979 | 1d | TX | Harrison | Family reports visual encounter while target shooting near an open pasture. | Easter Sunday. My husband, two girls 6 and 9 years old and myself had completed our Easter visits with family and decided to take the girls out his family's land to let them be in nature and give him a chance to target practice. We drove through the gate on the dirt road until we came to an open pasture on the right (these pastures are planted for deer hunting) We parked the car in this open area. Walked back to dirt road and went East to a little pond. Let girls see tadpoles and throw rocks. When from behind us, there was loud crunching in brush. We decided to move back toward the car. After hearing nothing more, my husband wanted to shoot pistol. We crossed dirt road immediately across from pasture where car parked to a deep ravine. I am 5 ft 7 husband 5 ft 10. The sides of ravine was over our head. We shot several times when suddenly, a large animal lunged into the ravine in front of us only about 10 to 15 feet. He paused, looked at us and then in one leap, jumped out of ravine. We froze for a moment then husband grabbed 6 year and I took the hand of 9 year old. We ran towards the car. And to our surprise, the loud brush noises indicated the animal was running toward our car. It stopped in brush line immediately in front of our car. We unlocked drivers door and shoved kids in climbing in behind. He jumped in ravine between us and the target. | Woodlawn | 32.657640886702830000000,-94.285655021667480000000 |
01020017 | 1979 | 3a | TX | Lamar | Two women report road cross encounter while driving down isolated road near Direct, Texas. | I was riding in the car with my friend, she was driving. It was the opening weekend of deer season, full moon, very bright. We were on a one lane gravel road in the Direct Bottoms. We saw less than 100 feet away from us a creature cross the road from left side of road to right. It was 7 to 8 feet tall, with long gray hair. It walked right in front of us. Its arms were longer than a man's, swinging them as it walked. It stepped right over a barbed-wire fence. A mile down the road, we turned around and got stuck in a wheat field. We were stuck 30 minutes. After we got the car unstuck, we went back the same way as we came in. We were scared that we would encounter the creature, but there was no sign of it. I had heard stories about Bigfoot in Oklahoma. After all this time, I would love to see that creature again. | Direct | 33.780288785150866000000,-95.858974456787110000000 |
01020018 | 1978 | 3a | TX | Wharton | While plowing field teen has distant visual encounter. | Let me first start by saying that when I opened my new issue of Texas Fish and Game, it opened right to the page with the picture of the "creature" on it, and the hairs stood on my head. The image of the creature in the background is right on the money for what I saw. At the time, I was probably around 13-14 years of age (I'm now 37), and I've never had the opportunity to "officially" tell anyone about this until now. Only my family and close friends have heard this, and every time I tell it, my eyes water, and the hairs on my head stand on end (I can't explain this reaction). Back then, we were in the process of clearing 40 acres of bottom land for farming. I was in the woods alone, operating a Model R John Deere, with an offset plow. I was making a turn under a tree, when a limb got hung on the stack of the tractor. When freed from the stack, the limb came towards the rear of the tractor, where I was already on the floorboard, so instead of catching me, and throwing me off the seat into the plow, caught the throttle (mounted on the steering column), killing the engine, and putting a nice bend in the steering wheel. Don't know how much you know about a Model R, but it has a smaller motor (pony motor), which starts the larger motor. I was never successful in starting the larger motor with the pony motor. I was in the "bottom" of this 40 acre bottom, and to my left was a dirt road, and some cows inside a fence. To my right was the majority of the acreage, and a fence about 175-200 yards away. It was on the fence line 175-200 yards away, where I saw a large dark figure (standing on two legs), and it appeared to be trying to get a better look at me, by leaning one way then the other. I actually saw the arm move a branch. It was partially blocked by foliage along the fence line, and I could not make out any facial features. After both of us getting a better look at each other, I had seen enough and sprung from the tractor, running as fast as I can (which is not easy to do in freshly plowed ground). I realized the tractor was probably my best chance out of there, so I ran back, pulled the pin from the clevis, and started pulling furiously on the starter for the pony motor which started. I released the compression on the larger engine with one lever, and then engaged the pony motor to the larger engine with another lever, and for the first time, successfully started that tractor on my own. While beating a hasty retreat, I looked back along the fence line, but could not see "it" anymore. | Spanish Camp | 29.378136335767607000000,-96.133031845092770000000 |
01020035 | 1978 | 3a | TX | Rusk | Hunters have dusk encounter on the Angelina River. | Me and a friend were walking alongside the Angelina River heading back to our truck when we stopped to listen for deer. It was almost dark and we wanted to use every minute that we could. As we were standing there my friend noticed a splashing sound coming from the river. We turned around and about 20-30 yards behind us we could hear heavy footsteps in the dry leaves. Then this 7-7 1/2 foot tall hairy creature on two legs swinging its arms, walked out of the tree line and took one step to reach the middle of the little country road we were walking down and one step on the far side of the road and it was gone. We heard it walk off for a little ways and that was it. | Reklaw | 31.860938231474430000000,-94.940586090087890000000 |
01060009 | 1978 | 3a | TX | Kimble | Man recalls strange encounter as youth on uncle's hunting lease near the Llano River. | My uncle owned a small ranch in that location, couple hundred acres. He used to lease it for deer hunting. The year was 1978 or 1979, summertime. Each year after hunting season ended we would return and fix/repair the deer blinds, spread deer corn and place salt blocks out to keep the deer in the general area for next year's hunt. We never stayed at the location for long - only a couple of days each month to check on the place. On this trip we had only planned to stay overnight and return the next day. We arrived on a Friday morning and began to check our deer blinds, nothing unusual, making a few repairs and dropping deer corn at several deer blinds around the property. The trailer we had on the property had no running water, so any bathroom duties had to be done outside. It was evening/night and I was urinating outside, when I noticed a rather large strange looking tree in the distance. I stood looking at what I thought was a tree and I remember thinking I had not seen that large tree there before. I took one or two steps to the side to see if I could get a better angle to see it. That's when it slowly crouched or kneeled down into the shadows and I could no longer see it. I walked inside and told my uncle that I thought we had poachers or trespassers on the property. (It's not unusual to see illegals crossing fences/property) I was only able to see the shape/silhouette and this was from a distance. My uncle didn't seem concerned and told me not to worry about it, he said I may have mistaken it for something else because it was dark outside. The following morning we were loading up the truck to return back to San Antonio. I told my uncle I wanted to collect some small cacti and bring them back home for a rock garden. I took a short cut through the ranch to a gather some cacti that I had already staked out from a prior trip. I had collected 2 small cacti and for some strange reason (not sure if I heard something or felt something) but I got up from a crouched position and turned to see a very tall (7 or 8 ft) large broad shouldered "thing." I focused on the shoulders immediately then the elongated cone shaped head. I saw no neck, ears, mouth. It was dark in color. It appeared to be watching me from a very short distance. I was only able to see it from the breast bone or chest area up due to a large bush in front of it. It slowly crouched or kneeled behind the bush, and I could no longer see it. I dropped the cacti and ran back to the ranch to alert my uncle, we went back to the location with weapons and found nothing except the cacti I had dropped. I was telling my uncle what I had seen and now believed it was the same thing I had seen the night before. My uncle was trying to decide if we should stay or leave back home when we noticed a car coming down the road. It was the local game warden. I remember asking my uncle "what's the game warden doing here in the middle of summer?" His reply was he didn't know. The game warden knew my uncle because every year the game warden would come to the ranch the first day of deer season to check all our permits. The game warden said hello, and then asked my uncle how long had we been here. My uncle had told him we had just arrived yesterday and were leaving just before he arrived. The game warden then asked if we had seen anything strange or weird while we had been up here. My uncle and I both looked at each other. My uncle told the game warden to talk to me. The game warden took my name and took me aside. I told him what I had seen. Game warden then took my uncle aside and talked to him for several minutes. The game warden got back into his car and left the ranch. My uncle began unpacking the truck and I asked him what he was doing? My uncle informed me we were going to spend another night there. We spent another night (against my wishes) and nothing else was sighted. We left the ranch the following morning and my uncle instructed us not to talk about this to anyone. I agreed. It was the only time in my life I have ever felt real fear or terror. | Junction | 30.482112874557543000000,-99.711055755615230000000 |
01050024 | 1978 | 3a | TX | Van Zandt | Encounter sends youth scrambling. | I was going outside to do something, I forget what, and looked northwards along a fence line bordering the west side of our place and the woods, and saw a large hairy kind of grey/brown colored human/ape like object moving around. I got scared to death and hollered "HEY!" and ran as fast as I could to my back door about 30 yards away, tripping over my own legs as I was trying to run so fast. It felt like I was getting tangled up in my own feet, I was trying to run so fast. I remember falling once, and getting up and running so fast again. I told my 2 brothers to stay inside and lock the doors and don't open them to anything but me. I grabbed my 30-30 and went to investigate and was shaking and scared like never before. I was hoping to see it again and still again, hoping I didn't see it. I found the spot where it was seen and checked the fence and found some hair on it in the barb wire. I don't remember what I did with the hair, but I never saw anything of the creature again. I have told my family about this, but not too many others for fear I would be made fun of. I finally decided to tell your organization after a long consideration. My brothers told my mother I was scared to death, and my family believes me to this day. I swear this is a true story, and have jokingly told a few others when the subject comes up. A few have believed me, and some have made fun of me. I don't care; I know what I saw that afternoon and decided I have to tell my story to someone who is credible. Feel free to contact me. The area is inhabited sparsely, and about the same as it was then. It is rural, and is next to a large area that has bottomland and a couple of creeks through it. It is about 8 miles or so west of Canton, TX, and I will have to look on a map to see what the county road is that runs in front of the house. I wish someone would figure out what these sightings are so I can openly tell my story without fear of being made fun of. Every time I hear of a "bigfoot" sighting I think of telling my story to some credible group but I never have. I swear to God I saw something that afternoon but I don't have a clue what it might have been besides a "bigfoot". I just know every time I think of it, I feel that same feeling of fear and can remember it like it was yesterday. Sorry it has been so long in telling my story but I imagine you hear a lot of them that have waited a long time to say anything feeling just like I do about it. Please tell me you believe me....I know I saw something that was unidentifiable and scary as anything I have ever felt before in my life. I am sorry it took me so long t report this, I was scared to be made fun of but I feel the need to report this the more I think of it and see that this is finally being taken seriously. Thank you for allowing me to send you a report of this. I sure hope it is some kind of help, and I would like some sort of closure on this, it has bothered me for so many years. Maybe not bothered, but I think of it a lot and wonder if I should have reported it sooner. This is the weirdest thing I think I have ever seen. | Canton | 32.558967346292170000000,-95.991690158844000000000 |
01050005 | 1978 | 3a | TX | Anderson | Deer hunter reports close encounter at night outside of tent. | My friends and I along with one of their teenage sons were in this area on the Neches River deer hunting. It was the 1st week of deer season in 1978, we had been there from the Friday before, almost a whole week. It had been nice hunting weather and I had 2 does and 2 bucks, a 6 point and an 8 point (that was back when you could shoot 2 each). Anyways, about Thursday afternoon it clouded up and started to sprinkle, but not too bad. We had no problem all week spotting deer and other animals but we didn't see any on that day, so we went back to camp. We sat there and just talked and joked around. At about 7 that evening or so we noticed we couldn't hear any birds or coyotes or anything - it was just quiet. Now all week long there had been plenty of animals in the area and now there were none. It was just plain eerie. Then we heard a strange noise. (Don?t laugh) have you ever heard someone try and talk like Donald Duck? Well that's what this sounded like only deeper and then with some high pitched whistles. We didn't know what it was, and just dismissed it. Since we had been up early that morning we all decided to turn in at about 8:30 or so. Now 3 of us were in sleeping bags on the floor of the tent and one of the guys had brought a cot and were laying on it next to the tent wall. We had been in bed about 20 minutes when he sat up in the cot and said "something just brushed my head from outside the tent." We just said oh yeah right, and laughed at him and laid back down. About 5 minutes later he came up off the cot and yelled "hey something just touched me again!!" So we all pulled our boots on and walked out side the tent. We didn't see anything, but there was this smell in the air. It was like a cross between something dead and a real musky smell. Since we didn't see anything we went back in the tent and back to bed. After lying there a few minutes I felt the need to go to the bathroom. So I pulled on my boots, grabbed my .44 magnum handgun, just in case, and a flashlight. It wasn't a full moon, but it was bright enough to see where I was stepping, so I didn't turn on the flash light. I walked about 20 yards behind the tent and was relieving myself on a tree, when I noticed I could hear heavy breathing, and felt like I was being watched. So I looked in the area where I could hear the breathing and slowly raised my flashlight and flipped it on. I nearly fell over...standing not more than 5-6 feet from me was this huge hairy creature. When I turned my light on it, it threw its hands up in front of its eyes, but didn't run. It acted curious about what I was doing. It just stood there looking at me and I at it for what seemed forever, then I got scared. I turned to look back at the tent and I screamed for the others to come quick, and when I turned back to where the creature had been, it was gone, and I could hear it tearing through the woods. The others came running, thinking I was hurt or something, and they could hear it running through the woods too, but they didn't see it. At that moment, I realized I had wet all down my leg, the others laughed at me and poked fun. I didn't sleep at all that night, just thinking, if that thing could come up on me that quiet what's to stop it from coming into this tent, or the fact that it was so close it could have grabbed me. Well the next morning the rain started in harder so we decided to go ahead and leave. I walked down to where I saw it and noticed that where it had been standing was in a about a 3 foot creek bed and we had been eye to eye. I'm 5'9", so that thing must have been huge. As I looked I could see where it had powered its way up the other side. To this day I haven't been back in that area. | Palestine | 31.762217029895480000000,-95.401067733764650000000 |
01050006 | 1978 | 2 | TX | Liberty | Squirrel hunter has encounters near Trinity River. | As a teenager from the early seventies up until 1980, I hunted this area. Numerous times I had mentioned a smell to a friend which I described as somewhere between a skunk and a wet dog. My friend acknowledged that he had smelled it several times himself. We blew it off as being some type of plant or weed, but as I began smelling it more often I could tell it was some type of animal as opposed to a plant or weed. I began thinking that it was probably feral hogs. As I continued to get older and continued to squirrel hunt these same areas, I began to notice that every time I smelled this odor, there were no squirrels moving or any wildlife for that matter. I do not know exact dates or even the year in which these incidents occurred, but it was in the mid to late seventies. I have been reluctant to tell anyone about these incidents. 1978: The first visual experience that I had came deep in the woods from the road. I had walked about a mile down in the woods where I came upon a pinoak flat. I could see all the way through the flat to the other side which was about 150-175 yards. On the other side of the flat was a stand of reset pine all about 15 ft. tall with high dead grass underneath. Immediately I noticed something laying under a pine tree across the flat. At first it looked like the area below the tree and the trunk of the tree had been burnt out. As I eased closer it began to look like a gorilla laying under the tree. I am a pretty stealthy person in the woods and I told myself I am seeing things, but I am going to try and get closer to this thing just to prove to myself I am not seeing this. As I moved within 100 yards or so, I could see that I was not crazy. It's head was moving and at this time I could tell it's color was gray with a black gorilla face. The adrenalin kicked in, I checked my gun, put some trees between myself and this thing and proceeded to try and get closer, peering around the trees every few feet to see if it was still there. I got to within 50-75 yards and peered around the tree and it was gone. The floor of the pinoak flat was dry with a lot of crunchy leaves and twigs. I knew I was going to scare it off before I could get as close as I liked. After I noticed that it was gone I sat down in the flat for about an hour and did not see any wildlife at all. I then got up and went over to area where I had seen it and was hit with "that smell" and the grass was mashed down underneath the pine. At first I don't think that it knew I was there, because it was moving it's head and acting unconcerned. As I tried to sneak up on it though, It definitely sensed my presents or heard me crunch a twig. I know it never visually made me out, because I kept trees between myself and it the whole time. 1979: It had rained sometime between 3 am and when I had set out to go squirrel hunting. It was very foggy and misty on this morning and the woods were damp and very quiet. I came upon a large thicket and sat down against a tree at the edge of the thicket. I instantly started to smell something. As it got lighter, light enough to shoot, I could hear something in the thicket. Also I noticed there were no squirrels moving. I thought that there were some hogs in the thicket. I sat in this spot longer than I normally would sit somewhere without seeing anything, because of the sounds I heard coming from the thicket. About mid morning I was hearing something sniffing the air and making low, deep, grunting sounds. This was no hog! I decided to play a trick that I have used before on game in thickets and throw a two foot section of a dead limb over and beyond the sounds hoping to flush it out to my side. When I did this it made a deep and louder primate type grunt at me. The sniffing of the air also became more pronounced and no hog breathes like this. I then threw another stick into the thicket and received the same grunts and sniffing, only louder. About 20 min later I heard it moving through the thicket and then heard a huge, two legged splash into a body of water on the other side of the thicket, followed by grunts and heavy breathing. There is no doubt in my mind what I had encountered was a bigfoot in the thicket. Although I never saw him, this was something I had never experienced in the woods before. After the splash and the exit, I made my own hasty exit back to the road. | Tarkington | 30.262625702860727000000,-95.042209625244140000000 |
01960003 | 1978 | 3a | TX | Bowie | Several incidents in the woods near the Sulphur River. | I was about 14 years old when these incidents occurred. They happened in about a span of a month, never before or never after has anything like this ever happened to me. The first incident occurred at my friend Tom?s house who lived 3 houses down from me. Me and Tom were playing football in the front yard of his house at dusk one evening when I kicked the football over the roof of his house. Tom ran around the house to retrieve the football and his dog followed after him. In a couple of minutes the dog came running from behind the house squealing and ran under a car. Then Tom appeared also running and looking scared. I asked him what was wrong and he told me he had seen something on the wooded hill behind his house. I asked him what he meant by ?something? and he told me he didn?t know except that it was big and moving. We got the dog out from under the car and went in the house. At first I thought he was just messing around but thinking of how the dog had acted kind of scared me. I spent the night with Tom that night and around 9:00 or 10:00 PM he motioned me to the back door which he had opened. He told me to listen and what I heard was a lot of crashing around out in the woods behind his house. Now I was really becoming pretty scared with all the things that had happened on that evening especially knowing something had scared the dog the way it did. We went on to bed and the rest of the night was uneventful. A few days later Tom called me and told me to come over that he wanted to show me something. When I got there he took me around to the back of his house and there in a muddy area by his sister?s bedroom window were large footprints. The footprints were about an inch to an inch and a half deep and about fifteen or so inches in length. It looked like a human print except for its size and I remember it being wide from toes to heel. We knew something strange had been there and we started talking about maybe it had been the Fouke Monster, a creature that had been seen around a small community about 30 miles south of Texarkana for years. The next incident occurred about 2 weeks later early on a Saturday morning. Me and a friend Royce took my .22 rifle to go squirrel hunting in some woods off of Flower Acres Rd. about a mile and a half from my house. We walked through the woods several hundred yards to a large oak flat and sat down next to a big tree. That's when we noticed the woods were quieter than normal, there wasn?t any squirrels and hardly any birds. We decided to shoot into some squirrel nests so I shot several rounds into a nest and about 30 seconds after that we heard a large roar. I have never heard anything sound like that in my whole life, it seemed to shake the whole woods and I couldn?t tell what direction it had come from. Me and Royce looked at each other and both asked ?what the heck was that?? we looked around but didn?t see anything and then we started running. We heard the roar again but we never looked back we just kept running. We came to a small farm and the cows were acting strange, they were bumping into each other and seemed confused. We didn?t stop running until we were back at my house. We told my parents what we had heard, but they didn?t take us seriously and just thought we had overactive imaginations. To this day I can still remember how that roar sounded and I probably won?t ever forget it. The last incident didn?t happen to me but to two of my friends, one of who lives at the small farm I mentioned earlier. One day I was telling my friend Tracy about my experience in the woods hunting and he said that he and another friend Tony had seen something in the woods also. Tracy and Tony were riding their bikes along some trails that went through the woods. These trails are always very dimly lit because of the canopy created by the tall pine trees. They had parked their bikes along the trail and were just shooting the bull when they heard a noise about a hundred yards up the trail. When they looked they saw a figure that Tracy said looked like a big man in an eskimo coat. He said it seemed to look their way and then took of running through the woods opposite of where it had emerged. They jumped on their bikes and rode like hell until they were out of the woods. I have told this story many times and most people don?t believe me, but I know what I heard and saw and I believe that there was some kind of creature that passed through this area for a short while. I have been in and around these woods all of my life and this was the only time these strange events occurred. To this day when I am in the woods and think about it I still get chills. | Texarkana | 33.327946549867810000000,-94.112663269042970000000 |
01080054 | 1978 | 3a | TX | Palo Pinto | Boy Scouts Have Night Encounter at Worth Ranch | We were at Worth Ranch, A Boy Scout Ranch near Palo Pinto. We were in a flatbed truck coming up from the river bottoms around 10 pm near the Brazos river.There were around 8 of us, 3 in the cab and 5 in the back. We all had to keep an eye in front of us as not to get swatted by any tree branches. We noticed a dark figure walk in front of us from the left to the right. It was hairy and black and I would have to say it was about 7-8 feet tall with very long arms and a long stride. The people in the cab got the best look at it, and saw its face. They were screaming all the way to the top of the bottoms! I know of many other encounters, as I was a staff member there for seven years. One young camper saw one clapping two rocks together before he was spotted and ran off. A local rancher has claimed to see a large monkey near the property. There were many instances of rock throwing and strange noises occuring throughout the season. | Palo Pinto | 32.820027651215284000000,-98.331499099731440000000 |
01080125 | 1978 | 3a | TX | Hunt | Cousins Have Night Sighting of Creature Running Alongside Car | I was 12 years old along with my cousin who was also 12 at the time, and my big brother who was 16. My brother was driving us to my uncle's out west of Quinlan Texas to meet up with another cousin who's dad had a farm out there. We were all going to spend the night out there and go squirrel hunting the next morning. We turned off of highway 276 going south on 8737. The road was a white rock road at the time, and from the main FM road it was about 3 to 5 miles to my uncles property. We were driving approximately 25 miles per hour and we crossed the plank bridge that actually begins where the property line is, and all of us at the same time looked to our left, and running in the ditch, just beside the barbed wire fence was something that was about 7 1/2 feet tall, slumped forward and keeping up with the car. It had long silver hair, and turned it's head toward us from time to time. It ran beside us for about 200 yards, then disappeared across the fence onto my uncle's property. We pulled up to the gate, and we were all too scared to get out and open it. Every one of us were in tears, so we decided to go back home and get my father. When we arrived back at home, we were still all very shaken, and crying and my mother said that we looked white as a sheet, and that we looked as if we had seen a ghost. To this day, we all tell the exact same story of the creature, and firmly believe that we saw something very unnatural. | Quinlan, Union Valley | 32.883731777138620000000,-96.214613914489740000000 |
01040006 | 1977 | 3c | TX | Cass | Family encounters near Hughes Springs. | 1st - Myself, my older sister and a friend of ours found a 16" footprint by the pond at the back of the property my sister and her husband were renting. Something was watching us. We found where something had eaten a wild duck that was always at the pond. There was a very scary feeling back there. No one ever went back there at night. Strange noises all the time seemed to be the norm. One night, my sister was alone at the house, when something scared the horses and cattle so bad that a horse ran right into the side of the house. It seemed like it was trying to get in! The animals were always in an uproar. My sister and her husband moved to Diana late that year. They were living in a small trailer park. They had the last trailer in a line of trailers. Once again my brother-in-law was out in the tractor trailer he drove for a living and my sister was alone. She had the uneasy feeling of being watched and would hear strange noises all the time. One night in particular, a super-loud scream of ungodly origin scared her so bad she peed herself and locked the doors and hid all night. They moved again soon thereafter. My family grew-up in East Texas, and I'm certain that I've had other close encounters in the woods in Avinger Texas. I've never actually seen a creature, but I've been "chased" out of the woods a time or two. Most of us East Texans know that there are huge animals that roam those woods. My sister and I know. | Hughes Springs | 32.936621515719750000000,-94.589924812316900000000 |
01030021 | 1977 | 1d | TX | Jeff Davis | Late evening road encounter in Big Bend country. | I was towing my friend's car back to Midland TX. We were coming through the Davis Mt. area of SW Texas. The road was a two lane highway. I saw something on the side of the road that at first looked like a large cactus. I was driving about thirty-five mph. I hit my high beams and slowed down. When I turned on my brights I saw a very large head turn away. By then we were passing this thing. It looked to be about seven ft. tall. As we went by we all turned and looked at it, and it was looking at us as well. It had a very large head, large eyes and very long thick hair. The body was covered with thick, matted hair. It stood with a stoop and the arms were very long. This thing did not move as we drove past. But there was a very strong smell like garbage. | Marfa, Texas | 30.451041433506940000000,-103.977355957031250000000 |
01980006 | 1977 | 3a | TX | Lampasas | Boys have encounter on Lampasas River. | During August of the summer of 1977, I had gone fishing with five of my school buddies down at the Lampasas River. We got there during the early evening hours (approx. 5:30) so there would be plenty of daylight for us to set out our trot-lines. We used a row boat to get up the river where we would set the lines up against the river bank, about 1/4 mile up stream from the overpass we had set camp under. Once the lines were set-up we would take turns going to check for fish and to re-bait the hooks. The first check came about 7:30. No fish were caught and the hooks were re-baited. The second came about 8:30 and still no fish; the hooks were re-baited. At 9:30 it was time for myself and Glen to go check the lines. Out of the six of us teenaged fishermen, Glen was the most level headed one. He was a non-drinker, non-smoker, Eagle Scout, and one of the funniest guys you would ever meet. The rest of us were a bunch of hoodlums that liked drinking and cutting up. So anyway, we set off to check the lines. We got to the bank where it dropped off a couple of feet and found the line (it had been marked with a red piece of cloth around the tree by it). I got a hold of the line and began pulling us down to the end as Glen was re-baiting the hooks which I pulled up. It took about 20 minutes to finish the baiting and we started back down the river (still no fish). About 50 feet from the end of our trot-line there ran a gravel bed along the rivers bottom from one bank to the other. So when you get to this point you have to pick the boat up and carry it about 50 feet until you get over it, then sit the boat back down, hop in, and take off. The depth of the water on the bed was only about 18 inches and when walking on it would make a very loud grinding sound, like rocks rubbing together. If you look around at the scene from this position you see the river in front and behind you but on both sides the river banks slope up and are covered with trees. From the top of the slope to the water is probably about 30-40 feet with an incline of about 15 degrees. So we get to the gravel bed and I get out first since I was in the front of the boat. I step onto the bed and pull the boat forward so Glen can step out. We pick the boat up and begin carrying it across. After about 3-4 steps we hear what sounds to be a very sharp cracking sound. We both stop and listen. Nothing but silence. We begin and again hear a loud cracking sound. Now we question each other as to what it was, could be. All of the sudden we hear what sounded like something rushing towards us from the West bank. We could hear what sounded like trees being broken, and we could see by the moonlight trees falling from the top of the bank coming straight for us. We are frozen and neither of us moves. Whatever it is, it is now coming right for us. It gets through the trees and is completely exposed to the moonlight. This thing was coming at us VERY quickly. I fell backwards and caught myself with the boat. This was all I needed to snap me out of this trance. I held onto the boat and ran as hard and fast as I could over the gravel. Glen was still holding onto the back and quickly hit the water. He too came out of his shock and we worked together to get out of there. Fishing gear, bait, paddles, cushions, everything was flying out the boat. We were screaming like a couple of 8 year old girls. My feet found the drop off of the gravel bed and I jumped in the boat, grabbed the only paddle I saw, and began paddling. Glen's feet overlooked the drop off and he went over his head in water. He quickly surfaced and flew into the boat and grabbed a seat cushion and began paddling. We made it to the overpass and all of the guys were yelling at us, they wanted to know what had happened. We jumped out of the boat and told them all to get the hell out of here. Knowing we were VERY serious, we left everything, got in our trucks and took off back to Cove. We ended up at Glen's house for the night. | Lampasas | 31.082672378191468000000,-98.020920753479000000000 |
01020049 | 1977 | 3a | TX | Hunt | Driver reports late night road encounter at Sulphur River near Commerce. | Around 11 pm returning to Commerce along Hwy. 50, as I approached the Sulphur River bottom I noticed movement along the east side of the highway near the shoulder. There was another vehicle heading south coming from the opposite direction of my travel. At first I thought it was just a shadow caused by the on coming cars headlights. As I got closer the object I had noticed moved quickly across the road heading west. What I saw was a very large animal that walked upright, but just slightly slumped forward as it moved. It did not run but took very long steps as it moved. As I passed where the animal had crossed I slowed down to look. I could not see anything. I believe the oncoming car also saw the animal as it braked when it went by the spot as well. The car did not brake because I had slowed down. Once the car had passed I decided to turn around and go back. I saw nothing else. It was dark that night with very little light from the moon the best that I can remember. | Commerce | 33.211260094173620000000,-95.914421081542970000000 |
01100013 | 1977 | 3a | TX | Cherokee | Young Man and His Dog Have Close Encounter With 7ft Creature That Dropped Out of a Tree | Between 1977 and 1978, when I was about 8.years old out in the country. I was playing with my dog Peanuts. We had a pretty big yard, and two dirt roads that split it from the woods. I was about a hundred yards from my house playing with my dog and noticed a tree that was moving or swaying by itself among a group of trees. These trees were about 50 feet in height and full of leaves and I thought it strange because there was no wind. I picked up a hand full of rocks and threw maybe 3-4. After the 4th one, from about 15 feet up, something jumped out of the tree. It landed facing me. Its legs never even bent when it hit the ground. I was around 25 feet from it and I just froze, could not scream. I will never forget this. It seemed like it lasted a life time. The thing stood there looking at me. It had to have been 7 feet tall with brown hair that was long. It had arms that hung past the knees. Me and the creature look each other in the eyes and just stared at each other. I remember I could not move. It bared its teeth and was growling. I was scared it was going to take me. At this point, my dog stared barking at it. We were so close I saw its eyes go from me to my dog. My dog started lunging forward toward it and it was growling more baring more of its teeth. It at this point turned around and took off into the woods, kind of bounding off. It was so big. My dog went after it. At the same time I turned around screaming at my dog to come back and running to the house which was a 100 yards away. I told my mom and my two older brothers about it but they did not believe me. They did go out to the road and woods where it happened to look. I was still round up and crying. We went back to the house and I sat by the front door fearing the worst about my dog. A couple hours later, he did come back home. Coming out of the woods he was wet and had blood on him, but I could not find a wound on him, so I guessed it was the thing?s blood. I never saw it again and never went in the woods from that day forward unless I had a gun, because I actually did hunt a lot in years to come. | jacksonville | 31.980123357368010000000,-95.259232521057130000000 |
01040032 | 1976 | 3a | TX | Cooke | Youth reports sighting near bridge. | I was 14 years old in 1976. It was either Nov or Dec 1976 and I had ridden my dirt bike to what is known in Cooke County, Texas as the Old Toll Bridge located at the Red River. At the river stands 3 old piers that supported the bridge back in the 20s or 30s. I was standing by the edge of the river looking at the ice float by when I heard what sounded like to me as coon dogs hot on the trail of something across the river on the Oklahoma side. As I looked across I saw a dark hairy animal, or something, running on two legs like a human. There was a dead tree log that this large animal jumped over. The coon dogs jumped across the log after it. As I watched in amazement I heard the lead dog let out a loud yelp. The 2nd dog came running back and jumped over the log back into the direction that they originally came from. The first dog never came back nor made another sound. At 14 years old it scared the hell out of me so I ran and jumped on my motorcycle and took off home. I told everyone at the house of what I saw and everyone laughed at me. I had been back there several times after that but never seen or heard anything. The Old Toll Bridge Road is now closed off. I know what I saw and it wasn't human nor a bear. It was a bigfoot. Next was in the late summer of 1978 and my friend and I had just returned from cruising the drag in town. We had gone back to his parents? house out by the Girls? State School in Gainesville, TX. When we got there, his parents, brothers and sister were all in the back yard not talking. We asked them what was going on and his Dad said just to listen. We said what for. He said that they had heard some kind of wild animal growl coming from creek bottom out in Mr. [neighbor]'s pasture. We set there for a while and they went in. I was talking to my friend when we heard a load roaring growl. Like a four wheel drive truck locking up the tires on the highway. Just then it did it again. We ran inside and told his parents. They said just to leave it alone. We went and snuck out our .22 rifles and jumped in the truck to drive down to where the creek went under the bridge just east of state school. As we were listening we heard birds chirping then flying off out of their roost. Then we heard limbs breaking and rocks being knocked around on the creek bed. We decided to get out of there and left ASAP. The next day we went back over to where we had access to get to the creek by the highway. David and I walked the creek when we came across a bare foot footprint that was much larger than any grown man. We left and never made it back there again. | Gainesville | 33.818001709154660000000,-96.524612903594970000000 |
01020008 | 1976 | 3a | TX | Lamar | Visual encounters reported near Pat Mayse Lake. | While camping at Hippie Point on Pat Mayse lake, myself and two other guys had something circling our camp. We decided to leave the camp. I was on my way to the observation deck on the dam, when I noticed a creature watching me. The creature watched me from the guard rail on the road. When I got back to the camp the other two asked me what was following me. I told them what it was. My second sighting took place in March 2001. Creature stood up on the side of the road when I passed. The creature looked to be about 6 feet tall and had long reddish brown hair. | Paris | 33.850458953137950000000,-95.540542602539060000000 |
02080019 | 1976 | 3a | OK | Hughes | Woman recalls childhood encounters. | We were walking down the road enjoying our summer vacation. When one of us noticed that there was something walking in the pasture North of where we were standing. It was close to 7 feet tall, had long white hair (at least a foot), was walking on two legs. It stopped when it noticed us standing there watching it. Actually we were almost too scared to run. Anyway it acted like it was going to come our way so we took off for a little ways then stopped to look again. Everyone knows that a fence with 6 strands of barbed wire is at least 5 feet tall right. Well, it stepped over that like it wasn't there and kept on going to the East taking long strides and swinging its arms back and forth while it walked. A few days later we were in the same general area and noticed some long white hair hooked on the top wire of the fence. We took it home to prove our story we told the day before. We called it a Honka. Have to say that we were more careful about how late we stayed out from that day on. Always made sure we were home before dark. Until the moment we saw it we had heard lots of stories but never believed them. Seeing is believing. If you can talk to anyone in the Dustin area you will be told of several sightings of this nature and also will be told about what everyone called "The Light". We found a long white hair on the top wire of one of the fences that crossed his property. | Dustin | 35.251647185825810000000,-96.043510437011720000000 |
01020056 | 1976 | 3a | TX | Upshur | Woman reports visual encounter near Little Cypress Bayou on Highway 154. | It's been nearly 30 yrs ago. My experience took place in the summer of 1976. Too long ago to remember the month. My husband and I were going to the Lake O' The Pines for the weekend. We were meeting friends, as we often did. It was late in the afternoon, but not yet dark. I would say it was 7:30 or 8:00. In the summer it didn't get dark till 9:30. On the side of the road on a hill along a fence row is where I saw it. Maybe 10 or 15 ft away. It was squatted down (like a human would) next to a fence post. I remember how big it was. Even squatted down it was as tall or taller than the fence post. It really shook me up. I ask my husband DID YOU SEE THAT? We were pulling a boat and his eyes had been on the road so he missed it. When we got to the lake I told everyone I had just seen Bigfoot. A lady friend of mine said she had seen one also in that area while hunting. She said she had it in her gun scope, but was afraid to shoot it. We both wrote down what we had seen, color and all and compared notes. Hers was just like mine. We both had seen large brownish animals. I know bears and this was no bear. | Diana | 32.702702762905375000000,-94.729056358337400000000 |
01080031 | 1976 | 3a | TX | Marion | Family experiences strange activity and daughter has close visual encounter during two-week period. | At the time I was a teen-age girl. My parents and sisters and I were staying in a small weekend cabin located at the end of a dead end road that was near Black Cypress Creek. I had enjoyed hiking and riding my horse on the thousands of acres of pasture, woods and creek since I was small. There had never been anything that scared me or caused me to be frightened in this lovely countryside. This ended for me after what I witnessed. We had heard some strange screams or howls coming from the woods every night for several nights running. My mother described the sound as an old-fashioned horn that might be on an old car, but I knew it wasn't a horn. It was some sort of animal that we had not heard in the woods. One night, as one of my sisters was standing by the kitchen sink, she smelled a horrible smell and she called me and our mother to the window. We were all three overcome by a really strong stench coming from the darkness outside. We finally agreed whatever had been making the screams in the woods was probably outside of the window, but no one volunteered to go out and see what it was. Later, after my mother went to bed we were startled as someone or something pounded on the kitchen wall near the window. We ran to our mother who was sleeping in the bedroom, but she refused to investigate thinking we girls were simply trying to frighten her. Not long after, one night I returned home late from the neighbor's house. It was very dark, and the family had forgotten to leave the porch light on for me. I had to park the car approximately 30 ? 50 yards from the house because of a locked gate. I sat in the car for approximately fifteen minutes to adjust my eyes to the dark because I knew I had a long walk in the darkness to reach the front steps. I got out of the car and approached the gate. I found that my family had also forgotten to leave the gate unlocked. Rather than fumble with the lock, I decided to simply crawl through the barbwire fence. About the time I got one leg through and was ducking down to pass through, I heard a lopping sort of sound coming towards me down the fence line near the house. I could tell it was a large animal coming towards me, so I quickly tried to go through the fence. My first thought was that a bear was about to attack me. Suddenly a large, dark figure loomed over me. It came to a stop about an arm?s length from me and actually bent over me as if to look closely at me. I could tell that it was no bear. I actually felt the hot breath of the animal as it moved its head closer to me. I started screaming frantically. Whatever it was became alarmed at my screams and ran away. As it ran, my eyes were accustomed enough to the dark to see it run away on two legs until it was out of sight. I estimated it was very tall, because it had no trouble in bending over and down to look at me. My screaming brought the family to the fence where they helped untangle me and took me inside the house for medical attention. | Jefferson | 32.821362049034136000000,-94.400925636291500000000 |
23020101 | 1976 | 3a | OH | Pike | Family Encounters Large Bipedal Creature Along Roadway | I was approximately 9-11 yrs old and I am certain our encounter was with a sasquatch as were leaving our home. It was in the evening, not pitch dark out but just dark enough for headlights to be on. My mom and dad were having a heated argument about something in the truck as were leaving. My dad was driving, I was seated between them and my mom was on the passenger side looking out the window. I don't recall where we were going, I think to a relatives house. When my dad made a right out of the driveway, the headlights fell on a figure and at first I thought it was just a person walking down the side of the road. But then I realized it wasn't wearing clothes, no shoes, just a dark brown, scruffy like coat of hair from head to foot. It did not run when the headlights landed on it. It simply hurried its steps to get to the side of the road where it went up a slight embankment leading to a brushy, wooded area. I remember thinking, why is his arms so long? It had rather long arms and the palm of its right hand was kind of cupped and faced toward its back side as it hurried. It was not massive, around 6 - 6'5 ft tall, not thin but thick or stocky. It never turned around, just hurried it's steps to get out of view. I sat quietly between my parents as my dad drove. I never asked about the figure because my parents were angry with each other and I didn't want to add fuel to the fire. My dad never mentioned it if he saw the figure and I think it was because he and my mom were still angry with each other. As the driver, I'm sure he saw it but may have assumed it was a person. I don't believe my mom saw the figure at all because she was kind of facing the passenger window, she was still angry at my dad and stayed silent. I have never spoken of this incident. I was a kid and I didn't know what a "sasquatch" was then. We had no cable tv, cell phones, etc. so I had no idea at the time, of what I had seen. I didn't know what to think at the time but am 100% certain of what I saw crossing the road that evening. We lived in Pike county Ohio at the time in a small house on Lapperell road. I remember the incident as if it were yesterday and that image has been in my head since that evening. I never spoke of it because I know how unbelievable the story sounds and in todays society I understand that. However, I would take a polygraph, that is how certain I am of what I saw. I am not seeking anything from anyone. I know you must receive thousands of similar emails. I simply hope this information will help in determining siting's in that area during that time frame and am happy to answer any questions about my incident if you have any. | latham | 39.094960811789110000000,-83.207179013989250000000 |
22012001 | 1976 | 3a | MN | St. Louis | Man Has Frightening Night Encounter | While walking on on older trail, to meet up with some high school classmates, to a kegger party I personally saw A huge creature. I am 6' 2" tall, it stood in my path at at least 8'-8' 6" tall, dark brown, and stuck. It was not a bear, but it growled at me then continued into the woods. It scared the B jesus out of me, and when I left the party I walked back with several other classmates. I stopped venturing into the woods alone after that. Around Hibbing and the outer area I have personally meet many other people who have told me they have also seen a tall stinky harry beast that they were not sure what it was, 'cept it wasn't a bear. | Eveleth | 47.457586983659525000000,-92.541515625408920000000 |
01120097 | 1976 | 3a | TX | Tyler | Close highway encounter on Highway 287 near Woodville. | I was headed home to Port Arthur from Oklahoma around 7PM and I was on HWY 287 between Chester and Woodville, about 5 miles from Woodville when I saw this big dark thing running down the side of a hill towards the highway. I had my bright lights on and it stopped in the middle of the highway. I slammed on my brakes and I slid sideways, and it looked at me with red eyes. The thing was dark brown and hairy, about 8 feet tall with a chest about three feet wide. My passenger window was down and it growled at me, then it took about 5 strides off the highway and up the hill on the north side of the highway. I stopped at a grocery store when I got to Woodville and told the Cashier on duty what I saw. She said they got reports of this all the time in the big thicket. | Woodville | 30.817346256492073000000,-94.485168457031250000000 |
01000003 | 1976 | 3a | TX | Upshur | Man on horseback has visual encounter. | It was about 8 pm, it had been an Indian summer type day and I had taken my horse for a long ride one Saturday afternoon. I lost track of time and I was late getting back from my ride. This horse was a well broke animal and as I came down a dirt road where there was a plank bridge the horse started to prance, snort and blow and he was watching something off to my left. I have excellent night vision and started trying to see what was spooking the horse. This horse had a long mane and I noticed it standing part way out like it was charged by static electricity, and the hair on my arms and back of my neck were standing up too. There was a full moon coming up that night and about a 10 mile an hour wind from the north blowing against my back. As I got over the bridge on the horse I could see in an opening in a meadow two large creatures standing erect and side by side watching me on the horse. They appeared to be swaying back and forth like they were trying to scent what was coming down the road. One looked to be about 7-8 ft tall and the other 6-7ft tall. I started to get scared even though they were on the other side of a barbed wire fence and about 35yards from the horse and me. I kicked the horse into a gallop and headed home my heart pounding in my chest. I looked back over my shoulder and saw them disappear slowly still walking erect into the woods. | Gladewater | 32.555422549252306000000,-94.944362640380860000000 |
23120301 | 1976 | 3a | AB | Early Morning Sighting of Large Creature Running on Two Legs | Early one morning with a friend we took a 1/4 mile drive to check fences and cattle from the farm. Coming to the first fence we noticed it was down. Pulling into a short grass 20 acre meadow we drove to the high spot in the middle of the meadow. Looking to the far right corner of the meadow my friend and I saw a large dark figure on two legs looking at us from the tree line. The size of the beast was stunning. Dark, hairy, long arms and after a time of about 20 seconds it moved from where it was across the corner to the other tree line at an angle and disappear into the tree line on other side of meadow. We were frozen and dumb founded and didn't move. To say the least we were in slight shock. This beast did not run but strode steadily towards its destination in a movement that was hard to comprehend as it moved like nothing I've ever encountered in my 65 years of life. I've been raised by my elders as a hunter gatherer and have a good sense of bush encounters from wolves, bears, big cats. This was an encounter beyond my senses. We gathered our senses and shot back to the ranch to tell his dad. His dad was a hard man that didn't believe what we told him. All 3 of us went back to the fields to let him look. We told him where it was and he went to the spot and came back to tell us he didn't even see a track. Up the road about a couple hundred yards was another gate fence and the wires were pulled apart like taffy. About 20 yards in was a milk cow that had been pulled apart just like the wires with the intestines only linking the two body parts and the parts being about 8 feet apart. Figure that one out ! His father was speechless and ushered us back to the farm. The cops and fish and game came out. Everything was taken. We weren't talked to by the authorities only my friends father said it was wolves and end of story ! My friend never spoke to me again after leaving the farm and moving away. Odd that they left shortly after this encounter. I know what I saw and that can never be taken from me regardless of what people might say or think. Wish I was a little wiser in my younger years so that I could have done more to do something more to prove our encounter. | St.Paul | 53.968758451697010000000,-111.262813124609380000000 | |
01020006 | 1976 | 3a | TX | Lamar | Alleged encounters in Pine Creek near Powderly. | I had two sightings in the middle 1970s. The first was with my brother and friend. The second time was when I was by myself. The first time the animal was very large, dark brown hair with green moss. Big head, no ears, little neck. I was sitting on a bridge with my brother and brother's friend. We were shooting at turtles and snakes with our .22 rifles. The creature was under water. The shooting of .22 shells in the water brought the creature up. The creature also swam under water from one side of the bridge to the other. | Powderly | 33.799833821585146000000,-95.435485839843750000000 |
03080016 | 1975 | 3b | AR | Montgomery | Brothers recall night time encounter at grandfather's mountain home. | It was my grandfather's trailer and he and my dad were out on patrol as he was the city marshall. My older brother was sitting on the couch watching TV and eating a sandwich while my little brother and I ate spaghetti-os. My older brother kept shielding his eyes with his hand like he was out in the sun but it was night time and we were indoors. When asked why he became very upset and said something was looking at him through the window in the front door. My mother looked and saw it too and put a blanket over the window so it couldn't see in. Later she would say it looked like "a dirty old hairy hippie, with glowing eyes". The blanket must have angered it or scared it. It pushed on the trailer and rocked it a little then after walking around the trailer house a few times and breathing really loud it tore apart a shed out back that was empty and left, later everyone tried to write it off as a black bear, but when we cut our stay short and left the next morning, the bottom stair on the front deck was broken and about 3 feet out was a perfect bare human footprint I remember as being somewhat large but not gigantic, probably only as large as a big man with a size 13 or larger feet. I think it smashed through the step and landed hard on one foot. It was the only track. This is when I committed the greatest crime against cryptozoology, I picked up a stick and obliterated it. Sorry guys, I was five and it was how I fought back, it would have been the perfect cast, and I wish I had understood then how important a cast would have been. | Glenwood | 34.344003009744206000000,-93.593902587890620000000 |
01000002 | 1975 | 3a | TX | Walker | Girl reports having visual encounter while rowing a boat across a lake in Huntsville State Park. | My family and I had gone to Huntsville State Park like we always had every summer. My nephew (who happens to be close to the same age as me) told me he wanted to take me to a neat place that he had been earlier with other family members. He said they found it while fishing, and that they caught alot of fish over there. So we got in the row boat and started paddling across the lake to the other side. We were almost to the other side, and I remember him saying something about once we get into the trail we will have to go all the way thru, that there was no way to turn around in it. Right after that we started to turn into the trail, all of the sudden it seemed like every bird in the world decided to fly away. I remember smiling and looking up to watch them. Then as I was turning my face back down toward the shoreline something caught the left hand corner of my eye. It was an animal in the form of a man, all dark haired, blackish or dark dark brown. It was running away from us to the left. It ran so fast with long strides. It ran like a man, arms in the same position a man runs like, not hanging to his sides but in a jogging position. The thing that I still remember so clearly is its eyes. I saw the fear in its eyes. It was so scared. I still see the whites of its eyes so clearly in my mind. While it was running, it was looking back at us. Meanwhile while all this was going on I proceeded to flip out completely. As soon as my eye caught the creature, I started screaming hysterically. My nephew asked what was wrong, and I told him thru my sobs, while I proceeded to paddle that boat as fast as I could away. I remember my nephew commenting on how fast I was paddling, he thought it was funny. He apparently didn't see what I had seen. I was totally hysterical, I've never been "out of it like that before or since", I was so scared, I just wanted to be away from there. While we were paddling back, my nephew looked back and said he saw a whole bunch of them and they are splashing around in the water. That only freaked me out more, and I paddled faster. Sorry to say I don't know to this day if he was joking with me or not, but my instinct tells me he was, because he would have been scared like I was if he saw what I did. It's weird, but I never talked to him about it again, I don't know why. The only other people who I told this to are my husband and children. I know they believe me, but they still kind of laughingly joke about it to me. So you can understand why I've never told anyone else face to face, they'd think I was an idiot. Anyways to tell you how scared I was, when we got back to camp we accidentally pulled the boat into the wrong campsite. As we turned the boat around we faced the direction that we had just came from (the other side) when I saw the direction that we had just come from, I started to freak out again, crying and sobbing uncontrollably saying," I don't want to go back, I don't want to go back." This all happened when I was about 12 years old. I am now 37, and have since learned to not be afraid anymore, because I can still see its eyes in my mind, those whites of its eyes, the fear in its eyes. He or she wouldn't have hurt us I don't think, we must have caught it off guard, and frightened it. I still live in East Texas, we live in the country, surrounded by acreage of pine trees. I only live about an hour and a half away from Huntsville. Most nights my children and I are here alone because of my husband's work, but I go to sleep without any fear. | Huntsville | 30.611950568350240000000,-95.526509284973140000000 |
01030008 | 1975 | 3a | TX | Cooke | Teacher remembers encounters near "Old 1893 Bridge." | I feel stupid doing this but my teacher told us in class the other day about his bigfoot experiences. I don't want to attempt to tell the whole story but you people should really talk to him. I respect him a lot and he told us that he has encountered a "creature" at least 6 times in his life time in or near the vicinity of a bridge called the "1893 bridge" in Cooke County, Texas. It's located northeast of Callisburg on Survey Road. He told us that they have seen it in the light of their headlights. He said it stood at least 8 maybe 9 foot tall and that it could step over a fence line. On one occasion he told us the creature was bouncing a limb up and down with its arms one night in the light of their headlights and they measured the height of the limb the next day and he said he couldn't even reach the limb. On several occasions there was more than one person in the vehicle with him. Several times he had people go with him during the day time to look for tracks and stuff and he said that they found bones in the bottom of this creek where they had seen the creature during the night time. He claims that his buddies have taken shots at the creature but it never had any effect (he didn't know if they hit it). I hope this can be of some use to you. This is all second hand but it is from a well respected man of the community who doesn't lie. I can find out exact details if you would like me to. | Callisburg | 33.738544490736640000000,-96.945043802261350000000 |
01020048 | 1975 | 1d | TX | Van Zandt | Two boys recall visual encounter out behind family land in Sabine River Basin. | A friend and I were at the back of my family's land playing at the creek. As we were playing I noticed something under a tree that was out in a pasture along a fence line. My friend and I saw what appeared to be something squatting down. This thing was human in appearance but was dark in color that looked like fur or long hair. As we watched it suddenly seemed to raise up its arm. At this time we were scared and started to head back to the house. We looked back and then again it raised its arm then let it fall back to its side. We ran as fast as we could back to my house. This thing looked just like a huge monkey squatting down. | Canton | 32.503609139537000000000,-95.876569747924800000000 |
01000008 | 1975 | 3a | TX | Parker | Woman remembers encounter not far from Brazos River. | I was driving home from town, to my parents house in southwest Parker County, when I came to the turn off to go down their road. I saw something big to the left of the road. It was dark brown or black and was standing up next to a tree. It must have been 7 or 8 foot tall. It looked like it was eating leaves off a tree or something. As I drove up to the turnoff, it ran back (on 2 legs) into more trees, toward my parents home. I was afraid to get out of the car when I reached the house, thinking this thing could be right behind me. This memory has always haunted me. I do not like going down to my parents house at night any more, for fear something is living around that area. My parents' house is about 1 to 1 1/2 miles from the Brazos river. | Bennett | 32.704977829667980000000,-98.040618896484370000000 |
24101101 | 1974 | 3a | TX | Comal | Unusual activity and footpints found in Comal County, Texas. | We chose a campsite across from the restrooms. At the road going into the site was a concrete slab with a water faucet. We backed our car in, there were shrubs between the campsite and the road. We could smell a campfire and heard boys singing in the distance, assuming it was Boy Scouts. We were sleeping in our tent. I woke to sound of footsteps nearby and then two hands slapped the top of the tent. My husband got out of the tent and rocks started being thrown at him, maybe a dozen times. The rocks were being thrown from behind the shrubs near the road. We took our sleeping 11 month old and got in our car and left. Left everything behind. I don't remember the little town we stopped at, but we stayed the night in a hotel until sunrise. We drove back to the campsite to get our belongings. My husband walked to the area the rocks were being thrown from and there were very large bare footprints. They were clearly seen in the loose soft soil. Our conversation was who would have such large feet and why weren't they wearing shoes as the air was cool and crisp. We went to walk across the road and we saw there was a dead snake that looked like it was almost pulled in half, laying on the slab under the water faucet. Most terrifying night of my life. Actually, it was life altering because I became aware of primal fear and knew I could do whatever it took to protect my child. I'm reporting it now as this will be the 50th anniversary and I want this to be known. | Spring Branch | 29.840551300000000000000,-98.410499600000000000000 |
04080020 | 1974 | 3a | LA | Rapides Parish | Firefighter Captain remembers childhood encounter. | I'm 40 now, what I saw and heard was from when I was about 8 years old. We (family) used to go camping a lot during the summer months to various camping areas. This time we went to an area just outside of Indian Creek known to us as Little Indian Creek. I had been asleep when I was awakened by the sounds of the raccoons in the garbage cans as they often did. Being a kid it was fun as well as fascinating to watch them play so I decided to stay up and watch them; everyone else was still sleeping. I don't know how long I watched but I noticed they kept looking towards the woods. The woods were separated from our camp by a narrow (4'-5' across) but deep stream (5-6' deep). The embankment was about 10 feet in height at this point in the creek. All of a sudden I heard a loud splash, the sound was like wading. It was at this point that I noticed all the raccoons were gone. I crouched down barely looking over the window edge so as not to let what was coming across the creek see me watching. As it rose out of the creek it let out a very deep growl almost roar type sound then made some grunting sounds as it climbed the embankment as it did this I heard another splash as it sounded like another entered the water. I watched as the 1st silhouetted creature climbed out of the creek area and into sight (we kept 2 lanterns on during the night for security reasons). As I saw this creature go through our things that were left out, I began to cry from fear. In front of me was a creature that appeared at least 7' tall and very big, and appeared to be covered in hair. I watched it as the 2nd came out of the creek making almost the same growl and grunting sounds as the 1st had done. I laid back down, not wanting to see them look my way and come to where I was. I lay there motionless for what seemed forever till I heard them leave the same way they had come. As they did the racoons returned shortly thereafter. The next day I found where something clawed its way up the embankment. I never told anyone about what I saw that night. | Woodworth | 31.120998753790086000000,-92.482738494873040000000 |
01010006 | 1974 | 3a | TX | Cherokee | Petroleum field engineer reports experience as a child. | Our family has some property down in deep East Texas at the top of what is called the Piney Woods region. We have about 200 acres with open pasture fronting a farm-to-market road and pushing back into the middle of the property and heavy woods in a U shape on the sides and back into the back of the parcel. There are two streams that originate on the land and another that passes through; two in the east woods, one in the west. On the east side the woods are many miles deep going back across other properties and all the way over to some river bottom land where the Neches River runs through that part of the country. Anyway it was early spring before the leaves had come out and everything was still fairly dead looking except the evergreens. I was out playing 50 yards from the trailer on the outside ring of a tall stand of large trees and about 250 yards from the edge of the forest. It was about dusk, just before dinner time, but there was enough light to clearly see down into the edge of the forest. I kept getting the willies or the feeling that something was not quite right and for some reason I was drawn to look to the east woods tree line - like I felt I was being watched, but I don't think I would have put it that way at the time. I just stopped playing (I had just come down from climbing a sweetgum tree and was looking for lizards at the base) and kept looking at the tree-line several times. About the second or third time this happened I noticed a low evergreen shrub (in the shadows of the woods even evergreens look kinda grey/brown or just darker than the surroundings) or at least a dark pear shape that I took to be like a small bushy cedar just inside the forest canopy - I thought something like "that sure looks like a big person shaped bush . . . " and probably thought it looked creepy or something. A few moments later the feeling was so strong I stood straight up and looked right at that bush - no scanning the line - that bush was what I focused on. I must have stood there stock still for a solid 20 count just staring at this shape when I got the shock and, frankly, the fright of my young life! The damned thing stood up and ambled off into the woods! Down into a streambed and up the other bank off into the forest to be exact! It looked just exactly like a very large man wearing a solid dark fur parka pulled up over it's head only there's just no way it was a dude in a coat - there was no variation in clothing, no lines, waving flapping wrinkling nothing. I can tell you I was jolted with fear like nothing you can imagine - first to realize I had been observed for all that time and second by something big and very monster looking to me at the time (I was eleven). After it was gone I ran into the house crying that I had seen a monster in the woods. My father dismissed the entire affair as a black cow down in the woods, but I've been out in those woods all my life and even had the cows come up on me in the woods while I was camping out - that was no cow. On a side note, although I've never again seen anything fishy down at that property, there have been reports in Rusk County over the years, which is just one county south of Cherokee County. Also, when my father and I were discussing this event recently my dad pointed out something I thought a bit odd. We have sometimes heard the thunderous pounding of our entire herd of cows running up through the pasture away from the woods, always at night, and always up from the woods. Who knows, maybe there's something passing through. | Reklaw | 31.887469549562286000000,-95.049247741699220000000 |
01030002 | 1973 | 3a | TX | Fannin | Two people recall road encounter not far from the Red River. | It was around the end of 1973 or the beginning of 1974. It was 6 miles north of Savoy, Texas. It was only about 1/2 mile from the Oklahoma border (the Red River). I was traveling at night and therefore I did not get a good look. I was about to go across a small bridge and this creature on 2 legs darted across in front of me. It was large - I would guess at least 8 or 9 feet tall. It was dark in color and walked quite swiftly to get across the bridge and then just simply disappeared into the woods there. I did not stop to investigate, but a friend was with me and we both looked at each other at the same time and said, "What in the world was that?" We both saw the same thing. | Savoy | 33.678871982430470000000,-96.349003314971920000000 |
01020028 | 1973 | 3a | TX | Montgomery | Two teenage boys have encounter while camping and fishing on San Jacinto River. | My friend and I saw a large hairy animal squatting down on the river bank. I was drawing its hand to its mouth. We shined our spot light on the animal. It raised up very quick and let out a loud scream. It then turned and ran back into the woods. | Conroe, TX | 30.270631855582238000000,-95.471534729003900000000 |
01020032 | 1973 | 3a | TX | Smith | Couple parked at Lake Palestine has late night encounter. | My fiance and I were sitting in his Volkswagen discussing our wedding plans. We heard rustling around the car. My fiance felt uncomfortable and started the car. He put the car in reverse. When we both looked back, we could see the lights from the car reflect off something. We saw something very large standing on two feet. We could only see it from the waist down. We were parked at a cliff overlooking Lake Palestine. | Chandler | 32.286806113363820000000,-95.447931289672850000000 |
01110080 | 1973 | 3c | TX | Smith | Fishermen Have Late Night Visitor Emerge From Lake | My co-worker,and I had been fishing on Lake Palestine most of the particular day this incident occurred (I can't recall the exact day....but it was a Saturday). The lake was still filling and relatively new...with no campgrounds or facilities, although there was a boat launching ramp. We weren't able to spend the night at the ramp area because (as I recall)...it was closed at night. John had planned the whole trip and had decided that we would spend the night parked along side a dirt road that ran below & behind the dam...through a flooded palmetto & tree filled swamp (both sides of the road).The palmetto and brush was so thick,...one could only see into swamp...maybe twenty feet,...in the few "open" areas. I was able to view the area since we had finished fishing and retrieved the boat while there was still sunlight,...in order to find a suitable spot to park and prepare our dinner before dark.We intended to rise early and begin fishing the next morning at around daylight....when we could launch the boat again. We had brought all that we needed to prepare two grilled steaks and potatoes/onions...which we did, starting with the chunks of potato/onion wrapped in foil....cooked long enough to be near ready before grilling the steaks. We had parked on the side closest to the dam...and I remember the slight breeze was from the opposite side of the road....carrying the smoke into the swamp towards the dam. By this time there was no daylight but we were able to work/prepare by the light of the cook fire. The swamp was absolutely filled with the chorus of probably hundreds, if not thousands, of frogs. This was in the Spring,...we had had some significant rain earlier in the week, as I recall,..so the conditions were perfect for the mating of all types of amphibians. The noise was almost deafening,....very loud, indeed! It had been since it became dusk....maybe 35-45 minutes earlier. We were actually enjoying noise and just being in that unique moment in the natural setting. At about the time everything was ready,....and we were preparing to eat,....almost every frog instantly became silent....as though we were in a movie....a moment later it was entirely quiet. It was then,....that we heard the sound of something moving through the swamp...seemed to be as much as 75 - 100 yards away....that was initially off to our right a little,...but eventually began coming straight towards us. The most unsettling part of what we heard,...was that it was definitely on two legs....and sounded as if it was dragging it feet through the water.....with long strides. I still remember those sounds....with maybe a whole second passing between strides.... ssssslooooshhh......sssslooooshhh. Now, John grew up near Caldwell, Texas,....in the country,...on a farm....been hunting & fishing all his life. He knew the animals, wild & domestic,...that were in those parts,...having encountered them in daylight & night. I had been doing the same all my life,...hunting & fishing during all hours of the night & day. The study of natural sciences were a passion of mine. I was very familiar with the sounds of animals moving - day or night. Neither of us had ever heard such a sound as what we heard that night. We don't believe it was a man....since it was coming through the swamp in pitch blackness....we were certain there were at least a few poisonous snakes out there....hunting the frogs, at least. There was no visible light whatsoever. Occasionally, (especially when it got closer),...we could hear a limb break or a palmetto frond rustling across other fronds....all the while the slow, methodical slooshing of each stride....a movie script couldn't have made it more suspenseful. By this time,...we were nervously wolfing our food down,...whispering to one another,...trying to figure out what this could be....neither having any certain idea to even speculate. All we had for any semblance of defense were two steak knives. As whatever it was came to within 40-50 feet of us,...approaching more slowly and quieter....John asked me to reach into the cab of his truck (window was open)...and manuever the spotlight mounted on the driver side (the control handle was inside....the spotlight pivoted as you turned the handle....the on-off switch was positioned above the handle)....and to turn it on. I quietly eased up to the front of the truck and did just that. When I thought I had the spot pointing toward the area I thought "it" was...I turned on the light. The moment that light came on.....the scariest moment of my life.....whatever "it" was,...immediately began crashing through the brush away from us....breaking large limbs in the process...a tremendous noise...a mixture of splashing water & crashing brush that lasted maybe 5 seconds.....and then....absolute silence. I turned off the spotlight since we couldn't see into the swamp but maybe 4-5 feet, at best....a virtual wall of palmetto fronds & limbs with moss. We were terribly frightened....I became more alarmed when I realized how frightened John was....(I had always looked up to him for his "woodsman" knowledge & experience....he was about 10 years my senior). We never heard another sound again....except an occasional frog trill/croak. We then sought refuge within the camper on the back of his truck...clutching our steak knives the whole time. I still get goose bumps recalling this incident. We discussed leaving ....at length....but it was a long drive from there to our homes in Houston....and we decided to wait and see what happened. After a few hours,....I guess we fell asleep....but it seemed like an eternity. We remained overnight with no further incident....our fishing the next morning was abbreviated.....the entire time we rehashed the whole event....discussing everything we knew or could imagine about it.....finally we both agreed it must have been a wild creature.....a Sasquatch. We returned to work and told our story to whoever would listen....some believed,... some laughed.....but John & I know that what we experienced was something out of the ordinary.....even for a couple of country boys. | 31.765537409484373000000,-95.405273437500000000000 | |
01100018 | 1973 | 3a | TX | Polk | Deer Hunter Has Early Morning Sighting of Large Upright Creature | While deer hunting in the piney woods on the Tyler/Polk county line, I observed a dark brown hairy creature 6 or 7 feet tall, about 60-70 yards from me. I was only able to see it for a few seconds, as it walked away from me in the fog.I was hunting on our private land.I didn't tell anyone but my dad because I thought I would be laughed at. Until yesterday, while watching the ''discovery channel'' I didn't know of any bigfoot sightings in Texas. | Dallardsville | 31.165809587861960000000,-95.361328125000000000000 |
02190001 | 1973 | 3a | OK | Creek | Close Encounter of the Hairy Kind | I live in Oklahoma and l was around age 14 at the time. I had made a simple box trap and l had set it in a very brushy creek area in the woods. I decided to go see if anything was in the trap. I was sitting on a creek bank and was resetting the trap. I noticed dogs barking in the distance real loud and crazy. As l sat there l heard something coming through the brush. When l looked up l thought it was a big man walking in the creek. So l yelled and said hey you. It immediately stopped and looked right at me. I then realized it wasn't a man after it stopped to stare at me. It turned its head sideways and just stared at me like it was puzzled. It was about 15 yards away from me standing on the other side of a small creek. It wasn't aggressive at all just total curiosity. I could see it in its eyes looking at me like what are you doing there. After about 2 minutes of staring at each other both of us in shock it looked back over its shoulder from the direction it came from and then started to walk real fast toward briars that were grown up in the trees about 12 feet high the briars were so thick a person could not walk through them. It went through those briars like they were not even there. For some reason l wasn't scared that it was going to hurt me. It was very calm but it could have stepped right over the creek and grabbed me at anytime but it wasn't aggressive just totally curious. It was about 7 feet tall and reddish brown. But the face was pink and wrinkled like an older person. I have never forgot that day. I told my parents but they didn't believe me. But l know 100% they exist. I haven't seen one since that time long ago and l have spent a lot of time over the years hunting and still going in the woods. | Sapulpa | 35.836249400000000000000,-96.322607200000000000000 |
01110018 | 1973 | 3a | TX | Tyler | Man recalls road encounter as a teen not far from Woodville. | It was about 8:15 on a Tuesday evening, late July. Location was the end of Tile Plant Road about 1.5 miles southeast of Woodville, TX. I had slowed to cross a cattle guard and noticed what I thought was a person squatted on the bank of a small creek that runs through a friend's pasture. I stopped and it stood and headed across the pasture in my direction. I had not yet concluded this to be anything other than a trespassing fisherman, but when it covered the 100 yards from creek bank to fence in a very short time, I began to wonder. Wonder turned to astonishment as this critter (without breaking stride) cleared the 5 foot fence and 8 foot gap between fence and road landing in one step. Astonishment turned to terror when this thing stopped and faced me. Tall and heavy built, it was the largest two legged animal I'd seen outside a movie theater. Hair covered its body and most of the face with the head hair long (hanging passed the shoulders) and the face hair looking like a long beard. I was 10-12 feet from it and while the sun was low, I had not yet needed my head lights, so I was seeing him in somewhat dim light. This was not ape looking except for the hair and large long arms. I don't know what I saw, but it wasn't a man or an ape, and with that, I dumped the clutch and hauled it home. | Woodville | 30.753896308172905000000,-94.406418800354000000000 |
01020014 | 1973 | 3a | TX | Rusk | Cousins report close encounter while in woods behind uncle's pasture and house. | My cousins and I had taken a walk into the woods behind my uncle's pasture. It was getting dark as we walked into the woods because the sunlight was being blocked by the trees. We stopped for a minute to rest and heard something move behind us. We turned and there it stood, about 30 feet away. We all took off running as fast as we could. It followed for a few seconds, then stopped. We ran all the way home. Our parents thought we were crazy or that we had seen a bear. | New London | 32.225798961688014000000,-94.905223846435540000000 |
03080026 | 1972 | 3a | AR | Baxter | Woman remembers encounter as a girl near her home. | I was standing about 10 feet down in the forest around a deep ravine not really too far from the house but it was right next to a patch of woods going back further south into the national forest. (The narrow patch of woods then stretched on northward.) Leaves were on the ground. That was the first thing that impinged on my consciousness -- the sound of something walking through leaves. It was a measured long tread, I could tell. I started really looking around trying to see what was making those sounds. (I was much braver back then.) Then over on the other side of the ravine close to the bottom but definitely walking uphill, I saw it - for all of about three seconds, (it seemed like longer at the time), and about 50-100 yards away. It was very large and I could see that it was hairy. I could see the ground between its moving legs, and some vague image of arms, but not the head. Some forest branch obscured my view of the very top part of the body. I could tell it was walking upright uphill. It wasn't a bear; it was striding with a purpose up the hill on the other side. It was quickly out of sight. Now I know I wasn't thinking clearly, because I decided I had to try to get a better look at it. So I ran as quickly as I could around the rim of the ravine, since its origins began in our front yard (not the best playground I can tell you). Anyway, it didn't take me long to reach the other side and move down into the woods slightly to look around and see if I could find it again. I did not see it again. I was there for only a minute or so when it suddenly occurred to me that I didn't hear anything anymore at all, no sound, no birds, nothing, and fear like I'd never known before hit me and I went running practically screaming back to the house for Mother. I told her what I'd seen and she, of course, did not believe me, although she told me to never tell anyone else the story. For a long time after that, I didn't tell anyone, except family members, but they didn't believe me. It didn't help that only one or two people since then truly believe that I saw a bigfoot. Since then I have lots of trouble going out alone in the woods. While no one actually calls you a liar, they look skeptical and you can tell they either think you'd been drinking, taking drugs or saw a bear. | Mountain Home | 36.283581825884090000000,-92.333221435546870000000 |
01020039 | 1972 | 3a | TX | Polk | Three family members have encounter near Segno in what is now the Big Thicket National Preserve. | It was November 1972 after the opening of deer season. It was a clear afternoon and I had just gotten home from school, it was about 3:30. My grandmother, great aunt and I were driving down this dirt road. This area is currently in the Big Thicket National Preserve and is very heavily wooded. The Big Sandy Creek runs to the east about 1/2 mile. I was 12 at the time and sitting in the back seat leaning forward between the two of them and talking. We were driving probably not too fast because this was a dirt road, the width of which was probably about 50 - 60 feet. Out of the woods on our right side appeared this ape-like thing running across the road. It stood around 7 to 8 feet in height and had long arms that it swung as it ran. It did not run standing upright like a human but appeared to be hunched over in its back like an ape. It was covered from head to foot in long brown hair. It never turned to look at us but stayed focused on the woods on the other side of the road so we did not get a look at its face. We almost hit it with the car as our front bumper missed it by about 3 feet. It disappeared into the woods to our left and we never even slowed down. We were so shocked by what we just saw. I said, "What was that?" and my grandmother said, "I don't know, maybe it was a man in a hairy suit." I couldn't imagine what kind of person would be foolish enough to be roaming around the woods in a hairy suit during deer season. We never spoke of it anymore or told anyone about it because we knew it was too unbelievable. I didn't tell my story to my mother until a few years ago and she confronted my grandmother. My grandmother finally confirmed what we had seen but she said: "It scared me so bad I hated to talk about it." Now I really don't care if people believe my story or not, I know what I saw and it wasn't a man in a hairy suit or any other kind of large animal. I am very much a skeptic but seeing is believing. It was definitely a bigfoot creature that we witnessed that day and one I will never forget. | Segno | 30.588937651943890000000,-94.700088500976560000000 |
01020034 | 1972 | 3a | TX | Angelina | Group of students have 2:00 a.m. encounter while camping in Angelina National Forest. | I was camping with school buddies and a college professor in the Angelina National Forest. We saw a bigfoot. We were camped about five miles down a logging road. The professor that was accompanying us turned in a report to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. They wrote it up as an unidentified sighting. I will be more than willing to discuss the sighting. | 31.157583612230190000000,-94.325866699218750000000 | |
01000001 | 1972 | 3b | TX | Burleson | While camping, family hears loud vocalizations. | 1. Strange howling scream. 2. Foul stench. Shortly after moon set, the lake wind had died down and the night was calm. Our dog started getting nervous & ran whimpering under the car. A few minutes later the air filled with the most god-awful stench, like that of rotten meat only mustier. I remember my mother saying what the hell is that smell & my brother sat up in his cot. When he sat up is when all of us heard the scream. My family & myself have spent many hours in the Texas woodlands & I know most of the sounds native animals make. I have never heard anything like that in my life. Even thinking about it now, some twenty four years later, it still makes me shiver & break out in goose bumps. As I have stated I KNOW most of the animal sounds in this state. I can tell you that it was not a bobcat, panther, cougar, javalina, screech owl or anything else I can think of. I have only heard one thing that even comes close & that's the audio tape of Sasquatch that Art Bell has played on his radio show. And as I said, it was only close. The scream started out as a low growling sound that ended in a shrill scream. It was loud, I mean incredibly loud. I shot one round from my gun into the air and what ever it was went away or so we thought. By now we had built a roaring fire, but this did not stop it. It came back eight times before day break. It was not afraid of us nor of the fire; only the sound of the gun fire drove it off. All shots were fired in the air because quite frankly we could not find a target to shoot at. As soon as it got light enough we went looking for tracks, a path through the grass, something. There were plenty of tracks from raccoons, possums, the dog, ourselves, mice & birds. But nothing unusual. The only thing we found was a small stand of saplings with their tops broken about 5-1/2 feet above the ground about 200 yards East of our camp. I mention this because these saplings had that same horrible stench, only not nearly as strong. The second night we were there, the full moon had set about 03:00. Earlier that night I had moved our garbage can up to the road after dinner to keep the raccoons from keeping us up all night. | Lake Somerville | 30.311319701240702000000,-96.620464324951170000000 |
02080029 | 1972 | 3a | OK | Pittsburg | Family has early morning encounter at small bridge. | My family and I were driving home early in the morning between 2 and 3 A.M. We took a shortcut down HW 63 which runs between Haleyville, Ok and Kiowa, Ok. The highway now is paved, but at the time of our encounter it was a well maintained dirt road. The road had many curves and hills. We were traveling around 40-50 mph. We crossed over a hill and right below the hill was a small bridge. On this bridge was a creature that was standing to the right of our pickup as we passed by. The creature was between 6-7 ft. tall and had brown shaggy hair all over it similar to an irish setter dog. As we passed, I looked at the creature right in the face. His face resembled that of an old man's. More human than apelike. I could see that the creature's face had wrinkles and very little hair around it's eyes and nose. The creature had no neck and it looked as if his head was just plopped up on his shoulders. I felt like we surprised the creature and once he finally saw us, he had nowhere to go. I remember seeing him stand real stiff against the bridge's railing as we passed. I asked my mother to turn around and see if we could get a better look at this mysterious creature. She replied" No way!!" I asked her what she thought we saw, she replied" I guess it was a bear." I felt that it looked more like a man. She said that it was way to big to be a man. At the time of this incident, I had never heard of such thing as a bigfoot or sasquatch. Although we only got a quick glimpse of this creature, it couldn't have been an illusion. We all felt that we saw the same thing. | Kiowa | 34.762768694144690000000,-95.750484466552730000000 |
01050033 | 1971 | 3a | TX | Bosque | Night time encounter on periphery of small town near Bosque River. | We were in our yard, I believe it was a Saturday evening, my sister, our friend (who approves of me telling this tale), our neighbor who was a child, and my mother. Our house was next to last on the block and this location is right at the city limits. We were out in the front yard, facing FM 56 and heard a growling and a kind of yelling. We looked, and it was dark, and we could see outlined in the streetlamp over the bridge of the tributary a large being, it looked like an ape, with long, dark hair. Its arms were raised over its head and it threw its head back each time it made a sound. I remember we could smell a goat-like smell, not like a dog, worse. It stayed there for maybe 5 minutes, then turned and moved under the bridge going east and it went into the dark. We could hear it walking for a bit, then no more. I can't include the date of the sighting, because I really don't remember the exact date. I do believe it was October in maybe 1970 or 1971. Even better, later that night, our friend, who was spending the weekend with his grandparents whose house was across the street from us, had his dog, a Dachshund, go crazy during the night. They went to the door and looked out back and there it was just out of the light, but they could see it walk behind the house. Their house was the last house on the block and it sits very close to the creek where the bigfoot was seen. Then, on Monday at school, a girl from across the street and three houses down started telling me their dog went nuts during Saturday night and when they went to check, there was a large, ape looking being in their back yard moving back toward the creek. I have no way to know where this person is, but it was exciting that others saw it that night. We never saw it again. | Valley Mills | 31.663098187634304000000,-97.470703125000000000000 |
02090002 | 1970 | 3a | OK | Canadian | Coon hunter reports late night visual encounter on Canadian River in Central Oklahoma. | A friend and I went coon hunting along the banks of the the North Canadian River, just north of El Reno, OK in the fall of 1970. We parked just east of the Foreman Road bridge, along the south river bank. This dirt trail was between a field and the river. People would come go there to dump trash. There was a full moon and some snow on the ground. It was about 2:00 am when we decided to head home. We were sitting in the vehicle drinking some coffee, trying to warm up, when I spotted a skunk walking towards our car. I got out of the car and was taking aim when the hairs on the back of my neck started to stand straight up. It felt like something was not right. I looked over my right shoulder towards the bank of the river and saw a large shadow behind a fallen trunk. I looked towards the moon to see if I could figure out what was casting the shadow when I saw a large, red eye appear, then another. The only artificial light was from the dome light of the car. The full moon was to my left as I was facing west. I remember looking over my left shoulder up at the moon to see what could be casting the shadow after looking over my right shoulder at the figure. Between the full moon and snow on the ground, visibility was real good. As I was looking at the eyes, the first thought that came to me was that I was looking at two reflectors that had been nailed to the tree trunk. The eyes blinked and then I called for my friend to come and take a look. I pointed towards the shadow as my friend was getting out. About that time, the shadow slid off the bank down towards the river bed. It sounded like something as big as an ice box had been rolled into the river. We watched as a tall, upright animal ran in a zig zag pattern from sand bar to sand bar towards the west. We just stood there with our jaws hanging open. We decided not to tell anyone about what had happened. A short time later, an incident occurred west of where I had my encounter. The local news labeled that incident the "El Reno Chicken Man". The location was on the south bank of the North Canadian River, on the west side of the old Highway 81 bridge. | El Reno | 35.534740718116210000000,-97.867069244384770000000 |
01010011 | 1969 | 3a | TX | Panola | Three young girls have unforgettable close encounter. | I was around nine years old, my aunt was around ten and my little sister four. There had been a fire out in the woods behind my grandmother's house a week before and so we wanted to go and see where it was. The three of us walked through the field and had just entered the edge of the woods when we stopped in shock. About 30 yards from us stood an animal of some kind. It was standing straight up. It was very tall and covered in fur like an ape, but it did not look exactly like an ape, more man-like. It did not look mean. It did not move. Within seconds we turned and fled running so fast we never remembered going through a barb wire fence. I will never ever forget that experience. | Beckville | 32.269136040875260000000,-94.382171630859370000000 |
01020015 | 1969 | 3a | TX | Ellis | Two young people on a picnic have visual encounter. | It happened in the summer of 1969. My friend was 17 and I was 16 years old. He lived on a farm south of Hwy. 287 and Sardis, Texas. Late in the day, we decided we'd have a picnic. We got in his car and went through a gate into a pasture area which had a pond with tall reeds growing around it (probably less than 100 yards away from where we were). The surrounding area had lots of small creeks and was fairly heavily wooded. There was also flat farmland and pastures in the area. At that time, the area was not as heavily populated as it is today. I would describe it as having been fairly isolated. My friend brought a rifle with him and his German Shepherd was also with us. I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary until the dog started acting strange. He started pacing and growling and making strange noises. Finally, he arched his back and neck. His hair then stood straight up on his neck. He starting barking and jumping. I have never seen a dog behave the way he did, before or since. I looked around and when I looked toward the pond, there was an ape-like creature that appeared to be observing us. At the time, I didn't want to believe what I was seeing. If not for the behavior of the dog, I might have thought it was a prank. It was an ape-like creature but not an ape. The way I think of it now is that it looked like what you would think a very ancient, primitive man might look like, but still retaining some ape-like qualities. It was just getting dark but was not completely dark, so I can't describe certain details such as facial features. Maybe I can't remember some of the details because I was so frightened. It was a silhouette mostly. It had its right arm outward and away from its body, holding the reeds to one side and just appeared to be peeking around the reeds and observing us. It was very powerfully built, especially in the shoulder and chest area. It was covered with hair and looked like it had no neck. I can't describe the exact hair color because of the time of day. The left arm was hanging down at its side and it extended to a length just to its knees. We were so frightened at what we saw, my friend yelled for me to get in the car. He picked up some items, we ran to the car and drove away. The dog was following us. I remember being afraid because he had to stop and get out of the car to open a gate. I didn't look back. I asked him what it was and he said he didn't want to talk about it. I never mentioned the incident to him again. | Sardis | 32.384455442882550000000,-96.936836242675780000000 |
01030016 | 1968 | 3a | TX | Angelina | Between Lufkin and Peavy Switch, couple in car have close encounter. | This happened when I lived in Lufkin. I was in high-school at the time. My girlfriend and I had stopped the car to talk before I dropped her off from our date. We were on a newly cleared roadway that extended from her subdivision back into a wooded area. The subdivision was west of John Redditt Drive (in Lufkin) and east of Peavy Switch. The roadbed was white sand, and reflected brightly under a full moon. It was an unusually bright night. While we were talking, I got a strange feeling and turned to look out my car window. About six feet away, a huge man-shaped figure was squatting down to look in my window. Its silhouette was completely black, and outlined very clearly against the roadbed and the underbrush on the other side of the road. The moon was about 60-degrees up from the horizon and located to the rear of my car, so it shone really brightly into the clearing. The ?creature? had a rounded head, which sloped down into its shoulders - as if it had no neck. Its eyes were large and almond-shaped - easy to see, because they glowed in the dark! They glowed white. I believe that this was eye-shine from the reflection of the moon on my white car. The shoulders were extremely wide, about 36-40 inches across. I turned around to look at my girlfriend, and when her eyes met mine, she started screaming in a panic. I started up the car and sped off. I dropped her at her parents' house, made sure she was OK, then went to round up some friends to go back and look for the creature. (One of these friends had seen one of these creatures a few years earlier, as it turned out.) We parked on the road, and listened to every dog on Earth bark and howl (the area was less than a half-mile from a subdivision, so there were plenty of dogs within ear-shot). We didn't see the creature. The next day, we returned with rifles and hunted it in the woods. I found a few faint tracks that weren't clear. I also found three cattle carcasses in a pasture behind the woods. They had been dead for at least a month - badly decomposed. I don't know if there was a connection to the creature or not, but I'm sparing no detail. The next day, I returned again with one friend. We were unarmed. We searched the woods again, and gave up the search after a few hours. As we left the woods and stepped back onto the sand road, I got that feeling again. I turned around and saw the creature following us. The sun was going down (about 10 degrees above the horizon, and behind the trees), and was about 10 degrees to the left of the thing's silhouette. I saw its shape very clearly. Its shoulders were as high as the yaupon underbrush, which I later measured to be 6-1/2 feet tall. I estimate that the creature was 8 feet tall. As we looked at it, it was swaying from side to side. Again, the head sloped up from the shoulders without a neck. Standing up, the creature looked broad-shouldered but thinner than the first time I saw it. We ran to my car, and drove away. My girlfriend's house bordered the woods that lay between that road and her subdivision. She claimed to see the creature behind her house afterwards. I believed her, but I didn't see these later events personally, so I won't try to describe them. Seeing one these things can get under your skin. I have zero interest in the "unusual." In fact, I'm a pretty level-headed Christian. But I've never gotten this creature completely out of my mind, especially when I'm hunting in the woods, and the sun is going down. Some of comments I see on your guest book suggest that a lot of people think these things are interesting, and would be fun to see. I wouldn't advise it. I never want to see one again, ever. | Between Lufkin and Peavy Switch | 31.312434999341190000000,-94.765148162841800000000 |
04080011 | 1966 | 3c | LA | Grant Parish | Two brothers are charged by a large, unseen animal while fishing. | My brother and myself were going fishing on Hudson creek, as we did often, while out of school for the summer. We had just reached the creek, about a half mile off of the road, when we heard a bellowing-shrilling yell, which scared the bejesus out of us. We dropped our fishing poles and just ran as fast as we could, all the way back home, about three-fourths of a mile. As we neared the house we yelled out to the older brother and his buddies who were there visiting. They asked us what in the world was wrong with us, we told them what had happened. Of course they did not believe us, but we must have put so kind of fear in them, we all went back to the site with our shot guns. As we neared the site again we heard a shrilling noise and this time a sound like a hundred cattle were coming at us. Well, I looked at one of my brothers, then at the other, then back at the other, and he was gone. He ran back the way we had come from, and all of us followed. When our hearts had started beating again, we were all hip deep in the creek, holding our guns up above our heads, so they would not get wet. One of us said, "What are we running from?" Another one said "I don't know, but let's get the heck out of here." We never spoke another word of it to each other. I only started telling the story to my kids years later. The thing about the incident that sticks out is - there were no cattle in those woods, so we had no explanation for what we heard. Also a couple of years earlier, my younger brother claims to have seen a small black bear in the same woods while hunting alone. Could this have been a young Bigfoot? As there were never any sightings of black bear in that area. | Rock Hill | 31.445872578498080000000,-92.570886611938470000000 |
01110064 | 1964 | 3a | TX | Bowie | Childhood Experiences Recounted | Let me start with a little bit of setup. First of all, this incident occurred when I was 5 years old. Granted, for most people, details for that early in their childhood may be muddy. That is true to a certain extent (I will clarify what I am certain of and what I am reasonably speculating on). However, I can still describe in detail many incidents prior to my sister's birth, and she is only 2 1/2 years behind me so I have partial recollection back to the age of two. As a child, I can honestly say I did not have a hyper-active imagination. My parents have confirmed that I never reported seeing anything that wasn't there (no imaginary friends, or seeing things that they couldn't also verify, etc.). While I certainly told some white lies at that point in my life, I was very aware of when I crossed the line from truth to fabrication. This was circa 1964, and the sighting took place near Dalby Springs, TX (not far from DeKalb, TX). My grandparents had inherited my grandmother's family farmhouse, and they vacationed there every year for several months in the spring-through-early summer time. Every couple of years, our family would visit the farmhouse with them, staying as long as 3 weeks at a time (my family lived in southern California). During the time-frame of this incident, my father was an aerospace engineer with North American Aviation (later became Rockwell International), and had been working in Huntsville, AL for several weeks, and joined us about a week into the vacation on the farm. At some point during the first or second week my father had joined us, he was shooting the breeze with my grandparents' extended family members (which would have been my great uncles, second and third cousins, etc.). As the only boy in my extended family, I was desirous of having some "guy time" as well and went to hang out with them on the north side of the house. It could be that the talk was age inappropriate, but soon after I arrived they decided it was time to head back into the house. However, my grandfather (probably to keep me occupied and out of everyone's hair) said they had seen some wood rats crawling around in the wood pile about 30 feet away from the house. He told me to keep watch on the wood pile, and to come and get him if I saw any. Well, I took my charge as seriously as a 5-year-old could. I sat on a small side porch looking for any rats to appear. Naturally, after a few minutes of this, I became bored. Rather than just focus on the wood pile, I began to look around the area, especially towards the very overgrown vegetation that was within 40-50 of my grandparents' house. At some point in looking around, I saw what I thought was a gorilla face peeking out from the vegetation. I stared at it carefully, wondering how this could be. My mom was a science teacher, and she had done a primitive version of home-schooling with me prior to my starting public school. I was very interested in science, and because my mom's specialization was in biology, I was very "up" on most animals. I knew that gorillas were to be found only in Africa or in zoos. The face staring back at me was stock-still (no movement, no discernible eye movement, etc.). I began to question what it was I was really seeing. I didn't feel fear as such, but this seemed so odd to me, I felt compelled to go and tell my dad and granddad. When I was able to finally persuade them to come back outside, the face was gone. I don't recall being laughed at, but I do recall being impressed upon that I must have seen something else. I didn't get in trouble for "telling a lie" but it was obvious to me that the "grownups" didn't believe what I was saying. | Dalby Springs | 33.381438416224990000000,-94.632919281721120000000 |
01970002 | 1964 | 3a | TX | Polk | As a child, witness has encounter at cemetery. | When I was approximately 10 years old, I went with my best friend Doug and his mother to a small cemetery in the Big Thicket east of Livingston. Doug had had a little brother who died at birth and was buried there. His mom had asked if I wanted to go with them to visit the grave. Just after she had finished putting some flowers on the grave and saying a little prayer, we were turning to go back to the car when we heard something crash at the edge of the woods behind the cemetery. We looked back and saw a large, dark, hairy creature standing right behind the back fence of the cemetery -- maybe 50 yards away. Mrs. Jones screamed and the creature gave a loud grunt and shuffled back into the woods -- kind of a half-waddle, half-trot. Mrs. Jones told us to get in the car quick, which we did. Doug said she never went back to the cemetery again. | Livingston | 30.691364035337540000000,-94.832696914672850000000 |
01010001 | 1963 | 3a | TX | Smith | Coon hunters report observation of unknown animal while coon hunting. | Only in the past few years have I associated a previous experience with an investigative report. I presumed at the time I was not believing what I saw. I was 16 yrs old at the time and was out with my cousin and a few others "coon hunting," south of Tyler, Texas in a creek bottom known as "Marlow Bottom." We heard the dogs "on tree" and went to see what coon (raccoon) was treed. We approached with our Coleman lanterns, flashlights and guns drawn. I believe there were five of us there...we saw a huge animal of some sort, covered in red fur, flaying its arms and making a dreadful howling noise toward the dogs. One of us, I don't remember who, shot toward the animal and there was a terrifying growl that absolutely scared the wits out of all of us, including the dogs. We immediately left the area at a run. At the time we didn't think anyone would believe us, so we chalked all of it up to a disbelief and forgotten. There were no reports of a Sasquatch, Bigfoot, or anything like that that we knew of in 1963. | Bullard | 32.080829192660050000000,-95.351886749267580000000 |
01030026 | 1962 | 1d | TX | Hardin | Youths have encounter while hunting in the Big Thicket. | About 40 years ago, my cousin and I saw a bigfoot. At the time, we were only 10 or 12 years old. We were staying at my grandmother?s house for the weekend and were out hunting hogs, naturally, without my grandmother?s permission. We only had #20 fiberglass bows and the odds weren't in our favor. As morning turned into afternoon, we wandered down toward the creek still dreaming of bagging a hog. When we got to the creek, at what I would now guess to be around 75 yards, we saw what appeared to be a big brown and black wild boar. At least that's what we thought it was. It appeared to be getting a drink from the creek. This animal was about 3' high at the shoulder and on all fours. We stalked within about 40 or 50 yards trying to get within bow range. At that point, we stopped behind a tree to think about what to do next. While we were whispering and trying to make a final decision, this so called wild boar stood up on its hind legs, turned and looked straight at us. Naturally we froze and stared back at it. It turned into a staring contest because our legs wouldn't work. It seemed like it had us hypnotized or something. This episode seemed to last forever but was probably less than a minute. Finally, it turned and started walking away and looking at us over its shoulder. It appeared to have no fear of us whatsoever. As it got to a safer distance, we started walking and finally running toward the house. When we got to the house, my grandmother asked us what was wrong but we were afraid to tell her for fear she would never let us leave the house again, even though we had no intention of ever returning to that particular area again anyway. For a long time, we had a feeling that we had done something wrong by seeing this thing. It's a feeling that's hard to describe but one I'll never forget. There is no chance that this could have been imagination because we had never even heard of a bigfoot at that time. What we saw was no man in a suit because it was much too large and muscular to be a man. Also, it walked like no man could. I've spent most of my life in and around the thicket and this was no animal native to the area. Or, at least it was one that I've never seen before or since. I don't know if I could describe this thing as an animal. It almost appeared as much human as it did animal. The thing that we saw was well in excess of 7' and at least half as wide at the shoulders as it was tall. The hair was brown and black and probably 4" long and covered the entire body. The arms hung almost to the knees and the stride was extremely long. Even though the stride was long, it walked so graceful that it seemed to almost glide along. It was a stride that no man could duplicate. | Silsbee | 30.367876638378433000000,-94.263553619384760000000 |
01040024 | 1960 | 3a | TX | Morris | Two sisters have sighting through bedroom window while staying with grandparents in Piney Woods of East Texas. | Just wanted to acknowledge that myself & my sister sighted a bigfoot, or what looked like one in the 1960s in East Texas at my grandparents' home in the Piney Woods. It was in the summer and we could see out the bedroom window, there was a full moon and we heard something step on branches or twigs. We looked out the window and saw a big, hairy animal. My grandfather knocked the screen out of the window and shot. The animal bellowed or roared. About that time we heard him running and saw him clear the barb-wired fence that separated the pasture from the area around the house. He cleared that fence, just practically stepped over it. There was a creek on down the pasture area, Boggy Creek, it was a spring creek with lots of pine and cedar trees. We had a lynx or bobcat on that creek, too. This animal had lots of hair and looked somewhat like an ape but was walking tall and upright. He had his back turned to us. We were simply looking out my bedroom window at the creature, but he was huge, around 7 foot tall I would say, and I had 20-20 vision at that time. I was a teenager and my sister, Mary, was 4 years younger. I don't remember my exact age or her's, or the year, either, but definitely remember the incident. This happened at Bradfield Chapel in Daingerfield, Texas, County, Morris. | Daingerfield | 33.040903117240910000000,-94.638805389404300000000 |
22072401 | 1955 | 3a | AK | Childhood Experience of Large Hairy Creature in Alaska Recounted | This sighting occurred in Tanacross, Alaska about 1955. It could a year earlier or a year later. My sister, Celia, age 7, Dorothy, niece, age 7 or 8, & me, Kathleen, 6. We were babysitting Dorothy's siblings next door to my house. About 9:30 p.m., Dorothy's parents were still out. Dorothy instructed her younger brother, Bailey Jr. to lock the door & don't open for anyone. Bailey was about 4 or 5. It was full moon so we could see everything in the village. Moonlight. We stepped out on the porch & Bailey locked the door. Dorothy said, "what is that?" Voice trembling & shaking. We looked & saw a manlike ape standing about 12 - 13 feet high. Off-white hair covered its body except for the face and inside hands. Dorothy told my sister to cover my eyes & mouth because I might start crying. I took a good look before my sister covered my eyes & mouth. The creature was facing towards back of the village. Stood still and its eyes were looking sideways because it heard my whimpering. As I got older, I knew this creature knew that we were youngsters. Aware we were afraid & I was whimpering. I know that it appeared so not to frighten us. It knew we were kids. It stood still for over a minute listening & its eyes looking at us sideways. All of a sudden, it started to walk. Long strides. It swung its long arms. Walked out of sight. All of Dorothy's fathers' dog were barking. Our dogs next door were barking. Looking back at our experience, I knew this creature would not hurt us. It knew were were kids. Eyes and demeanor of it seemed like it didn't want us to be so frighten. It looked to be friendly. I think it changed color of its fur with seasons. My sister, Celia, is deceased & my niece, Dorothy is still alive. We both remember vividly our experience although we were young. We were always told as youngsters, don't go far away in the woods, bogey person will get you. We thought they were telling the truth. I was so afraid that I never mentioned it to anyone. Dorothy didn't tell anyone. My sister did not remember the incident. She laughed & said no such thing existed. That's my crazy imagination. The creature looked like how people described it with their encounters. I know for sure this creature still exists. It is definitely smarter than humans. Intelligent. It was a privilege for me to see this beautiful creature. I know as I got older that it would not hurt humans. Especially children. | Tanacross, Alaska | 63.381820389926990000000,-143.363220049382020000000 | |
01040026 | 1917 | 3c | TX | Cass | Track found and second-hand account of grandparents' visual encounter. | This incident occurred in 1917 to my paternal grandmother and members of her family. She was 18 at the time and the family lived somewhere near the Sulphur River bottom in extreme East Texas, southwest of Texarkana. Based on my recollection of what had been told to me over the years (she died in 1975), most of my grandmother's family lived in and around the Atlanta/Queen City area south of the Sulphur River, and at the time in question, she and her immediate family were living in a farmhouse somewhere west of Queen City and south of the Sulphur River (where Lake Wright Patman is today). Her family apparently moved around quite a bit in that area and it's hard to pinpoint the exact location of this farmhouse. My grandmother was always referring to Knight's Bluff in her many stories. I'm not exactly sure of the location of Knight's Bluff. I believe it doesn't exist anymore (site submerged by the lake?) in that in my life-time I've never heard of it except in the references of my grandmother and father. I remember my grandmother telling how they (mother...father...and some combination of her many brothers and sisters) were "coming home from town" on a bright moon-lit night in summer, and on one occasion I recall she specifically mentioned Knight's Bluff as being that town. And since they were riding in a mule-drawn wagon, I suspect they were somewhere within 8 to 12 miles from Knight's Bluff, wherever that was. She said they turned into the lane leading to the house. One detail I seem to recall is that she referred to the pasture to their right as the "east pasture", implying the lane led north to the farmhouse. According to her the first indication that there was a problem was that the mules were acting up. She said her daddy said something about a snake, then they heard "something." I honestly don't recall her exact words, "screaming", "squalling", a high-pitched eerie wail (my words). The moon was high, the night was flooded with bright moonlight. The tree line beyond the east pasture, where the sounds were coming from, was very black in contrast. She said they watched as a tall figure came out of the trees and stood full in the moonlight. It was as tall or taller than a man and covered with long dark hair. I do remember that my grandmother said it stood absolute erect and walked slowly toward them, like a man, not slouching like an ape. All the time it was howling and shrieking and motioning angrily at them. Her father fired a shot at this thing and it turned and ran back into the woods. Getting to the house, my grandmother said the dogs were all cowed under the porch. They barricaded the doors and spent a fearful, though uneventful, night. The next day, and several days thereafter, her father, brothers and neighbors ranged through the woods looking for any sign of this thing, blood, fur, tracks, but nothing was ever found. This is probably the most interesting of the old tales my grandmother and father told me over the years in that it was the only story in which a creature of this type was seen clearly. There are many other intriguing tales including one where I was present, but I was only six, and as I told Mr. Woolheater, these stories (except the one I was present) were all told to me many long years ago, and thus are very unscientific. | Queen City | 33.213414392242655000000,-94.264068603515620000000 |
01120050 | 3a | TX | Angelina | Witness Recounts Childhood Encounter | When I was a young boy, 8 yrs old, I saw what I believed to be Bigfoot. The image is still burned in my like it was yesterday. I was picking up rocks to shoot in my slingshot when I looked up I saw the hairy being, standing on 2 legs with long arms, at least 7-8 foot tall, staring at me, he was about 50 yards away. He was standing by an orange corner post on a newly cleared pipeline line, so I could estimate the height. His face was very hairy also. I froze for a few seconds, that felt like forever. He did not make a move, I turned and ran all the way home. Also in about 1979, Me and some friends were exploring the wild rivers of Canada, on a canoe trip. We were fishing beside a giant island, with rock cliffs, I seen a lean to next to the rocks, it was constructed by something, we went to investigate. I immediately smelt a sour smell. The lean to had feces and hair in the area, I collected samples and took pictures, but the pictures, feces, and hair samples were thrown away or lost. Have not been been back since, hope to one day visit this area again to get physical proof. | Lufkin | 31.323287082392298000000,-94.735794067382810000000 | |
Case | Year | Class | State | County | Summary | Gen Observations | Vicinity | Lat/Lon |